Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 271: Chase (Part 1)

The dark essence dust in the sky was gradually swallowed up.

Lai Luo held a quaint book in his right hand, and carefully experienced the gradual changes in Mithril Sealed Dust.

Mithril essence grows by swallowing dark essence.

According to the rules of conservation, in this world, there must be an opposing magical material that can grow by swallowing Mithril.

Mithril represents the superconducting properties of magic power.

Any magic tool that incorporates some mithril must have an extremely rare mutation ability.

Whoa whoa.

The pages of Mithril Dust, which devoured the essence of darkness, quickly turned.

The energy of the natural elements in the air in all directions is slowly gathering towards it.

This book with a length of 25cm and a width of 15cm is getting bigger and bigger under Lai Luo's gaze.

In the blink of an eye, the quaint book turned into a giant book with a length of 5m and a width of 3m, shining with the brilliance of simple silver metal and floating quietly in the air.

Lai Luo has been able to clearly feel the changes brought about by the qualitative change of Mithril Dust.

"Is this the self-destruction ability of the magic weapon?"

In Lai Luo's perception, the core of this giant book is already closely connected with the surrounding natural energy of dozens of meters. The energy is drained, and then released in the most violent way.

This is almost equivalent to the explosive power of instantly collapsing and compressing hundreds of gravitational energy **** at the same time!

And this is just the self-destruction power released after "Mithril Dust" evolved into a low-level magic weapon.

The self-destruction of a magic weapon is the last resort for many advanced scholars.

"Maybe by studying the self-explosion of the magic weapon, we can develop a special device that forms high temperature and high pressure in a short period of time to study the mysterious gas and see if we can obtain some solar energy laws?"

The mysterious gas that Laylo was referring to was precisely the special substance that Laylo produced after concentrating light through the eye of the sun and focusing on the power of adaptive evolution of the magic circle, which was carefully collected by Laylo.

Somewhere, Lai Luo sensed that this was probably the key to unlocking the application of the power of the sun!

Click, click.

With the disappearance of the dark essence, the energy isolation characteristics of the Thick Burial Sealing Technique are also gradually disappearing.

The hill-like solid soil structure beneath Laylo was rapidly collapsing.

"Wait until the laboratory construction is completed, and then study it carefully. These days have passed, and I don't know how the students in it are doing."

Index finger tip.

A gravitational energy ball is instantly generated.

boom! boom! boom!

After a series of violent explosions, the dust flew.

Staring at its black hole that had been sealed for more than six days, the yin wind filled with blood blew out from the depths of the cave, Lei Luo's feet were about ten centimeters off the ground, and he floated in silently with the power of the moon induced tides.

The two corpses, before the seal exit of the underground space, were clearly imprinted on their faces with the panic and despair at the end of their lives.

Broken heart, one hit kills.

It can be seen that in the last period of their lives, they were very afraid.

"Diroth, Takuya?"

These two people, Lai Luo know.

The two of them are the elite students of Gran Academy who were the first to be notified when Lai Luo implemented the active decisive battle plan for this graduation assessment. They were extremely strong, but they didn't expect that because the assessment badges lost their effectiveness, and he sealed the academy's competition. The exit caused these two powerful guys to die here.

Without stopping too much, Lai Luo continued to walk towards the cave.

There was another corpse that Laidlaw didn't know, and it was also fatally shot in the heart.

After a while.

"Hum hum hum hum."


Gloomy laughter came from the dark labyrinth tunnel.

Lai Luo frowned slightly: "Shadow predator?"

"Are you the Eye of the Sun? It's you who sealed the passage? I heard from them that you announced on the first day of the assessment that you would no longer participate in the competition for the academy rewards, but you sealed the entire assessment space, even the assessment. The badges are invalid because of this."

With a cruel voice, a ghostly figure slowly appeared in the dark passage in front of Lai Luo.

Even Lai Luo didn't know whether this was an illusion or his body.

Lai Luo said lightly: "What about the others?"

Just as the other party asked Laidlaw back, Laidlaw was also not interested in answering his question.

"They? Humph, of course they are all dead. I killed them one by one. Isn't that what you want? Let the people inside kill each other, and then you will gain the benefits of the fisherman?"

"What do I want?"

After Lei Luo was stunned for a moment, a chill rose.

The closure of the assessment space, could it be that the assessment instructors want to let themselves take all the other students in this closed space...

It has to be said that both of them are very capable of associating.

Between Duan Shun, the two infinitely magnified the subtle malice in their hearts.

"Is not it?"

Shadow Predator sneered.

"In this way, you can only deal with one person and get all the rewards. It's really an outrageous dark talent. Badges, space box legacy, and academy rewards, all of which are harvested by you alone, hum hum hum. hum."


Lai Luo couldn't help laughing.

"Whatever you want to understand, even I didn't expect such an outcome. The outside world has changed a lot these days. I don't know what will happen. Be careful yourself."

After finishing speaking, Lai Luo turned around and left this dark labyrinth.

Because the assessment space is closed, all the badges will be lost when the student dies. The number of badges that Lai Luo has harvested in the past few days is amazing. A series of coincidences may have exceeded the highest score in history. Therefore, for this man in the dark The students who survived to the end in the cruel environment are not too hostile.

In fact, there is a feeling of sympathy deep inside.

"Humph, are you afraid?"

A sinister sneer came from behind.

"Did I let you go?"

Lai Luo was stunned for a moment, then stopped, his face gloomy.

"What's the meaning?"

In the darkness, the Shadow Predator said gloomily: "It's not interesting, I just want you to leave everything on your body. You are so greedy, you should have gained a lot on your body, right?"

"You actually hit me with your mind?"

Lei Luo said gloomily: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

hum hum hum hum.

"The Eye of the Sun, in this dark and closed environment, talk to me like this, I admire your courage, then... you go to die!!!"

Before the voice came, the murder had arrived.

A pitch-black dagger silently broke through the 1024 Night Shield, stabbing Laylo's heart.

I don't know when, the shadow predator has sneaked into the shadow under Lai Luo's feet.

It was followed by a screeching screeching sound.

With the help of the secondary energy field, the powerful defensive power brought by the 1024 Night Shield, Lai Luo's index finger and ring finger held the mysterious dagger in a light-hearted posture, letting the sneak attack figure how hard, Can't pierce an inch, let alone pull out a point.

This is a pale face like paper, with sunken eyes and a sharp chin. It is unbelievable to watch this strange scene.

"The art of siphoning."


The muffled sound came, and the Shadow Predator could clearly feel that Lai Luo at this moment was like a bottomless black hole. He actually twisted, gave up the short sword in his hand, and broke free from the control of Lai Luo's siphon technique. re-dissolved in the darkness.

After the short sword lost its energy support, it was put away by Lai Luo without looking at it.

The hole is quiet.

Lei Luo looked around, and for a while, he couldn't find any trace of the Shadow Predator. He could only faintly feel that he was not far away.

Seeing this, Laidlaw took out the X mask and put it on his face.

"You can't run away!"

Under the X mask, Laidlaw looked around at the darkness.


A strange shadow, with an incredibly ingenious gesture, was attached to the cave in the upper left corner of Laylo, ignoring gravity, and rushing out silently, but because it was too close, Laylo noticed the vision.

X hunted and killed the light marks to complete the brand in an instant, and Lai Luo's backhand was a gravitational energy ball.


The dark and flexible figure easily escaped from the shock wave of Laidlaw's gravity energy ball, and quickly fled to the outside of the hole.

"You can't escape!!"

Annoyed, Laidlaw grabbed a Mish boulder.

After the blessing of Hei Yao Expansion Technique, the boulder turned into a giant of three or four meters, smashed with a "bang", but was avoided by him again.

Turning his head, the Shadow Predator stared at the figure in the black hole. His face became even paler, and he casually opened a scroll of animal skins.

A flaming flame Malu rushed towards it with its teeth and claws.

Malu is a multi-legged arthropod with a body length of up to three meters. It mostly lives on the edge of the death swamp. It has a block speed and an amazing bite force. It is good at sneak attack.

The flame element summoned in this seal scroll rushed towards Lai Luo in a flash.

At the same time rushed out of the shadow predator from the underground cave, staring at the bodies of many strong men near the cave, dying in different postures, and surrounding the surrounding layers, his already pale face, suddenly Even more pale, after a short pause, he desperately fled into the depths of the fog.

Boom boom.

After a while, Lelo, who had defeated the flame element summons, flew out of the cave in a rage.

The black smoke of the resentful spirit lingered on his body, and his eyes under the X mask stared at the X-ray marks that were gradually introduced into the mist.

"I've already marked you, you can't escape!!!"

Lai Luo's figure also rushed into the fog and disappeared without a trace in a flash.

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