Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 911: Fully dispatched

In the defensive battle of the Blue Sky Academy of Engineering Sciences, the Collapsers finally launched a full-scale offensive!

But this is not because the Lava Dog has completed the preliminary elimination task and started a full-scale attack according to the war plan, but because the Lava Dog has experienced unprecedented chaos due to inexplicable reasons, although it only lasted a few minutes. But because of this, he suffered huge losses and was forced to do it.

The Lava Dog is the partner of the Breakers.

The breakers can tolerate the death of the lava dog, because in the eyes of the breakers, it is the necessary evolutionary process and the necessary price in the race and elimination process of life and death just like themselves.

But this kind of death is limited to the life-and-death competition under normal conditions, rather than the death of uncontrollable unknown factors.

Facing the horror of their partners being baptized by various weapons in academia in the chaos, the senior leaders of the Collapsers vaguely noticed something was wrong, so they decisively ordered the attack and launched the first attack.

Hunters and hounds are naturally not at the same level in combat effectiveness.

The scholars who were originally relying on various restrictions and weapons to attack the lava dogs suddenly suffered a devastating blow that was unimaginable by outsiders. In almost a short period of time, the outer front line began to rout across the board.

Every one of the beef monsters, like a cannonball fired out of the chamber, rushed into the crowd of scholars with explosive power, and launched a fight between blood and flesh, and a battle between iron and fire.

Lawn, who had previously experienced the Battle of Lava Dogs and was regarded as a hero by surrounding scholars, was also on the front line.

Perhaps it was because the previous chaos caused by the control of the lava dog was too shocking. At this moment, not only dozens of natural scholars and upright scholars were gathered around him, but there was also an eight-legged self-propelled gun straddling the metal that is more than ten meters high. The long legs seem to be silently escorting.

Not only did they withstand the invasion of the lava dogs, they also regained their lost ground outside the city, occupying the forward position outside the city.


Some scholars noticed the blood-colored figures on the distant horizon shooting like cannonballs.

These are the collapsers who could not hold back after witnessing the defeat of the Lava Dog!

Some breakers rushed towards the ground with explosive power and anger. Almost every step will be accompanied by a terrible impact, cracking an exaggerated footprint on the ground.

Some collapsers flew in the air, like an arrow from the string, forming an air trail in the air.

Some collapsers leaped violently, flew high, and then smashed into the scholar's position like a fire from the sky.

This is far more pressure than the lava dog.


All cutting-edge scholars couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of water.

Looking at the collapsers coming from various angles to the sky and the earth, almost all of them will condense a thick flame-like blood wave on the surface of almost all of them because of the excessive blood energy in the body. Fireballs.

Frontline scholars have witnessed the pressure formed up close, which is a shock that they could not experience through the crystal ball thousands of times.

"Stop them, hurry..."

Boom, boom, boom, boom.

The speed of the collapsers is too fast.

This is not just pure speed, but also carries explosive terrorist power.

Raun was holding a downturned fan, and in the surrounding explosions, he saw with his own eyes a man with a height of more than two meters who stepped on the ground and rushed over. The grinning bull's head slammed into it, and a low-level scholar who could not react enough had only time. With a scream, he was shattered on the spot, and his body seemed to explode.

Immediately after that, the speed of the collapser did not decrease at all. Against the attack of several nearby scholars, he fisted from the left and the right, not only easily tore the protective shields of the two scholars, but also directly penetrated his chest, letting blood flow. Flow down the arm.

After killing three scholars in a row, it stopped.

There was a harsh laughter in its mouth, and its eyes became redder and red. It held the scholar's corpse high like a trophy, showing its strong and proud figure.

Lawn was shocked by the opponent's might.

But soon, he couldn't help being replaced by shame.

He remembered the arrogance of his youth, frivolous, ignorance and fearlessness, and thinking that he was so cowardly at this moment, he wished to get into the cracks of the ground.

Shame freed Lauen from fear, gritted his teeth, and was about to counterattack with a down-and-out fan.

At this moment.


A fire meteor fell from a high altitude, and the crasher perfectly smashed into the octopus head cockpit of the eight-legged self-propelled gun. The metal ball cockpit suddenly uttered a distorted wailing, and the metal octopus feet of more than ten meters could not bear the horror. The impact force allowed the cockpit to be vertically bombarded by this fire meteor and hit the ground.

Accompanied by a real shock wave, a crater a few meters deep emerged.

Lawen was weak, and was stunned by this terrible shock wave, and also interrupted his about to be charged with a fan attack.

Not only him, but all the scholars within a range of tens of meters in the vicinity turned their backs on their backs.

Such an impact is no less than a blow from the magic crystal cannon of a heavy metal chariot.

However, in the crater of billowing fire, this bull-headed human monster with an animal skin skirt on his waist slowly got up with a grinning grin, patted the dust on his body as if there was nothing wrong, and looked around the people around, turning their horses and falling into a brief faint. The scholars seem to enjoy this kind of overriding pleasure.

"Hahahaha, iron bone, your strength has become stronger again!"

The Destroyer who held up the scholar's corpse laughed loudly, shredded the corpse, and allowed himself to be bathed in blood, which seemed to stimulate its senses more, and shouted excitedly at the Destroyer from the sky.

The one who fell from the sky, called the iron bone, just sneered low.

With its upright posture, it looks towards the distant human city, the Blue Sky Academy of Engineering Sciences, which is undergoing the baptism of war.

"Yes, I can feel it, there are a large number of advanced human warriors gathered in it, and my cells are already cheering..."

At this time.

Inside the twisted metal cockpit of the eight-legged self-propelled gun, there was a sound of metal rubbing. There were three bad-blooded pilots inside, full of anger and hatred, trying to open the cabin door.

Although they are not fighting scholars, they are stronger in their hearts.


The iron bone standing proudly turned his eyes slightly, and said with a sneer: "The quality of these metal combat weapons is not bad."

But the next moment.

I saw the iron bone shape with a fierce turn, and with a boom, the crater area increased sharply. With the splashing of mud and iron filings, everyone had not even had time to react. It had maintained its shooting posture. And this metal cockpit with a diameter of more than three meters has flown more than a hundred meters away, and after sliding out of a rotating parabola trajectory, it hit the ground heavily without any sound.

The nearby scholars who were stunned by the shock wave for a short time have recovered one after another at this moment.

They just witnessed this scene.

A drop of cold sweat slowly dripped from Raun's forehead.

This is a third-level collapser.

As a higher-level creature, although it is stronger than Raun, Raun can be sure that all the extraordinary scholars he has encountered have never brought him such an oppressive force, which even exceeds the shock of some legendary creatures.


Two more collapsers rushed over from a distance.

As soon as these two bull-head human monsters entered here, they squeezed several anthropologists with their big hands, and then stopped on the side of the iron bones.

After one of them raised his head and swallowed a heart, he said grimly: "Why are you stopping here? This place is just human inferior warriors, and many guys have already filled it."

Iron bone sarcastically responded: "Those are the guys who released the familiars. I don’t know what these humans have done to make them out of control. Well, since the work of the familiars hasn’t been completed, let their masters do it for them. After we go in for a while, only qualified prey will survive."


The joyful laughter, the humor of the collapser is simple.

While smiling, they began to violently kill nearby scholars in various ways. This is the front line of the war. There are only a meager number of second-level upanishads, and it is impossible to form an effective resistance. The low-level fighters of the Breakers , Because they did not obtain the cabin position, they were eliminated first and stayed in the habitat to wait for growth.

A scholar did his best to release a beam of thunder at the iron bone.

But seeing a big iron hand, he actually grabbed the thunder beam and smashed it to pieces, and then the scholar was bombarded and killed by another breaker.


Raun roared, and the courage in his heart was sublimated at this moment, completely defeating the fear of death, and shook his down-and-out fan toward the iron bone closest to him.

The black wind, accompanied by howling ghosts and howling wolves, came turbulently.


The danger in the downwind wind made Iron Bone a little alert.

Its afterimage dodges the yin wind, and hit Ron's abdomen with a punch. After maintaining the posture of penetrating it for a while, it violently withdrew its fist and let the corpse fall.

The bull head human monster lowered his head and glanced at the falling fan, crushed it with one foot, and walked in a leisurely manner. While killing this low-level scholar, it approached the Blue Sky Academy of Engineering.

Compared with the Collapsers in the rear, the Collapse Pioneers who were rushed into the Blue Sky Academy of Engineering with the anger at this moment encountered much stronger resistance.

Advanced scholars are holding various high-level magic weapons, and there are endless deaths and injuries between the two sides. After less than half an hourglass time, the city becomes like a purgatory on earth, and the deaths and injuries are incalculable.

But overall, the deaths and injuries of anthropologists are far greater than those of the collapsers.

"These guys have become stronger!"

An advanced scholar who had experienced the battle at the front of the wind wall two months ago, after paying a terrible price to kill a colleague of the same level, said staggeringly.

To be precise, this was the cooperation of two advanced scholars.

"It seems to be because of the Lava Dog. It seems to have become more angry, so it is stronger. How about you?"

Although this female scholar is caring about others, her situation is also not optimistic.

She had just been bombarded with a punch by this collapser, although she was still alive with the defensive magic weapon, but the tragedy was really hard to express. At this moment, she couldn't help but vomited out.

Fortunately, she was the winner, and she survived!

She staggered to the and tried to cut off a horn as a souvenir.

The companion seemed to understand what she meant, and watched the surroundings carefully.

"Fortunately, the forbidden defense here is far from the frontal position. Otherwise, these amazingly fast guys who only know how to cross and crash are more difficult to deal with in those wide areas."


At this moment.

There was a strong wave of laws above their heads. After a short stiff, the two couldn't help but look up, and soon noticed some shocking figures interspersed in the frightened aerial battlefield.

"Even the pioneers have been dispatched? It seems that the battle is going to be more intense than in the previous rehearsal."

After a while.

After spitting out blood, the two shook their bodies and flew towards the rear. After all, anthropologists don't have the exaggerated physical strength of the collapser.

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