Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 870: Turn your face ruthlessly (middle)

It still seems to be a calm day.

At least for the Star Melters on the Sacred Mountain of Star Source.

Although there have been frequent famines after the land has dried up from all over the super-refining civilization, and tens of thousands of melter civilians live in aquatic heat, for the star melter residents of the sacred mountain of Xingyuan, they still stayed a hundred years ago. After the earth-shaking battle of Mudou the Great, it was a moment of glorious victory.

The powerful Demon King who seemed invincible was still crushed and sank at the foot of Xingyuan Sacred Mountain after all, and was suppressed by the seal.

in this way.

Even though there have been frequent reports of evil in various places for more than a hundred years, the Star Fusions living near the sacred mountain of the source of stars have not been affected at all. They live with a sense of superiority and self-confidence in the inheritance of the entire civilization and history.

And centered on the sacred mountain of Xingyuan, the surrounding land within thousands of kilometers is not dry and barren at all, and it is like two completely different worlds from the dry land outside the distant land.

Two figures flew across the air.

These are two golden star melters named Centaur and Shadowscar.

Just like the extraordinary scholars who are the mainstay in the academic world, the gold-class melters are also the true foundation of the super-refining civilization. Their quantity and quality can almost determine that in a long period of time in the future, there will be no similar academics. Under the circumstances of the technological explosion in the golden age of the world, the overall strength of super-refining civilization is predictable.

In contrast to the dark gold-class melters who are comparable to the power of the true divine mansion, almost all of them use the sky stars as their name codes. The gold-class melters, like millions of ordinary star melters, have strange and varied names.

This is a very different cultural system from the academic world.

"I can feel the urge to move in my body, just like something is about to be opened. It's a pity... If you can cast on Juxing for a period of time, even if it's only a month, you may be able to touch the door. !"

The centaur murmured resentfully.

Of course Shadowscar knew what a centaur meant.

Both of them came from remote places. Without any basic background, they climbed to their current position step by step, and they can be regarded as the masters of a region. This is for the vast majority of Melters who have no background. In terms of it, it is almost the end of a life's struggle.

But it is precisely because they are at the pinnacle that the two talents can see a broader world.

That is to master the power of the law and step into the world of another level of life.

Centaur and Shadowscar have worked thousands of times more than the Star Source Holy Mountain Melters, just for that one opportunity, with the accumulation of decades and hundreds of years, and the contribution they have obtained, can they be arrested every time. During the festival, there is a month of refining time.

But this time is too short.

Shadow Mark comforted: "At least... after this tempering and blessing, your glacier fan has been able to drive part of the power of the law. Compared with those sacred artifacts and sacred artifacts, it is not much to accept. , But there is the possibility of further evolution, which is not in vain."

Speaking of glacier fans, the Centaur finally feels better.

This can also be regarded as the biggest gain for it to come to worship Xingyuan Holy Mountain this time.

Relying on the opportunity of Juxing Festival, it has almost no rest on the falling stars from the sky. It devoted itself to the refining of this glacier fan. Relying on this star falling from an unknown place in the deep space of the universe, it finally felt itself The trace of law and artistic conception that arrived have been realized and refined into this treasure.

With this glacier fan treasure, even if you return to that remote and barren land and encounter some special events, you should have enough power to protect yourself.

The speed of the Golden Melter is extremely fast.

Unknowingly, the ground that the two passed through has become extremely barren and barren, and the vegetation and mineral deposits have withered and disappeared.

Regarding the changes in the super-refining civilization over the past hundred years, the centaur and the shadow mark are also in the eyes, but because of the victory of the battle between the sacred mountain of Xingyuan and the mother bean, the stability of the sacred mountain of Xingyuan, the two are also like numbers. Like the tens of millions of Melters, they didn't panic, thinking that the end was coming, only that it was an arduous process in the war.


Rumble rumble rumble...

The barren and violent energy fluctuations in the distance caused the two of them to slowly stop, and looked at each other with a look of astonishment.

It’s not far away from the sacred mountain of the star source, and the scale of the battle in the distant sky is not caused by any low-level creatures at all, or even two or three golden melters. Could it be that group of mysterious scholars? ?

With a grimace, the two changed their flying directions and flew toward the energy fluctuations.

"This is!"

The centaur and the shadow mark stood in the sky, staring at the scene several miles away, shocked beyond words.

There are more than a dozen Gold-class Melting Stars. It is not difficult to judge from their costumes. They are the Star Guards composed of people who claim to have the strongest talents in the super refining world. It is said that they are the secrets of the Saints of Stars The team is the Ding Hai Shen Needle in the super-refining world. Ordinary low-level melters don’t even know anything about it. Only the veteran melters like Centaur and Shadowscar barely come into contact with some advanced information. Information only.

But at the moment.

These Star Guardians, under the blow of a powerful enemy, have nearly survived many times...

Do not!

There have been people dying, and these things in front of them are probably just the remnants who have fled here in embarrassment!

And the enemies they face are huge, irregular stone men, about ten meters in height. Looking from a distance, one by one approached this way, to the Star Guards who were trying to stop them from advancing. Fighting back.

They are like monsters with no emotions. Except for the almost immortal body, any trauma on the body surface can be recovered in a very short time. It can also drive various natural energies, which can be displayed again and again enough to make ordinary gold melters stunned. Magic.

"Quick! Contact Xingyuan Sacred Mountain immediately! There are too many mature gray beanie soldiers here! We can't resist it at all!"

The captain of the Star Guard roared hysterically.

It clearly knows what it will mean once these monsters enter the Star Source Holy Mountain Realm, which will be enough to cause an uproar in the entire super-refining realm.

Xingyuan Holy Mountain must continue to maintain stability!

Take a deep breath.

The Captain of the Star Guard seemed to have made up his mind. At this moment, the whole world seemed to be quiet. A mysterious bronze statue appeared in his hand, only less than twenty centimeters in size.

"Holy artifact! It's holy artifact!"

The centaur in the distance couldn't restrain his inner excitement, and murmured at the moment when this mysterious bronze statue appeared.

The sacred artifacts represent the concrete manifestation of the power of the law.

According to the legend, the existence of holding sacred objects and being able to perform the power of the sacred objects perfectly, even if they have not been promoted to the Dark Gold rank melting star, it is enough to face the divine residence. Although there are many praises and most of them, it can still reflect the sacredness from the side. The power and preciousness of the device.

I saw that after the mysterious bronze statue was taken out by the Captain of the Star Guard, with the amazing energy infusion, the natural law energy within a radius of thousands of meters began to vibrate, and the statue seemed to come alive, with shocking eyes emanating from it The fearful coercion of the soul.

The power of the law is majestic and cold, irresistible, and the souls of the lower creatures within the envelope are frozen in an instant, leaving only the monotonous black and white, and time seems to have lost its meaning.


The bronze statue suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, hundreds of meters away, the abdomen of the stone giant suddenly cracked, but it was the impact of the bronze statue.

The stone giant showed pain and roared, and the stone on the surface gradually turned black, as if he was resisting the power of this bronze statue.


But along with a dazzling beam of light from the back of the stone giant, the bronze statue completely tore through the stone giant's defense.

Countless crushed stone powder drifted away, revealing the real stone giant.

It was a blue-gray round bean with a diameter of 10 meters, like a broken mirror, barely supporting Duan in the air for a moment, and then it was completely broken.

The bronze statue returned again, but the mysterious luster in its eyes gradually faded as the energy disappeared.

One hit kills, the captain of the Star Guard seems to have greatly encouraged the people!

The Centaur and Shadowscar finally awakened from the shock of the law freezing soul. Although the law battle just lasted only for a short moment, for the two of them, it seemed as if they had passed a month-long period. At this moment, they still have lingering fears and panting. NS.

"Could it be that this was the bean soldier of the Mother Dou Great over a hundred years ago?"

However,, those stone giants who are not afraid of death, continue to advance slowly one after another, each step causing the earth to shake violently.

The battle death of their companions just now did not seem to have any impact on them, and the closest few stone giants had already launched a counterattack.

They just moved randomly, but they caused an amazing phenomenon of natural energy restlessness between heaven and earth.

"Hiss! Black Flame Dragon Charging? No, it seems to be an enhanced version of the magic change. The legendary Star Secret Art needs to rely on the Secret Agent to temporarily bless it before it can be used at the cost of overdrafting life. The stone giant is actually a powerful Secret Art. Here comes the show!"

"I'm not mistaken! That's...Glacier Roar!?"


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