Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 875: Xing Chu (Part 2)

Indeed, as Uranus thought, expedition scholars did not have other ideas about the Star Melter family.

Because desire is endless.

Never try to estimate the high morality bottom line of a civilization!

Nowadays, the fusionists use the Mudou the Great to hold the academic world and put them to death by themselves. Indeed, as they think, scholars on the expedition are no longer in the mood to pay attention to these fusionists who have become bereaved dogs. They got everything they wanted.

As for possible future revenge, compared to the gray bean civilization crisis right now, it is naturally not worth mentioning.

in this way.

The other scholars on the space-time fortress no longer concealed themselves, and began to enter the eyes of the super-refining civilization in all directions, and while absorbing the knowledge of the merits of the star melter clan, they looked for a way to solve the plight of the gray bean civilization.

Expeditionary scholars face three dilemmas.

For one, it is impossible to determine whether the suppressed Emperor Mudou is also connected to the gray worm.

Second, the gray worm robbers who sowed the gray bean civilization cannot be killed on a large scale.

Third, how to win this war without destroying the sacred mountain of the star source, and bring the sacred mountain of the star source, which is the basis of the astrological technique, back to the wasteland.

Secret meeting room.

Lei Luo, Corleone, Yuelian Anna, Edward, and a group of scholars were overwhelmed by the war plight of the Gray Bean Civilization.

"In short, these gray beans must first be prevented from evolving into mature bodies, otherwise the crisis of the Star Origin Sacred Mountain will be imminent, so no matter what, we must launch catastrophic weapons on the wind eye here as soon as possible, and before these gray beans mature, take the lead. The laws they draw are destroyed!"

Lei Luo took the lead to speak, finally breaking the depressive atmosphere in the conference room.

"Maybe, it's not impossible."

A female scholar in the conference room said softly and abruptly, making everyone look at her.

This is a blue-clothed woman who has had almost no special performance in the past two years, so she is not eye-catching. Leiluo didn't even remember her name, and she was surprised and curious to continue.

"We can go back to the wasteland, pay enough energy, call up some wall shadow monsters as weapons, and put them here. Although the academic world has a little knowledge of the ecological civilization of the wall shadow monsters, the murderous wall shadow monsters are connected. There are frequent internal wars. Once you come into contact with these gray worms, the war is almost certain!"

Everyone shines!

"Using biological weapons to deal with the enemy?"

Even Leiro felt that the plan was feasible.

Corleone also nodded suddenly, and said with a smile: "Yes, not bad! What's your name?"

The female scholar heard the words: "[Legend of Shadow] Lacey."

Nodded, Corleone looked at Leiluo and said: "The only problem is that the space-time fortress needs to go back and forth once, plus the time to communicate and evolve with the Wall Shadow Demon, even in the most ideal state, it may take at least three years."

Relo lowered his head to think.

"In three years...If you can prevent the gray beans from maturing as much as possible through the law weapon, centering on the sacred mountain of the star source, it is not impossible to kill the gray beans that are dormant nearby and absorbing the vitality of the law of the sacred mountain of the star source. ."

Then it said: "And if the war is ended in this way, Xingyuan Sacred Mountain is not impossible to solve it, but the cost is a little bit high, I have to think about it."

When everyone heard the words, they all showed surprise.

To know this star source sacred mountain, its huge size, but also on top of the Pangula Mountain, the land of the star screen.

Coupled with the influence of the majestic laws contained in it, generation after generation of melting star can not be cut after being cast, this is simply a matter of no solution.

Otherwise, how could those melting stars be so generous and hand over this sacred artifact of civilization to the academic world.

The meeting ended after a three-year plan to send a space-time fortress to and from the space-time fortress using the unique wall shadow monster in the academic world as a biological weapon.

The scholars left in the room one after another, leaving only Corleone and Lelo.

Leiluo stayed to suppress the Mudou the Great, and Corleone guarded the time and space fortress to return!

"The price you just said, shouldn't it be..."

Corleone didn't continue speaking, he looked at it with his eyes, and the meaning was self-evident.


Lei Luo's voice was dull, and he was also making a choice.

He can use his body to carry the sacred mountain of the star source to the academic world, but the price is that he will be completely contaminated by the majestic law of centrifugal force and will collapse!

And Lei Luo will also lose the ability to project clones and a part of his power. From then on, he must act in this world on the basis of **** and the long-term dormant body.

Is it for such a probability of victory to overthrow everything?

Or should academia survive the apocalyptic catastrophe and use Leylos as a raft to survive?

"This matter should be decided after victory. The matter of that thing should also be resolved. Master take care and go back quickly."

Reilo's heavy words actually made Corleone show some respect, and his feelings for this guy became more complicated.

Without saying more, Corleone turned and left.


Came to this celestial saint grotto again.

This is the most new area of ​​the Star Source Sacred Mountain, and it can also be said to be one of the most majestic and dense areas of the power of the Star Source Sacred Mountain.

The reason for this is that there is another law in Xingyuan Sacred Mountain that is not inferior to this.

"Keep hiding, won't you come out and talk?"

Lei Luo's will expands in all directions.

Although he could not sense the true position of that thing, when he asked Doomsday Derivative One to calculate the probability of Star Source Sacred Mountain to prevent the day of catastrophe, that fleeting special perception made him clearly know that only The great guardian Xing Chu, who knows his name and never sees him, is in this sacred mountain of the source of stars!

It is precisely because of this that Leiluo put almost all of his energy on it, ignoring the sky stars, which caused the current situation.

"What are you talking about?"

A sound without warning came from the body of Xingyuan Sacred Mountain.

Leiluo was startled slightly, his face became more serious, because he still couldn't perceive the other party!

"You don't need to waste your energy. Unless your body is here, it is impossible to perceive my existence with a shadow you cast like this."

While talking, a dim shadow with no rules gradually appeared on the wall of the cave.

Lei Luo naturally noticed the appearance of the other party, and stared attentively: "Are you Xing Chu?"

Leiluo didn't expect that the other party's form of existence turned out to be a shadow that could only be manifested in the star screen world only with the starlight as the background.

Compared with guardians of law and order like Quan Zu, the existence of such guardians is a bit weird.

"What do you mean."

Xing Chu's voice, sadness and helplessness that can't be concealed.

"For you, the end is just a countdown, but for me it has already begun. The world is already crying."

Now that the opponent has been shown in front of him, at this moment, Leiluo, as a creature who has entered the fifth level of existence, has been able to perceive that the opponent is constantly being recycled and digested by the world, especially after the successive increase in perception over the past hundred years. state.

"The seal is out of balance. I have not yet fully grasped this holy mountain. It will take at least a few hundred years to run in. What do you want to say to me?"

Lei Luo asked with the last glimmer of

"What did you say?"

Xing Ching has no eyes, but Lei Luo seems to feel the other person take a deep look at him.

Then it seemed to have made up his mind and slowly said: "You are the breath of Quanzu, the guardian of the chaotic camp, and you should know that there is another Quanzu clone below, right? It will tell you everything at that time, Of course, the premise is that you can be the final winner."


A crack opened on the stone wall where the star was located.

"In the next time, I will live for myself and take a look at the outside world that has been forgotten for thousands of years. Now, calmly and carefully think about it. Your arrival may also be a relief for me."

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