Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 274: The Tree of Truth (Part 2)

After two and a half hourglass times.

rustling rustle...

The gust of wind blew Laiduo's body, and the loose energy clothes slowly flowed away with the gust of wind.

Ordinary people will be torn apart in no time or half here. This is the edge of the forbidden area of ​​life.

examination regulations.

The tree of truth battle reward can only be issued at dusk on the tenth day.

And the final reward can only be obtained by one person.

"The sunset is so beautiful."

With his back against the stone tablet, Lei Luo stared at the afterglow of the evening sunset reflected by the star screen stone layer, and countless black spots slipped past, which were the star stone trails outside the star screen atmosphere.

Lonely, lonely.

The contender that Laidlaw had been looking forward to for a long time still did not appear, and now it was the deadline.

This is called the Tree of Truth Fighting Platform. It is a platform for the strong people of the academy to show their personal strength. When people feel hopeless, there is a situation where no one can compete with them.

"Is this what Corleone calls peak loneliness?"


The Shadow of the Sky Unparalleled Gale, because no one in the same class competed with him, he monopolized the battle stage and became a legend.

Today, Laidlaw does the same.

"Faith comes from firmness, and truth comes from doubt. The deep meaning is... Scholars have opened up another way of evolution besides belief evolution, exploring the evolution of truth and knowledge?"

In the loneliness, Lai Luo realized.

"The so-called **** is just a higher-level creature."

He slowly closed the "Heliocentric Theory", and after Laiduo put it away, he slowly got up in loneliness.

"The future will eventually prove that the greatness of the truth of the "Heliocentric Theory" upheld by Da Bainey Vince for 800 years, the path opened by the pioneers, does not require the understanding of the followers!"



Countless green leaves, gathered into a huge human face, appeared above Laiduo's head.

The giant face is about ten meters tall, overlooking the little one who is looking up at him.

"Scholar standing on the top of the truth, congratulations on you getting the highest reward this year. Please take out all your assessment badges. I will give you different levels of rewards according to the number of your assessment badges."

Staring at this giant face made of leaves, Laidlaw had a strange feeling.

It seemed to be a life form he had never seen before.

Lai Luo slowly took out all his badges.

A branch slowly stretched over, and the green leaves absorbed the mysterious energy on the badge.

As Lai Luo took out more and more badges, the green leaf face became more and more excited. When Lai Luo took out five hundred badges, the giant face became excited.

"Very good!"

Luye Human face said with surprise: "Ninety-three years have passed since the last time I collected 500 badges. I remember that time, she seemed to be a very strong female human being, then..."

The green leaves are surging and concentrated.

From the trunk of the giant tree below the Battlefront Platform, a majestic vitality gushed out and merged into the concentrated green-leafed human face.


Under Lai Luo's calm gaze, a slender figure with emerald green skin appeared.

She is about the same height as Laidlaw.

The graceful and enchanting beauty of women is vividly displayed on every inch of her body, with only a few leaves covering key parts.



Lai Luo and the other party couldn't help but be suspicious.

Through the elf physique of plants and trees, Lai Luo can instinctively perceive the strange intimacy with each other, which is like a symbiotic creature in nature.


at the same time.

Lai Luo has also taken out all the badges he has collected.

A total of 1012 badges!

Due to unknown reasons, the assessment badge lost its transmission effect, and it was impossible for the assessment students who possessed it to leave the secret realm with half of the badges by giving up the continued assessment. In addition, Barda College and Zeeland College entered the golden generation at the same time, and the number of students increased sharply. , and the appearance of nameless...

A lot of coincidences come together.

The number of badges that Lai Luo collected has reached an unprecedented number of more than 1,000!

You must know that most of the time, the overall number of students in one assessment is only more than 3,000 people.

However, all of this has been unable to distract this green-skinned woman.

"Why is there a very familiar aura about you?"

The Tree of Truth stared at Lai Luo and asked inexplicably.

Lai Luo said slowly: "You are... the Sky Tree?"

Through the instinctive perception of the plants and elves, Lai Luo has determined that this so-called tree of truth is an extinct sapling!

And the woman in front of her is mostly Qingtianshu's consciousness.

"The Sky Tree?"

The woman shook her head, and while Lai Luo was stunned, she explained: "I just grafted a brand new tree from a withered root of a tree, and the name is called the Tree of Truth. From you, mine The blood keeps telling me that we are very close."


Lai Luo was stunned.

This technique was originally developed by ancient scholars thousands of years ago, and I thought it was a technique developed by Merlin, the black widow.

When Lai Luo was stunned, the Tree of Truth also discovered that the badges Lai Luo took out had far exceeded five hundred, and said in surprise: "One thousand and twelve badges! Of the 776 badges obtained, there are 236 more badges! Unbelievable, you have achieved a record!"

"How would that be?"

Laylo asked.


The Tree of Truth smiled slightly, and after the thick trunk under his feet wriggled for a while, he took out a bottle of strange green blood, but it was burning like a flame.

"This is?"

Lelonne opened her mouth and instinctively guessed an answer in her heart.

"This is the blood of the gods. A year ago, a heretical evil god, the **** of black crows, and the evil **** descended in secret in the death swamp, and its blood was the final reward for this year's graduation assessment. But..."

The incarnation of the Tree of Truth frowned slightly.

"But here only, according to the regulations, should be given to you."

"Blood of God!!!"

The inner guess was confirmed, and Lei Luo's hand trembled uncontrollably.

The blood descendants in the land of night, have the evil gods secretly descended?

In this way, if the Holy See of Light has not found the exact location of the remaining six mother nests, the level of war will probably no longer be controlled by many human principalities.

The tree of truth tentatively said: "Not yet, you have two choices, one is to apply to the assessment committee after leaving, and the other is to replace it with other rewards."

"Other rewards?"

The Tree of Truth said easily: "I still store a lot of rewards here, potion formulas, magic materials, academic handbooks, and even honorary titles of various principalities, gold coins magic stones, everything, how about it, what do you need?"

"These things, I can get them elsewhere."

Lai Luo calmly said.

"Then you chose the first item and compensated for the look of the assessment committee?"

The tree of truth doesn't matter.

But seeing Lai Luo slowly shaking his head, in her puzzled look, Lai Luo expected: "I want the mystery of your current human form, and even give up some of the blood of God for this."


The incomprehensible color of the tree of truth.

Laylo took a deep breath.

"Since your body is the tree of truth, why can you appear in this human image? And in my perception, your power has not been condensed in this way?"

"Oh! You said this."

The Tree of Truth explained: "Because this Sky Tree was a congenital ancient **** before the ancient cataclysm, its body is so huge that it is even an ecosystem itself, and the ecosystem that is attached to it is The creatures brought it special powers, and the second incarnation is one of them, which represents the will of the top of the ecosystem."

"And your badges gave me this ability for a short time, although it only lasted for a few hourglasses."

"Ancient God? The second real body?"

Lai Luo said in a low voice: "It means... Relying on his huge divine body, turning the divine body into something of an absolute domain, and condensing some of the body's soul cells into the essence of will, similar to the extraction of the original single-cell soul fire, and carried out a certain kind of sublimation?"

The reason why Lai Luo cares so much about this ability is because the real body of Lai Luo's star body is also a key node in its evolution!

Originally, Lai Luo believed that if the real body of the star goes further, it will inevitably form a spherical shape.

Through the tree of truth, Lai Luo suddenly realized that he seemed to exist in the form of the will projection of the 'Lai Luo star'?

"I want to get this ability, look at the root of the superstar!"


The Tree of Truth agreed at once, looking forward: "But I need your exchange, I want to see the thing that affects the source of your life, I can feel that it will make me change, just like bees and flowers. The same symbiotic relationship that I've never felt before."


Lai Luo's shoulder Xiaobai, who was about to fall asleep in a daze, was summoned by Lai Luo.

"Ah? What are you doing!"

Xiaobai said angrily, "I don't know that people like to go to bed early, so what about medicine and beauty sleep?"

After Laiduo was stunned, he said angrily, "The Corleone experiment didn't go to bed at 1:30 in the middle of the night, and I didn't see you making such a noise."


Xiaobai said with embarrassment: "That's because... eh?"

Xiaobai was about to make a fuss, to see if he could steal a copper coin or two from Lei Luo, but suddenly he realized that he turned to look at the green-skinned woman, opened his mouth and murmured, "The Skytree?"


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