outside the examination space.

Finnish Academy of Natural Sciences.

hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum...

On the altar of balance, the dense space transmits energy fluctuations, which appear at the same time almost instantaneously.

The tutors of the six colleges were in an uproar.

Everyone couldn't help but look at the instructor seat of Zeeland College.

After a brief period of astonishment, [Bai Guang] flew to the altar with the [Hidden] beside him. They were incredibly shocked and looked around at the many Zeeland colleges on the huge altar.

"Exactly... what happened!"

[Bai Guang] muttered absentmindedly, his pupils kept shaking, and Liu Shen Wuzhu looked to the side of the [Hidden].

Cloaked in black, the hider grabbed a groggy Xilan student and woke him up.

"Is it the blaster?"


"Blasting killer?"

The student woke up.

After a brief period of astonishment, he discovered that he had actually left the Foggy Stone Forest and appeared on the assessment altar. He stared at the many college tutors and flower beds in the distance, and his face turned pale when he realized what it was.

"It's Barda [Destroyer] Kui, a person he brought. Some people say that he was a traitor wanted by the Gu Yue family two years ago, [Lei Ming], and was wanted by the church."


[Hidden] looked at [White Light].

[Bai Guang] Flipped the book, and looked up to respond after a while.

"The heretic who was wanted by the church two years ago is said to have killed three angels of birth with war weapons. In addition, the Dark World, the Temple of the Storm, and the Gu Yue Clan are all wanted, and the reward is very high, and they hold the legacy of ancient civilization. The Sun and Moon Demon Eye is said to be comparable to the power of the Holy Demon, and it can be said to be a powerful free scholar who has risen in recent years."

"Holy Magic Tool!!?"

[Hidden] Trying to keep himself calm and rational, the black smoke pervading his body is violent and terrifying, like boiling water.

The old scholars of the Finnish Academy of Natural Sciences came over one after another with solemn expressions, and whispered with the [Hidden].

Not for a while.

The dense hummingbird flock guardians rise from the Finnish Academy of Natural Sciences in all directions.

A rainbow rose from the top of the tower, spanning the entire academy!

The old scholars who were not born appeared one after another, as if they were facing a great enemy, and one after another, powerful and strange golems and puppets came out of the ground.

After the evil giant wanted by the church broke into the assessment space, the matter will never end so easily!

The Finnish Academy smelled danger and was quietly approaching.

Gu Bo and Su Yan quietly listened to the explanation of the old Finnish man. After he left, they couldn't help showing excited smiles on their solemn faces.

"There is such a thing? This year of Zeeland Academy is completely over!"

Similar changes have occurred several times in the history of assessments jointly organized by several colleges.

But no matter what happened, the assessment never stopped.


examination space.

New Zealand misty stone forest.

Whoosh, whoosh...

A low breathing sound came from under the X mask, and Yaqian, like many Xilan students, left the assessment space, completely breaking Lai Luo's original plan.

Lai Luo raised his eyes and stared at Wuming standing calmly in the sky in the distance.

In other words, the gourd around his waist.

What is in there!

Different from the vague feeling of others, after being blessed by the essence of the moon, Lai Luo's moonlight spiritual power, which tends to annihilate, can more clearly feel the vast and unstoppable spiritual aura that floods the sky and covers the sky.

That's a more terrifying mental oppression than Corleone.

What is even more terrifying is that with such a powerful mental force, he has achieved absolute control, which has never appeared in any ancient records!

Because according to the Corleone laboratory classics, the suppression of lower creatures by Shenwei is a natural overflow of spiritual soul power, which is the overflow of the power of the law activated by the torrent of belief. As far as living things are concerned, there is absolute suppression, and the majesty cannot be violated.

The dragon slayer can be regarded as a legend.

Slaughter God?

never existed!

There is an insurmountable gap between low-level creatures and gods, and that is the natural repressive power of the law and divine power, which is a qualitative change in the level of life.

Kamui cannot be controlled, just like humans cannot control their own scent, he represents the attributes of Godhead.

But the mental power just now achieved absolute control? ?

Doesn't that mean...

His control of the power of his own laws has far exceeded the definition of advanced biological standards in the academic world at this stage?

Just a moment!

He unexpectedly easily caused more than 80 elite students of Zeeland Academy to briefly hallucinate, activate the assessment badge, leave the assessment space, and be automatically eliminated.

"Could it be that there is the Sun and Moon Demon Eye, and he has been able to completely control the power of the Sun and Moon Demon Eye?"

Laidlaw guessed the most likely scenario, but shook his head in self-denial.

"No, the power of the Sun and Moon Demon Eye is the relay of the power of the sun and the moon. The power of annihilation and destruction cannot be the manifestation of this pure and terrifying spiritual power."

Lei Luo glanced at the other four people who had not left the assessment space except himself.

[Light and Shadow Hidden] Byrne, [Destroyer] Kui, [Flame Soul Demon] Seymour Xiong, a mysterious female student from Zeeland.

The female student has the typical three-dimensional facial features and beauty of the Xilan people, as well as a tall figure, and her complexion is extremely pale because of the mental shock just now.

Lai Luo noticed that her mental power seemed to have undergone some kind of mutation, or it was protected by a high-level magic tool.

In short, she successfully resisted the mental shock just now.

"[Xielan Star], Princess Mi'er?"

Based on her beauty, Lai Luo thought of the clues mentioned in the intelligence. This was actually a Princess of Zeeland, but she rarely showed up at Sealand College.


The violent firework element gathered towards Seymour.

After a brief absence of attention, Seymour Xiong immediately launched a counterattack after seeing that many students were driven out of the assessment space in an inexplicable way in an instant.

No questioning, no anger, no doubt.

He had nothing but the wildest and most ardent desire, and the flames above his head reflected the shadow of his crooked horns, reflecting the crimson evil in his eyes.

He actually held the fireball like this and took the initiative to rush towards Wuming.

[Destroyer] Kui, after a brief shock, licked his lips, and the frenzy was mixed with helplessness, and he also rushed over.

He never imagined that things would turn out like this!

In the future, the relationship between himself and Zelan Academy will be similar to the relationship between himself and Gran Academy.

Only Wuming stood proudly after hanging the gourd around his waist.

Once incarnated as [Lei Ming], he is known for the power of thunder and lightning, but now the sun and moon pupils reflect the power of the magic eye, and the four swords of creation are assisted.

Byrne woke up from a brief absence.

He waved the lightsaber magic weapon in his hand, and with a sound of "dang", he blocked the looming translucent storm creation, and the storm creation disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"What magic weapon is this?"

The wings of light flashed behind him, and he was able to catch up with the tail marks of the magic sword.

Four swords of creation, Storm Creature is known for its speed and sharpness, and its speed is extremely fast.

Like a wildly excited flame demon who came out of the heart of the earth, Seymour Xiong rushed in with unparalleled arrogance, and the flame creation floating on Wuming's side, with a "boom", a monstrous blazing flame surged towards Seymour Xiong.

The flame creation, has the strongest energy control among the four magic swords.

And he himself, once named [Thunder] by the family, is known for the power of thunder, holding a thunder creation, crackling, thunder flashes, and disappears.

The next moment, he came first and appeared in front of [Destroyer] Kui.

The state of destruction was about to disappear, and Kui was nearly exhausted.

The long beard is flowing, the body is thin and nameless, and the color is rebellious.

Thunder Creation is the most powerful magic weapon in a short period of time among the four swords of creation.

The electric light rushed into the air current that was swirling around Kui.

However, in the destruction mode, the turbulent airflow that surrounded Kui's body set off Kui as a five-meter-tall terrifying giant. After the mad electric light poured into it, it failed to penetrate this continuous airflow, disintegrating and disintegrating into countless thunder light.

In contrast, the speed and sharpness of Storm Creatures are more practical to fight against Kui in Destruction Mode.


Kui's face was a little grim.

There is not much time left for him to remain in a state of destruction.

Now there are several other people entangled, and the most difficult and fastest Storm Creature is not there. He has to go all out during this period and strive to achieve something.

The blue veins are exposed on the right fist, condensing the terrifying airflow.

He let out a shocking roar like a thousand-point force.

"Destruction Fist Crash Cannon!"

The air fist cannon that condensed amazing oppressive force arrived in an instant. After breaking through the annihilation barrier, Wuming fell to the ground with a sound of "boom".

rumbling rumbling...

Frost creation, freezing spread.

Wuming fell into the ice pit, with him as the center, a clear air cannon fist mark of more than two meters, a clear brand, after a layer of air wave ripples, dense cracks spread out more than ten meters.

In the center of the ice pit, the frost creation flashed and appeared in front of Wuming.

"To be able to exert this savage and violent power to such an extent, ahem."

Staring at the falling fireball, before the fireball fell, the ice crystals around him were hit by the heat wave and melted.

It was Seymour Xiong's Purgatory Fireball~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that broke through the sword of flame creation and smashed it head-on!

The pupil of the sun in Wuming's right eye suddenly lit up.

A slow fireball shot up into the sky.

With a bang, the dazzling light of two fireballs drowned Wuming.

Seymour fell from the sky and landed in the ice crater where the nameless fell. There was viscous liquid magma under his feet, ignoring the surrounding flames and heat waves, and his majestic body was like a mountain, looking for the nameless trace.

Suddenly, he found something.

"Die! Bugs!!!"

In a short moment, he actually condensed a second purgatory fireball and smashed it towards Wuming, who was fleeing at a thunderous speed in the air.

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