Finnish capital.

Fifteen days have passed since this graduation assessment.

The ruins were burning, and countless thick black smoke shot into the sky.

The city was wailing, and there were corpses and war weapons everywhere. Countless corpses of giant birds, like slapped flies, splashed blood on the surrounding ruins.

The falling balloon airship and the strong men smashed huge craters on the ground, telling the fierce battle here.

The wizards who invaded like a flood demon brought death and destruction to this garden city, sowing darkness and fear, and now they have completely disappeared without a trace.

There were cries in the rubble, and rescuers came from all directions.

Gu Bo and Su Yan stared at this hellish scene, and they couldn't see the ruins of the garden city at all. Even if they were as indifferent to the impermanence of the world as they were, their eyes couldn't help but feel a little moist.

"The wizard of the dark world."

Gubo almost squeezed out of his teeth.

"I heard that when the Black Death was raging, every city was in such a tragic state. It was the darkest moment for human beings, and it was almost extinct. Even the creator of light was affected by this, and the power of belief was greatly weakened. Then form an absolute suppression of the dark world."

Sulfur Rock sighed.

"Grand Duke Capricorn sacrificed the capital of Finland in blood, the principality of Finland was destroyed, the world of darkness rose, and a new era of war and chaos came."

No wonder the two were not involved in the defense of the Finnish capital.

after all.

The two shouldered the heavy responsibility of defending the Gran students. Behind them stood more than 200 Gran students who had been eliminated in the early stage. They were the future of the Principality of Gran.


"My God!"

A member of an exploration team screamed in horror and trembled in disbelief.

The people nearby hurriedly gathered over.

I saw countless corpses gathered into the shape of a hill.

If you look closely, it seems that someone wants to use corpses, to complete some crazy art plan, and pile these corpses into a castle?

"Door of hell."

I don't know who, after witnessing such a terrifying scene, I instinctively murmured.


on the ground.

The giant footprints of dozens of meters were clearly marked on the ground, and they walked unstoppably towards the palace step by step.

More than a dozen advance scholars investigation team, according to the mission instructions, came to the sealed gate in the depths of the palace.


A few green-eyed owls were fleeting.

"Inside is the Finnish treasury. It is said that the construction of the treasury was completed according to the highest specifications. There is no correct way to open it. Even those wizards can't open the door in just ten days. This is the reconstruction of the Principality of Finland. foundation!"

However, when these scholars' investigation team passed through the ruins and came to the secret entrance of the treasury in the belly of the mountain, they immediately froze in place.

The treasury door was open, and it was empty inside.

But that's not the main thing.

in front of the gate.

Countless palms, thousands of them, were cut down with extreme cruelty and piled up in front of the gate.

An old scholar staggered and said with a pale face: "It's over, it's over. The Principality of Finland has no hope, there's nothing left."

A man with a gloomy complexion walked up to these severed palms and carefully studied something.

Another middle-aged female scholar walked behind him, she used to be the princess of the duchy, and wept, "The gate of the treasury must be opened only by the handprints of the commander-in-chief, His Majesty the King, and the wrong person. They must be looking for a hidden Jiecuo, and they cut off everyone's hands for it!"

Tears fell, and she asked, "What did you find?"

The gloomy-looking man stood up.

"These hands...are not from the same corpse."

The middle-aged female scholar froze for a moment, then said angrily, "This humor is not funny!"


Finnish Academy of Natural Sciences.

The square is full of craters and corpses, the ruins of towers hundreds of meters high, collapsed on the square, and the crater corpses, countless.

A heavy-armored warrior stepped on a wizard's corpse angrily with a "click", and brought the professors from the five principalities academies to the destroyed scale altar.

"It was several old professors from the academy who jointly performed the sealing technique and destroyed the basic structure of the Tianping altar, ensuring that the assessment students inside would not be attacked by wizards."

The old scholar in charge of repairing the altar looked gloomy.

"The sealing technique has been lifted, but if you want to repair the altar, other materials are good enough. The Zero Boundary Stone and Mithril in the academy's reserves have been plundered by those wizards. Now, 35,000g of Zero Boundary Stone and 550g of Mithril are required to complete the repair."

After everyone took a look, although their hearts were bleeding, they silently began to think of ways to gather repair materials.

in this way.

It was not until the sunset and dusk that the brand-new altar of scales was finally restored in the ruins of the collapsed Finnish tower.

"Embed the magic stone."

All-in-one advanced mode, embedded in the altar groove.

The old scholar specializing in time and space academics in charge of repairing the altar took a deep breath and said, "Then, activate the time and space altar!"

With the energy supply of the magic stone, countless energy runes gradually lighted up on the scale altar, regaining the effect of time and space.


It was completely different from what everyone expected.

After opening the altar of time and space, no one teleported out.

"I have missed the last time to leave the assessment space. The students inside should not realize that the teleportation effect has been restored. I will activate the forced teleportation function and summon them later."

The old scholar explained it a little bit.

After a while.

Just when the old scholar was about to activate the forced teleportation function of the altar, suddenly, a "hum" sound flashed, and a student appeared on the altar.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Breathing violently, this is a Welland student with a relatively immature complexion, half-kneeling on the altar, staring at everything around him, unbelievable.

"Su Er!"

The old professor of Wellland College was surprised and supported the student.

"What about the others, what's going on inside?"

"Dead, all dead."

Su Er gradually recovered and murmured in a low voice.

The old professor was stunned, looking at this student who was completely different from the past. He seemed to exude a wild aura with great potential, or the hostile aura of a creature at the top of the food chain.

"What the **** happened inside!?"

"It's Gran Academy! After they went there to collect badges, they never came back. Until just now, I couldn't hold back my curiosity. I broke into the heart of the Gran assessment area and saw their bodies, all dead!"

The old professor looked at Gu Bo.

It's not just him, Xilan Academy's [Hidden], [White Light], Welland Academy's [Old Demon], [Beast Master], all looked at Gu Bo with unfriendly eyes.


Gu Bo's heart suddenly burst, but with a sneer on his face, he said without fear: "It's them who are going to kill themselves, what do they see me doing?"

hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum...

Following the forcible summoning of the Space-Time Altar, the appraisers in the secret realm appeared on the altar one after another.

In total, there are only a hundred or so remaining assessors from the five major academies and many free-scholar families.

Lai Luo stood in front of Bai Xing, Xiao Kang, Yulia, and Sibo.


Laylo stared at the ruins of the Finnish capital, recovered from the shock, and looked at Gubo who hurried over.

"Teacher! Here... what happened?"

Not just Laylo.

The people on the altar were about to question and roar angrily, but when they saw the apocalyptic ruins in front of them, they all opened their mouths and were speechless.

"It's a wizard! We must get out of here now!"

The students of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences gathered here for the first time, and it seemed that there were only more than 20 people.

Gu Bo frowned and looked at the old scholar in charge of the summoning of time and space.

If there is any feeling, the old scholar said: "It's all here."

"what happened?"

Gu Bo looked around at Angela, Aoun, Noel, Rocky, McGana, Dylan, Bai Xing, Xiao Kang, Yulia, Sibo, and several other class powerhouses, and said in amazement: "Where are they? ?"

Everyone's eyes turned to Lei Luo.

Gubo also looked at Laylo.

"They're all dead."

Laidlaw seemed to say something very ordinary, and explained: "Killed by the Shadow Predator."

"Why is this happening!"

After a little understanding of the reason, Gu Bo couldn't help roaring angrily: "Why are you disbanding the seal team, but targeting the students of your own academy! In the future, the principality does not know how many nobles will hate you, even if you complete the graduation assessment, you should How to get a foothold!"

There are more than 20 people here, plus the more than 200 people who came out before the wizard came, and the assessment team of more than 500 people only returned half?

As he said he looked at Lai Luo and couldn't help but regret.

"I know, you are doing this for me! But if you are doing this, you are ruining your future! Is it worth it?"

"No, teacher, you misunderstood."

Staring at Gu Bo, there was a smile on the corner of Lai Luo's mouth, a satisfied expression.

Under Gu Bo's puzzled gaze, Lai Luo slowly shook his head.

"I just wanted to see if anyone could overcome the academic truth I was after, and yet... none of them."

Lai Luo chuckled: "It seems that the star screen world is not the center of the universe after all, and it did not bring them the power to defeat me."


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