Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 247: Sweep New Zealand (5)

Just when Bai Qi was feeling the pressure of Lei Luo's academic attack, with a "boom", Lei Luo actually bullied him and appeared in front of Bai Qi with no thunderous might.

A punch in the face.

"Flick away!"

Bai Qi, who was on the back of Frost Qilin, pushed Bai Lian away.

She jumped back sharply.


The five-meter-long frost giant beneath him felt the master's will, and the long whiskers beside the huge fangs roared into the wind with the roar, towards Lai Luo, who was shrouded in the crystal light of the 1024 Night Shield. pounce.


An unparalleled physique, even if the star body is not turned on, the star body physique that Lai Luo has been blessed by the essence of the star screen is not at all comparable to this elemental summon.

He actually used a fist of flesh and blood to smash the claws the size of the wheel of a frost unicorn with one punch.

Frost unicorns, as elemental summons, are also ferocious.

It bit into the 1024 Night Shield with one bite, and the two fangs broke through the 1024 Night Shield and pierced into the interior. With a "click", the 1024 Night Shield cracked with dense cracks.


With a backhand punch, Lei Luo smashed the small half of Frost Qilin's head, and punched again, and punched a half-meter deep dent in the abdomen of Frost Qilin, and the ice crystals scattered in the sky.

Surprisingly, this frost unicorn has an amazing regenerative power.

The head and claws that had just been smashed by Lai Luo immediately regenerated again.

"Frost regeneration?"

Lei Luo was surprised for a short time, his face was full of anger, and the power of Yueyin tidal moved. In the distance of Bai Qi's astonishment, the stone pillar that had been broken by Lei Luo floated up, under the control of Lei Luo's tidal power. , hit the frost unicorn.


Frost unicorn suffered a frontal blow from the boulder and fell to the ground.

It seemed to be a little dizzy. After it struggled violently, it shook its head and roared at Lei Luo again.


The stone pillar chased down again, and the frost unicorn was actually prepared, and hurriedly avoided it, followed by a roar, and the ice seal spread, connecting the stone pillar and the ground into one.

It jumped, hugged Laylo's 1024 Night Shield in mid-air, and fell to the ground.

"Okay! Let's see how much regenerative energy you can sustain today!"

Lai Luo on the ground actually attacked each other like a wild beast with this 5-meter-long frost giant.

Every time Lai Luo attacked, the sky was filled with frost.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Bai Qi's eyes jumped wildly in the distance.

This guy actually bombarded with his own elemental summons with his bare hands, that is to say, his physical strength is even stronger than his academic attack?

After a while.

Surrounded by ice slag, the ground was covered in a mess, and the frost unicorn was smashed into **** by Lei Luo!

Lai Luo held a delicate and small magic tool like a kettle in the belly of the Frost Kirin.

"The best magic tool?"

The kettle is silver-white, the size of a palm, and very delicate.

There is white ice mist at the mouth of the pot, and the word "Ice Come" is engraved on the body of the pot.

"Chilling the kettle?"

For [Glacier Roar] Bai Qi, being able to own a rare and top-quality magic tool, Lei Luo was not surprised, but he didn't expect that the rather difficult frost unicorn element summoning object was actually based on this magic tool. , the completed call.

Hint: found 125 grams of frost copper, 10 grams of absolute zero ice, and 0.23 grams of dark essence.

Lai Luo's surprised expression, although the composition of the magic material hinted by the star core, was stunned.

Dark Essence! ! ?

Instinctively aware of something, Lai Luo was about to throw away this weird magic tool, but when he heard a "click", the lid of the ice jug opened.

An astonishing amount of white ice fog spread out to the surroundings.

These white mists seemed to have spirituality, surrounding Lai Luo, and a layer of fine frost quickly spread on Lai Luo's body.

"Uh, could it be..."

Lei Luo, who was about to launch the destruction attack of the Eye of the Sun, turned his eyes vividly, thinking of something interesting, and a playful look appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A layer of pale silver moonlight spiritual power enveloped the body surface.

next moment.

Lai Luo turned on his acting skills again, with a panic expression on his face, and exclaimed in disbelief: "How is it possible, this frost power, even my spiritual consciousness... ah!!!"

In the ferocious roar, Lai Luo's body suddenly appeared a layer of dark rock.

The rock was crystal clear, and the body also swelled wildly, turning into a giant of five meters, with long black thorns protruding from the back, exuding unparalleled power ripples!

But even so.

The expansion of strength has not been able to resist the ice-cold power of the spiritual will in the ice jug.

The endless ice cold invaded his body and poured into his consciousness. This seemingly huge and frightening rock giant was struggling to get weaker and weaker.

[Glacier Roar] Bai Qi, silently reciting academic incantations.

That was the calculation formula she used to pursue the cornerstone of mathematics. An azure ice mark appeared on her right hand, which gathered the cold air from all directions to form a strange ice gun. The tip of the ice gun was a lifelike tuna!

Sharp fishbone, ready to come out.

It seems that this academic is also a huge burden for her, and her face is slightly hideous.

"Sister, are you going to kill him?"

Bai Lian couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Bai Lian! By this time, haven't you seen that he hasn't shown his true power at all! Hmph, if I don't take advantage of his carelessness and try my best to defeat him, I have no chance of defeating him at all! Stop fantasizing about academic exchanges, you have no idea what a terrifying monster you are facing!!"

Bai Qi gasped, staring at the rock giant whose consciousness was sealed by his ice jug.

"Is this his real body?"

From this rock giant, she actually felt a strong atmosphere of the earth.

"No! Judging from the breath that was revealed at the moment when he activated his real body, this is probably just a part of his real body's power. Before most of the power could be activated, his consciousness fell into a deep sleep because the ice came and the jug was frozen. However, even if This part of the power also made me terrified and fearful, as if I was about to be swallowed by a bottomless abyss, this is probably a more terrifying guy than Seymour!!"

"Demolitionist, your strength has earned my respect! This is the frost mystery that I developed when I traveled to the Arctic Sea, and you will be the first person to witness its power! Ice Kill Penetration!"

[Glacier Roar] Bai Qi threw the ice marlin spear in his hand at the black rock giant with a layer of frost condensed on its surface.

call out.

The ice gun is as fast as lightning.

There was a large piece of frost left on the trail along the way, and with a "bang" sound, the three-meter-long ice gun accurately pierced the chest of the three-meter-high pitch-black stone giant, bursting with blue light spots.

next moment.

The ice marlin shattered, and the ice **** splashed all over the sky.

The black giant's chest was only broken with a fist-sized dent.

In such a scene, Bai Qi took a short breath and stared at the chest of the black stone giant, which was unbelievable.

"How is that possible! Can't break through his real body? A real body known for its absolute defense survivability!"


She sucked in a cold breath, her eyes solemn.

For the well-known mystery of the true body, there is also a talented person in Zeeland College who has a lot of research on it.

"This guy may be the third desperate person hidden in this graduation assessment!"

A terrible thought emerged in her mind, lingering.

Even though this black rock giant didn't move, it still made Bai Qi feel the amazing pressure, as if a boulder was pressed against his chest.

what to do?

She bit her lower lip lightly, her neutral face inadvertently revealed a touch of feminine enchantment.

far away.

[Song of Ice and Fire] Bai Lian said: "Sister, why don't we go to the central area and call for students with stronger attack ability."


Bai Qi shook his head and said, "Time doesn't His spiritual awareness is very strong, he wants to be like a volcano, as if it will erupt at any time, my ice jug can't last for such a long time. ."

"Then what?"

Bai Lian is no longer eager for academic exchanges with Lai Luo.

"Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe..."

Bai Qi took a deep breath and seemed to have made a final decision. With a solemn expression, she turned to look at Bai Lian.

"Haven't you been pursuing a more powerful magic array mysteries? I'll show you today. In the past three years, I have combined the power of frost with the magic array to create a unique magic seal array, the absolute zero seal technique!"

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