Ordinary energy guns, after dozens of consecutive shots, these lava hounds can still maintain a short-term combat effectiveness.

In contrast.

The relatively fragile low-level scholars, when facing these lava hounds in close proximity, were almost dead, and a complete team based on dozens of people was needed to ensure stable combat effectiveness.

The various architectural structures in the defensive facilities have become the battlefield for these lava hounds, providing them with opportunities for close-range sneak attacks.

However, the large-scale battlefield traps placed outside the city wall by the academic community have almost become useless.

There is no enemy at all to initiate so-called confrontations and charges as envisioned by the academic world.

At the high altitude forbidden loopholes torn apart by time and space lightning, lava hounds are still pouring in, destroying all the enemies in front of them.

They rushed into the building, into the basement, into the crowd.

They seem to have incomparable sense of smell. No matter where anthropologists hide in the dark, they can't escape their perception. Nicholas saw a lava dog with his own eyes, and found a concealer from the corpse fragments. , Bite it to death and swallow it.


A lava dog suddenly appeared in front of Nikolai's window to observe the battlefield situation.

It slammed its head against the energy restraint, a huge head that was one-to-one in proportion to the body, opened its fangs and tried to tear the restraint away, with black smoke in its throat, and the huge power actually made the restraint begin to twist.

You must know the prohibition here, but Nikolai has personally inspected it, with the highest level of confidentiality.

The corner of his eye couldn't help but twitch!

Nico stretched out his right hand and grabbed it towards the huge head of the lava dog.

Before the hand reached, a layer of frost formed in the space, and the expression of the behemoth being fiercely torn gradually solidified. After all, it was only a category of second-level creatures.

Seeing that Nikolai was about to freeze and kill this beast, the Frost Sorcerer stopped it in time.

"Don't forget our mission."

Nicholas woke up like a dream.

He quickly calmed down the power of Frost, stretched out his hand and dragged the beast into the room. The collapser used these beasts to charge, which is also of some research value to the academic world.

Just as he sighed, that he had forgotten the mission so carelessly, the ice crystals on the surface of the Lava Hound, who had almost frozen half of his body, began to melt. At the same time, in his senses, the cells that had been broken were so short-lived. Within time, the reorganization and repair has been completed, and the tenacious vitality is simply shocking.

Even among the radioactive organisms in the wasteland, those whose vitality can match it are quite rare.

"It's really a species with amazing vitality."

The frost sorcerer leaned over and murmured in his mouth, but the ice needle in his hand had been inserted into the limbs of the lava dog, nailing it firmly to the floor.

He waved his hand and said: "It seems that there is still some time for the collapsers to come over. You should go secretly collect some lava dog specimens. For this kind of specimens, it is enough to grab a dozen or so, but focus on the collapse. Above the bad ones."


Nikolai nodded and left.

The lava dog broke into the scholar's headquarters directly, causing great chaos.

In the face of this situation, the senior scholars who were ready to fight with the collapsers had to separate a large number of them, left their original posts, and started fighting with these lava dogs.

With the addition of these high-level scholars, the scholars in the construction area finally managed to temporarily control the situation, and did not expand the chaos, so that it would not be too ugly because of the beasts that these collapsers originally used to drive away their prey.

For the pioneers, the task of catching these lava dogs is naturally not difficult.

Now that he knows that these lava dogs are extremely vigorous, he naturally does not have any cautious actions for fear of breaking the experimental specimens. After directly locking the nearby targets, they freeze one by one, and then throw them to himself. Special preparations for this mission Inside the magic seal.

Before the third golden age of academia, all of these magic seals were of great value, and their quantity was quite rare.

But nowadays, although there are not thousands of them in the academic world, a few hundred are more than enough.

Nikolai chose to act low-key.

After all, a pioneer took action to deal with these hounds, saying that it was detrimental to the academic world.

Zi Zi Zi Zi...

The energy tower not far away suddenly shot a few laser beams.

This is the fur technology learned from Superman in the academic world. Compared with the large-scale and powerful integrated academics of high towers, this kind of fixed-point attack is used to deal with the extremely flexible lava dog that infiltrates oneself.

These lava dogs hit by the needle-tip laser beams were easily melted through wounds of more than ten centimeters, and some were directly divided into two, like the sharpest blade, but never had an accidental injury. All buildings in the city Prohibition has the effect of resolving laser strikes.

"These guys...what a waste."

Nikolai murmured angrily.

A lava beast specimen he had locked before died under the laser beam, so he had to change another one, and at the same time expressed irritation to the tower scholar.

These were originally the bottom-press weapons of the front line and were used to target the collapsers.

These guys are actually using them now.

However, he complained and complained. He also knew that the current situation of the scholar camp was really not optimistic. He could not help but look up to the sky, where a battlefield was also opened up.

The highest level of aircraft in academia is undoubtedly a space-time fortress with a curvature of space-time navigation power.

However, there are only a few such flying platforms in academia. This is a super weapon used for ultra-long-distance civilization destruction wars. Now this type of warfare is naturally not very useful.

In addition, there are sky fortresses and balloon fortresses. One is an anti-gravity system and the other is a balloon floating system. The difference lies in the difference in cost between the two.

As for various mechanical bees and speed cars, relatively speaking, they belong to the category of people's livelihood.

Various aircrafts in the academic world naturally want to open up a new battlefield for the cylindrical flying giants that easily exceed one kilometer at high altitude, but the collapsers seem to only use these huge aircrafts as war platforms. He didn't mean to fight with academia aircraft at all. After throwing out some metal spheres with a diameter of metric meters, he withdrew from the wind wall.

This makes air combat scholars extremely puzzled.

But soon they understood the power of these spherical metal aircraft.

What is certain is that these spherical metal aircrafts are controlled by autonomous intelligent systems and do not have any long-range weapons. They are only cut by strong currents close to the distance.

But their speed is amazing. Even the fastest air combat weapon in academia is hard to reach. It can reach a third of its speed at most, and its flexibility is far from that of academia aircraft. It can be perfect 90 degrees. Flying at right angles and suddenly stagnating in reverse flight, almost arbitrary.

These are the technologies that air combat scholars at this stage hardly dare to think of.

Boom, boom, boom...

In the sky, large and small aircraft exploded and burst into flames, falling into large pieces of wreckage.

Pieces of fire and black smoke are really shocking, as if they are being abused by a higher level of civilization with a technological gap.

But fortunately, these collapsers don't seem to be keen on this kind of technical level war.


Nikolai noticed a person.

A scholar in the corner seems to be broadcasting the intelligence information here to a distant unknown place through a crystal ball. For such people, the front line does not know how many people there are, and all the colleges and universities do not want to get as much as possible in this war. First-hand intelligence information to deal with the ensuing crisis.

Nikolai quickly completed the task of capturing lava dog specimens.

He looked up at the sky again.

The number of lava hounds in the azure time-space channel has been significantly reduced. It seems that the goal of these breakers to drive their prey has been completed, and it will not take long before the next stage of war mission should be carried out.

"It's less than an hourglass time."

Nikolai glanced around the war-torn front, dizzying all kinds of collapsed buildings.

The legions of low-level scholars who had been training for the large-scale front line had already suffered heavy casualties at this moment and were very chaotic. He couldn't help sighing helplessly and returned to the room.

"The arrest is over?"


The frost sorcerer chuckled.

At this moment, the lava dog in front of him was completely dissected in less than half an hourglass time. The internal organs of the living body were vividly displayed in front of Nikolai, and a placenta appeared unexpectedly, and a mini lava dog was showing the naked eye. It can be seen that the speed is growing!

The frost sorcerer seems to have discovered something.

"They can smell emotions."

The words of the Frost Sorcerer ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ made Nicola startled and asked, "The taste of emotions?"

"Yes, the taste of emotions. Very interesting perception systems. I have tested them. Their favorite taste is anger, and it really matches those who crash."

The frost sorcerer said meaningfully.

At this time, the little lava dog in the placenta had already emerged from the placenta. It even ignored the two people in the room and began to eat the nearest organic matter, which was its dead mother!

Seeing this, the Frost Witcher calmly said: "This little guy started to appear after I dissected the mother body, that is, after I killed this specimen. They multiply like some primitive creatures, and they are formed through self-division. , And once the injury becomes irreversible, they will do everything they can to split into a larva. Now it seems that the larva will swallow its mother as soon as it is born, and regenerate from another angle..."


Nicholas swallowed. Compared with the creatures in the academic world, this species is indeed a bit horrible. No wonder it will be cultivated by the collapsible.

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