Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 288: 5 conditions


Lai Luo secretly came to a private room in a tavern and looked at this familiar figure in the room.

It is Prince Chen.

I don't know if it was a historical coincidence, but the princes of the Principality of Sealand and the Principality of Grand actually started the competition for the throne at the same time.

The competition among Prince Bo, Prince Ping, Prince Chen, and the Grand throne became more and more fierce.

In the past two years, Prince Chen, who has been freed, has finally begun to emerge. In a series of deeds, he has obtained the support of some small forces, but there is still a big gap between the forces and Prince Bo and Prince Peace.

However, in the afternoon, the prince's servants invited one after another, and Lai Luo chose to come and take a look.

"His Royal Highness, maybe what I mean, His Highness is not very clear, I only hope to complete the experimental research with one heart and one mind, and do not want to be involved in complicated political struggles. Before, in order to complete His Highness's mission of Moon's Mark, I had to be displaced. Two people time."

Prince Chen took a deep look at Lei Luo with a solemn expression.

"Lei Luo, I need your help and the strength behind you! Now I can no longer drive out the fields that can impress you, but as long as you are willing to support me and help me win the throne, I am willing to promise you that other princes will never leave you alone. I can't agree to your terms!"

Lai Luo slowly shook his head.

"I just want steady research academic knowledge."

Prince Chen quietly stretched out his index finger and stared at Lei Luo.

"As long as you are willing to support me, after I successfully ascend the throne, I will ban all the church qualifications of the Temple of the Goddess of Wisdom in the duchy! Even if it is war!"

After being slightly surprised, Lai Luo slowly said: "It seems that the goddess of wisdom has broken her promise and made her an enemy. This is not a wise choice."

Prince Chen said, "At that time, all the moon crystals left by the Principality's Wisdom Goddess Hall will be yours, what's the matter!"

"I'm really sorry, I don't need the moonstone now."

It would be a lie to say that Lai Luo was unmoved.

Judging from Lai Luo's current secondary energy magnetic field, if he can gather enough 10kg of moon spar with the power of the duchy, it is equivalent to being able to launch the Dream Moon Technique again, which will save more lives in times of danger!

It is a pity that the current Lai Luo has determined to focus on laboratory research, and does not want to join the complicated intrigue and power struggle between the princes.

Prince Chen, however, vowed not to give up until his goal was achieved, and he stretched out a finger again.

"During my term of office, I will build a second Grand Academy of Sciences facing civilians, and you...or your mentor will be the first president!"

Laylo took a breath.

This time, he looked solemn and did not speak.

Prince Chen stretched out his third finger.

"During my lifetime, a civilian enlightenment college will be opened in each province, subsidized by special funding from the state's finances, and linked to your name!"

"The next prince that I appoint will never be a prince who is close to the church to support the development of scholars."

Extending his fifth finger, Prince Chen's voice was almost inaudible.

"If the Principality's position is to be chosen by scholars and the Holy See, the Principality will stand firmly on the side of scholars."

Laylo took a deep breath.

For the prince who blacklisted the Holy See and the Temple of the Goddess of Wisdom, Lai Luo never expected that he was too bold!

But under such conditions, some of them are even "rebellious", and they are so straightforward to themselves.

Lai Luo said in a low voice, "You investigate me?"


Prince Chen admitted directly.

He said solemnly: "Your mentor Gu Bo has obtained the position of vice president of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, and your master brother Wushuang Jialie established an S-class mercenary group, which is about to be disbanded and officially joined the mercenary association. Standing Council, your senior sister Bailing has a close relationship with Arlesey, the son of Grand Duke Ben Lei in the gladiatorial arena. As for yourself, you have a deep relationship with the Corleone Institute of Biological Specimen. The best student!"

Lai Luo opened his mouth, but did not speak.

This Prince Chen actually knew himself better than himself.

Even Bailing's boyfriend's background has been investigated so clearly that he doesn't even know it himself.

After a long silence, Lai Luo slowly said: "How much time is left?"

Prince Chen narrowed his eyes.

"The longest five years, the shortest three years, the father's body has been extended by too many potions, this is his limit."


Lai Luo got up and said calmly: "Find me at Lai Luo Solar Energy Laboratory in Red Ridge in three years, and I will give you an accurate answer."

Prince Chen stood up together, a look of hope and desire in his eyes.

He took a deep breath and said, "I believe that one day, you will become one of the greatest scholars in the Principality, but I... just want to live. From the day I was born, there was no way out."


the next day.

Ripple and Gu Bo stared at Lei Luo who was gradually disappearing into the sky.

Ripples couldn't hold back a sigh.

"What a good boy."

She looked at Gu Bo.

"This child hasn't gotten a little favor from you since the first day of school. If it hadn't been for Bailing to keep him and teach her a little bit, how could you be today? Now that Bailing is gone, so is Lai Luo, only I hope they don't resent your father and mentor in their hearts."


Gu Bo opened his mouth, but said nothing.

After being absent for a moment, he was alone and silently turned to leave.


It flies with the power of moon-induced tides.

Laylo circled high in Fort St. Granville and landed on the Mercenary Association.

The magician who was traveling alone naturally attracted everyone's attention. The successive mercenary groups tried to invite Lai Luo to join. After being rejected by Lai Luo one by one, they came to the mercenary hall.

From the view of the bar service staff, there was a sweet smile on Bai Nen's smiling face.

"Dear Mage, what can I do for you?"

"I'm going to post a job to find someone."

After describing Lulu's message bit by bit, Lai Luo added: "Tell her, come to see me in Redridge Ridge, I have a clue for her to find something." is an ordinary E-rank mercenary hired by Laylo when he went to the Furnace Mountains for his first trip.

And what she was looking for was the creation of frost.

On Wuming's body, there are not only frost creations, but also several other ancient civilization magic swords, and Lai Luo is quite curious about this.

"Dear Mr. Lai Luo, since the clues you provided are really rare, it can only be released as a common task. If she is lucky, when she comes back, she should see that it requires 80 silver coins for the task release fee and 12 silver and 25 copper handling fee."


Lai Luo also just took the attitude of giving it a try and came over for a spin.

After paying the silver coins, leave the hall.

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