Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 892: Under Taikoo

Since the Magnetic Pole Person incident, there have been frequent secret contacts among senior academics.

Almost all advanced scholars have learned through the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences that a civilization called the ‘breaker’ will launch an attack on the academic world in the near future.

And the reason why this civilization will attack the academic world is that a creature called the Magneto is instigating it.

It doesn't seem that it is not just the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences. In addition to Cicido, other people have also discovered the traces of the magnetic pole person, but they have not mastered the sealing technique, failed to capture the other party, and did not have the thorough research of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences.

In order to fight against the collapse of the civilization, the first thing the academic community must do is undoubtedly to understand the other party as deeply as possible.

Today's academia has experienced rapid development in the third golden age, and its strength has continued to expand, which is far different from more than a hundred years ago.

The number of pioneers with incomplete statistics alone has reached more than two hundred.

As for the scholars who rely on the Holy Magic Device to be able to exert their god-level abilities, there are also a lot of them. With the addition of various catastrophic weapons and the collection of tens of thousands of gray bean soldiers, the academics are almost the same after self-evaluation. Already have the strength of level 4.5 civilization.

And if it can develop for another four to five hundred years, relying on the sacred mountain of the star source to provide a steady stream of advanced magic materials, as well as the large-scale development after the unification of the Middle-earth, it will be the third golden age of the academic world. When the potential is fully discovered, the academic world can almost reach the level of the quicksand civilization, close to the strength of the lighthouse-level civilization.

This even, to some extent, barely got rid of the cruelty of the zero-sum war on the dark continent, and was not afraid of small-scale catastrophic weapons.

But the pole person obviously won't give academia so long to develop.

"Prepare for war mobilization!"

Almost all academies of sciences are hoarding materials in various forms and are in urgent need of war power.

The scholars are doing their best to develop bunkers, taking into account the various forms of catastrophic weapons that may be faced, and as far as possible to ensure that their own losses are minimized under the opponent's first round of catastrophic strikes.

The Twenty Central Academy of Sciences, as the mainstay of the academia, must ensure that no matter any extreme conditions, they must support the important task of the academic community.

In this way.

Although the academic circles have not clearly released information on the civilization of the poles and the collapsers, almost all scholars are vaguely aware of something unusual.

For middle-level scholars, they are more able to perceive faint emergencies.

Five years later!

Gran Academy of Natural Sciences.

Edward crouched and sent a metal sphere to the top of the sacred mountain of the star source. Lei Luo carefully inspected and confirmed that the fusion-level radiation weapon was intact, and then he thanked him in a low voice.

Edward felt his efforts paid off, and smiled encouragingly.

This is the third fusion-level radiation weapon.

With these three fusion-grade radiation weapons, even if the academic world is suddenly attacked by the collapsed civilization from the unknown darkness of the mainland, it will not be completely powerless to fight back.

Leiluo seemed to see through the other's worries.

"Relax, in the past five years, Curvature Reef has begun to build the outer periphery of the second layer. It is supervised by the sorcerer himself. Unless this destroyer civilization really masters the lighthouse-level space-time technology, as long as they arrive, we will do it anyway. You should be aware of it, and you won't have the power to fight back."

After reassuring, Leiluo added: "Besides, we have also sent space-time explorers to try to find the civilization of the collapsers first. Although the hope is very small, but if you get lucky, who else is this kind of thing? Can be 100% sure, isn't it?"

Edward opened his mouth, but after all he didn't say anything.

Maybe even Lei Luo didn't realize that he would never say such luck or something.

After Edward left, only Leiluo was left in the room again. He looked out towards the sunset and thought about something. It took a long time before he came back to his senses with the crystal ball information.

Take out the crystal ball and look at it. It is the astrologer's black text.

"They're here."

Although there are only four simple words, Lei Luo's mentality is very clear about the meanings they represent.

Whether they can take the lead in understanding everything about the collapsed civilization depends on their will, which is likely to completely change the course of war.

After half a month.

Lei Luo and An Liya, the only two academic masters in the academic world today, arrived at the Heilongjiang Academy of Arts in time.

Both of them took two entourages, and Aoun and Angela followed Leiluo, and the six of them hurriedly came to the high tower secret room in the secret greet by the scholars of the Black Academy of Arts.

In addition to the black text and a dozen pioneers of the dean of the academy, there are two creatures of different forms in the room.

One of them has a human form, pale green skin, a budding flower growing on its back, and two soft green touches growing on its head.

The other is a super-large snail, a volute of translucent crystal color. After seeing Lei Luo and An Liya, both eyes light up.

"Two, these are the two academic masters in the academic land, Ray Luo, the power of the sun, Alien psychic Anlia."

Heilwen introduced the two alien creatures.

"I've heard the name for a long time, and I'm in Xia Zang Yuanqing."

"Like Leiguaner, in the next Kangxin."

Even in the Central Civilization, the existence of Level 5 is still standing at the pinnacle. Therefore, the two Central Civilization Envoys paid their respects one after another, and they seemed to be communicating very well.

Compared with the four-level and fifth-level existences gathered in the academic world at this moment, the two are only three-level creatures, but no matter who they are, they dare not neglect the slightest, because the other side is standing behind the central civilization, one The true lighthouse-level civilization may still have a certain gap compared with the fifth-level civilization in ancient times, but it is definitely not something that the academic world can rebel at this moment.

After Lei Luo and An Liya sat down separately, the meeting room door closed again.

Leiluo took the lead and said: "I know that the aristocracy’s connection with the academic world has always been limited to the marginal part, and the unilateral contact with the Dean of Heiwen. The former academia was also very weak compared to the aristocracy, so I am also in the next. There is no intention to actively contact, but now the magnetic pole person seems to have some misunderstandings about the academia, and even threatened to summon the'breakers' to carry out a devastating blow to the academia. Trying to contact the nobles."

Reello behaved rather humble.

The green-skinned humanoid Zangyuanqing took the lead in responding.

"It's natural for the magnetic polers to misunderstand your academic circles. It's not a secret. Hundreds of years ago, if the Continental Congress and the descending super-body natural disasters were in full swing, it was almost to the point of death and death. Send a legion over and take the lead in annihilation."

Zangyuanqing's words surprised everyone present.

"After all, you humans are actually able to descend as the carrier of superhuman beings. This is really not good news. It is very likely that you will become the next catastrophe. Just when our race was hesitating whether to draw out a legion to come over, we found out that there was a war here. After the turning point, it not only destroyed most of the carriers, but also wiped out the evil dragon army. Since then, the Central Civilization has been paying attention to this side silently. Many elders in the tribe believe that you will have a considerable chance to join the storm in the future. parliament."

"What is Stormwind Council?"

Leiluo grasped the key and hurriedly asked.

Compared to Leiluo, everyone was lingering fear of Zangyuanqing's words.

It seems that if the wasteland was not catastrophic, what the academia would have to face is not only the superhuman, but also the destruction and blow from the central civilization?

This is really a blessing in disguise, and the academic world has unknowingly avoided a possible crisis of extinction.

This time it was Kang Xin who responded to Lei Luo's question.

"Of course it is a council composed of the peak civilization of Stormwind. It seems that you have developed too fast over the years, and you have not had time to contact these. All members of the Stormwind Council are protected by the council and must not wage war with each other, otherwise they will suffer. The three beacon civilizations joined forces to annihilate, and the parliamentary civilization needs to unconditionally join the war with Superman."

Although it was only a brief introduction, everyone understood it.

The greatest advantage of this council is that there is no need to worry about blows from other council members, but it is not without worries.

On the vast Continent of Stormwind, there are not many civilizations that master catastrophic weapons, and there may be some civilizations similar to those of today's academia, and these council members were wiped out through war.

"So, what is the civilized strength of the destroyers and what abilities do they possess? Is it possible to resolve this unnecessary conflict?"

"The Breaker..."

Zangyuanqing showed a deep thought.

Kang Xin, the snail on the side, didn’t care: “This is the expeditionary army under the command of another lighthouse civilization. The talent of, but in the war with the natural disasters, most of these collapsers died. They have not cultivated for many years, and it should be difficult to recover. Besides, they can't send all the calves out in a single brain, right? If it's just a part of the calves, I don't think you need to be afraid of them."

Zangyuanqing on the side was embarrassed when he heard the name of the calf.

Ancient civilization?

Now it is known that there are three lighthouse-level civilizations in Stormwind Continent, two of which are Central and Taikoo, and the other is unknown.

And listening to it, the members of the Stormwind Continental Congress encircled and suppressed the cataclysmic civilization that the Superman descended on. The battle conditions far exceeded the academic world’s imagination. The three major lighthouse-level civilizations and parliamentary civilizations like the Collapsed, I don’t know how many participated. Among them, the loss is quite heavy.

But the result should be a final victory.

This time, An Liya spoke.

"I don’t know, can the respected Central Civilization pass the parliament to convey our goodwill to the collapsed civilization, or the ancient civilization, and resolve this unnecessary war? The academic community has always maintained goodwill towards the central civilization and is in harmony with the super body. There is no hatred between people."


After thinking about it for a while, Zang Yuanqing responded: "In fact, we also came here with the above meaning, just to convey a meaning. The Central Civilization did intend to invite academia to the Stormwind Council, but that was after a thousand years, the current academia Not qualified enough, but your initial development speed seems a bit unexpected. If you can prove that you are qualified, you can try the above."

"how to prove?"

An Liya couldn't wait to ask. UU reading www.

"The current situation, of course, is to tidy up those calves to be obedient. It may not be our turn at that time, these calves will be the first to invite them. After all, they are the most admired of the strong. At the time, they followed the ancient civilization because it was not because of the ancient civilization. Well. As for the magnetic polers, under normal circumstances, the Stormwind Council can give them face because they don’t want to break the connection with the Frost Continent, but if it involves their own interests, what if they don’t give them face. After all, the Frost Continent can It is not their turn to be the masters, there is no better than Storm Continent, but they are the real rulers."

Kang Xin, the snail, gave an unexpected answer.

It seems that according to the other party's intention, this battle is inevitable. It is not only a disaster, but also an opportunity for academia?

If you can join the Stormwind Council, the danger that the academic community will face in the future will undoubtedly be much reduced.

the most important is.

The mainland’s war to suppress the catastrophists has ended. If the academic community joins at this time, it will be equivalent to enjoying the benefits of the parliament for nothing in the near future. This is a good thing in any way. It will also help the academic community to broaden its horizons. It will not be the same as now. The eyes were darkened.

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