Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 884: Biological weapons (part 2)

"Fly up!"

This is almost the common idea of ​​all pioneers at this moment.

With the will of many pioneers, the space-time fortress began to upgrade the anti-gravity propulsion system and advance to high altitude.

The metal base part close to the ground was constantly attacked by the gray bean soldiers, causing intensive shocks of the ultrapure water protective cover. As a counterattack, the space-time fortress continuously sent the gray bean soldiers to the area where the gray bean soldiers were collapsing to seal the space of the wall shadow monster. Box.

As the space-time fortress gradually approached the clouds, the low-level scholars on the expedition gradually discovered this ruined star.

The surface of the stellar body is cratered, and the small semi-elliptical spheres have been completely deserted, which looks a bit uncomfortable.

The pioneers present seemed a little impatient.

Except for a few people who were responsible for guarding the space-time fortress, most of the pioneers took off one after another and flew towards the ruined star that was not far away.

"Little bastard, hold on!"

Corleone gritted his teeth and said in a low voice with a voice squeezed from deep in his throat.

As a group of pioneers came thousands of meters away from this star, the high temperature, fire, and chaotic natural energy made the nearby time and space slightly distorted. Even if a group of pioneers approached, it was chaotic because of irritability. The energy of his body is slightly unstable.

"Hiss, is that it?"

When the astrologer Hei Lawen saw the almost flattened ruined part on the other side of the star, he couldn't help taking a breath after he noticed the weird giant.

This is a colorful, thick and short giant tree, much more exaggerated than the bread tree that used to be in academic circles.

With this thick and short tree as the center, countless colorful roots spread out, spreading the smaller half of the star, and it seems that it is precisely because of this that the smaller half of the star is almost flattened. Irregular semi-ellipsoidal sphere.

These roots are constantly twitching almost all the time, while expanding to the outer and deeper layers of the star, while extracting the law of the world, the original solid crustal soil is constantly sanding, and after the collapse of the stone structure of the land, it will Will be attracted by the powerful gravitational force of the star screen world, and get away from the main body of Lei Luo star.


There are countless dense and dark small trees on the stars.

It's just that compared to this giant colorful tree, these pitch-black small trees are just astonishing, and they are cooperating with the giant colorful tree to accelerate the extraction of the vitality of this star.

"It seems that the enemy we have to face is this guy."

Jace, the sword of glory, took a deep breath, his eyes gradually becoming firm.

This is the only way to reduce the sense of oppression that terrifying creature has on itself as much as possible. If you look carefully, you will find that every muscle in his body is vibrating at a high frequency at this moment, and the figure seems to become magical. There was that fiery red hair like blood, still so eye-catching and dazzling.

"Or... I'll do it first!"

The voice of the frost sorcerer was not loud.

As the guardian of the three cornerstones of academia, he left academia this time. In fact, many higher scholars did not agree, because Corleone wanted to capture some of the chaos caused by the wall demon, and he needed to maintain order.

But in the end it was he who rejected all the opinions and still chose to participate in this conference.

The reason is simple, he replaced a person, [Alienated Psychic] An Liya.

Because after nearly a hundred years of observation, the Frost Witchcrafter finally determined one thing.

The laws of the Ice Age he mastered, maybe one day in the future, before his life comes to an end, under the circumstances of luck, relying on freezing his body to delay aging, and really entering the legendary fifth-level master realm, the chance is not desperate. , But he can be sure that this [An Liya], who has mastered the mysterious T double helix gene law, will inevitably become a new leader in academia in the future, even more potential than Sicily!

Now that the academic world is in danger, he has made his own decision.

"Ice Age Cover Art."

Accompanied by a tremor that seemed to come from the instinct of the soul, it was derived from a certain moment in the cell genes in the ancient times. The despair of death because of the cold was the most true instinctual fear imprinted on the soul.

The sorcerer who first passed the turbulence was unprecedentedly solemn.

He raised the skeletal wand in his hand, and with this wand as the center, a frost vortex with a diameter of more than 100 meters was formed. With the continuous stirring of the vortex, the diameter exploded to more than 300 meters in a short period of time.

And this seems to be his limit.

Click, click, click.

This higher academic level has not yet fallen, and a layer of frost has condensed on the surface of the colorful giant tree below, and it has covered the ground nearby, so that the roots of the tree that have been stretched and twitched have also stopped one after another.

"Huh, are you here to help?"

A villain floated out of the colorful tree.

He is very small, his head is only the size of a walnut, and he is looking at the sky, looking around at a kind of pioneers.

"But they are just a bunch of chickens and dogs. They are much worse than you, but compared to your heavy and thick shell, these guys seem to be a bit more delicious."


There was a painful grunt deep in the earth's crust.

Lei Luo, who had been passively defending for half a year, was finally able to breathe for a while. He seemed very tired, just like the mother bean, and only then did he notice this group of rescuers in the academic world.

Gu "Sorcerer, Corleone, Heirwen, Jess... you are here, this is the Mother Dou Great. It may have touched the threshold of level six creatures. You are not his opponents. Don't sacrifice here in vain."

From this will, it is not difficult to hear Lei Luo's deep fatigue, an emotion that Lei Luo has almost never experienced in academia. I can't wait to say: "Use those things, have you brought it?"

"Of course I brought it."

It was Corleone who responded, but he seemed to be very dissatisfied with what he said.

"Although you are the only master in academia today, everyone here now is your predecessor!"

After his words, Corleone also began to have violent energy fluctuations, as if he was about to use some great academic power.

"Hehehehe, your kindness, these guys don't appreciate it."

Emperor Mudou sneered and said, "Forget it, since it's here, let's have a snack first and let you take a break."

I saw that a small part of the colorful fibrous roots on the earth's crust that had been expanding to the periphery and deeper, stopped, and actually began to slowly concentrate on the earth's surface and pulled out from the depths of the earth's crust.

With its changes, the nearby crust was violently shaken as if a magnitude seven earthquake had occurred.

The frost sorcerer naturally knew that the opponent's counterattack was not trivial, and he took the lead in launching the attack.

The Frost Vortex smashed down towards the villain who had been transformed by the Great Mother Bean.

Everything is frozen, the glacial land.

Accompanied by bursts of dense ice freezing, after the faint blue light gradually dissipated, as far as the eye could see, the small half of the star that had been sucked and destroyed by the mother Dou the Great was solidified by a thick layer of glacier, even Even the fibrous roots that were constantly squirming and twitching were completely frozen and solidified.

Unexpectedly, it went smoothly, with almost no resistance, and the Frost Witchcrafter couldn't help being taken aback.

But the next moment.


A piece of colorful roots was as fast as the afterimage of lightning, easily piercing the stunned Frost Sorcerer's chest.

His eyes opened violently, and the sorcerer stretched out his arm and pressed lightly on the root of the hair. The blue ice spread quickly, and then the sorcerer's whole body "bumped" and turned into ice crystals in the sky. Reconverge hundreds of meters away.

"I'm fine... No!"

The Frost Sorcerer was about to say that he was not in serious trouble, but suddenly found something, his face was shocked.

"Everyone, be careful, don't come into direct contact with it, it has the power to devour the source of the law!"

Hearing the words of the Frost Sorcerer, and seeing the fading aura on his body, all of them could not help showing a hint of horror for a while.

Doesn't this mean that the other party can grow and evolve with God's Mansion Law as food?

at the same time.

The hard ice covered by the sorcerer on the colorful roots was also completely shattered under the distortion of the power of time and space.

Immediately after this thousand-meter roots protruding from the surface of Leiluo star, they were scattered into dozens of colorful little hands like split hemp rope. This is exactly what the flame giant once shredded when fighting Leiluo. The face has a subtle form of the power of time and space.

One of the small hands was transforming the frosty sorcerer's broken body into a biscuit, sending it back to the small population transformed by the Mother Dou Great, and chewing it.

"Be careful!"

But it was a reminder from the dean of the newly promoted academy in the land of the star screen.

Surprisingly, after the mother bean ate the ‘biscuits’, these dozens of colorful little hands condensed into one again in an instant, forming a huge root, and the goal was directed towards Corleone, who was brewing a powerful academic.

The dean of the academy was about to stop him, but someone took him a step faster.

With the fiery red hair of the dust servant, Jess opened his hand in the void, and a golden holy sword like the sun appeared in his hand out of thin air. UU reading has not yet arrived, but the light of the powerful law has arrived first.

In the next moment, he flashed his figure and slashed towards the lightning-fast roots in the air.


With an incredibly hard texture, Jace's face flashed briefly in red.

But the next moment, I saw him growl hysterically: "For the glory of the empire!!"

The Sword of Glory is the ancient artifact of the Principality of Sealand. It is said that this sword originated from the world of Aurora. Its greatest feature is that it can be stored by absorbing beliefs and released for the holder when needed. The power of the law required.

The law of glory!

Jace, who was shocked and retreated by the powerful force, let out a heartbreaking cry, and the brightness of the huge lightsaber rose to another level. The accumulation of more than 100 years was fully released at this moment.


Finally, some fibrous roots were cut off.

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