"Active decisive battle?"

Diros frowned in confusion.

"What do you mean? Who is the decisive battle with? Which tutor of the academy arranged it? Who is involved? What should I do?"

A series of questions were asked.

Lai Luo was excited, crazy, and fiery eyes slightly restrained, looked at the doubtful Di Luosi, and sneered.

"Did I just not express myself clearly enough?"

Lai Luo said: "This is my plan, not a mentor arrangement, and you are the first person qualified for me to invite to participate."

It made De Roth's morbid face unbelievable.

Lai Luo took it for granted.

"And the core of this plan is to ensure that the badge of the Gran Academy will not be lost as much as possible, and I will try my best to hunt other academies badges. The reason why it is called the active decisive battle plan, hum, is because of the two of Zelan and Baldana. I am not sure that I can kill this despairing person. If I let them collect too many badges and take half of them away from the assessment space, it will bring too many variables to the results of these academies, so I want to force them out of the assessment space as soon as possible. "

"Am I right?"

Diros blinked.

"You said, you want to take the initiative to find those two desperate people, and take the lead in forcing Xilan Academy [Flame Soul Demon] and Barda Academy [Destroyer] out of the secret realm of assessment?"

Di Roth's morbid face could not help but laugh out loud.

Seeing that Lai Luo was still acting as a matter of course, he was very interested to play with his taste: "You mean... you are confident that you are stronger than those two once-in-a-century geniuses? Desperate despairers are stronger? Have the strength to crush [Fire Phoenix] Angela?"

He snorted with a snort and shook his head, as if mocking Laidlaw's ignorance and arrogance.

"It seems that the life you have left the academy for the past two years has completely disconnected you from the academy. I said why there is a strange feeling in you, this feeling... It seems that you are not more threatening than McGana, I even I thought it was my illusion at one time, after all, McGana is not famous for fighting among the appellants."

There was a sneer on his sick face.

Just standing there, Di Luosi looked at Lai Luo quietly, looking like he couldn't help laughing again at any time.

"Can't feel my power?"

Lai Luo shook his head and sighed: "You haven't realized it yet, that's because... you're too weak."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…"

Dillos finally couldn't help laughing out loud, laughing brazenly and arrogantly, pointing his finger at Laidlaw with his wand, almost laughing to tears.

In his hand, there is an extra mirror.

The extraordinary brilliance blooms from the mirror.

As a qualified alchemist, Lai Luo can naturally sense the fluctuations in the attributes of his top-quality magic tools.


Lai Luo was suspicious and said in surprise: "The best magic tool, I underestimated your strength."

Diros stopped laughing and said sarcastically, "You just said I was too weak?"

He waved his wand.

Goo, goo, goo.

A magma ball converged at the top of its wand, the size of a baby's head, making a "goo-doo", "goo-doo" bubble.

"Then let me see your true power! Hahahaha! Molten blasting!"

He actually launched an attack directly on Lai Luo.

The fiery red light distorted the surrounding air, and in the savage laughter of Diros, the magma ball was projected towards Lai Luo.

With a calm expression, Lai Luo stretched out his right hand.

The jet-black spar spread out on the surface of his skin, and turned into a huge jet-black hand about half a meter in the blink of an eye.


Lai Luo's pitch-black rock giant hand grabbed the magma ball out of thin air.


Di Luosi screamed in shock. He thought about many possibilities, and even thought that Laidlaw was killed by himself with one blow, but he never thought that the other party would take his own smug blow with his bare hands like a ball!

Diros stared at Laidlaw's rocky palm, and his frivolous expression gradually became solemn.

Goo, goo, goo.

The liquid magma ball was bubbling, and along the fingers of the pitch-black giant hand, a drop or two of viscous magma dropped from time to time and landed on the ground.

Lai Luo was interested in observing the magma ball in the palm of his hand, and was also evaluating his physical strength.

"It seems that the physique blessed by about 2 grams of star screen essence is enough to defend against attacks of this magnitude."

This scorching magma ball didn't make Lai Luo feel any discomfort. With the lightly pinching of the lustrous jet-black rock palm, the magma ball was crushed and flowed out along the gap between the fingers.

Lai Luo calmly said: "Continue."


Behind Di Luosi, the three-meter-tall magma giant roared, and his long, sinister eyes glowed with a dark red glow.

Boom, boom, boom.

The earth trembled, it raised the flaming sword in its hand, roared silently, and rushed towards Lai Luo desperately.

Laidlaw stood proudly.

It was not until the magma giant swung the giant sword and slashed down from the heights that the pitch-black spar giant hand clenched his fist violently and faced the giant sword.


The fire is overflowing.

The soil under Lai Luo's feet sank, and two footprints were branded.

"real body?"

Seeing that Lai Luo actually resisted his magma giant's flaming sword with his bare hands, what did he think of? Di Luosi's eyes suddenly showed incomparable fiery, longing, and eagerness. The Gran Academy of Natural Sciences has the power of the real body, and only two people are known. [Fire Phoenix] and [Eye of the Sun].

The famous fire phoenix real body, Di Luosi has witnessed it many times, and all kinds of information are never lacking, but there is only one real body information about the Eye of the Sun.

Unknown real body.

Seeing this little guy, the magma giant actually withstood the blow of the flaming sword himself, with a sullen look in his narrow and long eyes, while withdrawing the flaming sword in his right hand, his left hand was burning with a flaming fist, and smashed towards this little guy.

"If you're just physically fit, you need about 3 grams of star screen essence to be able to fight this lava giant head-on."

Seeing that the lava giant had withdrawn his great sword and smashed it with his fists in anger, there were some emerald green poisonous fires in the cracks of the flaming rocks, and Lei Luosensen smiled.

"Then, try the full strength of the body after the blessing of 5.42 grams of star screen essence."


The dark rock was tightly held in the palm of his hand, and after taking a deep breath, Lei Luo swung out with all his strength with a "drink".

Jet black and crimson, one big and one small fist colliding with each other.


The soil under his feet swayed silently.

The corner of Lai Luo's mouth was smiling, and he didn't move at all.

The three-meter-high magma giant, with a "bang" on his left arm, shattered and exploded, and countless burning stones splashed. .

"Is this your true power?"

Ignoring the elemental summons, Diross gasped and asked, the heavy damage of the lava giant consumed a lot of energy in his body.

"real body?"

Lai Luo sneered and said, "Let's count it."

Lai Luo ignored the lava giant who was struggling again, looked at the magic mirror in Diros's hand, and said with interest: "Continue."

Gritting his teeth, Dillos finally chose to put down the magic mirror and looked at Lai Luo with a sickly pale face.

"I lost, I admit your strength, tell me your plan."

He only has four badges on his body now. If he leaves the assessment space here, it means that he has failed the assessment this time, and he will not be able to obtain the natural scholar degree certificate. He will take the make-up examination for the next class of students.


Lai Luo frowned frivolously.

"My plan is to keep the badges of the Gran students as far as possible in the hands of the strong students of the Gran students, at least at a level similar to yours. I ask you to do your best to notify you in the next time. The other strong Grand students, give up the competition for the academy rewards from the Stone Forest Center, and go all out to hunt for the assessment badges."

Leroy said calmly. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"In previous assessments, the reason why a large number of low-end students survived was because the elite students were scruples of each other, and most of them were concentrated in the central area, competing for academy awards and cross-college elite competition, and those low-level students in marginal areas with low interests, Naturally it was ignored.”

Lei Luo Sensen said: "I want you to inform the students with sufficient strength and let them tell each other to avoid wasting time in the central area."

Diros shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"I'm afraid I don't have this qualification, and they won't believe me."

Looking at the sky, Lai Luo looked at McGana, who had returned from hunting in the distance, and an uncontrollable madness suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Is that so? Then you change the way and tell them to go to the central area before tonight, something big is going to happen."

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