Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 226: Ash Dagger

After two hourglass times.

According to Rocky's introduction, Lai Luo exchanged the ash dagger and 350 gold coins from the old scholar for this moonstone, which is slightly larger than a pigeon egg.

The moonstone exudes dim light spots, like a miniature moon.

Lei Luo was so happy that he had no time to look after him.

Rocky started a deal with the old man again, and at an unknown price, he finally got the Ash Dagger.

Rocky looked surprised, admiring the Ash Dagger. This fine-quality magic tool that Lai Luo accidentally refined two years ago was a perfect match for his attributes. It was the magic tool that he had been dreaming of for the past two years!

With it, this graduation assessment...


Something seems not quite right!

After a while.

Rocky looked at Lei Luo, who was immersed in the brilliance of the moon spar, and said with a low smile: "Hmph, you let me get this ashes dagger, so I'm not afraid that I will become your rival during the graduation assessment?"

Laylo didn't absorb the moonstone.

He suppressed the urge to integrate it into his body. At this moment, his astral body was on the brink of evolution. The transformation of the secondary energy magnetic field into an energy force field was a considerable transformation. In addition, there are quite a few applications.

the most important is……

Back this time, through the feelings of Bai Xing and Antar, Lai Luo had a strange feeling, as if he could easily squeeze to death with a little force!

Has your own power become so powerful without knowing it through three star evolutions?

The nine-eyed poisonous beetle Rocky in front of him was only able to arouse some interest in him!

Lai Luo was a little worried.

If you complete the four evolutions and convert the first-level energy magnetic field into the second-level energy force field, this qualitative improvement will make yourself lose some of the remaining interest in the graduation assessment.

Unconsciously, has the power change brought by Starry Sky Academic has reached this level?

"Just take what you need from each other."

Laylo responded calmly.

"You guy, you are really indifferent. As Prince Chen said, you have hidden too many secrets."

Rocky's expression gradually became serious.

"I can feel the powerful power in your body a little bit. Before, I always thought that my trembling was because of the excitement of encountering an opponent. I didn't realize it until I just got the Ash Dagger. This is the body's instinctive fear, warn me away from you."

Rocky stared at Lai Luo.

"How did you do it? There is no other person in the academy who can give me this feeling!"


Lai Luo showed a hint of curiosity.

Even Mentor Gu Bo didn't notice the hidden hidden under his own gravitational ripples, but he has already sensed it?

And listening to what he meant, it seems that he has become the direct line of Prince Chen?

"Being able to perceive my strength, it seems that the academy underestimated you."

Lai Luo generously admitted, but did not mean to explain anything.

Rocky took a deep breath, put away the Ash Dagger, and took out a black cloak to cover himself.

"Prince Chen already knows that you are back, and the princes of Xilan are fighting vigorously, and they will no longer waste their energy to dispatch killers to assassinate you in the Principality of Gran, but you have to be careful in this graduation assessment, those Xilan people will not give up Hunt for your bounty glory."

Rocky turned to leave.



Laylo came to the door of Class Six, and Aoun walked out with a magic mirror in his hand.


Aoun looked Laiduo up and down.

"Are you all right? That's great! The last time Clarina and I wrote back, she was still worried about you."


Lei Luo remembered the elf girl, shook his head and smiled, "She's alright."

"Well, she said that something happened on her tribe's side, and many trees were withered, and she planned to invite me to investigate."

Forest of Thorns?

Lai Luo shook his head.

"It's very chaotic outside the human kingdom now. If you can't go, try not to run around."

Aoun said excitedly: "You mean the dispatch of the Aurora Crusade? Haha, don't worry, the goddess of nature has performed a miracle to confirm that the tree withering is not caused by heresy pollution."

"That's good!"

Lai Luo aroused some interest and looked forward to testing: "After graduation, what are you going to do, go back to the family?"

Ornn hesitated a little.

"My father wants me to return to the family, but I haven't made a decision yet."

He shook his head and said helplessly: "Angina hopes to establish a mercenary group, while I hope to continue my own research."

Laylo was apprehensive.

"If, I mean, if possible, would you be interested in building a laboratory with me? You know, I have very few friends, and it would be very difficult to run the laboratory without help."

Ornn looked at Laidlaw in surprise.

"Why don't you work at the academy? Building a laboratory is not a small expense!"

"There are indeed some special reasons."

Now it is not convenient for Laylo to disclose the matter of Starry Sky Academic.

"Well, after this graduation assessment is over, I'll talk to you in detail. Right now, it's just a little plan."

"Uh, okay."

After chatting with Ornn for a while, Laidlaw left.

If it is possible, Laylo hopes that Aoun can be with him, as the founder of the future laboratory, Laylo trusts Aoun in terms of knowledge and character.

Just like Corleone's biological research, it still operates without Corleone. In addition to the founder, each laboratory is also equally important to maintainers, just like the relationship between the dean and the dean.


At night, Laidlaw visited Merlin again.

Black Widow was amazed for a long time when she saw Lai Luo, and then she insisted on taking Lai Luo for a drink. She was so excited that she began to talk about her two husbands, and continued to touch Lai Luo.

It wasn't until late at night that Laidlaw personally sent her back to the residence.

Walking on the dark road, I was not attacked, and I arrived at Gubo's Xiaobailou safely all the way. One day has passed like this.

"Those princes of Xilan, as Prince Chen said, the struggle has become fierce, and they can no longer take care of themselves, and put all their energy into the fight for the throne?"


Over the next few days, Laylo began to follow Gubo to learn about his secret plans.

All the students in the major colleges are making the final preparations. According to the assessment results of previous years, since many badges will be concentrated in the hands of a very small number of college powerhouses, students who can finally complete the graduation assessment and get the natural scholar degree certificate, Often only about one in ten people.

Until the last day of the graduation assessment, Bailing came back.

"Little Junior Brother Lei Luo!"


As soon as he got home, Lai Luo looked at the figure in white who was teasing Jia Hei, and suddenly he was surprised.

Gu Bo, who was in front of Lei Luo, snorted and couldn't help but glanced inside the house. After he didn't see that person, he didn't say anything more.

Bailing ignored Gu Bo.

After the initial joy with Laylo, she seemed to remember something and tugged at Laylo's ear angrily.

"Ah! Senior Sister!!!"

This is the first time that Bailing has treated Lai Luo like this.

"It's been two years, where have you gone! I also asked people to inquire several times in the country of Zeeland, and various rumors said that you were killed by those princes of Zeeland, which caused me to have nightmares several times, crying After several times, can't you quietly ask someone to give you a message!"

"Senior sister, let go first..."

Amidst the laughter, Ripple prepared dinner, and Lai Luo briefly described his own situation in the past two years.

"Wow, you're actually employed at the Corleone Biospecimen Institute?"

Bailing murmured in surprise: "I heard that the scholars there are full of mystery."

"Hmph, the Vladik Institute of War Weapons I arranged for you is bad?"

Gu Bo snorted coldly.

"You, don't say a word."

Ripple glared at Gu Bo.

Bailing said: "Little junior brother, hee hee, tomorrow you will have a graduation assessment. Senior sister, I will give you a warning based on my experience."

"Sister, say it!"

Lai Luo listened intently.

"The scholars who participated in the assessment generally come from three places, one is a fresh student like you, the other is a student who failed the previous assessment and made up the test again, and finally is a student from a family of free scholars. Do the other students know something about it?"

"Uh, uh uh."

Lai Luo was really ashamed, except for a few students he knew, he really didn't know much.

"Well, then let me tell you, there are scholars from free scholar families that you need to pay attention to. In those pocket duchies, there will be one or two powerful scholar families who hold some kind of mystery passed down from ancient times. I Here is a piece of secret information that I paid a lot of money for and gave it to you."

Lai Luo took over the information, and after looking at it for a while, he was surprised.

There are actually Gu Yue Family, Shadow Stone Family, Mithril Family, Dark Gold Family…

"Well, apart from that, although most of the previous students are not too strong, after all, they are students who were eliminated from the make-up exam, but there are also a small number of students who are not like this, they are just unlucky, once they enter The assessment space encountered an extremely powerful title holder and was forced to leave."

Bailing is serious.

"These students often accept some bounty tasks, hunt ordinary students to obtain assessment badges, sell the extra badges to the task publishers at high prices, and help some students with special backgrounds pass the assessment, so they are also called bounty hunters. ."

"Anything like that?"

Lai Luo said in surprise: "Assessment allowed?"

"Of course! The assessment is only within the rules of, it doesn't care that you complete it by any means!"

Falling into memory for a short time, Bailing continued: "The graduation assessment space, we call it the Stone Forest Space, contains six vast stone pillar forests. In the first few days, the selection and elimination within the major colleges are often used to compete for the corresponding assessment rewards in the Stone Forest. However, in the next few days, some powerful students of the academy will often step out of the assessment area of ​​their own academies, hunt down elite powerhouses from other academies, obtain assessment badges, and finally fight for the Tree of Truth."

Bailing has a look of anticipation.

"Giggle, senior sister, when I took the assessment last year, I was not qualified to participate in the final battle for the tree of truth. You can only rely on yourself. How can you say that you are also the appellation of this academy, you should have a chance!"

. m.

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