Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 338: Deep Sea Darkness (12)

Audrey, who opens the real body of the butterfly-winged cheetah, hides murderous intentions in elegance and beauty.

The speed is very fast, and it is fleeting.

She stared at the huge black spot on the back of the Cancer. It was the parasitic female Haiqi Queen, controlled by Haiqi Queen, this terrifying deep-sea king crab, constantly waving chelicerae, its terrifying huge body often gently light When it moves, the mountain shakes.

Butterfly cheetah slashes with its sharp claws crossed.

With a "click", Peng Bai's giant claws stretched out and blocked the sharp claws.

The claws slashed on the claw limbs of the giant crab, and it made a sound like metal friction, leaving only a dozen centimeters of dents.

This scar is almost negligible for this amazingly large Cancer.


But the attack of this deep sea king Cancer is undoubtedly more simple, rude and direct!

A giant claws, a fierce clip.

The air seemed to be torn apart.

Although Audrey avoided this attack, the sound of the air breaking behind her made her sweat and her face was ugly.

In the deep sea trenches, the evolutionary predation of creatures is extremely cruel, and still retains the characteristics of some ancient creatures.

No matter how poisonous you are, there will always be creatures that are more poisonous than you, or completely immune to your poisons.

No matter how weird you are, there will always be creatures that are weirder than you, or ones that completely see through your weird abilities.

in this way.

In the process of the brutal evolution of the weak and the strong, in the process of constantly diving against the water pressure of the seabed, and in the process of plundering the living environment with more sufficient energy on the seabed, these terrifying creatures in the deep sea have become more willing to believe in the power brought by their unparalleled physique. Defense, and use this to launch the most direct crushing attack.

With this kind of physique, if you have some special means, it is almost no different from the ancient creatures.

the other side.

Odell was not so lucky.

His elemental avatar is a fusion avatar created by drawing on the strengths of Mickey's Thunder Heart and Rainbow Fish, and is mainly known for his natural energy control.

After its real body was turned on, the natural energy it controlled almost doubled out of thin air!

As a result, the huge and terrifying energy response naturally attracted the attention of this Haiqi Queen. Its spiritual tentacles controlled the deep-sea king crab, focusing on launching a deadly attack on Alder.

On land, there is no pressure from the huge water pressure on the seabed.

Although it is not suitable for the survival of these deep-sea giants, in a short period of time on land, their strength and speed will be unmatched by terrestrial creatures!

The real body of the rainbow fish that gathered terrifying energy, one couldn't dodge, and was caught by the tail of this giant crab!


This Haiqi Queen smiled sharply.


This rainbow fish elemental avatar swimming in the air was pinched off by the claw limbs of the giant crab, and the billowing energy flow drifted away like blood.

The rainbow fish that lost its tail also lost its balance structure.

Alder, who was hiding in the first half of his real body, was startled. If the opponent's attack shifted slightly away from Mish, the damage to him would be more than just his real body.

"Tricky guy!"

He murmured in cold sweat, and quickly flew out of the rainbow fish's mouth, appearing in the distance in a flash.

The level of damage to the real body is no longer worth the risk of energy backlash to repair.

But this way.

Although with the powerful natural energy he controls, even if he does not have a real body, it is enough to pose a threat to this Cancer, but at the same time, he himself will never be able to withstand the opponent's arbitrary attacks.

Alder opened his hands, he must use the strongest power in the shortest time.

"Particle Thunderstorm!"

This is a unique scholarship developed by Alder.

On the surface, it seems that the natural energy is just summoned by both hands and gathered into the unparalleled power of thunder, but this is just an appearance.

This unique and deep academic mystery cannot be known to outsiders at all.

His ten fingers kept twitching, as if performing a difficult artistic performance, controlling ten subtle thunder powers, constantly bombarding a mysterious particle in the air, thereby creating devastating effects. energy of.

This academic difficulty not only requires a lot of experiments to find the energy source contained in this mysterious particle, but also requires scholars to use the fingers to differentiate and use them through continuous practice, so as to continuously bombard the air particles that ordinary people cannot detect at all. On, endlessly, creating the so-called particle thunderstorm technique.


This is a powerful energy that far exceeds the attack limit of the Thunder Phoenix.

In an instant, with Alder as the center, the air in all directions seemed to carry a strong magnetic force, sucking up the fine iron sand on the ground.

Dark purple arc, fleeting.


This arc actually pierced the chelicera of the deep-sea king giant crab with one blow, and landed on Queen Haiqi on the back of the giant crab.


On Queen Haiqi's body surface, a layer of spiritual mask that was visible to the naked eye emerged.

The particle thunderstorm technique at the end of the crossbow was blocked by this layer of spiritual mask.

"Huh? This little thing?"

This Queen Haiqi stared at Alder.

It is puzzled by the unknown of anthropologists. In its eyes, the rainbow fish has been killed by itself, and Alder is a brand new life.


This little thing, like himself, has the ability to control the host. The elemental energy fish just now is the host he controls?


But just then, a sharp pain made it scream.

It was the female demon archer riding on the back of the double-horned dragon eagle, who launched a double-arrow burst arrow to break through the surface, successfully breaking through the spiritual defense of this Queen Haiqi.

The so-called double arrow burst arrow is that she shoots two arrows one after the other, one fast and one slow, according to her long-term ascetic training. The arrow hits the tail of the slow arrow, creating an unparalleled blasting attack.

The blasting arrow exploded in the body of this Queen Haiqi.

Green juice flows along the wound.

"Flick away!"

The female archer screamed, trying to drive the dragon eagle under her to avoid it.


Long Ying screamed, but it was still a little late, and was hit by the spiritual black thorn created by this Queen Haiqi at the cost of permanently losing part of her spiritual power.

After a brief moment of stiffness, the double-horned dragon eagle fell from the sky.

"You must find a way to kill this giant crab first, one by one!"

Audrey shouted.

The ground nearby was fragmented, and the remaining vegetation was swaying. With a "boom", a flaming volcanic rock fell three hundred meters away, the shock wave of terror swayed, and the sputtered gravel made an ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air.

The battle of these behemoths and their inadvertent prestige also caused heavy casualties to the male Haiqi gathered on the ground But there are too many of them.

No one cares about their lives, not even this Haiqi Queen.

"My name is Tianyue!"

Queen Haiqi screamed.

These strange creatures, it has never touched, and the attack methods are very strange.

And judging from the sound of battles that are constantly ringing in all directions of this island, the number of these strange creatures seems to be very large!

But no matter how hysterical it is, Alder, Audrey and the female archer who lost their mounts are trying their best to kill the deep sea king cancer under it. Although this deep sea king cancer is large, it can't stand it. With such a round of attacks, with the injury, its body injuries are getting more and more.

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