Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 283: golden filament


The fortifications built by the Crusaders behind him disappeared into the thick fog as Lai Luo continued to move forward.

There are countless footprints on the ground.

Laidlaw can only fly at low altitudes to prevent being attacked by the fearsome Blood Ravens.

quack quack quack quack...


On the ground, a blood crow struggling and screaming in pain attracted Lai Luo's attention.

"This is?"

Lai Luo picked up the blood crow.

It seems to be at the last end of its life, and its mutated feathers with **** grimace patterns are infested with strands of golden light.

These terrifying filaments are eroding its life.

Lai Luo once felt the power of light when he burned books in the church of the Grant Academy of Natural Sciences, but compared to the miracle of light at that time, although the golden thread here is very weak, it is undoubtedly the same kind. Energy is a call to the divine power of the creator of light.

Weird feeling.

For these golden threads, Laylo, as a human being in the Land of Stars, would instinctively have a sense of intimacy.

But to this mutant blood crow, these golden filaments seem to be the most deadly poison, eating away at its vitality.

"The art of siphoning."

Blood Raven's nostrils, eyes, mouth, and strands of green tobacco were forcibly pulled out by Lei Luo.

The life and soul of the Blood Raven was passing by rapidly, and was banished by Lai Luo into the spiritual space full of distortion, annihilation, and ancient silence.

at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This gigantic blood crow, which was more than half a meter, became bony and no longer struggled.

Staring at the corpse of the blood crow, Lai Luo looked solemn.

The powerful gravitational ripples are restrained by the spiritual power of the moonlight. Under the siphon technique, Lai Luo sucked out the life and soul of this blood crow, but the golden filaments of bright blessings on its body did not diminish at all!

With a dignified color, the moon mark in the pupil of Lei Luo's left eye flashed suddenly.


The muddy yellow flame was burning on the scrawny blood crow corpse, and then under the gaze of Lai Luo, the blood crow corpse was being annihilated by the annihilation power contained in the flame, from the microcosm. It disintegrates its essential structure into fine particles similar to sand, and floats in the air.


The pale golden energy is still intact.

The golden filaments had a shape and quality, and floated quietly in the air. Lei Luo quickly stored it in a glass test tube.

Staring at the pale golden energy in the glass test tube, Lai Luo was incredulous.

"It seems to contain a trace of stable quality energy, but compared to the absolute purity and stability of the solar gas, these light energy seems to contain only a trace of stable spiritual power, or it is doped with a lot of impurities, but even so, If you can convert this stable energy into matter, and then perform secondary conversion, release it with the purest energy..."

Lai Luo's face froze.

Is it!

Is this the mystery of God?

By collecting beliefs, striving to strip out a trace of stable spiritual energy, that is, extremely firm beliefs, and then transforming it into unstable substances, casting the divine body, and then exerting unparalleled terrifying power?

Just looking at the energy of this ray of light, compared to the absolute stability of the solar gas, the energy of this ray of light contains too many impurities. Obviously, it is impossible to obtain the purest firm belief, which in turn leads to a decrease in the efficiency of energy utilization. It has not reached the purest matter and energy transformation power deduced from the cornerstone of mathematics.

"It seems that studying the path of solar gas is the right choice."

The current Lai Luo has three specimens related to the mysteries of God.

From the half-human, half-pig corpse, the cursed power of the goddess of wisdom, the blood of the evil **** of black crows, and the power of light were obtained.

After collecting the specimen, Laidlaw continued to fly forward.


Countless blood crow corpses gradually appeared on the ground.

Even Lai Luo couldn't help but change his face slightly, looking at this foggy, tip of the iceberg battlefield with disbelief, one can imagine the tragic battle in the past.

Countless blood crow corpses.

Even if it is only what Laylo can see, there are tens of thousands of them, and their vitality has been eroded by the power of pale golden light.

A few meters off the ground, Laidlaw continued to fly forward.

There are more and more corpses on the ground, not only blood crows, but also a large number of night mutant creatures, as well as the remains of derivative beasts. The golden light filaments have even eroded into the metal, preventing the night worms from reusing these metals.

These night creatures seem to be more aggressive than the creatures of the star land.

But Lai Luo knows that these night creatures also have their own weaknesses, that is, they cannot be too far from the symbiotic mother.

At this point, it seems a bit like a temple believer.

"who is it!"

A crusader who was disposing of the corpse noticed Laidlaw.

The strongest party raised their swords to be on guard, while the others raised their magic crystal spears and aimed at Lei Luo who was flying in the mist.

After Laylo got a little closer and saw that it was a human being, the crusaders relaxed a little.

Except for one person who came to Lai Luo and was in charge of the interrogation, the rest of the people kept using the weapons of light blessing to kill the lingering night creatures that had not completely died.

This Crusader has the typical blond, blue-eyed, tall and handsome appearance of the Aurora Empire.

He walked in front of Lai Luo, cut off the head of a giant ape-like mutant creature, and kicked it away.

Lai Luo discovered that there were countless small snake-like hairs growing on its head, hissing.

"The vitality of these heretical creatures is very tenacious. Even if the mother nest has been destroyed, as long as they are still alive, they will continue to provide faith for the evil gods that may come, so they must be completely killed. Only in this way can we Reduce losses in the next decisive battle."

As the most elite army of mankind, the war the Crusaders have to face is the war of the gods!

In this regard, the legions of any principality are far inferior.

After explaining, he flashed a majestic vindictiveness, smashed the giant ape's head with one foot, and looked at Lai Luo with a little curiosity.

"Are you a magician?"

Magicians, or atheist scholars, are only found in remote principalities. In the eyes of the Aurora people, they belong to the specialty of those small principalities.

"Yes, my mission is to hunt down the blood-derived heretics here, as well as the wizards that may be hidden."

Laylo's response made the crusader nodded with satisfaction.

"This is the battlefield a month ago. Those evil creatures tried to block the support legion here, but they were all defeated by the crusaders led by the Latin red priest. If you want to complete the task, you can only go to the main battlefield. After looking for it, if there is no accident, the Latin red-clothed hierarch will try to launch the second general attack on the derivative lair within three days."

Derivative nest?

Mostly referring to the fat blood nest, another different name.

After a while, Laidlaw said goodbye to the crusaders and continued to fly forward.

along the way.

The corpses of the Crusaders continued to be buried in situ, the ground covered with crosses, but there were no wounded.

Arbiters can easily heal all kinds of injuries at the expense of their vitality.

As Laylo thought.

As the sun went down, the fog gradually thickened.

Laylo finally caught up with the Crusader Legion, which was supported by his two hourglasses first. With about a few thousand people, Laylo naturally joined the messy mercenary team that followed at the end of the team.

"The creatures here will enter a state of rage at night, everyone be careful, keep going at full speed, and be sure to reach your destination before tomorrow night!"

A crusader on a griffin roared and warned above the heads of many mercenaries.


Humans who are trapped in the corner of the mainland peninsula by the darkness of night have no way of truly understanding the cruelty of the laws of the mainland jungle.

Boom, boom, boom, boom...

The explosion of the magic crystal cannon kept coming from afar.

on the wind wall.

A black gap opened silently, and the giant vertical pupils hidden outside the wind wall stared at the majestic fat blood nest after more than two years of construction.

"Metal, so much metal, it really is a rich and civilized country like the legend."

There was longing in the low murmur.


Another voice denied: "It's just that the land of night was prehistoric. After experiencing the metal predator's cataclysmic weapon, it plundered all the metal on the surface, and thus ended the rule of a civilization on the land of night."

"Since the prehistoric creator civilization became extinct after the catastrophic war, after more than 20,000 years, we have been watched by it again. The God of Black Crows came here alone to Hope to join forces to fight against that terrible civilization, But they were killed and fallen."

"What a childish fellow."

The voice was a little sharp, undisguised and sarcastic.

"True God of Light, time-space channel technology, and Black Death catastrophic weapon, this is a terrifying race that can step into a higher civilization at any time. We must use their internal contradictions to completely defeat them before they truly complete their unification. Otherwise, what will greet us will be the same as the creators more than 20,000 years ago, baptized by that terrifying cataclysmic weapon, and will die."

"I heard from those human wizards in the dark world that since the Great Witch King of the Black Death disappeared, the development of human's cataclysmic weapons has been completely terminated, but I can't fully believe their words. We must find the clues of the Great Witch King of the Black Death."

After the low voice, the wind wall returned to silence again.

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