Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 348: land of night

The place of night.

An endless dark red cloud covered the sun in the sky.

In addition to the countless blood-eyed trees on the ground, there are strange plants that are like bread, constantly wriggling.

Goo, goo, goo...


Countless blood crows spewed out of this creepy, creeping plant. With the sound of "quack quack", these blood crows, which were more than half a meter long, flew into the distance.

It's just strange that these flying blood crows, for some reason, keep falling.

Rumble rumble.

A huge creature in the night, like a stick insect, its six legs, in a bent posture, after each straight, are more than 200 meters long, walking slowly and cumbersomely.

Even the largest blood-eyed tree is less than half of its legs.

Such a giant is itself a moving food chain, a group of bizarre creatures like gibbons, with naked bodies and no skin, rippling on its huge body.

But some of them were listless and weak, sneezing from time to time, and some even had skin oozing.



This sluggish giant creature spit out a huge energy net forward, covering a space of hundreds of meters and shrouding a group of blood crows.

This energy net seems to be surprisingly sticky. The blood crows struggled continuously, but as the energy net was withdrawn, they were gradually swallowed by this huge giant.


A huge mountain of flesh and fat stretches to the end of the field of vision.

As the artificial mother nest of blood-derived fairies, even the largest natural biological mother nest in the Land of Night is less than one thousandth of its size.

The mother's nest built by the twelve painters who smuggled across the Star Curtain Land was nothing more than a childish toy in comparison.

"Metal, we need metal!"

The white-headed painter growled.

"Those humans in the land of the star screen have the metal substances we urgently need. As long as we have enough metal, we can build an unprecedented war army of derivative beasts. Only in this way can we defeat those humans and occupy the rich star screen land. , and get their spatiotemporal channel technology!"

The messenger of the fearful scorpion mother quietly looked at the white-headed painter.

This is not the era when painters rule the land of night.

Although as one of the greatest painters, the white-headed painter still has a very high status in the blood-derived goblin family, but under the will of the great fearful scorpion mother, even the great painter is only a tool for the reproduction of the tribe.

He calmly said: "According to the will of the great fearful scorpion mother, we must stop fighting with humans now. Due to the special structure of derivative beasts, metal predators have catastrophic weapons that control metal, even if there are more derivative beasts, it is impossible. threaten it."

"But the space-time channel technology mastered by humans can!"

The white-faced painter anxiously said: "As long as we master the space-time channel technology, we can be like the God of Light thousands of years ago, by establishing the coordinates of the temple in the opponent's territory, and using the space-time channel to come to the real body, maybe we can..."

He noticed the unmoved mental fluctuations of the other party. The smiling teddy bear with the sun, which was only half a meter tall, seemed to have thought of something and calmed down.

"The death catastrophe in the north is a brand new cataclysmic weapon attack launched by the metal predators? Do they want to destroy us like the founders were destroyed 20,000 years ago?"

As one of the greatest painters of the blood-derived goblin, the white-faced painter certainly knows some information about prehistoric civilization.

The last civilization of the Land of Night, the blood-derived fairy, has many names.

But the creator is the most widely used title.

It is said that this civilization once created a splendid culture.

The precise instruments they created, even from the perspective of the blood-derived civilization today, are miraculous things, like pieces of art.

until one day.

The Metal Raider civilization discovered the Founders civilization and waged a war of destruction.

The strength of the metal predator is that it can use extremely tiny nano-metal robots to devour metal to complete self-splitting and reproduction, and then combine them together to form an overwhelming army of synthetic robots, destroying everything along the way.

There is no doubt that this is a cataclysmic weapon.

And the energy source of these nano-war robots is their own metal decay.

In a few decades, they accelerated the metal decay of a long history, split their own metals into a variety of natural energy elements to volatilize, and then turned the land hit by the cataclysm into a permanent barren land of metal scarcity.

The precise instruments of the founders are completely useless in the face of metal predators, and even become the supplies of the enemy.

In the decades-long war, the founders kept trying to save themselves, and in the final cycle of annihilation, they developed a law technology called genetic engineering, but unfortunately they still could not restore the decline of the war.

The nano-war robots continued to decay, disintegrate and dissipate, and the air was filled with a huge amount of iron oxide dust toxin.

The creators utterly wiped out death.


The creatures created by the genetic engineering law technology they study have survived!

These creatures have the creators' favorite toy skins, but they have the evolutionary talent of absorbing the blood of various creatures, and have amazing survivability. With the creatures in the land of night, they gradually adapted to this kind of dark red Harsh environments with iron oxide dust.

After that, this creature launched a protracted war with a group of Gulan civilization that believed in the moon and gained power by continuously sacrificing various energy spar and magic substances to the moon.

This is the history of blood-derived goblins and Gulan civilization!

"No, no, the metal reserves in the Land of Night, after that cataclysmic attack, are already less than the minimum content for them to launch another cataclysmic attack, and are they at war with another powerful civilization?"

The white-faced painter kept denying it.

"Yes, the Metal Raiders waged war on another powerful civilization and gained a huge advantage."

The fearful scorpion messenger hesitated for a moment.

In the end, he decided to tell the shocking information he knew.

"But this civilization seems to have an extremely powerful communication technology. Before it perishes, it broadcasts its own coordinate information in the form of ripples. According to the information held by the fearful scorpion mother, it took only a few decades since then. , the two civilizations perished one after another.”

"Metal Raiders... perished!!!!???"

The white-faced painter looked at each other in a daze, unbelievable.

The metal predator is the oppression of death that the blood-derived fairy has faced since its birth.

This kind of oppression is like a big mountain, like the Holy See faced by scholars. The suffocating depression makes every blood-derived goblin constantly in crisis before death and extinction.

It was not until the birth of the fearful scorpion mother and the establishment of a level 3 divine civilization that she finally gradually got rid of some of this fear.

After all, the catastrophic weapons of this civilization can only be launched in areas with rich metal content, and after the last catastrophic weapon attack, the Land of Night no longer has the prerequisites for launching the second catastrophic weapon attack.

"So, the great fearful scorpion mother suspects that this powerful and unknown civilization that has perished the metal predators has passed the metal predators, knows our existence, and launched an attack in the north, the kind of unknown that makes all living creatures die. Cataclysmic weapon!"

"Cough cough cough..."

Suddenly, a weak blood-derived goblin who kept coughing ran into the secret room where the white-faced painter was talking with the fearful scorpion mother messenger.

Its image is a very common smiling bear among blood-derived goblins.

"Report to the white-faced painter, the derivative beasts are abnormal, and the night worms have died in a large area, not only the night worms, but also cough, cough, cough..."

Halfway through his words, he coughed up blood and sat on the ground weakly, gasping for breath.

The sutures of his joints gradually seeped dark red blood.

"What the **** happened!!"

The Whiteface Painter roared, feeling as if he was enveloped in a cloud of death, a shuddering creep.

"You stand up for me!!!"


The metal flying device with a length of 15cm is flying at high speed.

It was so tiny, so tiny that no one noticed it, and it was fleeting in the sky, and it didn't stop until it found a brood of flesh and fat.

This area with a large number of species gathers, and the torrent of belief generated is the guiding coordinates of this metal flying device.

Inside the metal flying device, a group of floating black microbes looked to the ground through the porthole.

The diameter of the body is only 0.06cm, and it has four black tentacles of 0.1cm, which are quietly waiting for the analysis data of the metal device.

beep beep.

"The power of the law has been detected, and the branch of the god-level civilization with a civilization level of 3 belongs to the temple. It has a god-level creature that masters the power of the law and meets the conditions of posing a major threat to the black death civilization. It is recommended to destroy it by black death."

These black creatures smaller than the eye of a are in action.

A transparent capsule of only 0.05cm was carried from the tail of the flight device to the launch device.


After the transparent capsule was launched, the transparent film on the surface gradually melted, and the unknown substance inside gradually dissipated into the air.

"Let's go, this world is too vast, and it will take many years to complete the destruction like the world of metal predators. We don't have much fuel, so we must hurry up."

The light mask once again enveloped the flying device.

The small flying object disappeared in a flash and disappeared into the sky, as if nothing had happened.

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