"Grand Academy of Natural Sciences (

"Then please lead the way, please."

Leiluo still didn't let the Nine Nether Rat Demon mean, and made a ceremonial invitation gesture.

The anger that tried to suppress.

Jiuyou Mouse Demon felt that he was falling into a trap vortex that he could not extricate himself from step by step.

Everything it did was just for the continuation of the Nine Lakes Dark Valley in the apocalypse of this underground world. Now the elders are no longer there. If it leaves again, there will be unexpected events in the Dark Valley. Will be forever.

I am afraid that even it does not realize that everything it does is for the continuation of a civilization that has not yet fully grown up.

"Why, your Excellency wouldn't think that without your personal guidance, I would know the safety of your route so easily, right? As for the True Flame Valley, if your information is not a problem, the superhuman I came into contact with on the surface Quite a few, even if you force the past to believe, there is a considerable chance."

Lei Luo actually said so.

Speaking so bluntly is equivalent to giving a notice to the other party, and a choice must be made.

On the one hand, the polite gesture seems to be gentle, while on the other, it is threatening to kill.

Although Jiuyou Mouse Demon deep in his heart does not really believe that the other party will really meet his own life and death for this, it would rather pay some insignificant benefits for this, but staring into Lei Luo's eyes, when the words reached his mouth, he swallowed again. go back.

Puff through.

The rat demon suddenly stepped into the whirlpool.

The painted skin of the vigilant color saw the corner of his mouth sneer. After taking a look at Lei Luo, he followed Lei Luo into the whirlpool that kept emitting huge amounts of poisonous gas.

With a strong sense of pushing back, the astonishing pressure from all directions is getting stronger and stronger.

It took a few minutes for the pressure around him to gradually decrease.

According to Lei Luo's estimation, if a general third-level creature accidentally falls into the vortex here, even the creatures cast by the life force of the underground world will not survive. After all, even Lei Luo feels the pressure of the vortex here. A little oppression.

at last.

With a scorching sensation under his feet, Lei Luo finally passed the vortex and came to a lava valley with extremely harsh environment. The high-temperature mud vortex looked terrifying.

It is different from Jiuchi Dark Valley.

Although he has just entered this valley, Leiluo can clearly feel that the space at the bottom of the valley is extremely vast, even much larger than the combined area of ​​Leiluo's previous valleys. The air was filled with a strong Xiao killing poison gas, which seemed to be caused by the indestructible will of an ancient and powerful creature after its death.

"this is……"

Lei Luo had just entered this space when he was shocked by the Xiao killing aura in the air.

It is like a powerful life spanning ten thousand years, warning to intruders.

"Fall Demon Valley!"

It was Canary Painted Skin who responded to Lei Luo.

It just entered this valley space, and witnessed the rich green poison in the space here, and even the original red or golden lava showed a little green, and it suddenly murmured the name of this terrifying Jedi in the underground world.

The canary suddenly looked angry, staring at the Jiuyou Rat Demon in front of him and said grimly: "What do you mean!"

Fallen Demon Valley?

Although Leiluo had not heard the information of this underground world valley, but from the name, he could also tell that this place was definitely not a good place, plus the restless restlessness in the air, everything was telling Lei Luo, this is probably a terrifying and fierce land that the monsters of the underground world can't avoid.

"It deserves to come from Yeyi Valley. This is indeed the Valley of the Fallen Demon. Otherwise, how can I let the giant beetles guard the valley mouth that connects the fierce land here? After all, any creature that can travel through this valley is not a good kind. If you break into the dark valley of the nine ponds, I am afraid it will cause a lot of trouble, but you can rest assured that we will only borrow here a little bit. As long as we don't break into the central area of ​​the valley, we are not afraid of any danger with our strength."

After the Jiuyou Rat Demon said, he was about to lead the way.

However, from the point of view of the map, this valley area of ​​Arnold on the route is indeed quite close, and it is almost not worth mentioning compared to the area of ​​the valley here.

But even so, the Canary Painter still looked bad, and looked cautious.

"Talking about the history of Fallen Demon Valley, you seem to be quite jealous of it?"

Lei Luo said slowly.

Only then did the Canary Painter come back to his senses, and said sternly: "It's more than jealous, the two most powerful of my clones have disappeared one after another."

When painting the skin, Lei Luo was immediately surprised.

It should be known that although the Painted Skin Demon's body has not been promoted to God's Domain and has been in a dormant state for a long time, it has been mentioned many times from its pride that its most proud clone has been promoted to God's Domain, becoming similar to the Nine Nether Rat Demon The transcendent dark creature.

Seeing Leiluo’s interest, the Canary continued to say in a gloomy voice: “The legendary valley of the Fallen Demon is an ancient period when the underground world was just opened up. Several true demons accidentally discovered a deep-seated land After the terrible life, the battlefield left after a great battle, it is even said that a true demon fell because of this, which also caused a change in the laws of the deep geological core, and some unexplainable miracles were often born. There is an endless stream of treasure explorers in the space of the valley, making it one of the most famous fierce places in the underground world."

During the period when the underground world was just opened up, that was the ice age two to three thousand years ago?

And for this fell a fifth-level true demon?

Leiluo's original surprise suddenly changed to a solemn color.

After thinking about it, he suddenly stopped, waved his hand, and motioned to the Canary Painter to leave him.

The Jiuyou Mouse Demon who led the way in front also stopped, looking at Lei Luo with incomprehension.

The talent of anthropologists is hardly worth mentioning when compared to the instincts inherited by ancient creatures in the underground world that have been ruthlessly competing for tens of thousands of years.

However, in addition to getting rid of the shackles of ignorance, learning the laws of the objective world, and creating catastrophic weapons, the civilization established by scholars as human beings. The most significant feature of scholars as a human civilization is that they can gain passivity in a very short time through the explosion of knowledge. It takes a long time for evolutionary creatures to accumulate a terrifying force.

Therefore, what anthropologists need most is not time, but the accidental explosion of knowledge.

In less than a hundred years, Lei Luo has grown to the current four-level pinnacle life form. This is an almost impossible miracle in the eyes of most civilizations and creatures, but for anthropologists, Lei Luo's growth history is the same. It is water chestnut, but it is not unique.

At least, in terms of the speed of promotion to God's Domain, the pioneers who have created outstanding achievements in history are not much slower than Lei Luo.


With Leiluo’s fourth-level peak god-level life form, if he wants to cross the fourth-level pioneer realm and truly enter the fifth-level master he has already sensed, he needs a kind of power, the power to visualize the law, but Even if he tried his best, through objective physics, it was only barely concretizing the law of gravity for one minute.

However, during this trip to the underground world, Leiluo gained some inspiration with the steam beast head attack launched by the enchantment tower through the Nine Nether Seal Art.

Maybe I am promoted to the master and what is lacking in the complete realization of the law is not the cognition of the objective world, but the lack of subjective self-will into the objective law.

In terms of image metaphor, it is like metaphorizing the law into a weapon. Reello still lacks the steps to name it,

And this name is not just a superficial name, it also represents Lei Luo's will to control the power of this law.

At this moment, Lei Luo did his best to concentrate his will.

Deep in its heart emerges the vast dark universe and deep space. The order of celestial revolutions between planets and celestial bodies based on the law of gravitation. In this operating order, whether it is a cosmic civilization in an unknown deep space or other anomalous celestial bodies , Any intruder will be completely crushed to pieces due to the impact of the order of the celestial bodies ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Rumble rumbling.

"Vientiane Order."

As far as Lei Luo advanced, he injected his will into the concrete law of gravity.

The light and darkness twisted instantly, and the restlessness of the air in all directions concentrated on Lei Luo's fingertips.

Seeing this, Jiuyou Rat Demon took a step back. As a creature that entered the realm of God, it could clearly perceive that Leiluo had obviously changed the power of this ancient lofty law compared to two days ago!


As the protagonist at this moment, Lei Luo is not comfortable.

Almost at the moment when he tried to inject his own will into the law of gravity, the chaotic and violent will remaining in the poisonous mist in all directions came to oppress him.

Although it has been disintegrated for tens of thousands of years, although it has disintegrated and disappeared, it is just this tiny remnant, which is still not comparable to the immature will injected by Lei Luo at this stage.

Lei Luo couldn't help groaning, and instinctively stopped the confrontation.

"The gap between the fourth and fifth levels of life is really too big."

After breathing slightly, Lei Lu gradually calmed down, said to the Canary Painted Skin who was staring at him in a daze, and then continued to move forward blankly.

There is a sense of loss in his words, as if trying to hide the excitement in his heart.

"His growth rate is getting faster and faster. There is almost no regularity at all. The feeling just now... Yes, he is probably no longer a god-level life body. He is likely to have grown to be comparable to true demons. Existence is terrible."

Canary Painted Skin also tried its best to restrain the inner shock.

It took a long time before it noticed that Jiuyou Mouse Demon was also trying its best to suppress his emotions, but the blood that was obviously trembling and gushing in his heart had betrayed his heart.

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