Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 846: Order and chaos

The projected creature is Sha Yong.

It is like a tumbling mud, mortar tumbling from the inside out.

It looked up and down white and blue. This flesh-and-blood creature standing on two feet was indeed ugly and inconsistent in proportion to Sha Yong's aesthetics. It was also quite fragile, but it was told by a large amount of detection data that this creature was very powerful.

Her strength is not simply due to the energy in the body, but the orderly control of microscopic particles in the air that are simply invisible to ordinary creatures, just like an extension of a limb, or a coat.

To know.

Regarding the macroscopic energy control, in terms of quantity alone, it is more powerful than the creature that claims to be human. From the eyes of these sand waves, it is not rare, and it can even be said to be quite common.

But in terms of the subtle control of microscopic energy, this human being is the first person Shayong has seen in history. Several technical organization controllers even suspect that the other party's subtle control of microscopic energy has even surpassed theirs. Instrument detection accuracy.

the other side.

Bailan is also trying to observe and understand this creature that claims to be a quicksand civilization.

Although the two parties only had a brief contact, in terms of the technological strength mastered by civilization, there is no doubt that the human academia has been completely crushed by the other party.

A civilization that claims to be level 48, an open civilization that is no longer afraid of the dark zero-sum war system. If the civilization rating of the opponent is similar to the plan of the tutor Lei Luo, then from the perspective of the opponent, the current academic world may only It's just a nascent cataclysmic civilization between 3840, right?

And the so-called 48-level civilization of the other party may have touched the edge of the 5th level civilization, which is the so-called lighthouse-level civilization!

"Anthropologists, tell me the purpose and plan of your trip. Through you, I can feel the huge potential of the civilization behind you. Although you are very weak now, this potential is likely to affect the quicksand civilization at some stage in the future. Form a deadly threat."

The information Sha Yong expressed was almost in the form of soul bombing, and the domineering directly poured into the white and blue spiritual emotions.

"My goal is to find a mysterious civilization called Tide. This civilization accidentally discovered the dark coordinates of my civilization. In order to prevent the future from being hit by catastrophes at any time and suffering an unbearable price, I must take the lead. Find the location of this dangerous civilization with savage and aggressive attributes, and try to destroy it."

Bai Lan guessed that due to the high application of the power of the spirit and soul, the opponent is likely to have a powerful technique for discriminating mental fluctuations.

If you lie indiscriminately, you may cause unnecessary trouble.

Zi Zi Zi.

At this time, the light and shadow suddenly became blurred, accompanied by a slight irritating agitation. In a short moment, the light and shadow of Sha Yong turned into reality in front of White and Blue, or the other party used the space-time technology that surpassed White and Blue's cognition to transmit in. In this enclosed space inside the aircraft.

The other party didn't care about the white and blue, but after a few bubbles poured out of his body, he began to study and observe for himself, and seemed to be searching for something.

Bailan held his breath cautiously, carefully observing this alien civilization species.


After a while, this Sha Yong seemed to have the answer he wanted to know.

It collects several bubbles around the body into the body, and then "looks" towards the white and blue in an unfamiliar magnetic field baptism method.

"It's really a wonderful species that can deeply influence micron-level energy elements at such a high speed and frequency. It treats these natural energy as if they are extended limbs. It can be manipulated freely, relying on the natural instinct of body evolution to open up the mystery of the microscopic world. "

It did not hide its observations, and shared its observations with Bai and Blue.

As an anthropologist, although the situation has been completely controlled by the other party now, at this moment, she is analyzed and dissected by the other party like a biological specimen. This huge sense of gap makes her deeply ashamed and humiliated. The condescending roles are all done by her!

Thinking of this, Bai Lan is doing his best to observe the other party.

However, the other party is just a holographic projection thrown into the sealed cabin of the aircraft. With the scholar's talent and perception, it is impossible to obtain too much effective information from the other party.

With this in mind, Bailan can only find another way.

She made up her mind that even if she died here, she would definitely not be ashamed of the human academia. The arrogance in her heart did not allow her to be cowardly!

"Hehe, in the eyes of our anthropologists, your civilization is also quite wonderful. The great wise men in our clan, after discovering the great 60-level superbody civilization and their countdown to the end of the world, they instinctively guessed everything in this world. Civilizations suffer from darkness because of fear, and they try their best to hide themselves, but I didn’t expect that a civilization with only level 48 behind you can be so fearless and super powerful. It really makes me admire and puzzled..."

Bailan took this to show the other party that he already knew the all-round war and destruction plan of the super-body civilization against the world, as a silent demonstration of the human academia, and second, to see if he could get some academic knowledge from the other party. Unknown information is something that can fight against superhuman beings.


Sure enough, the Sha Yong Projection was completely moved after hearing Bailan's words.

The projection image of the other party is completely stuck.

Bai Lan guessed that the Shayong outside the sealed cabin had probably turned off the projection device and was discussing with his companions around him. It seemed that he was a little surprised by the unexpected visitor he had visited.


After a while, the holographic projection returned to agility again.

"Anthropologists? It really is a wonderful race. It seems that you have already come into contact with a certain guardian of the rules of the world, and you can know this. You must know that these proud guardians often only favor mature and powerful ones above level 45. Civilizations, but judging by the roughness and simplicity of the curvature space-time vehicle you are riding in, I am afraid that it is just a nascent civilization that barely enters level 4, from birth to maturity, even if your civilization has considerable luck and potential, at least For more than two thousand years of development time, I really don’t know why this guardian of the world will favor you."

On the one hand, he was puzzled, and on the other, he was solemn.

It seems that the other party no longer regards Bailan as a passerby like those who accidentally visited visitors, but a high-level civilization like himself.

This time, it was Bai Lan's turn to doubt and astonish.

Judging from the other party's words, it seems that their understanding of the world is completely based on the rules similar to Quan Zu's guardian telling them, and then organizing it.

It's not like the answer that human academia gets after observing and probing inferences.


Now when I think about it in detail, at least 90 or more of the knowledge in human academia comes from the tutor alone. There may be too many accidental factors in this, that’s why Quan Zu’s attention is drawn to human academics. Does the world possess a certain qualification?

As for the attitude of the other side that is almost praise, I believe that it will take more than two thousand years for the academic world to develop into a mature level 4 civilization, reaching level 45. Bailan has a sneer in his heart. What kind of expressions will it look like when civilization level 2 develops to level 4 civilization in just a thousand years.


The confined space suddenly opened up a circular cavity.

Along with the mysterious azure light beam, the projection in front of the white and blue flashed violently and then extinguished, followed by the three sand waves who came personally.

Gurgling gurgling...

These surging heterogeneous bodies, the yellowish-brown quicksand that continuously gushes out from the inside out, constantly making spring-like noises, just like a never-ending engine or a human heart.

"Respected anthropologists, since you have also won the favor of a certain guardian of the rules of this world, then we can no longer treat you like the weak civilized travelers."

Sha Yong from the central government spoke methodically and made a sincere and friendly attitude.

But the other two Sha Yong seemed to be a little impatient.

"Then dare to ask your sequence, is it an orderly camp, but chaos?"

Such a question made Bai Lan stunned and a little confused.

order? Confused?

Jian Bailan was puzzled, and a bad feeling suddenly appeared in the three Sha Yong's hearts.

According to intelligence, the guardians behind the opponent are mostly chaotic camps, and only those chaotic camp rule guards who are eager to filter out the most potential and powerful civilizations through chaos will conceal their favored civilization. In order to make them gradually stronger in the exploration, competition and annexation, they have become their only favor.

These civilizations may be inconspicuous at the initial stage of development, but one thing can be confirmed, that is, they must have some extremely astonishing potential, and they are likely to grow into extremely terrifying characters in a very short period of time!

And between the order and chaos camps, although generally speaking, there is no conflict. Only the chaos camps are being screened. But God knows what kind of choices these bizarre and distorted peculiar civilizations will make. After all, they were born. From that day on, the path of evolution was full of uncontrollable factors, so it was favored by those chaos guardians.

Thinking of this, they analyzed one by one according to the intelligence in their hearts.

The last Sha Yong, out of the friendship he fought for as much as possible, explained: “The so-called disorder of order is the seeds of civilization that the guardians seek based on their beliefs. The guardians of the order camp believe that by virtue of the vastness and harmony of this world The rich, as long as they are like the War of the Ancients and develop several peak lighthouse-class civilizations close to level 6 step by step, they can completely defeat the oil lamp-depleted Superbody in the Doomsday War. The guardians of the chaotic camp believe that they can It must be a stronger interstellar civilization that defeats the superbody, but in the case of the world being blocked by the sky, if you want to evolve a real interstellar civilization, you can only find another way to find some strange and distorted civilizations with high potential. But because of this. In the upper-level relationship, in essence, there is no conflict between the order and chaotic camps. It is just two different evolutionary paths. Only the chaotic camp is in a natural hostile relationship..."

It paused, and tentatively said: "Behind us is the guardian of the wild Qingtian giant mountain, which belongs to the rule of order camp. Then, who is the guardian favored by the human academia?"

Generally speaking, before civilization has evolved to a fifth-level lighthouse-level civilization, only after being favored by the guardians of these rules, will the location of the civilization gradually become prosperous and gentle due to the changes in the world's rules, and become suitable for survival.

Savage Qingtian Giant Mountain?

After thinking for a while, Bai Lan slowly uttered two words: "Quanzu."

After hearing Quanzu, the three Sha Yongs were obviously relieved.

Although the quicksand civilization doesn’t know much about the guardians of the chaotic camp’s rules, this famous ancestor knows a little bit, because in the chaotic camp, this guardian can almost be regarded as a big fish. One of the typical ones.

Generally speaking, the guardians of the rules of the order camp, once they choose a certain civilization seed, even if they calm down to cultivate them, they will gradually change the local harsh environment through their own rules, and let this seed civilization enter a period of rapid development.

However, being selected by the guardians of the chaotic camp can only be favored by one guardian clone. The guardian clone's limited rules are favored. Of course, the change to the environment is quite slow. Only by defeating others, it is also favored by this guardian. Only after the civilization of China can it gain more favor, and then change the harsh local living environment more quickly.

It is different from the guardians of the chaotic camp rules, who often have only three or five clones.

Quan Zu’s clone does not know where it is. Although it is a wide-spread net to fish for big fish, it has also caused serious unevenness of good and bad in the civilization it favors. In other words, even Quan Zu has time to look away, or say It is difficult to develop the bizarre potential of the favored civilization.

Therefore, compared to the seed civilization favored by the guardians of the mysterious unknown chaos who tried to hide themselves, the civilization favored by Quan Zu, the danger in the eyes of these few Sha Yong was undoubtedly much lower.

As a result, in the absence of an obvious conflict of interest between the order camp and the chaos camp, the three decided to proceed according to their previous discussions.

"It turns out to be the great ancestor of Quan, then your human academia may be busy. As far as I know, this great guardian of the chaotic camp is a very ancient fraternity existence, ha ha ha ha..."

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