Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 349: Milestones (Part 1)

According to incomplete statistics.

The total number of doctors in the principalities of human beings is less than 1,000 people, and most of them are concentrated in the territory of Glen and Zeeland.

The doctor mentioned here refers to the associate doctor who has established at least a medium laboratory and has more than ten senior researchers.

Not some honorary doctorates.

But even if there are fewer than 1,000 doctors, it is at least dozens of times higher than before the Golden Age 800 years ago.

This is the overall progress of human civilization.

Among the higher scholars, there is such a famous saying.

First-rate scholars research theories, second-rate scholars create technologies, and third-rate scholars develop magic materials.

This is basically the essential difference between the medium laboratory, the advanced laboratory, and the high tower research institute.

As far as the substance like Radiant Jinghua is concerned, it belongs to the category of basic magic materials in the academic research classification of scholars. Generally speaking, as long as the laboratory develops its own magic material products, it can maintain the basic expenses. degree.

Such laboratories are extremely numerous, and generally speaking, they are all established by attaching to a large research institute to form a complete system.

Similar to Fladic in the south of the Grand Duchy, it is a typical representative.

On this basis, if the laboratory can develop a certain exclusive technology based on its own magic materials, the economic benefits brought by it are almost several times that of basic magic materials!

The spar fusion and segmentation technology of the Baijiling spar fusion laboratory is a typical representative of them.

The radiation weapon production technology of Laylow Solar Energy Laboratory is also at this stage.

If materials can still be traded through smuggling and black market, then the unique technologies mastered by the principalities are almost insurmountable barriers.

Finally, the theory is developed.

Similar to "Evolutionary Profound Truth", "Natural Law", "Heliocentric Theory" and the like, all belong to this theory.

This is the common wealth of all mankind!

The status of scholars is no less than that of the Holy See's "Bright Ceremony". It is the guiding light for mankind to enter the palace of knowledge from ignorance and ignorance. It is the stepping stone for all young scholars who are eager for knowledge to understand the world.

The theoretical cornerstone belongs to the return to basics of knowledge theory in academia.

In the eyes of future generations, it is almost a matter of course, but they do not know the great efforts and hardships that predecessors paid in exploring, and even the price of life.

The strength of a civilization lies in the integration of materials science and technology, but the development potential of civilization lies in these basic theories.

Every breakthrough in basic theoretical cognition and cognition of the nature of the laws of the world will allow this species to easily cross hundreds of years of exploration and complete a big explosion of knowledge.

That's why.

Almost all high-level scholars are eager to write their own theoretical knowledge, and lead the confused, ignorant and ignorant people to the palace of rationality full of light, so as to obtain the highest level of "Natural Law", "Profound Truth of Evolution" and "Heliocentric Theory". Honor, in the next hundreds or thousands of years, will be regarded as a treasure of civilization and progress, and people will pay homage to it.


Since the golden age of 800 years ago, although anthropologists have produced a large number of advanced works, similar to Gu Bo's "Ancestral Clone" and Anlia's "Alienation and Psychic", but this kind of work is at most scientific. A branch of the knowledge tree has a certain influence.

Compared with "Natural Laws", "Evolutionary Profound Truth" and "Heliocentric Theory", it almost created a trunk of scientific knowledge, which has influenced future generations for thousands of years, and almost directly improved the cognitive level of anthropologists for thousands of years. Writing, at most, has improved the development of the overall civilization for more than ten or several decades.

It is for this reason that Antonio, Gauss-Adolph, and Benevens were regarded as pioneers by later scholars.

After this.

Although there are some scholars whose personal power has evolved and reached the heights they once were, they have not created works with the influence of the three pioneers, and are only high academicians who hold various titles.

Laidlaw, as one of the new generation of famous scholars, is of course eager to receive his own honor.

During his two years at the Corleone Institute of Biological Specimens, one of his biggest gains was his vision, and he learned some secrets of some advanced laboratories and research institutes in several major duchies.


After more than ten years of development, with the trust of His Majesty King Gran and the influx of huge amounts of money, Laidlaw's knowledge of radiation weapon technology demonstration has become more and more detailed.

As a scholar who developed this brand-new weapon, and a man at the pinnacle of radiation weapon knowledge, it was time for Laylo to try to reason about the deep theoretical foundation behind this brand-new magic material evolution technology.

Under the spar lamp, Laidlaw wrote quickly with his quill.

After a long time, he rubbed his forehead and shook his head as if in self-denial. He actually sprinkled a bottle of potion on the handwriting he had just written, and then his day's efforts were completely turned into nothing.

"Laylo grabbed the Codex note.

Upon closer inspection, the name of the handwritten notes, Jing is "The Law of Physics"!

This is the cornerstone law of mathematical logic for the mutual transformation relationship between energy and mass, but with Laylow's current mathematical cornerstone knowledge, it is almost whimsical to try to reason about this theoretical knowledge.

"There seems to be a missing axiom here. It is like 1 in mathematics. It is calculated as a basic unit, and it also lacks a certain parameter. According to the mathematical equation, it should be some kind of distorted radian..."

dong dong dong.

Just as Laidlaw was muttering to himself, there was a knock on the door of the laboratory.


Laylo turned his head to see that it was Kodo.

These days, he's in charge of making the outer boxes for Laidlaw's fallout weapons.

The structure of this box is very complex.

In detail.

Since once the radiation Jinghua exceeds 3g, a chain reaction will occur, causing chaos of natural energy, so Lai Luo must divide the 1000g radiation Jinghua into 500 equal parts, each 2g, and then divide the 500 radiation Jinghua into spheres of equal radius. , placed around the center of the gravity collapse device to ensure that the moment the fission weapon is activated, the 500-point radiation Jinghua is instantly integrated, exceeding the critical value of the fission reaction, causing the effect of physical laws.

The fission reaction will convert 1% of the absolute mass of the material loss into unparalleled terrifying energy!

According to Aoun's team's calculations.

The energy it releases directly will instantly destroy a medium-sized city and evaporate everything within a few square kilometers under absolute high temperature, high pressure and heat.

And its subsequent radiation range will be a hundred times the direct damage range.

In other words.

With just a few of these weapons, the Dubit province where Laylo is located will be completely reduced to a barren land of radiation pollution!

At this moment, there are only two months left before the deadline for the fission weapon experiment.

His Majesty the new king, eager to achieve success, almost notified the famous scholars from all institutes of higher learning and laboratories in the major principalities to come to observe the experimental ceremony.

After all, this is an experiment that the Principality has continuously invested in huge amounts of gold coins in a short period of time, consuming a huge amount of national strength, and there can be no mistakes.

"What's wrong?"

After Laylo saw Codo, he had a bad feeling.

"It's a material problem! Our current storage method for Radiant Jinghua is 2g, which is individually sealed into black tungsten, but I found that after being affected by magic energy, the performance of black tungsten will rapidly decay, and the fission weapon The gravity collapse device in the center is the constant source of magic energy, that is to say, the fission weapon we designed can only be stored for about 48 hours!"

He looked anxious.

"There are two ways now, one is to find a way to make the gravity collapse device lose the magic energy source, as long as it is put in when it is activated, the other is to replace a brand new magic material, which can perfectly store the radiation Jinghua at the same time. , a material that will not be affected by the magic energy source."

Lai Luo frowned, lost in thought.

Ornn walked in, too, and he apparently knew about it too.

After a long time, Lai Luo slowly said: "Removing the energy source is the last If the black tungsten problem cannot be solved, I am afraid that someone will directly inject energy into the radiation weapon through remote control. , affects the performance of the internal materials of the weapon, and if we have radiation weapons at that time, won't we be tantamount to self-immolation?"

He looked at Codo and said, "Do you know of any suitable substitute materials?"

Kodo pondered.

"The laboratory is strongly supported by His Majesty the Emperor, and we can almost easily obtain any magic material in the duchy, but because of the special nature of Radiant Jinghua, we must ensure that this unstable material will not be lost naturally, so I choose all The most suitable magic material in the Principality."

His brows were almost frowning, and he kept scratching at his hair.

"Well, I'll go look for some experimental materials from other principalities, and maybe there will be more suitable substitutes than wolframite."

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