Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 350: Milestones (middle)

Two days later.

Kodo brought Lai Luo the answer and needed a magic material called 'Mingwax'.


Lai Luo was puzzled.

Although he is an alchemist, in the two or three thousand years since the birth of anthropologists, the amount of magic materials developed is huge, and there are many uses for the development of magic materials, not for alchemists to refine magic tools, but is applied to some unexpected fields.

"Yes, Ming Wa!"

Kodo said excitedly: "This material is a product developed by the Balchao Quality Control Materials Laboratory in the Principality of Sealand 30 years ago. It is usually a viscous liquid, but once other substances are added, it will automatically The package was solidified, and after the laboratory developed this magic material, it wrapped a neuron poisonous package and placed it in the hearts of some high-level slaves to control personal freedom."


Lai Luo was very interested.

"Then tell Xiao Kang and let him try to collect some from the black market."

Kodo shook his head slowly.

In Laylow's puzzled look, Kodo said: "This material is sold as a finished product wrapped with toxins, and what we need is a prototype liquid. Now because of the relationship between Finland, the war between the two countries has developed into an all-round way. Barriers to trade, even the black market, I'm afraid you won't be able to get this material in very low demand."

"Is there anything you can do?"

Laylo asked, and what responded to him was Kodo's silence.

After a while.

Lai Luo got up and said: "You go ahead and find out if there are other substitutes for magic materials. I will also think of a way here."


Codo left, and Laylo murmured in a low voice, "No. 2, No. 3."

In the gap of the gate, there appeared two shadows of Deadpool wrapped like mummies, floating quietly in the air. This was the power sent by His Majesty the King to guard the laboratory, and was directly dispatched by Laylo.

"No. 2, tell Your Majesty as quickly as possible that the laboratory urgently needs the magic material such as Mingwax."

"No. 3, tell Master Vladik as quickly as possible, can you find a material for me that is not affected by the magic energy source, and has a high degree of airtightness and an absolutely thin and light quality."

The two shadows of Deadpool floating in the air like ghosts did not respond to Lai Luo, and the figures gradually faded and disappeared.

"Magic material."

Laylo murmured.

"Such a fission radiation weapon with a theoretical total weight of no more than 15kg involves more than 50 kinds of magic materials in more than 35 laboratories. This requires not only hard work, wisdom, and luck to create basic theories, but also powerful enough The country and the power that absolutely supports the development of this technology...

After half a month.

Good news for Solar Energy Labs.

Not only did he get the bright wax given by His Majesty the King, but Vladik also gave him 2 kinds of materials that meet the requirements.

In this way, the final problem of radiation weapons is solved.


time flies.

The Royal Institute of Science in Zealand, is holding a brief meeting.

The content of the meeting was to visit the fission radiation weapon experiment ceremony of the Solar Energy Laboratory at the invitation of the Grand Duchy.

"Solar Energy Laboratory?"

With a cat-eye elf standing on her shoulders, this female academician knew nothing about the Solar Energy Laboratory.

A thick-bearded old man with a cigarette beside her said in a low voice: "It is a new advanced laboratory developed by the Grand Duchy in recent years. It is located in the northwestern Dubuit Province. It is now strongly supported by the Grand Duchy. It is said that This fission radiation weapon will become an existence comparable to the king of war."

"The King of War? Chi..."

The old woman grinned with disdain.

"Fladic took hundreds of years to develop the King of War. If you let him know that there is a little guy who has used a weapon developed in a mere dozen years, he actually announced that it can make the Principality of Grand more wars. I don't know how I feel about the king's deterrent power."

"Six research institutes, ninety-eight advanced laboratories, the number of advanced research institutes in the Grand Duchy over the years has exceeded that of Zeeland. If it goes on like this..."

The other muttered sadly.

"Let's get down to business, this time, the invitation was sent by King Gran, who invited almost all the research institutes in the duchy. It seems that the new King Gran is quite confident and seems to intend to take this opportunity to show off these things. We can't handle the achievements of the Royal Institute of Science in the year of commanding Gran, who is going to visit?"

Another elegant old man looked around, his three long beards were very conspicuous.

"Over the years, Gran has not only expelled the power of the Goddess of Wisdom, but also organized a three-year compulsory education system, and is closely connected with those underground organizations in Finland. This new king looks ambitious and motivated. ."

"Humph, are we the new emperor of Zeeland? No matter what, our Sealand is still the most powerful country in the Principality!"

The hawkish old man in the blue robe snorted coldly.

"The annexation of Finland, the area of ​​Zealand's territory has almost increased by one-half out of thin air, and the new emperor is the most recent monarch in history to take over the great emperor of Zealand!"

Cloud rain storm thunder lightning earthquake tsunami.

This group of noisy old guys are almost all standing at the pinnacle of their respective research fields.

But this so-called peak is only the peak of the traditional conventional meaning.


Gran Palace.

The King's Dugu was conceived and born from the first day he held the supreme power.

these years.

The main energy and achievements of King Glenchen are placed in five aspects.

First, sweep away the power of the Temple of the Goddess of Wisdom, strengthen the centralization of the Grand Duchy, and minimize the influence of the power of the Temple on the imperial power.

The second is to wipe out the private forces of many grand dukes, take back the grace of the grand dukes who had participated in the failed coup, and implement a grace order for the grand dukes who did not participate in the coup. Then implement the territorial inheritance system to avoid threats to the central government.

Third, the three-year compulsory education system is implemented nationwide, and universal education on literacy and literacy is implemented for the common people, and the annual tuition fee is reduced to less than 5 silver coins.

Fourth, within the inherent sphere of influence of the Temple of the Goddess of Wisdom, the Second Academy of Sciences was built, focusing on alchemy and weapons of war, in order to absorb the power of the Principality of Finland.

Fifth, the investment in the fission radiation weapons program of the Chiridge Ridge Solar Energy Laboratory!

The Radiation Fission Weapon Program of the Solar Energy Laboratory is the least promising plan in the Principality. It took more than ten years and a huge investment of tens of millions of gold coins, equivalent to 0.5~0.8% of the Principality's annual tax revenue!

This does not include some policy inclinations.

You must know that in the non-war period, a duchy's military expenditure often only accounts for about 6% to 8%, which means that Laylow's fission radiation weapon plan accounts for nearly one-tenth of the duchy's military expenditure!

So, it is not difficult to imagine.

Surrounding Chiridge Ridge is not only the rise of an advanced laboratory, but also the rise of an emerging city.

The rich and new rich born from this, I don't know how many.

Even just the cost of land transfer and use has risen by nearly a hundred times compared to ten years ago!

Xiao Kang is a representative of the upstarts who have risen because of Chijiling's investment.

"Your Majesty, there is news from Chiridge Ridge that the radiation fission weapon has been assembled and everything is going well."

The waiter handed over the memorial, and King Chen glanced at it.

The handwriting above is exactly Laidlaw's handwriting.

Over the years, he had invited Laylo to the capital palace banquet several times, but Laylo had refused.

It can be seen that, compared with the power of the duchy, Laidlaw is more eager to devote his limited experience to the intellectual exploration of scholars.

So all these years, Laidlaw is still the Viscount of Redridge Ridge ten years ago.

"Then, let me see what kind of changes the principality can bring to the principality by investing such huge resources in the construction of war weapons."

He took a sip of his morning tea, and there was an inadvertent determination in his eyes.

"Let's see if it can inherit the power of the "Heliocentric Theory" eight hundred years ago, as you said, and it will bring qualitative changes to the duchy, so that the duchy will no longer be afraid of Aurora's divine power of light."

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