Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 352: explosion site

After tens of seconds.

When the people inside the protective shield of the magic circle opened their eyes again, the deafening shock wave had disappeared, and the dazzling light seemed to be just an illusion.

Everyone looked out into the depths of the desert.

"That is……"

A giant white mushroom cloud is rising.

Even if they are separated by dozens of miles, they can be clearly seen. .

The power of the vast law, the demonstration of the physical law of the universe, although it only lost 1% of the absolute mass of 1000g of radiation Jinghua, only 10g of matter, but the energy released is beyond everyone's imagination.

I don't know how long after the shock, the screams of the waiters were faintly heard in the ears of everyone.


The people who came to visit the experimental ceremony were all research institutes, laboratories, and dignitaries from various countries invited by His Majesty the King, so the number of attendants accompanying them was hundreds.

They are just ordinary people.

The destructive force produced by the explosion of the fission weapon completely exceeded the expectations of the solar energy laboratory and beyond Lai Luo's imagination. Even at a distance of 50km, even if the magic array could counteract the impact of the shock wave, the strong force released by the fission weapon in an instant. The light and sonic boom made these waiters instantly deaf and blind.

Some people with weaker constitutions even bleed from their nostrils and fell to the ground.

Inside the protective cover of the magic circle, there was chaos.

"What's the matter, come on!!"

After a brief shock, His Majesty the King was immediately angry because of the situation of these waiters.

Because even his most trusted waiters were affected by the explosion of the fission weapon just now, and fell to the ground, clasping their hands for research, and howling.

He growled loudly, questioning the royal magician advisors who were responsible for building the magic shield.

An old scholar came hurriedly.

During the time of the late emperor, he was one of the advisors to the court magician.

"Your Majesty, the magic circle is not abnormal. Although the explosion experiment just now was strong, because it was dozens of kilometers away, the magic circle was hardly affected in any way."

He looked anxious and kept explaining.

"The injuries suffered by these waiters are affected by the power of the law. Although the power of the law only spreads a little, in front of the supreme power of the law, ordinary people are like hay under the flames, and they want to arrange arrangements that can help ordinary people. There are no more than ten super magic circles in the country that can effectively resist the damage of the power of the law, even if you add the palace and several fortresses, and they are all accumulated by generations of magic circle masters, we are here just..."

The power of the law?

Chen Wang was stunned.

Although he can't judge the strength of this weapon, but the power of the law, he naturally knows what it means!

"Your Majesty, it was my dereliction of duty. It was my failure to give the most detailed estimate of the consequences of this experiment."

Having said that, there was no trace of guilt on Lai Luo's face.

His eyes even showed incomparable fanaticism!

It worked!

It finally worked!

The physical laws of the universe really exist!

"Viscount Laylo, get up."

The king quickly helped Laylo up. .

"This experiment is successful, you will be a hero of the Principality, come on, show me the experimental center area..."

"Wait a moment!"

Lai Luo motioned to the king to be calm, and then shouted to the crowd.

"First of all, I hereby announce that this solar energy fission experiment has been a complete success! Everyone can move on their own, but please remember, do not approach the ground in the polluted area of ​​the explosion center at close range, so as not to be damaged by the residual radiation decay law! "

Many people flew out for the first time, and most of them were scholars from other major duchies who came to watch the ceremony.

They need first-hand data on this weapon.

After the military originally waited for the results of this test, the generals who impeached the solar energy laboratory gathered around anxiously.

As soldiers, they immediately thought that if they had this kind of weapon, the way of war in the future would be completely different!

Ordinary low-level soldiers will lose the meaning of cannon fodder.

The future war structure is likely to be elitist and technological, and the Grand Duchy has entered a new era!

In this era, every time the development of the Tree of Truth and Science is raised, the impact will exceed the standing military force by several times.

This will be the era when scholars take control of the future!

And the advanced scholars of the Grand Duchy like Gubo are still in the shock of absentmindedness.

They can feel the clear law power at the core of the explosion just now, that is the majestic power of the law of God!

A little-known young scholar, through a metal ball with a diameter of only Mish, caused such a devastating force! ! ! ?

As for the several Grand Royal Academicians who came to visit, although they were equally shocking, they had enough restraint to slowly approach His Majesty the King.

Just looking at Lei Luo's eyes is completely different.

If other scholars only regard this technology as a powerful force, in the eyes of these academicians, once Lai Luo has compiled the theory of this power, the changes in the academic world will be comparable to the eight The golden age created by the three pioneers a hundred years ago!

"Unbelievable, such a great invention was born in this desert!"

Integrating and evolving Pernash, staring at the distant mushroom cloud, and looking at each other with Vladik, they actually know nothing about the principles of this new great invention!


Corleone tapped Laidlaw on the shoulder.

His Majesty the Emperor was busy dealing with many generals. Laylo looked back at Corleone and saw his serious face, puzzled.

"I suspect that this thing you invented is the legendary cataclysm weapon."

There was a lot of voices around, but between Corleone and Laylo, an incomparably quiet and eerie environment was formed.

"According to the old dragon, in the depths of the continent, a civilization with catastrophic weapons can easily destroy a low-level civilization without catastrophic weapons, just like we crushed a second-level civilization, even simpler!"

the other side.

The emperor was also annoyed by everyone in the army. He raised his hands and signaled everyone to be quiet.

"Let's go with me to the explosion center area to see the experimental results. As for the future planning of this weapon, I will discuss it with you in detail later!"

King Chen comforted everyone and looked at Laylo, who was whispering with Corleone here.

"Viscount Lai Luo, come with me to explore the experimental results!"


high altitude.

The Royal Sky Knights were guarded by martial law, and many military ministers and His Majesty the King were flying at an altitude of more than a thousand meters, heading towards the huge mushroom cloud that was slowly drifting away.

There is still a huge amount of high temperature in the air, about 70 degrees Celsius, and it gets hotter toward the center.


Radiation Jinghua undergoes a critical fission reaction, with a loss of 1% absolute mass, releasing unparalleled enormous energy and 99% stable energy radiation force. These radiation forces are inert gases, and will be released within tens of seconds after the explosion. , mainly concentrated in the 5M area of ​​the surface, and integrated into the land within 48 hours, slowly decaying and dissipating over hundreds of years.

Therefore, everyone in the sky does not need to worry about the pollution of radiation power.

Of course, the higher the biological strength, the higher the unit cell strength, and the greater the radiation pollution dose that can be tolerated. Even if it is contaminated by radiation, the power of radiation will affect the metabolism of these organisms in a short time.

The catastrophe in history, the extinction of species, often starts from relatively low-level creatures.

Higher creatures are extinct because of food problems!

Immediately afterwards, the lower organisms quickly adapted to the new environment and recovered, while the higher organisms were permanently extinct.

In the endless desert, the ground was flattened by a terrifying huge shock wave.

"That's the center of the explosion?"

Standing on a flying magic carpet, King Chen stared at the huge crater beneath the gradually dissipating mushroom cloud, filled with a glass-like viscous substance.

The magician advisor beside him had an undisguised shock on his face.

"Your Majesty, the giant crater that was impacted by the explosion has been evaluated by the naked eye of the old minister. The diameter of the giant crater is about 320 meters, the depth of the center is 85 meters, and the residual temperature is about 840 degrees Celsius. However, within 5km from the center of the explosion, it will be an absolute forbidden area for living things, even if it is extraordinary. Scholar and Sky Fighter..."

The generals of the military can no longer hold back their fanatical desires!

"Your Majesty, the immortal fortress has established many meritorious deeds to protect the principality over the years, please..."

"Your Majesty!! Dragon Curtain Fortress..."

"Your Majesty! Forge Fortress..."

The military are scrambling for each other.

This scene fell in the eyes of the envoys from the Principality of Sealand, the Grand Duchy of Bar, and the Principality of Wellland in the distance.

No one could have imagined that this small and insipid scholar had created such a devastating miracle.


This is not a miracle.

This is a god-level, a god-level created by man!

"The breath of the astral essence..."

Lai Luo opened his arms, enjoying the fragrance in the air to the fullest, with a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth. According to 800 years after Benevens was burned at the stake, today, "Heliocentric Theory" finally showed a trace of its mighty power!

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