Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 702: Full of despair

Following the path pointed by the purgatory lava, Leiluo and the Canary continued to fly towards the depths of the underground world.

Rumbling rumbling.

The crustal plates are becoming more and more unstable, and the sound of heavy plates rubbing and breaking can often be heard.


In the rising magma pool, there are lava fountains with amazing heat. These lava fountains are derived from the star cores in the deepest part of the star screen world. Even if a large amount of energy flows along the way, they can easily exceed the high temperature of thousands of degrees, even if it is Many legendary creatures are also unbearable.

So it is not difficult to understand the extinction of extremely heat-resistant lava creatures here.

at last.

When Lei Luo and Canary came to the path pointed by the purgatory lava at the fastest speed, they suddenly discovered that the path of the passage here had been blocked by a turbulent lava waterfall.

"this is……"

What the canary found.

Even if it was it, it couldn't help but make a cry of surprise.

Lei Luo naturally found this surprise too.

Leiluo, who was about to pass through the magma waterfall here with his powerful physical body, stopped and stared at this amazing scene. After losing the Capricorn mask, he touched the bridge of his nose rather uncomfortably.

Those are millions of dense double-winged fire ants. Each fire ant is the size of a baby's arm. Looking around, these densely packed fire ants have formed a cloud of fire, seeming to be fleeing for their lives. Everything rushed to this magma waterfall.

The forward fire ants were burned out by the lava waterfall in an instant, but the fire ants in the rear went forward and continued to rush forward regardless of personal life and death, finally forming a whirlpool passage on the waterfall.

"In the face of the crisis of extinction, for the continuation of species, even these lower creatures can still do so, let alone a civilization that has lasted for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, and even a world?"

Feeling something in his heart, Lei Luo took the canary and plunged into the whirlpool passage.

After a brief high temperature scorching.

When they regained their vision in front of them, they suddenly appeared in another valley that was also filled with high-temperature magma.

And judging from the dullness in the air, the area of ​​this valley is worse than the previous one, and the situation is even worse.

Just where Lei Luo is visible, there are four magma fountains.

At the same time, large rocks were falling constantly above the head, and it seemed that in a few days at most, this valley would be completely filled with magma, becoming a barren and barren land extremely unsuitable for living things.

The high temperature caused the Canary to produce some heat, and at the same time felt depressed by the desperation faced by this harsh valley space.

the other side.

In the face of this more desperate environment, this group of fire ants, who came here for species continuity and sacrificed a lot of sacrifices, naturally gathered together and hummed anxiously.

Fire ants continued to be unable to hold on, falling into the lava pool, puffing out blue smoke, and feeling the despair before their extinction.

Not in the mood to pity the extinction of this species.

Humans are in no better situation than it, but the time of despair is different.


Suddenly, Lei Luo pointed a direction, and continued flying away with the canary.

Because in this direction, it was the only direction where Lei Luo could feel the moisture in the air.

"The underground world is completely finished. The **** system established by the three true demon masters has completely collapsed, and the support of the temple built by the three true demon systems has been lost, and the underground world has returned to its original state."

Canary said sadly.

Lei Luo also didn't have the mood to pay attention to its sadness.

at last.

After about ten minutes of rapid flight, there were several landslide crises along the way. Leello and Canary finally found a boiling lake in a remote corner of this valley.

Grunt, grumble, grumble.

The boiling water of the lake is bubbling, and the steam rises.

Reluo saw a large number of boiled corpses on the water. The corpses were in all kinds of strange shapes. There were half fish and half snakes with arms, there were barbs that resembled sea urchins, and a few phosphorescent bulbs. They died. Without exception, it is extremely painful.

"How did you find this place? There is so much moisture here. It should be near a dark valley, which is the weak point between the two valleys. We only need to find..."

Before the excited Canary finished speaking, she noticed Lei Luo's movement.

He first shot a drop of humble light towards the bottom of the lake, which was the tears of dawn.

With a "puff", Jingmang hardly caused any special reaction, but immediately afterwards, Leiluo's figure began to twist. This is the light and dark distortion phenomenon formed by the concretization of the five-level law of gravitation, a powerful gravitational magnetic field. Even the nearby water vapor began to gather here, and the lake water at the bottom formed a tornado into the sky.

"found it!"

The next moment, amidst the exclamation of the canary, Leiluo shot it and rushed to the bottom of the boiling lake.


After a while.

With a shock and the impact of flowing water, Lei Luo and Canary finally came to a brand new valley.

Although the air here feels slightly hotter, it is undoubtedly much more than the previous valleys. There are still some vines with eyes on the ground, struggling in the boiling water of the rock cave blasted by Lei Luo.

Regarding these hideous and weird underground world plants, Leiluo had no surprises.

He opened his mouth to spit out a fire mist, and after burning the light silkworm floating in the air approaching into ashes, his eyes naturally looked towards this dark valley in a certain direction.

There, he felt quite strong energy fluctuations, just like the energy source of the scholar's tower.

It seems that it is precisely because of its existence that this valley space can be preserved so complete.

"This is a dark valley with a barrier tower. Even the dark creatures here are not willing to offend easily even if they are temples. They are the objects of many temples. There must be a Senate Association in the barrier tower, and I don’t know the strength of the Senate Association here. What about it, why don't we take the initiative to visit, maybe there are strong people I know, and it will save a lot of trouble by then!"

Canary suggested excitedly after getting to know the space environment of this valley.

"Don't have to be so troublesome. We have already sensed our invasion over there and sent someone over."

Leiluo said indifferently, making the canary dumb, and sighed at the mysterious power of this surface anthropologist master. The energy perception and precision manipulation are not comparable to the Demon God of the Underground World.

At the same time, Leiluo slowly said: "It seems that your Excellency should also be a member of the elders in a certain dark valley enchantment tower?"

"This is a matter of course."

Canary responded with an awkward smile.

Not for a while.

Two monsters flew over the gloomy horizon.

One of them is a shadow cat, floating like a piece of black paper, looking strangely at Lei Luo and the canary. The other is a big-eyed goldfish with super huge eyes, which take up half of its head. , Keep spitting bubbles.

They looked at the opened passage behind Leiluo and Canary, and there was continuous boiling water mixed with magma flowing out, seeming extremely angry.

"We are not malicious!"

The canary spoke first, and communicated in terms that only a few higher dark creatures knew.

Sure enough, after the canary spoke, the shadow cat and bubble fish were startled.

After a pause, the shadow cat responded in very unfamiliar dark terms.

"You have broken the balance of enchantment. The ecological environment here is already very fragile and may be overturned at any time. We don't want to be buried with other valleys."

"The entire underground world is going into destruction. How long can you support it? Even without us, you will only postpone the destruction a little bit. Let me go to see the Senate. Only leave here and leave the underground world is the only way out. ."

The shadow cat and the bubble fish secretly communicated for a while.

I have to say that these two dark monsters are very strong. According to Lei Luo's estimation, they must at least reach the level of Lei Feng before Nirvana, or the level of Ornn and Angela at this stage.

And creatures of this level, in this dark valley, have not even reached the strength to enter the Senate.

From this point of view, the strength of this dark valley is even stronger than the academies of the six major duchy before the end of the catastrophe. In fact, there is still quite a lot of potential unused by the underground world monsters against mankind, or just just now. In the early stage, only one of the three true demons descended, and before it became stable, the descended superhuman beings entered the underground world.

"Well, I can take you to the Senate, but I can only be responsible for past notifications. With all due respect, your suggestion will probably not be approved by the Senate, but with the power of yourselves and the humans on the surface world, it will probably be The elders will requisition."

The Shadow Cat obviously didn't see Lei Luo's strength clearly, but just treated him as an ordinary powerhouse.

After all, in the cognition of these dark creatures, god-level creatures must be infused with the power of faith. As for the few legendary special cases, they are not within their consideration.

Canary and Leiluo glanced at each other, and naturally agreed readily.

So the bubble fish stayed and began to try to block this passage to minimize the impact here. The shadow cat walked in front, often appearing tens of meters away in a flash, bringing Lei Luo and the canary to Lei Luo's previous The sensed energy source flies away.


With a screaming cry from a distance, UU Reading Reello and Canary couldn’t help but glance towards the gloomy sky. The Shadow Cat seemed to be aware of it, and said proudly: "This is an emperor once captured by the Great Elder. Roar, although it is only a juvenile body, as an ancient legacy, its strength is not as good as many demon kings. In order to tame this emperor roar, the great elder has spent hundreds of years."

Emperor roar?

After thinking about the memory for a while, Lei Luo couldn't help showing a little surprise.

It is said that the most important feature of this ancient creature is the division and reproduction of hermaphrodites. At the same time, it can taste the so-called emotions. Its blood is a high-grade insulating material similar to the dark essence. It is one of the best choices for sealing to replace the source of darkness.

And this kind of ancient creatures, whether in academia or Aurora's myths and legends, have almost no records.

All human cognition of it comes from the Quran Demon records obtained from the Pyramid of Demon Eyes.

Moreover, it is said that that one has been sealed one after another, and in the eyes of the dark demon of Capricorn and the creator of light, there is an adult emperor roar blood raw material!

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