A few days later.

Compared with the inexplicable crisis that may appear in the depths of the ocean at all times, that is an unfamiliar environment for the biological civilizations on the continent, and boring and boring is the normal state that Bailan has experienced over the years.

Just like the vast desert of death, the sea is also another desert of death full of harsh and barren.

She began to miss life in the academy more and more, miss the death storm with sand and dust on the mainland.

Bai Lan is certainly not a sentimental person. As the only personal disciple of the famous scholar in the Wasteland [Power of the Sun] Reello, she has a firm will, even if she has been in this space with a space of only two meters in diameter for three years. , But she still hasn't forgotten her mission.

call out.

With conventional power, the aircraft skimmed along the sponge at low altitude, as if looking for a needle in a haystack, looking for a possible habitat for tidal civilization.

Crackling, crackling, crackling...

The thunderstorm ahead covered tens of thousands of kilometers of sea, and in the salty sea breeze, lightning and thunder continued in the dark clouds.

The aircraft stopped outside the storm.

The white and blue face inside the aircraft was stern and silent, looking towards this area of ​​abnormally catastrophic weather far exceeding the intensity of thunderstorms in the continent.

If the aircraft is not converted into a curved space-time jumping form to intrude, I am afraid that with the strength of the ultra-pure water shield, it will be difficult to withstand such a powerful and dense thunderstorm, and there is a danger of crashing again.

According to her estimation, even the intensity of the thunderstorm surrounding the dark cloud storm may be between 600 degrees and 1200 degrees depending on the shape. For the conventional life forms found in the academic world, this is undoubtedly an absolute unsuitable for survival. Life is forbidden.


"What if the tidal civilization happened to be born in this disaster? Perhaps it is because of the disaster here that it has brought a natural protective barrier to them so fragile, thus urging them to evolve from low-level software bugs to civilization?"

Bailan, who has a major mission, is unwilling to let go of any possibility.

After all, according to the inference, this mysterious thunder sea area should be more or less affected by the fragmentation law of the thunder continent in ancient times.

After thinking for a long time, she seemed to have made up her mind.

Bai Lan opened a space box, and took out an animal skin scroll full of violent aura from it.

This is a high-level sealing technique that only a few academies of sciences born in the old Sealand have mastered, the Forbidden Curse Scroll!

strictly speaking.

The elemental reincarnation technique of the Sealand Academy of Natural Sciences is also a forbidden curse scroll technique, but it is more advanced.

To make the Forbidden Curse Scroll, in addition to requiring researchers to be similar to space-time academic researchers, they must focus on this academic field for life, and the required entry-level materials must also be the fur of legendary creatures with special bloodlines as a carrier.

All in all, for the vast majority of scholars from the non-Zeeland National Academy, even if they have never seen the so-called Forbidden Curse Scroll, it is natural.


After Bailan took out this violent scroll, he slapped a purple arc from the inside, and instant runes appeared on the seal strip that bound the scroll, and You suppressed the internal violent energy back again. .


After sighing slightly, Bai Lan still tore the seal strip on the scroll.


Suddenly, an astonishing thunderous breath erupted from the ultrapure water vehicle.

From a distance, centered on this sphere with a diameter of about two meters, a purple thunder bust giant with a height of more than ten meters was formed. With it as the center, the surrounding area of ​​more than 100 meters is full of tremor. Lilac mysterious static electricity.

Then the half-length giant rushed into this vast sea of ​​thunder without hesitation.

After a few hourglasses.

The white and blue who broke into the thunder sea only felt that the time had passed extremely long.

Under the baptism of a bunch of randomly falling thunders in the sky, the half-length giant sealed by the Forbidden Curse Scroll had already collapsed. After all, the power of the Forbidden Curse Scroll was lower than the elemental reincarnation level.

She has no turning back.

As a last resort, she had to overload the aircraft with 120% defensive power and continue to sprint forward, hoping to rush out of this dangerous sea as soon as possible.

However, the area covered by the sea of ​​dark clouds and thunder was far wider than Bailan expected.

Just when the aircraft was crumbling under the overload power and Bai Lan fell into despair, suddenly, she seemed to faintly see a reddish-brown area in the thunderstorm. It seemed to be an island. She hurriedly reduced the load power of the aircraft to prevent it from appearing. Irreversibly damaged, swooped in the direction of the detected island.


A huge wave of more than 30 meters soared into the sky, and a large area of ​​ripples appeared in the distance.

Zi Zi Zi Zi...

The ultrapure water vehicle power unit goes out.

After the intense performance test, the white and blue in the aircraft finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was just some parts of the superconducting material etched runes damaged, she had waited for enough repair materials before she left, as long as it did not involve tidal civilization. The core equipment of the unique technology is damaged and can be repaired as long as she is given a period of time.

After getting the answer, Bai Lan felt very relaxed, and then began to look at the strange environment he was in at the moment.

It seems inappropriate to say that this is an island.

This should be a vast reef area.

The sea here only submerged only a dozen centimeters on the reef, and even in the deep place, there was only Michel. The wind was strong outside, but it seemed to be surprisingly calm under the influence of a certain force field.

The reef is also covered with vines with purple-red leaves, just like low jungles ranging from a few meters to more than ten meters, and there are still one or two small red flowers hidden in some places, which is beautiful and magnificent.

It's like a paradise here.

In addition.

Bai Lan noticed that there are a large number of beetles living on these vines and diving places on the reef. They are generally about 20 cm in length, reddish brown, and eight-legged tentacles. They do not look dangerous, but just a certain adaptation. Native aquatic organisms in the special environment here.

After observing for a while, Bailan did not find any dangerous creatures, or even the breath of higher creatures. Her guard gradually relaxed. As the ultra-pure water of the aircraft flashed, she passed through the colorful protective layer seen from the outside of the aircraft. Are you outside the aircraft?


At this time, Bai Lan was surprised to find that the water on the reef here turned out to be fresh water!

As an advanced scholar, she quickly confirmed that the elements in the fresh water here are almost harmless to the human body. After drinking with confidence, she couldn't help but stare at the thunder and rain curtain like a wind wall in the distance, secretly amazed.

The world is so big, there are no surprises.

Then she opened her palm and photographed a beetle.

The beetle was struggling in the palm of her hand, like a lobster. White and blue observed it for a while, and confirmed that it was indeed a low-level primitive creature and did not show any form of wisdom at all, she took out one. A specimen tank with an appropriate volume must be made into an anticorrosive specimen.

But then.

Bailan just used conventional means to cut off the central nervous system of this low-level creature. This 20-meter-sized lobster-like beetle actually melted rapidly in Bailan’s hands, and the body hardened into a stone. , The same stone as the coral reef underneath.


White and Blue tried to put this sticky stone into the sea water after the feet and tentacles had melted.

After this stone fell to the bottom of the sea, it blended perfectly with the reef. The tentacles and feet melted into a kind of adhesive.

The magical scene made Bai Lan's eyes widen once again.

Such a vast reef can't see the end at a glance. How many such beetles should be formed in succession, I don't know how many years it has lasted.

What a magical life.

After sighing, the white and blue feet floated up from the water and stood in mid-air above the water.

The strange thing is that the nearby beetles didn't even have the slightest sense of fear for the intrusive foreign object Bailan. Even if she killed a companion, she was indifferent. They stretched out their tentacles and looked curiously. A curious little squirrel.

Because there are too many beetles here, I am afraid that there are more than hundreds of thousands of beetles in the eye. The total amount of the reef is unknown. White and blue are also for such low-level creatures that have no wisdom at all. Lost interest, she floated to the vine with fuchsia leaves and observed.

These vines seem to be nothing unusual.

After reaching this conclusion, she collected a few leaves and stems as specimens, and even tasted it. The stems are full of starch, a bit like sweet potatoes.

Floating in mid-air, Bai Lan quickly turned around in a circle.

In addition to the vines with purple-red leaves and the beetles that can be seen everywhere, Bailan also found several ‘little lakes’ that lead directly to undercurrents on the seabed.

The water of the lake is salty, and occasionally a few aquatic fish will escape from the undercurrent, and they will find refuge in this paradise-like reef lake, but they will soon become nourishment under the siege of the surrounding beetles.

These beetles are not weakly aggressive in water.

However, once they leave the water, they become non-threatening, and they also seem to have no interest in non-aquatic organisms, such as white and blue.

"This is indeed a fertile soil for civilization, but as an advanced civilization that has mastered the technology of curvature space-time aircraft, the habitat of tidal civilizations can never be kept so primitive, especially when their bodies are so fragile. The enemy has nothing to guard against, otherwise even the aquatic beetles here will be enough to withstand the disaster of extinction."

White and blue's judgment is quite accurate.

Although the ecological environment here is strange, it is obviously not consistent with the habitat environment of the tidal civilization target that I searched on this trip. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"It's better to repair the aircraft as soon as possible."

Muttering to himself, the white and blue slowly floated back towards the aircraft.

At the same time, she was struggling as to whether she wanted to carry out a devastating blow to this potentially fertile land of civilization. After all, this place is too far away from the wasteland, and it is difficult for human academia to develop and utilize this place in a short period of time.

During her flight, she picked off a small red flower.

The flowers are only the size of a baby's fist and are in bud.

However, when Bai Lan casually opened the little flower, she suddenly stopped suddenly.

Inside the little red flower, it was not the stamen she thought, but a fang that had begun to be digested, the fang of a certain deep-sea predator!


This place, which was originally like a paradise in Bailan's eyes, was suddenly covered with a layer of mystery and crisis, and her vigilance was raised again.

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