In response to the attack from the collapsers, the academic community has tried to build a second curvature reef under the will of Lei Luo.

Through the Central Civilization Intelligence, the academic community is at least not ignorant of the collapsed.

all in all.

This is a group of lunatics who are simple-minded, evolve with blood and anger, and are addicted to battle and death.

Many scholars remain optimistic about this. After all, what scholars are best at dealing with is the fear of primitive creatures that have no brains and let them try to dissect the platform. They are very puzzled by the pessimism of academic masters.

The frost sorcerer is responsible for the construction of the second layer of curvature reef.

As for his disciple Nether Touch Nicholas, he has already been promoted to pioneer, to assist him in completing tasks, and has stronger intellectual potential.

Now that the strength of the Frost Sorcerer is damaged, and the vitality in the body is seriously lacking, let alone trying to be promoted to the academic champion, whether it can last for a hundred years has also become a problem.

The first battle of Mudou the Great was really too tragic.

He didn't want to continue to hide in the ice cave in the last time, so that it would extend his insignificant life span for a few more years.

In this last time, he wants to see more of this colorful world and witness with his own eyes the prosperous era of academia in the third wave of the golden age!


Nicholas stood respectfully behind the tutor, reporting on the status of today's mission.

"The second layer of curvature reef cannot be completed overnight. In a few years, even with the full support of the academic community, it has only completed twelfth. This kind of temporary intentional behavior has a certain gambling nature. You still don’t work too hard and rest as much as possible. This is good for your health."

The sorcerer sighed and shook his head.

In his eyes, there seemed to be an overwhelming gray bean, flocking to the Shura battlefield of Emperor Mudou, and Emperor Mudou was unfathomably desperate.

"Our understanding of the collapsers is too simple. If they possess the power of a gray bean civilization, even more preparation is necessary. Moreover, the construction of this second curvature reef warning circle is likely to be for It’s the last thing the teacher is alive. Don’t worry about it. In the future, academic circles may remember to be a teacher more."

Nicholas looked a little lonely when he heard the words.

What he was about to say, the Frost Witcher suddenly took out the black crystal ball, which was actually Lei Luo's contact.

"Sicily, advanced."

In just a few words, the Frost Witcher paused for a moment, then slowly nodded.

There is no need to say anything, he knows the meaning of this, and after a moment of loneliness, he slowly sighed, "Say hello for me."

The communication between the two was very brief, as if to say another trivial matter.

But at their level, the impact that every sentence can have is likely to be millions of people, affecting the development trend of academia for decades.

"She also paid a heavy price for this."

"A heavy price?"

The frost sorcerer was shocked and puzzled.

As Reilo said, Sicily has advanced.

Almost in the expectation of many people, Sicily finally became the third dean in academia, mastering the power of level five creatures.

"Is this the power of the law to be concretized by Lei Luo."

At this moment, Sicily is floating in a huge circular pipe.

This is the core secret experimental facility of the Sealand Academy of Natural Sciences, the Hyperloop Particle Collider.

The particle collider is ring-shaped as a whole. After generations of continuous changes of the Sealand Academy of Natural Sciences, it has now formed a giant with an area of ​​more than 100 square kilometers and a diameter of more than ten kilometers. Its internal pipe has a diameter of seven meters. The energy consumed for this activation is almost equal to the value consumed by a central college to support ten years of wind eye.

But even so, Sicily still did not get the purest alpha violent particles she had imagined, which was the chaotic law she longed for.

She once comforted herself time and time again.

As the Alpha of the ancient civilization of Frost Continent, the magical power left behind not only caused chaos in the world like today, but also caused the super body star to fall into a trough, almost 9% of the star world with the effect of dominoes. More than ten, the originally soft and pleasant natural guest energy is polluted. If you can master it, the strength will definitely belong to the outstanding existence among the fifth-level creatures, far exceeding the average level.

But An Liya's promotion completely collapsed her long-standing self-comfort.

Coupled with the news that the unknown Destroyer civilization is about to launch an attack on the academic world, Sicily knew that she could not wait any longer. She decided to fight for life and death, so she invited one of her most trusted friends, Lei Luo, as her own witness.

Success or failure of life and death is this time.

She wants to enter the particle collider, and collide two particles that are accelerated to the limit close to the speed of light in her body.

Let yourself be infinitely close to the law of chaos at that moment.

She jumped into the particle collider!

For an instant, time seemed to stop.

The two elementary particles collided and exploded in Sicily, and all sorts of strange phenomena occurred in an instant, in Sicily's eyes at this moment, it was as if time had also stopped.

Between the sky and the earth, it is composed of countless magnetic field ripples colliding with each other, just like a pond under a rainy day, and countless ripples affect each other.

But these raindrops are often similar in quality, so the ripples produced are very similar.

The pond seems chaotic, but in fact it is still in an invisible law.

Only her body, like a trembling string, was fiddled with by an ignorant child, constantly producing harsh noises, incompatible with this world.

"Hehehehe, someone saw me again, you are not the first, and you won't be the last."

A strange voice came from the soul of Sicily.

"Who are you?"

Sicily was startled at first, but quickly calmed down.

At this juncture of promotion to the fifth level, it was also the moment of his own life and death, it seemed that any strange things happened no longer strange.

"In your heart, haven't you been eager to see me? You have called me time and time again, but you didn't even realize that there was some deviation in the direction you were pursuing. My existence is not chaos, but It’s disorder."

"Chaos? Disorder!"

Sicily at this moment is like waking up from a dream.

It turns out that the reason why I have not been able to take that step is because there has been a slight deviation in the direction of my pursuit.

There is an essential difference between chaos and disorder.

As Sicily wakes up like a dream, the world in her eyes seems to be closer to the essence of the law.

Finally, she saw a little shadow.

It is like a mass of silt, in this world full of magnetic ripples, constantly changing its body shape, like an octopus for a while, jelly for a while, and a twisted little person, shuttled randomly.

"Disorder... I have never heard of it. There is self-awareness in the power of the law."

This has really subverted the values ​​of Sicily.

Because it is recognized by the academic circle that the law is the law, and the law has the attributes of absolute objective materialism, absolute justice, and will not change its own attributes because of any will.

"I never said what law of power I am."

The villain seemed to be sneering, but Sicily looked a little ugly.

What I have been chasing all my life is not the power of law. What would it be?

"What am I? I am me...Let me think about it, I was disordered, I was drifting in the universe, and then someone in this world saw me by chance and tried to borrow my power by law, so I was forced to stay. In this world. Because I can’t be seen, anyone who sees me will superimpose the regular nature for me, but I don’t belong to this world, just like the bugs that claim to be immortal, and the Nine Netherworlds they chase after. Jing, there are two rays of light in the person outside, and the ancestors in your blood, and..."

The person outside is undoubtedly Lei Luo.

The two rays of light in it naturally refer to the light of Zeeland, which is the foundation for activating the eye of the sun, and the star core brought by the ancient Aurora.

As for the disorderly self-explanation, it is really strange.

Its existence is disorder, but if it is seen, it will be polluted by law, so it is trapped in this world.

Probably the reason why it has been seen by creatures in this world is that it is a small probability event that occurs in the disorder attribute itself. As it stays in this world, the more it is seen, the more regular it is polluted. The result is the chaos between the star screen world and the super body star?

"Why are you telling me this?"

Sicily asked puzzledly.


what! !

Suddenly, heart-piercing pain came from the depths of Sicily's soul.

She couldn't control herself, and she screamed sharply in the dark shadow's laughter.

"Because while you are polluting me with the law, you will gradually become a part of me... Just like those guys who call themselves Alpha, they have become part of me in order to gain more power from me, ha Ha ha ha ha…"

The black shadow's laughter is so cruel.

Sicily finally knew why Alpha Berserker particles permeated the entire world, even spreading to the super body star.

The Alpha civilization turned out to be at the expense of the entire civilization, allowing everyone to witness the existence of disorder, which in turn created the world’s current doomsday scene, and also protected the law of this world from losing its vitality quickly.

It shouldn't belong to this world, or even be seen by creatures.

It is just a dark character evolved from the infinite probability of the universe, a dark side of the theory, a thing full of probability.

A more visual explanation is that the things that exist in the fantasy stories of books, theoretically the universe is infinite, and on the basis of endless probability, there should be things depicted in books, but no one has seen it, but it cannot be denied. And does not exist.

When Sicily appeared in front of Leiluo again, Leiluo felt the weird and powerful law power in her body.

Because Sicily at this moment is really miserable.

"what happened?"

Lei Luo couldn't help asking, with a touch of sorrow.

At this moment, Sicily has not only changed from the once amorous beauty to an old woman with wrinkled skin, her hair, her eyes, her ears, and her nose are all gone, and her wrinkled bald head is gone. , There was only a ball with a wrinkled mouth that looked terrifying and terrifying.

This change is not physical, but a lack of soul!

"I... saw something that I shouldn't see. In order to gain stronger power, I influenced it, so I must also keep some as a price."

The voice is full of vicissitudes, but also contains loneliness and helplessness.

What is it?

Sicily's answer filled Reilo with questions, but he didn't foolishly continue to ask.

Although he is now at the top of the academic world, the more he has this, the more he feels his own insignificance. There are still too many things he does not understand in the vast universe, very dangerous things, just like the observer. The same thing as the eye, the danger that people can't resist, the unbearable price.

The end of curiosity will eventually be self-destruction. This is probably the ultimate destination that all scholars will face, right?

But at the price Sicily said, Relo seemed to have thought of something.

It's not just her, Lei Luo herself and An Liya, why didn't they pay a little-known price?

This seems to have something to do with the evolutionary way of scholars.

Following the law of conservation, while gaining a stronger evolution, it is also at the expense of losing a certain quality of oneself in another way.

One of the costs of An Liya's alienation and psychic law, UU reading is the loss of fertility, and the pain and curse of all clone cells in the laboratory. As for the price of the double helix gene law, he still doesn't know.

And Leiluo's own price is the blood sacrifice of life essence in the evolution process, the infamy and loneliness that he bears for this, as well as the imprisonment in the astral body, and the loss of freedom.


Suddenly, Sicily's voice made him regain his senses and looked at it puzzledly.

"You have actually come to this point... can you tell me the sight of the sixth-level mountain you saw?"

Sicily's voice unexpectedly appeared with a hint of eager anticipation.

Even in this tragic situation, she still did not destroy her curiosity instinct as a scholar.

"Level six?"

Leiluo glanced at the Rod of the Particle Realm and said quietly, "The only thing I can confirm is that this is a process of transformation and Nirvana between life and death. The so-called infinite closeness is only infinite closeness after all."

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