Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 938: Overwhelmed by the two heroes (7)

The scary thing about the genetic engineering blueprint of No. t lies in its uncontrollable distortion properties.

And...the real existence of 'it'.

The more in-depth understanding, the more terrifying An Liya can feel. Today, her research on the blueprint for genetic engineering of No. t has already surpassed the depth of the former Yin Lanternist Orler, in the double helix. In a certain fragment of the genetic law, the tip of the iceberg of a hidden giant was spied, and it seemed to be approaching the real image.

However, the more so, the more she knew the danger.

And the more dangerous it is, the more she can't help but want to see more of it.

She even thought that maybe the blueprint of the genetic engineering of the t number could be made public, so that all scholars in the academic world could spy on its mysteries, and more and more genes of the t number could be stripped out of the billions of creatures in order to spy on more More of it's full picture.

But this dangerous thought only existed in her moment.

Because the more she sees it, the more Anlia can feel that she is approaching a terrifying truth, and the more difficult it is to control this dangerous law, as if she is awakening it.


Even the lava dog, shrouded in blood flames, could no longer bear the deep influence of the double-helix genetic law. It screamed in pain, its belly swelled like a ball, accompanied by violent squirming inside, with a puff sound, Seven or eight violently wriggling monsters were drilled out of the lava dog.

Also at this moment, the dying Lava Dog seemed to be drained of all strength, and fell down completely weak.

Seeing this, the desert was shocked.

Goo-dong, goo-dong, goo-dong.

A **** heart was still beating.

At this moment, it not only grew a pair of small eyes, but also a small mouth full of fine teeth, and the surrounding blood vessels became its limbs and became tentacle-like things.

There are also lung lobes. Countless small insects seem to have evolved in the dense alveoli, spitting out vascular-like muscles with a burning effect. Specifically, it is described as the internal organs spit out by sea cucumbers, so as to **** the surrounding organic matter.

I saw that these monsters drilled out of the lava dog turned out to be grotesque and deformed internal organs. At this moment, they seemed to have life. After the initial instinct to absorb scattered organic matter such as blood around them, they turned their heads and turned their heads towards the lava. The dog's remaining undeformed carcass devoured it.

Being so cruel, Da Mo, who had been completely stunned, couldn't help but gasp for breath.

Only then did it find the pain in its fingers, and when it looked down, it was an eyeball of a lava dog, and it was also alienated. At this moment, it was dragging a long neurovascular vein, like a small snake drilling out of the body of the lava dog. , a small mouth bit on its fingertips.


After the shock, the desert is followed by extreme anger.

It violently grabbed the abnormal eyeball and let it struggle in its own palm. It squeezed with a 'pop', and let the blood and juice flow from its palm. Under the terrifying power of the demons drilled out of the dog's belly, these demons affected by the double-helix gene law exploded into flesh.

After doing all of this, Da Mo turned his head and looked at the humans who were overlooking him from the sky.

"I want you to be buried with me!"

Immediately, under the extreme anger, its originally red eyes and pupils turned white in an instant, and more violent energy spurted out of the ground like a flood of dykes. .

The death of the dog has made it exert more power than ever before.

However, what it didn't notice was that although these large alienated monsters were smashed into flesh by it, more and more subtle monsters flowed out of the lava dog. They looked even smaller, and the limbs were just It's just capillaries, they started to devour each other, and they seem to be becoming more and more vicious and brutal.


In the desert in the air, the body was shrouded in a thick layer of blood, and then a huge force slammed it to the ground, smashing it on the broken walls of the ground.

sizzle sizzle.

On these ruins, there are still some energy restrictions left, which were triggered by the falling desert.

In an instant, in the area where the desert was, lightning and sparks flew everywhere.

A Razer and four Firebirds rose into the air, locking onto the falling desert, drowning the Honkaiju who was about to get up again, and an amazing energy shock erupted.

Whoosh whoosh.

The desert in the center of the energy explosion was panting violently. With the attacks caused by these broken restrictions, it was caught off guard, and it was naturally quite uncomfortable, and the restrictions on the ruins seemed to cause a chain reaction of other restrictions nearby. Two spider silk-like energies The body is trapped in its shackles.

So unexpected, even An Liya who was high in the sky was also slightly startled, and then she couldn't help showing a look of surprise, and laughed lightly.

She once again summoned the strange tumor wings that Zunlong dared not touch before.

With the flick of the wings behind him, the black wind full of stench fell, and immediately enveloped the little chief who was temporarily bound by the ban.

She knew very well how terrifying this bone-eroding evil wind was.

This is an attack on the essence of the cell, which can transform the structure of the protein into a vicious structure similar to a prion. For creatures without the power of the law, this will be a lifeless death The deadly deadly poison, even for creatures that have mastered the power of the law, only the most core cells that are fully nourished by the power of the law can barely have a certain immunity.


After a while, the little chief who was enveloped by the black wind let out an earth-shattering roar, and finally broke free from the bone-eating evil wind and rushed towards Anlia who was high in the sky.

It's just that at this moment, there are large black spots on the skin.

Although these dark spots didn't seem to be a serious problem for the time being, Anlia, who knew their effectiveness, couldn't help but sneer.

If the opponent turns around and escapes at this moment, then finds a place to retreat, and uses the power of the law to expel the influence of the bone-eroding evil wind, although it will lose some vitality in the future, but at least it can save his life, but at this moment, the opponent is fighting back with a more violent body movement, unless the opponent really This completes the evolution, otherwise it will definitely die!

A giant claw shadow slid across the air.

The desert that charged this time was caught by a huge pincer that Anlia had transformed into.

The power on the giant pincers is getting more and more terrifying, and it seems that it wants to crush this Honkaiju.

However, seeing this Honkaiju chief actually resisted the pincers' attack with amazing strength, and even had a tendency to open it up, this had to make An Liya sigh, worthy of being a fighting nation, a fighting nation. The little chief of the mere low-level **** mansion level actually has such power.

In terms of pure violence, these Kokai are enough to crush 99.99% of scholars.


It may be very difficult to deal with the fifth-level great chief An Liya, but if even these little chiefs can't be suppressed, especially if the existence in front of her is only a low-level god, she, the academic leader, can't justify it.

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With the fluttering of Anlia's robes, a dark shadow was suddenly shrouded under the blood-colored full moon in the sky. The shadow was extremely fast, and in an instant, it appeared in front of the little chief who was holding on to the pincers. A scorpion tail, a gleaming and delicate poisonous hook approached in front of him.

At the moment of life and death, the desert roared, and the power exploded again, and the claws were violently opened, avoiding the poisonous sting.


Seeing that the fatal blow was avoided by the opponent, Anlia couldn't help but snorted.

Fortunately, this is just the icing on the cake.

The bone-eating evil wind has begun to spread in its body, and soon it will experience the true horror of the evil wind.

Seeing that the little chief attacked her again from another angle, Anlia did not rush for quick success, and began to patiently fight against the Honkai Chief, while observing the other's physical condition, while looking at her own sacrifice.

The body structure of this lava dog was almost reorganized.

All kinds of internal organs are uneven, and there are a bunch of dense eyes fluttering on the large intestine. One giant claw is extremely large, and the other is shrunken and unbelievable. The image is extremely ugly. The final monster formed is consuming the last remaining body of the Lava Dog.

"huh huh huh huh."

At this moment, another nearby Honkaiju chief, who was sensed by Anlia, rushed over after sensing the amazing energy fluctuations here.

Unlike the general Honkaiju, who is used to bare-handed fists, this Honkaiju chief held a huge broad sword in his hand.

"Head of the plateau tribe, break the wind."

Anlia glanced at the little chief of the collapsed person, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, as if she had no intention of responding.

I saw the final demonized body that burst out of the leader of the lava dog suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the wind, which surprised the little chief who had focused all his attention on Anlia, and then noticed such an ugly monster. .

The giant sword in his hand slashed and slid with the amazing blood-colored sword energy.

The speed of the magic object was extremely fast, and it was keen to avoid the blow of the sword energy, and then its large intestine full of strange eyes flashed away and launched a counterattack against it.

"What the **** is this."

Po Feng was taken aback, but Da Mo, who had already entered the third-layer potential overdraft stage, was obviously unable to respond to it.

Although the two sides only fought for a short time, it is not difficult to see that this genetic monster, which is almost reorganized based on the leader of the lava dog, has far surpassed the leader of the lava dog itself. Even in the face of this The Honkaiju Chief, whose name is stronger than that of the desert, has not fallen behind for the time being.

An Liya just glanced at it and didn't take it to heart.

On the basis of Bloody Demon Ole, in order to better control the double helix law and avoid the uncontrolled spread of pollution and other deterioration, she has already controlled it through special means, which is the sacrifice in Lai Luo's mouth.

She must be cultivated step by step, rather than the large-scale application of Euler.

ten minutes later.

Entering the desert where the potential of the third layer is overdrawn, the body protected by the blood flaming layer has turned dark gray. With a whimper of pain, in just one second, the peak stage of the screaming burst from the previous moment, the instant poison Erosion died violently, and the body fell from the sky.

Such a scene shocked Po Feng, who had already caused some injuries to the genetic monster.

But it still didn't understand what was going on. The genetic monster that was fighting him diddged and suddenly rushed towards the corpse of the desert.

On the other hand, An Liya flashed and floated in front of Po Feng like a ghost, looking at Po Feng up and down.

With a sinister smile, An Liya said faintly, "It's really a strong body, a perfect sacrifice than it is."

the other side.

The genetic monsters created by Anlia did not eat through the so-called mouths in the way of ordinary creatures, but secreted membrane-like functional tissues to spread and wrap the body of the Honkaiju Chief.

In just a short while, the corpse of this bull-headed creature was like a rucksack, and it was put into the body.

Such a method of devouring can ensure that it will not waste a shred of organic matter, and obtain the most perfect and fully mutated evolution.

Seeing the broken wind in this scene, I felt that my hair was about to stand up.

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