Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 414: Preliminary Experimental Observation of Superman (Part 1)

The number jigsaw puzzle is the only fun of the superhuman monitor zz1387262 in the long dull silence.

These days he no longer enjoys this boring fun.

A month ago, three superhero warriors descended on the medium body near the pollution coordinate source he was in charge of monitoring and lost contact, which made him feel a little worried.

Because the task of establishing the second cataclysm gathering place this time will be related to whether he can qualify to be promoted to a higher superhuman in the future.

On the surface of superstars, or on the moon, there is a huge temperature difference between day and night.

During the continuous astral siphoning process, the storm of death raging on the surface of the superstar is far beyond what the creatures in the star screen world can imagine. In this extremely harsh environment, even as a mental superhuman, he must hide in a bunker. to survive.

"This is your ration."

After a brief indifferent exchange, the superhuman left a sugar cube box in the listening room zz1387262.

Mood fluctuated slightly, he picked up the candy box and opened it, which contained 32 'cubes' neatly. ’

These sugar cubes are the energy of the star screen world obtained through astral siphoning. After filtering the highly toxic energy of Mandosahua, they are made into energy crystals, which provide necessary food for the remaining superhumans.

However, it is too expensive to filter out this kind of poison!

It is precisely because these mandala energies are extremely dangerous that while the surviving superhumans are carrying out astral siphon destruction attacks on the star screen world, they have not obtained the desired benefits and resurrected because of this attack.

Because the chief minister of science who proposed resurrecting the superstar, and the technology it researched, have been sealed into the mysterious 'star cannon'.

This is the counterattack of the ancient civilization of the star screen world.

A cannonball that did everything it could to break through the star screen blockade, a cannonball that drove the self-confident ancient superhuman into hell.

99% of the superhumans were instantly sealed, and the remaining superhumans could no longer advance the process of new civilization, and a new long history began inside the star screen world.

"The three elite warriors have lost contact one after another. It will take a considerable amount of time to send explorers to the relevant areas through the cataclysm center tower. I hope there will not be too many changes in this mission. After exploring for so long, this is the second one discovered. It is suitable for large-scale pollution and seizure of local biological groups. If the number of descending warriors can be doubled, even against the central civilization, it is not without..."

beep beep.

Suddenly, on the information light curtain of the monitoring room No. zz1387262, a new suitable arrival medium was found near the coordinates responsible for monitoring.

He dialed the No. 11 Chief Executive Message Intercom for the first time.

"Sir, listening to the coordinates near the coordinates, I found a brand new applicable descending medium. In view of the previous failure, I applied for a higher-level soldier to take the applicable descending medium."

After a while.

"You have permission."


at the same time.

Pampas Heights.

It has been a month, and this tribe of barbarians, named Garu, translated in human language, literally translated as the Fall of the Black Witch God.

According to Laylo's speculation, this is likely to be one of the battlefields between the Holy See and the wizards of the dark world in ancient times. A great witch king fell nearby and was handed down by the barbarian tribe as a myth.

Lai Luo was fortunate that he had already mastered the barbarian language, and coupled with his status as an envoy of light who could summon the power of God, he easily merged into this barbarian tribe that worshiped power.



Even female barbarians can easily have a height of more than 180cm. Hundreds of barbarians surround the flame at the center of the tribe, singing and dancing, singing happily, and waving the skulls of their prey.

In the past month, Laylo has also adapted to the life of the barbarian tribe.

There are dozens of thatched huts in the tribe, and it is a special custom for all barbarians to collect the skulls of prey and hang them on the top of the thatched roofs.

The clan elder looked at the mysterious and powerful Lai Luo.

"Great sacrifice of light, we have built the temple church according to your requirements. I don't know when the envoy can guide us and obtain the protection of the great **** of light?"

Beside Laylo, sat the most intelligent and savage savage girl selected by the tribe.

Under the toga, Lai Luo smiled softly.

This so-called temple is just a cover for his secret experiments.

Taking a step back, all the magnificent churches that can communicate with divine power do not need a long time to build. After tens of thousands of faithful believers pray, they can cause the great gods to look at them a little, and then realize communication and spread divine power.

This kind of small church is, at best, the residence of missionaries who can bewitch the soul.

"Just now, I have completed the baptism for Dora. At noon tomorrow, I will summon the miracle of light as the **** of light to expel the Kui cattle in the back mountain that threaten the safety of the tribe."

Laidlaw stroked the girl's hair, the beautiful barbarian girl was as submissive as a kitten.

"Ah! That's great! Praise the great God of Light! I didn't expect that even a small tribe like us would be able to receive the mercy of the great God of Light."

Ignoring the grateful tribal elder, Laylo looked at Dora with a hint of hope.

"In the past few days, some strange things may happen around you, don't be afraid, this is the Lord's suggestion, mortals can't understand the Lord's wisdom, you just need to tell me the way of these hints, and I will help you to complete the analysis."


The girl was also full of anticipation and responded in a low voice.

The barbarian tribe was peaceful, Laiduo said nothing more, silently opened the notebook, and recorded today's experiment.

"The No. 1 semi-barbarian experimental body has completed the bloodline conversion, activated the human bloodline, and waits for the superhuman to come and observe."


Noon the next day.

The barbarians of the Garu tribe, whether children, warriors or old people, gathered on the back hillside, waiting for the light angel to perform miracles.


On the clear blue sky, hundreds of barbarians looked up, and a pitch-black crack of more than 20 meters suddenly appeared.

"This is?"


Immediately afterwards, this dark crack slowly opened!

It turned out to be a dark red giant eye, condescendingly overlooking the hurried Kui cattle on the ground.

"God of Light..."

The barbarians who had never seen the world fell on their knees.

Lai Luo gasped slightly.

In his current state, even with this level of Sun Eye Summoning, he was a little tired.

The dark red giant eyes showed a touch of human pride, and then, a beam of sunlight full of high temperature destruction descended from the sky.


After a while, the Kui Niu herds fled in all directions. Seeing this, the barbarians on the hillside could no longer control their emotions and shouted excitedly.

The miraculous ceremony was over, and as the barbarians dispersed, Laylo looked at Dora, the temple nun.

"How is it, do you feel anything unusual?"

Laylo asked tentatively.

Dora was a little flustered and hesitated: "Last night, I heard the screams of goats under my bed, but after I got out of bed to check it didn't seem to be there, and later, when I woke up at night, there was no stop behind me. There are footsteps, I go and it goes, I stop it and it stops, I'm scared..."

Sound interference?

Not a dream?

Lai Luo frowned and stared at Dora, stopping the speech he had prepared.

It seems that the superhuman's spiritual invasion is not only a dream invasion!

But this is just the variety of superficial forms. There is no doubt that the fundamental purpose of these superhumans is only one, that is, to absorb fear through the exhaustion loopholes of the spirit, and finally occupy the main body!

Thinking of this, Lai Luo smiled warmly.

"I didn't expect you to be tested by the Lord so quickly! Remember, if something like this happens in the future, you must pray to the Lord sincerely. As long as you are sincere enough, you will one day receive the divine gift of the Lord!"


Hearing Lai Luo's words, Dora's hesitation and fear turned into excitement and anticipation.

She clenched her fists in excitement, and vowed to strengthen her faith in the future and obtain the divine gift of the Lord as soon as possible.

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