Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 319: chat briefly

"Cough cough cough, Lei Luo, how is the situation outside?"

With the help of the old servant, Prince Chen walked towards the hall. The battle of the Thunder Phoenix outside made him unable to feel at ease.

Laylo, who was checking the energy reserve of the solar reactor, hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

"Those people are cautious and are still watching outside."

Lai Luo frowned and said, "Don't worry, Your Highness, just rest in peace. It may not be safe here. If something happens, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Prince Chen shook his head.

Compared with Lai Luo, he is not much worse now. Not only does he know nothing about St. Granburg, but he is even more worried about the situation outside, and has a sense of crisis like a turtle in a urn.

A deep sense of powerlessness.

After he sighed, he looked towards the Radiation Power Collector.

In the laboratory hall, this huge device descended vertically from the roof like a funnel, aiming at the water cooling test bench on the ground.

Standing under this huge experimental device with a height of more than 30 meters, it is really shocking.

"Laylo, is this the radiation weapon raw material production facility you mentioned in your letter?"


Laylo nodded.

He said solemnly: "Your Highness, if there are a hundred such experimental devices, it will only take about a year to obtain all the raw materials for a fission-type radiation weapon, which is enough to destroy a large city in an instant!"

"Destroy a city?"

Prince Chen seemed to think that Lei Luo's words were exaggerated.

He smiled slightly and said slowly: "If you want to build a hundred such laboratories, it is almost the size of a Fladic War City, and Fladic is the principality that has been accumulated for hundreds of years and slowly formed. of this size.”

Lai Luo frowned.

Scholars of scientific experiments and people engaged in political economy talk about scientific theories.

However, if there is not enough resource support, just relying on the productivity of the solar energy laboratory, it will take more than 80 years in theory to gather enough 1000g to radiate Jinghua, even if the production is uninterrupted day and night!

Although this world is not too long for a professor with a laboratory, most of the research results of the laboratory are also completed in a long time, but for Lai Luo, who is only in his twenties, for Lai Luo For Laylo, who was eager to spy on the truth and knowledge of the physical properties of higher things, it was a little too long.

in this way.

Lai Luo shook his head.

"His Royal Highness, due to technical confidentiality reasons, it is not convenient for me to say some things in the letter, but now I can give you some information here. The laboratory has actually made a prototype of this weapon! After testing, this The power of the rudimentary fog is comparable to the strength of a powerful natural academic attack by a third-level extraordinary scholar, and according to inferences, the power of a fission-level radiation weapon... is about 3,000 times more powerful!"

Lai Luo's data is not an exaggeration.

A fission-type radiation weapon requires at least 1000g of radiation Jinghua to reach its critical value, and the amount of radiation Jinghua required is 333 times that of a chain reaction radiation weapon.


The chain reaction radiation weapon is only a natural energy change caused in the star screen world during the process of re-decomposing into stable energy due to the physical properties of unstable matter.

In essence, it still belongs to the category of natural laws, which is equivalent to an extraordinary scholar launching a large-scale academic attack on natural laws.

But the fission reaction is different!

Through the loss of mass, powerful energy is released, which has reached a qualitative change in the laws of physics.

According to Laidlaw's reasoning, the intensity of this qualitative transformation energy will be at least 10 times the energy intensity of the spontaneous combustion caused by the chain reaction.

And this is only a loss of 1% of the quality.

If the radiation Jinghua is increased to 100kg, that is, 100,000g, through the critical fusion reaction, the power is beyond what the current solar energy laboratory can imagine.

Prince Chen was slightly moved.

He can still imagine the great power of natural science that 3,000 extraordinary scholars have jointly released.

The six duchies...

No, even if the five major duchies have developed on a large scale for more than a thousand years, all the transcendental scholars add up to less than 3,000 people now, right?

Of course, 3,000 times the power of the energy is not equal to the range of absolute killing of 30 meters, and it will expand to 10,000 meters.

This involves the release of energy, which is to release in all directions without dead ends.

And if you only look at the degree of ground destruction, the core explosion point may be only a few hundred meters.

He stared at Lai Luo and frowned: "Lai Luo, are you serious? Your laboratory has only been built for more than two years, and you have just completed the graduation assessment yourself."

Lai Luo retorted: "His Royal Highness, scientific research is not an accumulation of time, but a research path. I have followed a correct path, and it is precisely because of this that I have gained enough strength to complete the graduation assessment and achieved excellent results. Achievement, and this is the charm of all scholars who are addicted to academic research!"

Prince Chen couldn't refute Lei Luo's words.

Lai Luo continued: "Also, this is only its absolute lethality! The real horror of this weapon is that it will cause radiation pollution hundreds of times the area, and it will not be suitable for any known large scale within a hundred years. Biological survival, the so-called large organisms, refers to the organisms above the cockroach in the food chain pyramid, including us humans."


Prince Chen took a deep breath.

Laidlaw lowered his voice, full of evil temptation.

"Imagine, if the Principality has mastered this kind of weapon, even if there are only a few, then we will not be afraid of any threat except the Aurora Empire of Light, even the powerful Principality of Sealand can only be under our deterrence. Trembling, isn't this worth investing in the Duchy? At that time, you will also become one of the greatest kings in the history of Gran!"

Prince Chen, who was supported by the old servant, had an uncontrollable longing on his face.


Despite this, it seems that he is full of yearning for Lai Luo's description, but at this moment, Prince Chen's heart is shocked by the wisdom of his father!

In the past twenty years, his father had only communicated with him briefly once.

That one a few days ago!

he told himself.

If you want to be a great king of a country, you have to be like a **** and not be weighed down by any emotion.

He chose himself because he was angry with God from the bottom of his heart!

Just as there is no mutual belief between gods and gods, there is no coexistence between great kings and gods!

At least in this ever-changing era opened by scholars, an era where everyone yearns for a prosperous and powerful country like the Grand Duchy, and cannot coexist.

The essence of it is that science and theology cannot coexist.

Back to the bottom, because science is based on self-doubt, and theology is based on steadfastness.

He finally told himself.

The greater the scholars, the more there is a fatal weakness, so they will rely more on the strength of the body. As for what this weakness is, they can only go to any laboratory, any research institute, and with their own wisdom, can be found.

Discovering it is tantamount to grasping the foundation of the scholar's power.

"Three days later, go to the Redridge Ridge Solar Energy Laboratory to find the answer."

This was His Majesty the King, Prince Chen's father, the last word he said to him.


Chen Huang finally knew what his father said about the weakness of scholars!

That's... a resource!

Scholars' constant desire to be powerful and to explore deeper truths requires limitless resources to support their dreams.

Laidlaw is hungry for resources, and all scholars are hungry for resources, so their powers are mutually restrained, and they must respect the rules of secular law and can never be superior.

Build a hundred large cities like solar energy laboratories?

This must be achieved by a great monarch, by concentrating all the power of the country, and by constant policy support, in order to accomplish this dream in hundreds of years.

Mastering the resources is equivalent to mastering the weaknesses of the scholars, and this is the origin of the power of the monarch of Gran!

"It turns out that it is."

the other side.

Lei Luo stared at Prince Chen dazedly.

Just as Lai Luo didn't understand Prince Chen's power struggle, Prince Chen also didn't understand the real purpose of Lai Luo's radiation weapon plan.

A reflection of the critical value of Radiation Jinghua will provide Lai Luo with 1% of the stellar essence.

In other words.

Only one explosion of a fission-type radiation weapon, and the explosion of the critical value of 1000g of radiation Jinghua, can provide Lai Luo with the power of star evolution of 10g of stellar essence!

If the power of the country is concentrated and such weapons are built on a large scale...

Then you only need one war and release more than ten such weapons, theoretically you can collect more than 100g of stellar essence!

At that time, the true body of his astral body will definitely break through the shackles mentioned by Corleone and become one of the few pioneers among human beings!

With the golden age jointly opened by the three pioneers 800 years ago, scholars have broken through the shackles and extreme shackles, and the existence of the power of law has reached nine!

Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!

The inner greed and desire, and then the superficial fanatical longing, only fell in the eyes of Prince Chen, thinking that Lai Luo was excited for his dream.

It was a long story, but only a few minutes had passed for the nervous lab.

Prince Chen supported by Lei Luo and his old servant.

Both of them could see a trace of longing in each other's eyes, and both misunderstood each other.

Prince Chen looked towards the solar energy This is a metal furnace more than five meters high, and there are dense pipes and water cooling devices, which constantly emit a low "rumbling" noise.

Because of its existence, the laboratory seems to be a bit crowded and cluttered.

"Then what is this?"

"Oh, this is a little invention of mine. It not only provides enough energy for the daily consumption of the laboratory, instead of the consumption of spar, but also stores the excess energy through it to defend the magic circle in the emergency state of the laboratory. The prohibition and another defense provide sufficient energy support."

While Laylo was talking, Angela, who was in charge of monitoring the movements of the enemy outside, shouted anxiously, "They are going to attack!"

Not caring about Prince Chen, Lei Luo hurriedly roared: "Enter a state of emergency!"

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