Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 351: Milestones (below)

Rumble rumble.

Today, it is not only the children of Chijiling Public School who are not interested in studying, but also the tutors who carry out the compulsory education of literacy and literacy.

The dense hum of the balloon airships overhead has lasted for more than half a month.

Almost everyone in Chiji Ridge knows that today is the day when the solar energy laboratory conducts public experiments. The powerful scholars from various chambers of commerce have come over one after another, hoping to share first-hand information and see what will happen in Chiji Ridge, which is vigorously built by the Principality. Great invention.

Bion's tavern was overcrowded.

No one could have imagined that this cheerful old man turned out to be a powerful Sword Saint.

But compared to the overcrowded Chiji Ridge, the real protagonists are gathered in the remote Ganbu Desert, waiting for the arrival of 2:00 pm.

The air was so dry that it seemed to drain people.

From time to time there are waiters serving drinks.

The Ganbu Desert is located at the junction of Dubit and Zanka provinces.

But in order to make sure nothing goes wrong, Laidlaw sent the Royal Knights to conduct a final inspection of the desert during the final period before the experiment.

tick, tick, tick...

The hands of the mechanical clock slowly turned.

Laidlaw stood in the midday sun, the scorching sun on his face, the breeze blowing his toga.

More than a dozen royal magician advisors are conducting performance tests on the two defensive magic circles to ensure that the experiment will be carried out for a while. This mysterious weapon is really as powerful as the solar energy laboratory said, and everyone present is foolproof.

"His Majesty."

Lei Luo came to Chen Wang's side.

Now that he is the king of the duchy, the highest authority in this country, he is no longer the original Prince Chen, and he is praying for the support of others everywhere.

Laidlaw had to maintain absolute awe, and he didn't want to get involved in political battles.

He took out some potions.

"What's this?"

The king looked suspicious.

"This is a potion developed by the laboratory based on radiation reactions over the years. According to experimental research, it is almost impossible to avoid radiation pollution in the natural environment where living things are in the radiation zone. I did a full range of research on the consequences of injury, and finally developed this potion, which I named Lemon Core?"

"Lemon pits?"

The magician advisor beside the king is naturally the master of pharmacy.

He took Laidlaw's potion and conducted a component test.

Lai Luo explained: "Yes, lemon core, some people like to call it citric acid. According to long-term research in the laboratory, after the human body is exposed to radiation pollution, almost all cells will lose the ability to metabolize, and the experimental body is extremely dead. Miserable...but only almost."

He paused, showing a hint of surprise.

"Experiments have found that human cells that lose metabolism will turn into a paste due to loss of metabolism in the next 7 to 28 days, and almost lose all fibrous tissue inside, except for one place, that is the heart muscle, so my experiment The laboratory conducted research based on this characteristic, and finally developed the lemon core, which can effectively protect the body's cells and minimize the consequences of radiation pollution."

The magician advisor on the side also handed the potion to the king.

"No abnormal components were found."

"Radiation pollution, is it really as terrible as you said?"

After the king drank the potion, he frowned and asked.

"Yes, very scary!"

Lai Luo definitely said.

But then, he changed his words.

"However, according to my research, it is terrible only for us at this stage. Unless the world is destroyed, as long as the essential laws of the world are still there, there is no weapon that can destroy all life, even if we change a certain A certain living environment in the region caused a short-lived mass extinction, as long as there is enough time, life will adapt to this new environment, including us Gran people!"

Beside the king, the closed-eyed old man who was in charge of personal protection suddenly opened his eyes after hearing what Lei Luo said, with a look of surprise.

He is the old man who developed Deadpool's shadow technology, Zero.

"I didn't expect that this kind of thing would come out of a little guy's mouth. You are so young."

From the other side's point of view, Laylo, who was in his thirties, was almost the same as a child.

"The power of a master, a scholar, does not come from time, but from knowledge and wisdom."

Laidlaw said something about the cannibal spider mother Kuriana.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, don't show off in front of us old guys!"

Corleone grinned.

Sitting next to him are all the famous royal academicians of the duchy known to Laylo. Everyone has incredible deeds. Vladik, the king of war, Seratos, the sky fortress, Ankarev, the source of energy, integrates and evolves. Pernash...

A full nine Royal Academicians!

You must know that the Royal Academicians in the Principality are only in the early 20s. Almost all of these people have unparalleled and unique technologies or have proposed some advanced ideas.

Lai Luo greeted these great academicians one by one.

But not everyone is like Corleone. They are optimistic about the test ceremony. Except for Vladick and Pernash, almost all the other academicians pay no attention to Laylo.

the reason is simple.

Over the years, Laylow's solar energy laboratory has spent so much that there is little room for funding for other laboratories to rise, and it is inevitable that these academicians will have their opinions.

His Majesty the King kept urging Lai Luo, and it is very likely that the anger of these academicians was in it!

Laylo didn't care.

He went to the university scholars a little further away, and those who were able to participate in this experimental ceremony were at least full-level doctors with advanced laboratories.


Recalling the ancestors of Klongubo, although the laboratory has achieved some achievements in recent years, there is still a long way to go before obtaining the title of Royal Academician. Some breakthroughs must be made before it is possible.

"Go ahead, leave us alone, this experiment is very important, we must make sure nothing goes wrong."

He patted Lai Luo on the shoulder, although he said so on the bright side, he added a sentence in Lai Luo's ear.

"I think that the reason why Your Majesty invited so many people to come to watch the ceremony is to find a step for yourself. As long as your experiment fails and His Majesty loses face, then your favor will probably end here. After all... these years you The resources spent are too many, the favor of the king will not be endless, he is now the king, no longer the prince Chen."


Laylo nodded.

The people from the military department looked at Lai Luo with a sneer. Over the years, they have been the biggest opponents of the Solar Energy Laboratory!


The Principality of Sealand, the Principality of Wellland, and the Principality of Barda all sent a number of spectators to the ceremony, and inevitably some high-ranking scholars were introduced and entertained by Xiao Kang, who was in charge of personnel at the Solar Energy Laboratory. This 270 The fat man was so tired that he was out of breath.

The air is getting drier and closer to the test time.

In the distant sky, a few lion eagles flew.

It was the members of the Royal Sky Knights who were in charge of inspecting the test site.

"Report, no trace was found."

"Report, no trace was found..."

Aoun and Yaqian also flew over from the depths of the desert. They were responsible for installing the space-time altar to ensure the stable transmission of the space-time altar.

"everything's ready."

Yaqian's voice was trembling, she had never been so nervous before.

Laidlaw looked at Ornn.

Aoun looked solemn and nodded slowly.

Take a deep breath.

Lai Luo asked the royal magician advisors in charge of the protective cover of the magic circle: "Several masters, please activate the maximum defense of the magic circle."


The energy light curtain, almost materialized, enveloped everyone!

Its strength per unit area is at least 20 times that of the 1024 Night Shield!

After finishing speaking, in the gaze of everyone, the space ring flashed in Lai Luo's hand, and a metal ball appeared, and the surface was covered with black particles.

The diameter of the metal ball is 1.21M and the weight is 11.3kg. The surface is shielded by a layer of insulating black powder, and its internal structure cannot be seen at all.

The crowd quieted down.

All eyes are focused on this metal ball.


Fladic said stunned: "Laylo, is this the fission bomb you're talking about?"

Not only Fladic, but almost everyone was stunned.

The weapons that the Principality has invested in the research of astronomical resources for more than ten years, the experimental results produced by Lai Luo turned out to be such a small thing! ?

That's tens of millions of gold coins!

Even if these gold coins are piled up, they are full of the size of a hill!

You must know that in the field of metal warfare weapons researched by Vladik, volume is a symbol of power efficiency. Therefore, it is Vladik's instinct to pursue huge size, or the instinct of human beings at this stage.

"Yes, this is the fission bomb developed by the Solar Energy Laboratory!"

Lai Luo took a deep breath, and he said slowly: "In a while, I will teleport this fission bomb to the depths of the Ganbu Desert 50km away through the time-space teleportation altar, and complete the detonation. Please be prepared."

At Lai Luo's suggestion, Yaqian put an energy spar into the teleportation array.


The metal ball disappeared in a flash on the teleportation array.

"Countdown, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

The people who were originally quite idle couldn't help but hold their breath as Lai Luo's countdown filled with depression.

After all, this is an experiment in the presence of the King of the Grand Duchy. Even if the doctor who presided over this experiment is not well-known, what surprises might come?

"Greatness begins with smallness."

For a brief moment, it was like the calm before a storm.


The dazzling light erupted from the sky!

all of a sudden.

Not only Lai Luo, everyone closed their eyes involuntarily, which was an accident that Lai Luo did not expect.

Under the intense light like a second sun, even under the protection of the magic circle, some of the great scholars couldn't help showing a look of and even more people couldn't help standing up, their bodies trembling instinctively.

"The law, this is the power of the law!!!!"

Their trembling stems from the humble soul's fear of the law. The world seems to have lost its color, leaving only the most monotonous black and white light and dark curves.


The giant energy light and heat instantly evaporated everything in the center of the explosion, and with the overwhelming pressure, a shock wave visible to the right eye, centered on the origin of the explosion, swayed in all directions.

The humans of the Star Curtain don't know it yet.

Just today, after the Black Death, which was almost extinct thousands of years ago, human beings made a second faint cry on this planet, illuminating a ray of light of their own for the terrifying continent full of darkness and extinction.

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