Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 255: Sweep New Zealand (End)

With red eyes, Seymour looked into the depths of the mist.

Even Bourne, who was competing with him, was put in the back of his mind.

The mist under the setting sun and dusk is dense and dense.

If it weren't for the violent energy fluctuations here, which constantly stimulated the nearby stone pillar magic formation, I am afraid that everyone would have been drowned by the fog.

Immediately after.

Others also sensed the violent energy fluctuations in the depths of the fog.

Laylo, who was amazed by Seymour's power and Bourne's magic weapon, also looked at the dense fog under the X mask.

After a short while.

"Om" sound!

The maddening airflow surrounded the ferocious man, like a giant of about five meters, suddenly rushing out of the fog.

"Barda Academy, [Destroyer] Kui? It's just the second day that Barda Academy will compete with Zeeland Academy?"

Lai Luo was taken aback.

"It's messed up! It's all messed up!"

Yaqian gave Lai Luo a strange look.

Are you still qualified to criticize other people's mess?

At this moment, Lai Luo has become a member of the people of Zeeland College.


The powerhouses of Barda College that everyone was waiting for did not appear.

Chasing an old figure out of the fog, four flying swords with different energy properties swirled around him, chasing the [Destroyer] to the assessment area for the students in Xilan, where the power is like a cloud, and stopped. down.

The old man was slightly startled, and then he showed a burst of joy?

Wuming, who was wanted by the Church of Light, the World of Darkness, the Temple of Stormwind, and the Gu Yue family, was famous and had already left the level of these little enlightened scholars.

From a higher perspective, even the so-called [Blasting Murderer] Lai Luo, who is wanted by the princes of the Principality of Sealand, is nothing more than that.

You can say so.

Because of the relationship between the Sun and Moon Demon Eye, in the Holy See's wanted list, he is a ruthless character alongside the major witch kings and heretical evil gods!


Seymour Xiong can sense Kui, who is in a state of destruction, and the powerful aura on his body is the aura of a strong man that is enough to fight against him.

But who is the person behind him?

At this moment, Kui had long hair all over his body, and only the last remnants were left.

His breath was slightly confused.

It took him half a day to cross the Barda Stone Forest, pass through the neutral area, and then reach the Xilan Stone Forest. This was already his limit. When he noticed that the [Thunder] behind him was not chasing, he did not dare to get too close to the [Flaming Soul Demon] who was in full bloom. Seymour.

He stared at the bull-horned man who was taller and more powerful than his own body, as if a flame demon came out of the heart of the earth, panting lowly, laughing a lot, and then glanced at Bourne, who was holding a magic weapon, and was slightly startled.

"I didn't expect that we would meet in this way!"

"Is this your helper?"

Seymour Xiong Road.

At present, although the specific form has not been clarified, the [Hidden of Light and Shadow] and many elite students have vacated one after another. Among them, there are more than ten well-known absolute powerhouses, and the rest are all real ones from Zeeland College. The elite, and even the secret methods arranged by Zeeland College, are similar to the sealing team arranged by Gu Bo.

If these people make a full effort, it is Seymour Xiong, and there is only one way to escape from the assessment space.

"Hehe, you look at me too highly."

Kui Gao said with a smile: "This is the thunder of the Gu Yue family!"

Seeing Seymour's incomprehensible expression, Kui, who was surrounded by violent wind, explained: "If you change the name, you will understand better. He was wanted by the church, killed three birth angels, and mastered the legacy of ancient civilization. The evil heresy of the Moon Demon Eye! Compared to us, this is the real monster here, hahahaha!!"

Kui smiled happily.

No matter what, he has already completed his task, leading this terrifying guy to Zeeland Academy!

He looked around and stared at the many students in Zealand, and couldn't help licking his tongue excitedly.


Really too strong!

Even if all the Barda students had assembled, it was far from enough.

These guys, even if they can kill the old monster behind them, I am afraid they will suffer heavy losses because of it, and they even make troubles and help the old monster with their hands...

the other side.


"Wanted heresy?"

The Xilan students stared at the old man and murmured in disbelief.

How did he get in?

Byrne froze!

Although he was an elite of Zeeland College, he knew clearly that a little guy like him who had not graduated was far worse than those evil giants wanted by the church.

Staring at Wuming, in Seymour Xiong's eyes, an astonishing heat and desire gradually emerged.

"Hey, there's another guy called a monster over there, he seems to have a big name!"

Yaqian, who is full of confidence in Lai Luo, made fun of Lai Luo.

"I'd really like to know, who are you monsters?"

Laylo didn't say anything.

What has he experienced in the past two years?

Storm Creation, Thunder Creation, Flame Creation, Frost Creation.

Only a few people know that these four swords of creation are the keys to unlock the seal of the Dark Eye Pyramid.

Thousands of years ago.

The war between the Land of Stars and the Land of Night has lasted for thousands of years. As a small civilization on the peninsula extending to the corner of Stormwind Continent, the Gulan Fairies know very little about everything in the center of the continent, just like humans today.

Centering on the Pyramid of Magic Eyes, supporting each wind eye, and connecting the wind eye into pieces, this is their way of survival.

Ten thousand years of war.

The Golems enslaved a large number of low-level primitive civilizations and created their glorious history.

Until one day, human beings appeared.

In the Quran, humans are described as demons from other planets.


Although the Gulan civilization knew very little about the temple system, and even did not really step into the temple civilization stage from primitive civilization, and never gave birth to such a creature as "God", but in the long-term construction of the magic eye pyramid, it has gradually realized that, The star screen world is likely to be an insignificant planetary world in the vast cosmic starry sky.

in this way.

They have completed an evolutionary method that is completely different from other civilizations in Stormwind Continent, creating a powerful pyramid that is strong enough to compete with the gods!

The Gula Goblin, who had just completed the promotion of civilization, was destroyed by human civilization after barely building three new pyramids.

The slaves who had been bullied even rose up to resist and wiped out all the Gulan Goblins and wiped them out completely.

But the Golems also caused a huge historical change to the lost humans.

The leader of the lost human being, the Archduke Capricorn is sealed by the mysterious dark eye pyramid!

Since then, conservatives have established the human civilization of the light **** system, supported the eye of the star screen, integrated with many ethnic groups in the star screen, and labeled the radical human beings as a wizard heresy.

The wizards never gave up their efforts to return to the world of Aurora!

After repeated efforts failed, after the battle of the Black Death, the dark world completely declined, and the remaining wizards survived for many years, gradually split into two factions, and formulated different plans.

Project Capricornus, Project Star Wars!

To save Archduke Capricornus, you first need to summon the key, that is, other demon eyes that can rival the dark demon eye.

The original magic eye has been destroyed with the ancient battle, turning the once holy land of Gulan into a vast desert, so only the sun and moon magic eye is left.

Obtaining the magic eye of the sun and the moon, using the four swords of creation to open the dark magic eye to divide the yin, and rescue the Archduke Capricornus is the whole plan of the Archduke Capricorn!

Once the nameless, thought the world was simple.

Light is justice and darkness is evil.

Until a year ago, when he was embarrassed and weak, he was captured by the persevering arbitrators. When he once thought that he was going to die, a terrifying scene that he had never thought of appeared.

To this day he still feels fantastic.

He became a pawn.

A bargaining chip between light and darkness.

He survived!

He felt that everything was like a dream. That person actually took the initiative to trade with the dark world in person, and together they completed the evil summoning ceremony in the melting pot desert, and took the dark magic eye as a reward.

What's wrong with this world?

The so-called bright justice and dark evil are really just brainwashing stupid words for ignorant people.

Only strength is eternal!

Wuming looked around at the many students in Zeeland, the scholars who yearned for power and glory, the little guys who were about to leave the academy and step into the cruel real world.

The eyes of the sun and the moon are cruel.

"Grand Duke, these people, I'm afraid you will have to trouble you to do it yourself."

Anonymous muttered to himself.

There was a gourd hanging around his waist, and a low voice full of violence came from the gourd, but only Wuming could hear it.

"The baptism of ten thousand years of seal time, my body has tended to decay, and this spiritual power is like the fire of a candle, which can be extinguished at any time. You have not completed my task, but you want me to spend my spiritual power first?"

Wuming said in a low voice: "Compared to the blood of the guardian of the tree of truth, what is this loss?"

Hululi was silent for a moment.

"The power of scholars developed by you little guys is very wonderful. Some of the little guys' souls have completed strange changes. I can't do anything in my current state. You can solve it yourself."

Under the gazes of many students from Zeeland, Wuming picked up the gourd around his waist.

"What is he going to do?"

"Be careful!"

After a short period of rumors, everyone also knew that this terrifying and evil giant was involved in this assessment for some unknown reason.

[Light and Shadow Hidden] Byrne, holding a magic weapon, glanced at Seymour.

Zi Yan had unknowingly leaned against Seymour Xiong, and both stood side by side.

call out!

Seeing Wuming move in the distance, knowing that he was going to use some terrifying power, Byrne could no longer restrain the feeling of trembling, and when he was promoted to the second-level energy field, he could feel the terrifying power better than others. Trembling terror!

So, he took the initiative to attack.

Absolute speed, attacking Wuming.

Wuming's old eyelids slightly lifted and looked at Bourne, as if he was looking at himself who was once hailed as a thousand-year-old genius by the Gu Yue family.

The same absolute speed, but for that plan, he sacrificed half his life.

With a sneer, he pulled off the lid on the gourd.


Invisible spiritual ripples suddenly swayed.

The dense fog that filled the air was instantly pushed away by a mental ripple.

With the nameless center, it seems to form an absolute spiritual realm, greed, ambition, brutality, persistence, all kinds of desires are unscrupulously manifested.

But that's all.

Wuming re-buckled the gourd stopper.

The sneer at the corner of his mouth has not dissipated, as if nothing had happened.

There is no waste of energy, absolute control of one's own spiritual power!

Immediately afterwards, with the closest Bourne as the center, students from Zeeland became dumbfounded one after another.

"Hum hum hum hum."

Wuming re-hung the gourd around his waist, acting calmly.

He stared at one figure after another.

As if they had been hypnotized by some kind of deep-level hypnosis, they actually activated the assessment badge teleportation function with a dull expression after being distorted, leaving many light spots in the air, falling like raindrops.

The badge floated slowly to the ground.


A storm creation known for its speed, UU reading easily withstood the blow of the [Light and Shadow Hidden].

"One, two, three, four, eh?"

Wuming looked at the figure wearing the X mask, slightly surprised.

"It's him?"

[Destroyer] Kui, woke up from that moment of sluggishness, and he was stunned when he saw the scattered badges all over the sky.

"Exactly... what happened?"

This kind of power has completely exceeded his cognition.

He never thought it would be such a result, a deep shock.

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