In the area where the scholars are stationed, a large number of melting stars come to visit every day.

Among these visitors, there are even dark gold-level melting stars who are comparable to god-level existences. They are themselves a giant, and they can easily determine the fate of tens of thousands of melting stars in the past, but it is a matter of life and death in this civilization. At the node of, these giants are simply unable to negotiate with scholars from afar as a civilized leader.

After bidding farewell to the farewell Rello etiquette, another dark gold star melter, led by Polaris, left the scholar's quarters.

"How about it?"

The question is Polaris.

It still has that cold look, solemn and solemn.

The dark gold melting star who had visited and left, his expression gradually became serious, and he said solemnly: "The two anthropologists named Corleone and Yuelian Anna have undoubtedly reached the Dark Gold rank. Corleone seems to be stronger. , Faintly can give me a strong sense of oppression."


Polaris also agrees with this, but these are not what he most wants to know from the other party.

In the gaze of Polaris, the dark gold melter continued with serious thoughts: "As for this anthropologist named Lei Luo, it feels strange, even a little weird. It is too powerful to say it, I can't even perceive it. When it comes to his energy fluctuations, maybe the power of the law he masters is more special, with hidden attributes, but..."

Speaking of this, there was a hint of surprise in its turning words.

"The crystal skeleton wand in his hand has undoubtedly exposed his power! You should be able to feel it too. Although these scholars have also mastered superconducting technology and mastered the ability to refine treasures, they are compared to ours. The super-refining technique is really crude and crude, almost an era behind, which is why we have repeatedly occupied the advantage in the discussions between the two sides. But only this Lei Luo, the wand in his hand, if I did not feel wrong, That seems to be another sacred mountain of star origin."

"How can it be!"

Polaris was unbelievable, but soon it calmed down again and seemed to be thinking about the possibilities.

The dark gold star melter on the side said in a low voice: "It seems you have thought of something."


Polaris solemnly said: "As far as I know, from the intelligence that these scholars have unintentionally revealed, they are representatives of the academic community not because of their strength, but because of their insight into the laws of plants, and are designed to solve the gray bean crisis. Come, in other words, they only represent a small part of academia, even a branch. If we are objective enough, we should not imagine the academia as the strength of understanding, maybe they have several times or even ten times. As for our strength, it makes sense to have a foundation comparable to the sacred mountain of Star Source."


at this time.

The Star Source Sacred Mountain on the earth suddenly burst out a ray of terrifying power.

It's so grand, it doesn't come out.

Although it was only a moment, it was enough to provoke a ripple of law energy around thousands of kilometers, followed by a curling traction, continuous.

"Finally finished, star-holding technique!"

The two looked at each other, overjoyed.

It's not just the Star Melters who have stopped and waited and watched.

The scholars who were shocked by the power of the magnificent law at that moment also stopped their business for the first time, left the house, first tried to look at the star source sacred mountain below, and then seemed to perceive something, instinctively. Looking to the sky.

"This is……"

Corleone's dark eyes suddenly shrank.

At this moment, everyone is on the upside down mountain suspended above the clouds, where the air is relatively thin.

Upward is the limit of the activities of many guardians of order, rules, and god-level creatures, the edge of the laws of the world's atmosphere.

Such a place, of course, can be clearly seen. There is a giant meteor that is hundreds of meters above the sky. It was captured by the magnificent force just now. It ignored the blockade of the super body star and violated the angle of fall. The trajectory, falling straight toward the sacred mountain of Xingyuan.


Corleone naturally heard of the mysterious and unpredictable technology of super-refining civilization.

Seeing such a scene, he naturally associates it with each other.

He has also tried to cast the star meteor technique, but it is a semi-finished product with the help of external forces. The volume and mass of the star meteor is different from the cloud and mud compared to the high altitude at the moment, but it still causes terrifying destructive power, and if it is such a volume and mass I am afraid that most of the wasteland will be completely wiped out!

But soon, Corleone's cold and solemn face revealed a touch of surprise.

First of all, the falling speed of this star is too slow. It is obviously supported by some weird law, and it almost has perfect control.

The second is this meteorite, it seems that it is not countless ancient war fragments around the edge of the world's atmosphere, but a real comet meteorite from the depths of the universe!

If this is the case, then there is a fundamental difference between it and the star and meteor in the traditional sense of academia!

The time when the stars fell, lasted a few hourglasses.

The whole process can be said to be unusually slow, and it is not an exaggeration to even fall to the distant earth with light and fluttering.

But even so, the air temperature suddenly increased by more than ten degrees within a range of tens of kilometers near the tail mark of the meteorite falling, and an earthquake with an intensity of over eight broke out on the ground, as well as dust that broke through the clouds.

"Finally finished."

Venus star came to Leiluo and said excitedly: "The great sage finally captured this meteor. If nothing else, the sage should meet with the master soon."

Compared with the coldness of Polaris, Venus is obviously more enthusiastic.

Its tall dark golden beetle body also showed excitement and trembling. Star-holding technique has extraordinary significance for super-refining civilization, especially when the entire civilization is facing crisis at this moment, it needs such an encouragement.

Every completion of astrology-holding technique is an extremely grand festival for the super-refining civilization.

This kind of festival often takes decades, even two to three hundred years.

"Is this the astrological restraint technique mastered by the nobles? Haha, it is indeed an incredible miracle. It really shocked the next. It was able to capture the comet and meteorite that glides through this world in the deep space of the universe, and lifted weight like a star to bring it back to this world. Used as a material."

Lei Luo expressed his admiration without hesitation.

His heart beats fiercely, because he can clearly perceive the essence of the star core contained in this circle, which urges him to evolve the law of power.

At this moment, tens of millions of melting stars have flew to this alien star, and the sky is densely covered. It seems that they are going to melt this star, like their name, and turn it into their weapon and body. Part.

more importantly!

He just saw with his own eyes that the moment when the super-refining civilization captured the star, it did use the power of the laws of the universe's deep space entrained by the star to briefly break through the shackles of the Superman's sky screen, creating a loophole artificially.

Venus could not help being a little proud when he heard this.

"With the support of this star, our race should be much better in the next war."


Two dark gold star melters came to this other courtyard.

These days, Leiluo has seen more god-level melting stars than the entire wasteland. His inner estimation of the super-refining civilization ~ has undoubtedly increased by one more. level.

"The Star Saint invited Master Lei Luo to go."

The other party only invited the academic leaders, most likely to meet alone.

It's another huge flying boat, but it's more luxurious this time.

After Leiluo gave a few words to the scholars, he came to the flying boat, and the flying boat carried Leiluo from the high-altitude floating mountain to the star source sacred mountain on the ground. It became clearer and clearer.

Lei Luo on the flying boat seemed to close his eyes, but was trying his best to perceive the power of this giant mountain.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

"This seems to be... a seal?"

In Leiluo's perception, the mysterious laws of the giant mountain were not attracted by the energy, but it did not seem to be natural, but someone deliberately suppressed something.

Although I don't know what it is, it is probably the scary creature that Corleone perceives.

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