Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 220: horror real image

Corleone Institute of Biological Specimens, the seven-day exchange meeting ended.

On the occasion of parting.

[Plasma Controller] Arthurs, finally couldn't help the restlessness in his heart.

"Beautiful Miss Laura, in the future, I will surely welcome your beauty with supreme glory, please wait for me!"

Arthurs followed the old lady Selami, the spirit of the storm, into the speeding car, and the four-legged Yalong rose into the air, pulling the speeding car away.

Lei Luo stared at the speeding car with a sullen look in his eyes.

Sensing something, he looked to Laura aside, and when she saw that she was looking at him, his anger suddenly melted, and with a slight smile, Laura rolled her eyes.

Just as Laylo had a tacit understanding with Corleone, Laura knew exactly what Laylo was thinking.

Dylan looked devastated.

He took a deep look at Lai Luo, followed the preoccupied Firefly Master, and disappeared into the sky on the flying carpet.

"Laylo, follow me in the future, you don't have to go to class anymore."

Corleone said suddenly.

"From today, you are my official experimental assistant."

Lola wanted to say something, but when she saw the stern eyes of Instructor Xiaoyue on the side, she immediately choked her mouth and followed the old woman away.

Laidlaw followed Corleone to his private laboratory.

Realizing that the old monster was probably going to tell himself something amazing, Laylo sat rather cautiously and took out his handwritten notes.

"Put away your notes, what I say next, you can't record it in any substantive way."

Laiduo was stunned, nodded, and put away his notes.

The old monster said slowly: "The day before yesterday, did you hear what that old dragon said?"


Lai Luo took a deep breath and said: "There is an extremely powerful group in the center of the continent, which should be far more powerful than the night civilization. This old dragon is likely to be a pioneer explorer. By attacking the weak group, he sold land and slaves to this more powerful group. powerful group."


Corleone looked at Laidlaw in surprise.

"Aren't you surprised by all this?"

"I believe that time will prove the truth of the "Heliocentric Theory" of the great pioneer Bernie Vince!"

Lai Luo's tone was firm.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, I don't know if the truth of "Heliocentric Theory" is correct, but I can tell you the true image of the star screen world discovered by the Biospecimen Research Institute, and... the reason why the creator of light is unwavering in his expedition!"

Laidlaw looked at Corleone attentively, as never before.

The old monster's expression also became serious.

"Through my interrogation and interrogation of many legendary biological specimens, I found that the vastness of this world far exceeds our understanding. The current so-called star screen is only after the ancient humans defeated the Gulan civilization, and the creator of light launched the true god-level law. Radiation power is just a suitable area for human survival for believers."

He took out a map.

On the map, the Great Empire of Light of Aurora, more than a hundred human principalities, Hengduan Mountains, Forest of Thorns, and Death Swamp constitute the land of stars.

The vast and boundless sea, the vast and boundless Forge Desert, and on the other side of the Forge Desert, the dark area of ​​the Land of Night.

"This is the center of the world advocated by the Church of Light in Aurora, and it is also the environment of the Star Curtain Land created by the creator of light thousands of years ago, combining the power of light with the laws of nature, and creating the star curtain. Look at these red dots, it's my mark. The Radiant Points of the Creator of Light are currently the most suitable areas for human habitation.”

Laylo looked at the red dots on the map, most of which were later large human cities.

"Scholars and gods belong to different evolutionary methods. After my years of research, do you know what is the greatest advantage of scholars?"

"What is it?"

This kind of macroscopic thing is far beyond the scope of Laidlaw's research.

"No need for faith."

Corleone smiled deeply.

"This is both an advantage and a disadvantage for scholars, but the disadvantage is short-lived, and the advantage is infinitely long-term."

His smile was full of unspeakable ambition.

"Without relying on the trend of belief, we can explore any corner of the world, and we don't have to be limited to a small religious land like those gods. Once we stay away from the trend of belief, our power will continue to weaken."

Immediately afterwards, Corleone's expression was slightly solemn.

"The disadvantage is that the time for scholars to be born is too short. Since they cannot refer to the promotion methods of the gods who gather the power of faith, even the top elite scholars continue to work hard, but they only build the tower of knowledge to the field of the law of level 4 creatures. It's still a long way from crossing the threshold of level 5 creatures, and it's almost impossible to see the end!"

"According to those old guys, we must wait for a new golden age similar to 800 years ago to come, or a genius of the conspiracy to emerge. Otherwise, the tower of knowledge of scholars will be difficult to rise to another level."

Immediately afterwards, Corleone mysteriously took out a new map.

The labels on the map are completely different from the general map.

Lai Luo was surprised: "What map is this?"

"I draw the map of Stormwind Continent according to the dictation of all the legendary creatures in the institute! Although all the old monsters are trying to draw a map outside the star screen, I dare to say that this map is definitely the amount of information that humans have today. Most maps!"

"Storm Continent?"

Lai Luo was stunned.

"Yes, Stormwind Continent!"

The old monster said: "This is a vast continent ravaged by storms. Countless terrifying creatures are stubbornly surviving in the storm. Only the 5th-level true gods who have established the system of gods can support each and everyone relatively calm in the raging storm. The eye of the wind, and according to the prayers of countless believers, the power of the law is spread into the land little by little, forming a completely different high-level ecological system to resist the evil and terrifying creatures in the storm..."

In Laylo's mind, he imagined the harsh living environment described by Corleone.

The creator of light, centered on the Aurora Empire, supports the eye of the storm in the land of stars?


The tower of the Royal Institute of Science of Glenn exists in the form of a vortex. Could it be to study the ability to make a level 5 creature to support the eye?

It's just that compared to the vast and boundless eye of the creator of light that supports the entire star screen, the eye of the Grand Royal Institute of Science can really be ignored.

"The Aurora Crusaders expedition to the Land of Night, even if they defeated the gods of the Land of Night, if the eye of the wind disappears, what's the point?"

"Even if the eye of the storm disappears, it will be much better than the real raging storm outside. Moreover, according to my research, the storm conditions in various parts of the Storm Continent are not evenly distributed. There are many natural safe havens, and the value is self-evident. These natural havens are often the habitats of major ethnic groups.”

The old monster said again: "Besides, I didn't say that Aurora's crusade was to occupy the land of night!"

Lai Luo looked away from the map, showing a hint of surprise.

"What's that for?"

The old monster gave a sneer, an ambitious sneer.

With his skinny palm, he pressed it on the fuzzy map that opened up a corner of the continent!

"According to known information, in Stormwind Continent, civilization can be divided into 4 levels."

Laidlaw was engrossed.

"The first is the first-level primitive civilization, which refers to those ethnic groups that have obtained the protection of legendary creatures. Only such ethnic groups can barely survive in the Stormwind Continent, scattered on this continent like stars, um, the thorn forest, the death swamp, and the Hengduan Mountains. There are also many such small civilizations that inhabit the eye of the wind opened up by human beings.”

Lai Luo suddenly thought of the extinct blue-clothed ogre, and the twilight elves.

"Second is the second-level temple civilization, which refers to the ethnic groups that have obtained the protection of ancient creatures or established temple beliefs. Such ethnic groups often occupy high-quality land of natural safe havens and open up narrow eyes. The former Gulan Fairy Civilization, between level 2 civilization and 2.5 civilization."

Between level 2 civilization and 2.5 civilization?

Lai Luo imagined the magic eye pyramids built by the goblins in ancient times, but it seems that no beliefs and gods have been born.

"After that, it is the civilization of the gods, which means that on the temple of the gods, the huge torrent of beliefs gathers, and the resulting 5th-level creatures support the unparalleled power of the eye, similar to the current human beings in the land of stars and the blood of the night. Derived."

"Humans are level 3 civilizations?"

Laylo asked.

The old monster shook his head slowly.

In Lai Luo's puzzled look, the old monster said: "I divide human beings into a 3.5-level civilization."

"Level 3.5?"

Laidlaw stared at the old monster, hoping for an answer.

"The old dragon told me a very useful piece of information. In the depths of the continent, there are two level 4 civilizations that are fighting endlessly. One of them is called the cataclysm civilization, which is the civilization that hires the old dragon."

The old monster's words were full of longing.

Lai Luo didn't know whether this desire was for specimens, or a strong desire for scholars, or something else.

"According to the old dragon's words, I roughly analyzed the core characteristics of the 4th-level civilization. In addition to the huge **** system supporting the complex true **** system, it also has some kind of destructive weapon that can destroy a city fortress in an instant, or For other things with deterrent power, I call it a cataclysm weapon, which should be a higher-level deterrent force developed on the basis of weapons of war!"

Corleone's eyes became blurred.

He looked in the direction of the Aurora Empire of Light, and seemed to have passed through the mountains and landed on the magnificent holy city.

"The Aurora Empire of Light, in addition to the creator of light, also holds a power called time-space channel, and even according to the clues of the dark world, this power is subject to the special rules of this world, and it seems that only a small part of it is emitted. That's why I divided human beings into a 3.5-level civilization, which is likely to be an undeveloped cataclysmic weapon created by ancient humans!"

"Then Aurora Crusaders of Light, why do they frequently expedition to the Land of Night?"

Laidlaw asked the root question.

As far as Lai Luo knew, if it hadn't been obsessed with the expedition to the Land of Darkness, the Church might have wiped out the scholars as early as 800 years ago. How could they have tolerated it until now, seeing the scholars grow step by step, becoming a serious problem for their confidants.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie."

Corleone's old monster smiled.

"Do you think this would be the mercy of the creator of light? No! This is because he has more fears than scholars!"

"What is it?"

"Mandosha Hua!"

Laidlaw got a heart-pounding answer. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The 4th floor of the Sun and Moon Magic Eye Pyramid, the old turtle once said this!

In the eyes of the old monster, there was a touch of intoxicated yearning, infinite longing and longing.

"In legend, this continent once gave birth to an unparalleled and powerful life form. You can understand it as an innate sixth-level creature, but in short, there must be stronger creatures above the true god, and it is for this reason that those fourth-level creatures Civilizations all yearn for one thing, and that is to spread their beliefs to the entire Stormwind Continent, so as to establish a level 5 civilization and try to create a level 6 life form!"

The old monster looked at Laidlaw.

"The creator of light is afraid of it, or, in other words, desires to be it, so he must participate in the battle in the center of the continent."

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