Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 287: Esoteric Degree


Lai Luo flew farther and farther, until he was completely out of the scope of the center of the battlefield.

Back again.

The fog that was dispelled by the previous miracle of light was gradually shrouding back into the battlefield, and the huge plush white bear that was struggling in the dark crack left only a vague spot of light.

Countless mercenaries, like Laylo, are gradually fleeing this terrifying battlefield full of death dangers.

Only the crusaders fought one after another, risking their lives and fighting against the invading blood demons.


In the center of the field, a huge energy spot appeared again, and a circle of strange waves turbulently opened.

"This is!?"

When he noticed something, Lai Luo couldn't help but stop and stared at the huge blue halo that was dozens of meters away, spreading as if it had substance.

"Space-time fluctuations?"

under the halo.

Twelve judges, four bishops, raised their arms high, and at the cost of burning their vitality, they summoned the majestic holy light, and then led by the bright saintess Heyena, they summoned a huge halo of more than 100 meters. Exudes a mysterious wave.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the faces of the Inquisitor and Bishop aged.

While the envoys gain great power, they must also pay the price of life force.

"Great Lord, your faithful servant, I call upon your coming, the gate of judgment!!"

The evil evil spirit of panic, which has already reached into the small half of the body, its white fluff is stitched with the fur of the Pandos Snow Ape, which is the skin sac stitched by an elderly painter before it was born, and on both sides of his cheeks, Painted in cute pink.

But at this moment, human beings seem to be like the guy after the cute thing, after incarnating into such a towering and terrifying giant, it is really terrifying.

"Hahahaha, your blood will become the best fertilizer for the reproduction of my people!"

Domineering, arrogant roar.

The dark red blood flame burning in the eyes, as it struggled violently, pulled out two filaments of light.


With Heyena's call, the time and space fluctuations in the huge halo became stronger and stronger, and the panicked evil spirit stuck in the crack was stunned.


It stared at this extraordinary time and space fluctuation, and then seemed to think of something, its pupils shrank suddenly, and its body began to tremble instinctively.

"Space ripples? Could this power be..."

Roar! ! !

The Evil God of Panic, who had tried his best to squeeze half his body out of the crack in the wind wall, was now roaring in hysteria, not struggling, and wanted to retreat again.

"Quick! Pull me back! Quick!!!"

Its voice was heart-piercing and hysterical, no longer arrogant and domineering, like a frightened little white rabbit.

Although it is known for its tyrannical defense, it is only a low-level **** after all.

If you are targeted by a fifth-level true god, and it is in a place covered by the torrent of belief of the other party, the terrible consequences can not only be compensated by simple cultivation.

"It's a space-time channel, it's a space-time channel technology mastered by humans!!!"

Its hysterical screams made the blood cultivators also aware of the crisis, and they rushed to the bright saintess Heyena under the halo, but they were firmly guarded by the nearby crusaders.

Heyena's eyes were shrouded in enthusiasm, longing, and longing.

The huge halo above her head has been completely formed.

Immediately afterwards, the halo flashed, and a huge void was formed inside. The network was unknown. As a huge light hand stretched out from the space-time channel, the light hand was even larger than the head of the white hairy bear. Through the battlefield, he grabbed him on the head.

"no no!!!"

The white furry bear struggled constantly, but was grabbed by this bare hand little by little, and it was useless to let it struggle.

in the eyes of the crowd.

In the hysterical screams of the God of Panic, the God of Panic was grabbed a little bit by a huge bare hand and returned to the unknown place at the other end of the space-time channel, where the Creator of Light is located.

The screams at that end had not ceased, and then another lightsaber stretched out.

Under the power of the vastness that does not belong to the mortal world, the sword first slashed at the eyes that peeped at the other end of the crack that had not yet been completely healed. After a scream of screaming, the huge lightsaber swept across the battlefield again, destroying most of the fat blood nest. , with a slight sigh, and returned to the space-time channel.

Henna's face paled slightly.

The power of the true God comes, even if it is only for a short time, the burden of maintaining the coordinates of the space-time channel is too great.

The four bishops and judges under her were even more miserable. In a short period of time, they were all skinny and vicissitudes, as if their lives were about to be exhausted.

It is precisely because of this that the Sword of Light had to be withdrawn.

The huge battlefield was instantly torn apart by the power of this real body, and countless little black spots tried their best to retreat into the storm at the other end of the crack.


Lai Luo unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

But it was not fear, but unprecedented enthusiasm and excitement. He stared at the slowly disappearing space-time channel and licked his dry lips.

"The creator of light, a fifth-level creature!"

After muttering in a low voice, Lai Luo flew away without turning his head.


Twenty-one days later.

In black robes, Laylo had been in the dust all the way, from the edge of the thorn forest back to St. Granburg, and immediately returned to the lounge on the tenth floor of the Royal Royal Institute of Natural Sciences.


Lai Luo opened the wooden door of the lounge, but only saw three figures.

The old man of the striped elk media partner, the bat-winged gargoyle Ugg behind him, and a middle-aged female scholar.

When the three saw Lai Luo coming in, they were slightly surprised and didn't say much.

Laidlaw sat on the sofa to himself.

The sun is setting, and the deadline for the assessment is getting closer and closer.

"Not only is the evil **** invading, but even the creator of light has been summoned by those guys from the Holy See. It seems that the others either died on the battlefield, or chose to automatically withdraw from the assessment."

It was an old striped elk, and he murmured something.

"It is a fluke that we survived. This kind of assessment difficulty, even if it is an extraordinary scholar degree certificate assessment, is probably far less than that."

The old man responded with lingering fears.

Gargoyle Ugg's face is also not very good-looking.

"The Principality has always been committed to building an invincible and powerful army, but I have to admit that even the most elite army of the Immortal Fortress is much worse than the Crusaders."

"Immortal Fortress, how does it compare to Forge Fortress?"

It was Lai Luo who asked tentatively.

Ugg glanced at Lai Luo and sneered: "The Immortal Fortress is opposed to the Fortress of the God of War in the Principality of Sealand. It is at least three times the size of the Fortress Fortress. It gathers the most important military forces of the Principality. As for the Fortress Fortress, it is nothing more than Fra It's just a testing ground for weapons of war at the Dick Institute."

time flies.

The wooden door of the lounge creaked, and two people came in again.

It is [Sky Fortress] Celeste and a beautiful assistant.

It seemed that apart from the four present, the others had either died on the battlefield or had given up the assessment.

Celeste looked around with a majestic face, only four people?

He frowned slightly.

"what happened?"

He obviously didn't know the changes in the assessment. After all, several people rushed to the battlefield at the fastest speed in conventional theory, and then returned to the Grand Duchy.

"It's the evil **** coming, and... the Holy See summoned the miracle of the creator of light."

After a slight pause, the old elk responded.

After Celeste was stunned for a while, he nodded and returned to calm.

"Although there were some accidents, the real elites have been selected. In that case, hand over your crystal balls."

After the four of them handed in the crystal balls, Celeste even watched the light and shadow videos of the four crystal **** at the same time to review the assessment results.

After a while.

Celeste actually crushed two of the crystal balls, and handed the remaining two crystal **** to Laylo and the gargoyle Ugg.

"Congratulations, you have obtained a bachelor's degree in the Upanishads of the Principality."

After the female assistant recorded the information of Laylo and Ugg, she handed them the bachelor's degree certificates that had already been prepared.

"Congratulations to the two of you, from today onwards, you can receive 48 gold coins and 60 silver coins honorary viscount subsidy every year in the imperial capital, and can apply for the construction of a low-level laboratory at the Royal Royal Institute of Natural Sciences of Glenn, as well as sit in on the royal court every four years. Academician seminars, as well as the qualifications for the recruitment of royal magician consultants, and the immortal fortress has made a special application. If a few are willing to sign a contract and go to the immortal fortress for more than 5 years, they will receive a one-time subsidy of 700 gold coins..."

The female assistant introduced the recruitment information of the principality agency.

Ugg said on the spot that he would go to the Meat Immortal Fortress to serve.

The old Elk and the middle-aged female scholar looked at Lai Luo in disbelief, with uncertain expressions on their faces.

Celeste noticed the unwillingness of the two, and it seemed that because of the light and shadow video of Lai Luo, he was quite curious about Lai Luo, and asked: "What's wrong?"

After the two looked at each other, the old Elk smiled wryly and shook his head.

"I didn't expect that my dignified King Luli would be compared by a little guy who just graduated."

After he finished speaking, he bowed and saluted Academician Celeste, then turned and left the room.


[Sky Fortress] Silas is quite curious about Laylo.

"Are you interested in working at the Vladik Institute of War Weapons? You have just graduated, and you can complete the examination for the degree certificate of the Upanishads scholar, isn't it good?"

Lai Luo slowly shook his head and said apologetically, "Sorry, Master, I have already made arrangements."

" Celeste nodded and said: "Keep working hard, I hope to see you at the Royal Academicians Committee one day. "

After saying that, he turned to leave.

The female assistant leaned back a bit, looked at Lai Luo and smiled: "The tower master was like you back then, a talented student who picked the low-hanging truth fruit during the three-year graduation assessment, and directly obtained the degree certificate of the Profound Truth Scholar. "


Enlightenment scholars and natural scholars can learn experimentally in any simple experimental environment.

However, after arriving at the Upanishads, if there is no professional laboratory and design various experimental observation instruments, it will be difficult to move forward. It is necessary to use special laboratory instruments to assist research in order to harvest the relatively high-hanging fruit of truth and knowledge. .

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