Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 326: 10-year change (below)

Building a Radiant Force Factory is not as simple as it seems.

Lai Luo has strict safety standards for it to prevent the leakage of radiation power, and has carried out the construction of salvage measures to the greatest extent possible for accidents.

As a result, the investment standards required to build a radiation power production factory will naturally skyrocket, and it is simply not within the reach of some small businessmen.

With so much investment, what you can get is only 1g of radiation power per month.

After the factory obtains the power of radiation, the duchy will buy it at a high price of 5,500 gold coins per gram, and then the duchy will consolidate it into the solar energy laboratory, and Lai Luo will convert it into radiation Jinghua, as the raw material for fission radiation weapon research.

Convert like this.

The gold coins required to produce 1000g of radiant flowers on paper alone have reached 5.5 million!

This kind of terrifying figure is an amazing profit for any chamber of commerce.

You must know that the Principality’s annual tax revenue is about 1 billion gold coins, of which 5% is invested in military construction, that is, 50 million gold coins, including the replacement of major fortress equipment and daily consumption, and Lai Luo actually takes up 10% of the Principality’s annual military investment. one!

Of course, this is only the minimum investment in raw materials on paper.

According to Lai Luo's calculation, the actual investment required to make a fission radiation weapon is likely to exceed 15 million gold coins!

Even more frightening is...

Once this weapon is really developed, the principality's investment in it will likely have no bottom line for a long time.

Although the chambers of commerce do not know the power of this weapon, they have a keen sense of smell for gold coins, but they can tap into huge profits, so they are sparing no effort to build it, but due to the strict safety audit standards of Lai Luo, there are only 14 so far. It's just a production plant, most of which have only been built in recent years.

Safety is the bottom line that Laidlaw assures M.

It is worth noting that one of the 14 factories was invested by Xiao Kang's Star Chamber of Commerce.

The so-called Star Chamber of Commerce, of course, is because of the white star.

this day.

Laidlaw called the heads of the eight chambers of commerce that belonged to the 14 factories to the laboratory and held a secret meeting.

"I came here today to convene everyone because according to the Principality's policy, we are required to speed up the production of radiation power as much as possible and complete the weapons experiment as soon as possible, but the safety issue of the factory must not be relaxed. What advice do you have?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Compared with these Chamber of Commerce bosses, Xiao Kang is both the founder of the Star Chamber of Commerce and the head of the factory. His strength is really not worth mentioning.

If it weren't for his special relationship with Laylo, I'm afraid that these duchy's chamber of commerce giants wouldn't even look at him directly.

"I have a proposal."

The head of the Chiji Ridge branch of the Baicaoxiang Chamber of Commerce is a middle-aged woman.

She likes folding fans very much. Even now in autumn, she still plays with her hands from time to time. The strong fragrance of perfume on her body is almost impossible to breathe.

"According to my observation, the speed of the collection of radiation power is closely related to the intensity of sunlight. Although Dubite Red Ridge is almost the hottest and arid place in the Principality, outside the Principality, there are more..."


Laidlaw interrupted her.

He said directly: "The construction of the factory must not leave the principality. All information about the power of radiation is classified as a secret of the principality, and is equivalent to the Vladik War King's Quartermaster Factory."

Behind the Herbs Chamber of Commerce, there are some shadows of the Duchy of Willand, which is known by Laylo and others.

The female person in charge was interrupted by Lai Luo, and she bluntly refused, sighing in disappointment.

The person in charge of the Eastern Ancient Business Alliance said slowly: "Master wants us to make additional investment?"

This is a lean old man, he shook his head and said: "It's not that we are unwilling to invest more, the key is that you are a weapon, the future development is not yet clear, but the cost of investing in a factory is not low, in case this happens in the future. This kind of weapon has no future, and the principality abolishes investment, doesn't our factory construction mean that it has been wiped out?"

After a pause, the old man's eyes flashed.

"More importantly, as far as I know, our production technology is to collect radiation power by consuming spar, but the master's laboratory can already be replaced by some kind of energy source. The month is nearly a thousand gold coins, if…”

"The secret knowledge of the solar energy reactor, which involves the Principality's confidentiality treaty, must not be sold."

Lai Luo's words were very direct, and there was no room for it, which made the head of the branch of the Chamber of Commerce frown.

Lai Luo naturally also noticed this.

He hesitated, then added: "However, after the upgrade of the laboratory solar energy reactor two years ago, the energy generated by the laboratory has far exceeded the daily consumption of the laboratory at this stage. Therefore, the laboratory can save energy at a preferential price. The factory sold to you will reduce the energy consumption cost of your factory to about one-fifth of the original."


Everyone looked at each other in amazement.

Sell ​​energy?

This is unprecedented in the Principality!

The source of energy is too huge and the design is extremely delicate, so only the towers of major research institutes will have it. Even the advanced Vladik of the Principality has no precedent for selling energy.

The solar energy laboratory reactor, if used in the right place, is of great value, it is amazing!

Lai Luo's words moved several people's hearts.

After half an hourglass.

At the end of the meeting, several people left, leaving only Lai Luo and Xiao Kang.

Xiao Kang smiled and took out the gold abacus at his waist and said, "Each factory costs 200 gold coins per month for energy costs. If there are 20 factories, the laboratory can earn 4,000 more gold coins per month. This is a month. , it's a huge profit!"

Xiao Kang looked at Lei Luo with longing and said, "When I was in school, tutor Jenny was right, knowledge is money!"

Lai Luo's forehead turned black.

"knowledge is power."

Corleone quietly came to the solar energy laboratory.

Along with it, there is M.

The two looked at Lai Luo in silence, making Lai Luo quite nervous and puzzled: "What's wrong?"

"The Guardian Conference, three months later, will be held on Thunder Arc Island."

M's voice was rather muffled.

"I want to recommend you. According to the organization's practice, the title of M will be reserved for you for 30 years. Within 30 years, you can choose a time to compete with the darknet leaders in the organization for the position of the great guardian."

Thunder Arc Island?

Laidlaw hadn't heard of this place.

Compared to M, Corleone looked more serious.

"Lai Luo, you may not know much about the Guardian Conference. This is not a simple meeting, but a meeting that concerns the life and death of mankind. It must be a great guardian who discovered a major event that may endanger the life and death of mankind."

Human life and death?

Seeing the old monster so serious, Lai Luo couldn't help but stunned.

He frowned and said, "Could it be that the dark world has to move?"

"Unless the Dark World launches another Black Death, even if he overthrows the Holy See, according to the Guardian Agreement, it cannot be used as a reason to start the Guardian Conference. In addition to the convention of once every hundred years, if this kind of conference wants to be held in advance, it must be Endangering the life and death of human beings.”

Laylo took a deep breath.

"Could it be that there is some big action over there in the night blood?"

M said slowly: "It should be... that's probably the case. After all, the war over the Death Swamp has lasted for more than two years. It seems that the Holy See has not yet gained an advantage, and I don't know what plans those blood spawners have. Do they really think that by uniting with the dark world, they can plan the Star Curtain Land?"

"In short, Lai Luo, please arrange as soon as possible in the past few days. As my recommender, you will accept the task together with other shadow leaders. I hope this conference is just an ordinary extermination task."

"Extinction mission?"

Corleone said: "Like the literal meaning, in the death storm outside the star screen, there will occasionally be some wind eyes with a rapidly expanding number of evil **** temples, which may develop to a higher level at any time, so their wind eye scale It will also expand sharply at the same time, and it will be easier for us to discover, for such a dangerous civilization, we must first give it extinction before it grows up, otherwise it will likely grow into a new place of darkness in the future!"

M added: "Each crusade long-range, in addition to the main goal of the expedition night, to eliminate these lower civilizations that may threaten humanity in the future is also part of the crusade's mission."

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