Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 289: redridge ridge

Redridge Ridge.

Located in the Dubuit Province in the northwestern part of the Grand Duchy.

Dubite Province, ranked seventh in total area among the twenty-four provinces of the Grand Duchy, is the poorest province in the Principality, with an annual budget deficit, which is the most troublesome place for tax ministers.

The amount of funds allocated by the Principality to Dubite Province every year is almost equal to the expenditure of the Royal Academy of Natural Sciences of Gran, to quell the violence and chaos of the followers of the Goddess of Wisdom.

Compared with other poor provinces in the northwestern part of the Principality, the biggest feature of Dubite Province is that there is hardly a decent large city in the province.

The missionaries of the goddess of wisdom have a dominant position in almost every lord town.

Speaking of Dubbit.

The beard, the malt wine belly, the skeleton decorations, the military style of men, women and children, and the harsh and barren land are the first impressions of other provinces, and the corners of the mouth will naturally reveal a touch of pride and disdain.

But in Dubbit's view.

Personal force, coupled with the wisdom of the goddess, they are the spiritual symbols of Gran, representing the image of Gran.

It was in such a place that Chiridge Ridge was in a barren abyss, a blank in the territory of the duchy.

The earth is endless red earth.

The sandstorms of this season are really awe-inspiring, in awe that such a barren and barren land, there are still human beings living for generations.


A few vulture-like monsters with two or three meters of open wings, exuding a terrible stench, can be clearly smelled from a distance of several hundred meters, flying from a distance.

After avoiding these strange birds, Laylo flew towards a hilly valley surrounded by volcanoes in a distant place.

call out.

Lai Luo noticed that several corpses were tied to the wooden stakes at the entrance of the village.

Although they have been air-dried and turned into mummified corpses, one can vaguely see the once gorgeous clothes on their bodies, which is obviously a certain noble.

At the moment when Lei Luo observed for a while, a dozen rough men ran out of the village, slowly walking towards him with bad expressions.

"We don't have taxes here, we don't have the right to start and night, and we don't need a notice from the lord. Outsiders, you'd better go back where you come from, otherwise they will be role models!"

No wonder.

Within dozens of square kilometers of Chiji Ridge, there is only such a village. There used to be almost no outsiders, but since a magician accidentally appeared here a few years ago, after marking such a village on the territory of the Principality, it completely broke the place. of calm.

These dozen or so villagers probably possess the strength of official warriors, and their bodies are as strong as a gorilla.

An old man came slowly, leaning on a cane with a skull and horns, among the guards of more than 100 villagers.

"Young man, Chijiling doesn't need your outsiders' finger-pointing, the great Goddess of Wisdom will lead us to prosperity."

"The Temple of the Goddess of Wisdom?"

Laylo looked around at the villagers.

This is what Xiao Kang said, the local difficulties encountered?

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.


With a "hum" sound, Lei Luo's head was above the sky, and a huge dark red eye of more than 20 meters slowly opened.

The hot, destructive, and ominous aura swept away.

At the same time, the moon mark in Lai Luo's left eye flashed slightly.

Above a house, the muddy yellow flames disintegrated bricks, stones and mud tiles into a gravel form at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The villagers were obviously shocked by the secret magic method, they were in chaos, and they looked at Lai Luo in horror.


At this moment.

The people suddenly quieted down, and Lai Luo sensed something. He looked at a person who walked out slowly in the village.

This was a rickety old man, his chin almost dropped to the ground, his cloudy eyes looked at Laylo and the huge dark red eye on top of his head.

"You are the magician lord who wants to build a research laboratory next to Crescent Moon Spring, right?"

Lai Luo said slowly: "Yes, my people said, you stopped the construction work?"

"We are doing this for your own good."

The missionary of the Goddess of Wisdom, his voice was a little hoarse. In Lai Luo's puzzlement, he slowly said: "Crescent Moon Spring is the only water source here. According to legend, it communicates with the mysterious underground undead world, and it is also the drinking water of nearby monsters. Earth, if you want to build a magic tower next to Crescent Moon Spring, it will not only destroy the ecological balance here, but more importantly... Your Excellency will arouse the wrath of a giant dragon!"

As he said that, he pointed to a volcano with black smoke in the distance.

"The dragon perches right there."


Lai Luo couldn't help laughing out loud.

There is only one giant dragon in the Principality, but unfortunately it is in the Corleone Institute.

The old guy in the Temple of the Goddess of Wisdom actually said, there is a dragon here?

If there is a second giant dragon in the principality of mankind, with that kind of destructive power almost no less than a god-like terrifying creature, even if there is no Corleone, there will be a large number of other old monsters swarming here, let it experience what is real horror.

The Grand Duchy is not a weak country like Finland.

The land of the principality of mankind, Gran's comprehensive strength is second only to that of Zeeland, and it is a powerful country that has been catching up and surpassing in recent years.

It seems that the so-called giant dragon mostly refers to some kind of Yalong with ancient blood.

After thinking for a while, Lai Luo slowly said: "So, is the trouble of this giant dragon solved, and the great goddess of wisdom will not stop me from continuing to build the laboratory?"

"Hehe, it's not that the goddess of wisdom is blocking it, but I am thinking of everyone's safety."

This old guy is not a pure magic stick.

"Then, it's a deal."

Crescent Moon Spring.

It is not so much the Crescent Moon Spring, but the Crescent Moon Lake.

For the arid Chijiling, this pond, which covers an area of ​​several square kilometers, is indeed a lake, and it is also the only water source of Chijiling.

Wild Sand Sheep, Iron Horned Bull, Black Feather Ostrich and Dune Fox.

At a glance, Lai Luo saw a lot of monsters come here to drink water. There is no doubt that this is the center of the Red Ridge Ridge.

The feathers of the black-feathered ostrich are the best materials for making quills in the Principality. Maybe we can try to develop the breeding industry in the future.


On the originally calm lake, a huge wave mark suddenly appeared.


Lai Luo was stunned to discover that the depth of this Crescent Lake was beyond imagination.

And the underwater ecosystem seems to be quite large and complex. Just now, a huge fish creature equivalent to a second-level monster jumped out, with an incredible length of seven or eight meters, and swallowed a wild sand sheep drinking water on the shore. .

"Could it be that this is really connected to an unknown mysterious space?"

If this is the case, then the most likely situation is the legendary devil's ancient world filthy ruins!

According to the research of archaeologists on the Qur'an civilization.

The Gulan Civilization has mentioned many times that there seems to be a civilization called Frost Frost hidden in the mysterious underground space, but the many entrances and exits between the surface and the underground have been blocked by the dark magic eye pyramid of the ancient goblins. One is printed.

in addition.

The word devil first appeared, and it was also found in the remains of the Goblin.

And according to historical research.

The Holy See quoted the word devil. It was only after the creator of light supported the eye of the storm that the word suddenly appeared in large numbers in the suspension, and it was listed as an evil born at the same time as the creator of light, and the wizard was reduced to that and became an evil minion. .

Before that, the church attributed all original sin to the word "wizard".


The Holy See also listed the threat of the devil above the wizard?

But as far as the actual situation is concerned, the wizard has almost no connection with this icy and filthy soil civilization, so Lai Luo can't help guessing, maybe the Holy See has already been in contact with this mysterious exotic civilization?

Archaeologists have been debating the existence of this so-called dirty soil civilization.

But there is no doubt that more and more clues seem to prove that this civilization has existed at least historically.

As far as Lai Luo's personal point of view is concerned, this civilization should really exist.

Whether it was the discovery of the Frost Frost Earth or the human-faced spider Kuliana said that they had found an entrance to the secret realm of the Devil's Ancient World Wasteland, they all seemed to point directly to the deep underground space of the Star Curtain, where an unknown unknown was hidden. civilization.

They are likely to be a dominant civilization born in the Land of Stars during the Great Ice Age after the Cataclysm. Later, for some unknown reason, they hid underground. UU Reading

"Forget it, let's study these later."

Realizing that his territory might not be very peaceful, Lai Luo flew straight to the distant hillside, where a considerable amount of building materials had been accumulated, and there were only a few guards.

After Laiduo descended, an old man ran over quickly, and saw Lei Lao shouting excitedly.


It was the shopkeeper of the Gran Rising Magic Tool Shop.

It seems that with Xiao Kang's involvement in the interests of the furnace fortress and the growth of his wealth, the old shopkeeper who followed him first also rose with the tide, and was sent by Xiao Kang to take over the affairs of Lei Luo's side. He attached great importance to Laidlaw building the laboratory.


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