Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 301: Guardian Dark Web


Laidlaw had never heard of the group.

In the Land of the Stars, there are many mysterious organizations that cross borders.

For example, many chambers of commerce consortiums, gladiatorial associations, mercenary associations, dark world of wizards, X hunters associations, etc...

But the Guardian, Laylo had never heard of it.

Even judging from the old man's disdainful attitude towards the Temple of the Goddess of Wisdom, it seems that the strength of this organization far exceeds that of ordinary organizations.

"Have you never heard of the Guardian?"

Seeing Lei Luo's puzzled look, the old man said slowly: "It's not surprising that you haven't heard of it, but it's another name, you must have heard of it, the dark web."

Dark web!

Of course Laylo had heard of it.

It is said that the disappearance of the X Hunter Association seems to be gradually merged into the dark web due to historical development.

Although the existence of the dark web cannot be determined, many people are convinced.

Some major events in history almost have darknet presence.

Among them, the most famous event was the all-out war between the Holy See and the wizards during the period when the Black Death was raging. Although the Holy See defeated the wizards, it was not the Holy See that brought the Black Death under control in the end, but the dark web!

All in all, this is an extremely secretive organization.

"The meaning of the establishment of the guardians is only one, that is to prevent anything that may threaten the survival of human beings from happening. The interior consists of 26 big guardians, with 26 letters as their code names. Below the big guardians is the dark web. Elites are also the cornerstone for the selection of great guardians. Since the top magicians and great guardians of the dark web have successively completed breakthroughs in recent years, most of the great guardians in the organization have been occupied by magicians."

26 great guardians, most of them are scholars?

Lai Luo was stunned.

Listening to the meaning of the other party's words, this organization seems to have been controlled by scholars in recent years.

Or, scholars have become the main body of this organization?

Lai Luo yearned for it.

He said slowly: "So, how to join the darknet, and how to become a great guardian?"

"If you want to join the darknet, you must have enough qualified internal members to recommend it. As for becoming a guardian... hum, there are two ways, one is to defeat the big guardian head-on, and the other is to prove that you have the ability to threaten the gods. The ability is given up internally by the Great Guardian."

After bowing his head and being silent for a long time, Lai Luo suddenly thought of something, and he suddenly raised his head, a cold sweat.

"what happened to you?"

The old man who admired the little magician and planned to recommend Lai Luo to the darknet wondered.

"You just said that destroying a civilization is very simple. It only needs parallel civilization to reveal the coordinates of the eye of the storm to a higher civilization? A world war plan in the dark world!!"

Lai Luo said in shock: "As far as I know, the dark world seems to be divided into two different factions, one is the recovery plan of Archduke Capricorn, and the other is the world war plan. I suspect that someone in the dark world is already trying to find the depths of the continent. More advanced eye coordinates!"

In Stormwind Continent, exchanges and wars between civilizations are not easy.

First of all, the law of the raging storm, after ordinary people leave the eye of the wind, they will be torn apart almost instantly.

The second is the ruling gods, who cannot survive without the trend of belief. The battle between the two wind-eye civilizations often starts with the establishment of a heretical temple. After having a stable supply of belief trends, the gods can try to cross the continent. The law of the storm comes , otherwise it will undoubtedly be self-defeating.

Without the support of the power of belief, even the so-called true gods are likely to be killed by sub-gods and ancient creatures.

In the law of the storm, there are countless 1st-level primitive civilizations and 2nd-level temple civilizations hidden.

They are afraid of being regarded as a threat by higher civilizations, and the coordinates of the eye of the wind will be discovered by higher civilizations, so once they find traces of aliens, they will definitely kill them at all costs.

That's why it's so difficult to create a map beyond the Starscape.


As far as Lai Luo knew, the five great witch kings in the dark world all had god-level or enough power to threaten god-level strength, and did not need an evolutionary model of belief trends.

As such.

If the dark world tries to go deep into Stormwind Continent to find clues to higher civilizations, it will become possible!


The old man looked at Lai Luo in surprise.

"You even know this?"

He nodded solemnly and said, "Since you already know about this, then you might as well reveal a little to you. After discussion, the guardians do not regard Grand Duke Capricorn as a threat to human beings, at least not at this stage, but the world war The plan is different. For this reason, two great guardians have already sacrificed, both of whom fell in the process of chasing and killing the evil shadow witch king. For this reason, we had to send two more powerful great guardians to track down. In addition... "

He stared at Lai Luo, and said slowly: "As far as I know, the most important member of Xie Ying's subordinate, a new little witch king of the shadow of the sky, seems to be hiding in the Grand Duchy, and some people even suspect... your mentor."

With the strong intelligence support of the dark web, this old guy was not surprised at all about his intelligence.

Regarding the guardian's suspicion that his mentor was a wizard, although they may have indeed inquired about something, Laidlaw scoffed, and even felt ridiculous, and he didn't seem worried at all.

"So, I haven't asked the master, what is your title?"


The old man said lightly: "Remember, although the guardian is very tolerant towards the outside, but extremely self-disciplined towards the inside, especially the betrayal, so you must not try to challenge the guardian's bottom line, please tell me now, Lai Luo Gubo , would you like to join the Guardian?"

"Although I yearn for this organization, I still have to ask, what will be the benefits after I join?"

"If you mean real direct interests, in addition to the organization's intelligence, I can incorporate this privately run village for many years into your territory."

M sneered: "But if you talk about indirect benefits, the Guardians prefer to plunder directly from the target, no matter if the opponent is a betrayer, a threat, or those alien races, personal strength plus darknet intelligence, the Guardians never There will be a shortage of money."


After M left, Laidlaw fell into contemplation.

Guardian of the Dark Web.

It can be seen that this hidden great guardian seems to have included himself on the inspection list because of the development of his laboratory.

I think other members of this organization are also attracted in this way.

On the other hand, the masters of this organization, those great guardians, have been gradually occupied by scholars, from which it can be seen that the potential of scholars is indeed extraordinary.

"Forget it, since the assessment time for admission is still uncertain, everything should focus on the laboratory. By the way, the mysterious organization that Lulu mentioned, shouldn't it be the Guardian Dark Web?"

shook his head.

Lai Luo took out the Radiant Jinghua, the azure crystal particles the size of the eye of a pin, shining brightly, and continued to study.

a few days later.

An old figure walked to the town alone.

He stood on the stone pavement in the town, staring at the towering white laboratory and the giant eyes in the sky. After a long time, he came to the door of the laboratory.

"you are?"

Ornn greeted the strange old man.

"Laylo sent me here."


Aoun hurriedly took out the crystal ball to contact Laylo.

After a while, Lai Luo walked out of the laboratory, looked at the old man and said in surprise: "Bion Sword Saint!"


The old man looked at Lai Luo.

"Does your previous words count?"

"Of course it counts!"

Lai Luo tentatively said: "Have you been to the Corleone Biospecimen Institute?"


Bion's eyes were filled with deep He sighed: "I have never seen such a powerful magician. The power of the Grand Duchy is indeed well-deserved."

Lai Luo smiled.

The old swordsman sighed.

"The Corleone Institute of Biological Specimens has made me gain a lot. I want to rest here for a while. Seeing that your construction is not bad, I don't have anything else here, just a lot of wine. I want to buy a piece of land and open a room. Tavern, set a price."

"Hahaha, it's nice to talk about it!"

Soon, at the price of four hundred gold coins, Lai Luo assigned an open space in the street to the old swordsman.

Seeing the increasingly popular appearance in the territory, Lai Luo couldn't help showing an excited smile, just waiting for good news from Lulu and them.

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