The huge king's palace covers an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters and has five floors.

The four dukes, dozens of powerful ministers and nobles, together with Prince Ping and the king, turned into billowing black smoke and disappeared out of thin air under everyone's attention!

Immediately after.

The black smoke gradually dissipated, and a figure appeared.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

One big and one small dead fish eyes, and his body was shrouded in billowing black smoke. He smiled hoarsely and looked at the black ball of light in his hand.

It is [Dark Sealer] Corleone!

The old king had already anticipated that this day would come, and he began to spend astonishing resources a few years ago to build this palace into a huge seal formation. Only after a strong enough seal master can control it, he can easily display an extremely powerful seal. , seal the person inside with a metal seal.

And Corleone is the most powerful sealer in the Principality!

Many royal magician advisors, the shadows of Deadpool, the Royal Sky Knights, the palace guards, and the soldiers who followed the Four Dukes and the Prince of Peace to force the palace were stunned and stunned on the spot.

After doing all of this, he actually walked towards the forcers step by step.

"It's the Dark Sealer!!"

A man shuddered and muttered.

"What! The legendary Holy Magister?"

"He, he... what is he going to do?"

Corleone sneered, naturally not a soft-hearted person.


Among the many soldiers who were sluggish, he approached step by step, and after approaching 100 meters, he suddenly threw a punch out of thin air.

The space vibrated and exploded.

Dozens of soldiers in front were flying like scattered dandelions.

These are just ordinary soldiers, just to maintain the order of St. Granburg after Prince Ping seizes the throne.

"Ah! This devil!!"

The soldiers screamed, the heavy shield armor on their bodies, when faced with this level of attack, was of no use at all.

Corleone didn't mean to be soft-hearted because these people were just ordinary soldiers. He released a little bit of the power of the law. In the breath of the supreme law that froze the soul, everything in the world lost its color in the eyes of the soldiers. Punch out.

However, in the face of so many soldiers, even this great scholar who has entered the realm of the gods, the killing speed is too slow, and the method is too cruel.

call out!

[King of War] Vladik came and appeared beside Corleone.

"This is Fort St. Granville, and what you do will have a big impact!"

Freddy said angrily.

"What's the matter! Aren't you supposed to be in the Principality of Finland, with the Balrog Howler?"

Corleone stopped for a moment.

After several attacks, although the rebels were killed, but because this is St. Granburg, I can't open my real body, and I can't use his powerful academics. .

Corleone looked at Fladic.

Although he is already above Vladik in terms of personal strength, his honor and influence in the Grand Duchy is far less than that of Vladik.

For no other reason, Vladik is the first person in the Principality to study weapons of war.

And the strength of the weapons of war is the key to whether the country is strong or not!

"This is His Majesty's arrangement. The princes of Xilan are besieging and suppressing them. I'm just going there to lead a group of alchemists over there. Jie Jie Jie Jie, the Flame Demon Roarer, even if Antonio is facing each other. It's a little exhausting."

Saying that, she looked up into the sky.

Antonio was still facing off against the mysterious man. Although he didn't fight, the natural energy pushed by the aura of the law in his body almost tore the sky of St. Granburg into two pieces in Corleone's eyes.

"That's the legendary Prince Capricorn?"


Freddy said in a low voice.

Corleone said with reverence: "There is not even a trace of breath leaking, it is indeed... Jie Jie, it is indeed an alien creature."

Fladick knew this old man's temperament, and he was only imagining collecting specimens in his mind.


The Tulip Family is a traditional old-fashioned dignitary in the Principality with deep-rooted power. It is also a giant in the Principality's sugar industry, spice industry, and gemstone industry, and a firm believer in the Holy See of Light.

Compared with the other three grand dukes, he had almost no role in the matter of St. Granburg, because he knew clearly that the political change of the imperial power ultimately depended on the compromise of the major forces.

And the source of the major forces are those great beings that are aloof!

In this way, he simply dispatched most of his forces to kill Prince Chen.

Although this prince is so insignificant in the eyes of everyone, only Duke Tulip paid attention to his existence, because he would never leave any hidden dangers.

Almost at the same time that Prince Chen led his cronies and followers to leave St. Granburg, a huge information and intelligence network sent out many assassins who had already been secretly lurking through secret channels.


This country, after all, is a prosperous dynasty with centralized power.

The king's control over this country, like the Holy See, has already penetrated into every detail.

Compared to the secret intelligence network controlled by the king, Duke Tulip's intelligence network is really rough.

Almost at the same moment when many killers learned of Prince Chen's movements through the secret intelligence network, the king had already gone through another larger intelligence network, and then turned over the network controlled by Tulip, and started a tragic incident. cleaning.

He even used his son as bait!

Any organization or individual that has some relationship with the Grand Duke Tulip has suffered the most ruthless cleansing, and he must lay a solid enough foundation for the new king!

More than a hundred soldiers surrounded the Viscount Connors family.

"What are you doing! This is the residence of the Flamingo family, who gave you the courage to act wild here!"

Viscount Connors was arrogant, looked at these becoming tools, and roared angrily.

"Your Majesty has an order, the Flamingo family colluded with the party and betrayed the party, take it down for me!"

A man from the military with a gloomy face, ruthlessly pronounced the sentence.

The soldiers rushed forward, and Viscount Connors said in disbelief, "Who dares!"

"Rebels? Then kill them!"

The man looked back at the old magician behind him.

They have received the most cruel order from above, and if they fail to arrest enough people within the stipulated time, they will be punished the most severely.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand his sternness.

The old magician nodded and waved his wand gently.

There is absolutely no room for relaxation.

Fireballs of half a meter turned into a rain of fire and fell.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers who were hesitant at first were startled.

This is St. Granburg, this magician, actually unleashed war magic here?


The Flamingo Family Mansion on the Central Street of St. Granburg turned into a sea of ​​fire, not only Viscount Connors, but also many family members, guards, and even friends who were guests were affected.

Rather kill the wrong, don't let go.

With the last will of the old king, Fort St. Granville was in flames.

The Flamingo family is just one of them, and the chaotic St. Granburg is full of black smoke.

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