Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 673: Five centimeters of hyperbody space (17)

And the truth is exactly what [Sword of Victory] Sass thought!


In a short period of time, the superhuman body carried out a preemptive strike on the base of the Academy Alliance at the X Progressive Academy of Sciences, and the Academy Alliance was like a hive that exploded. In an instant, thousands of scholars flocked to all directions. The attackers launched a counterattack.

The superhuman obviously did not expect that more than half of the power of the wasteland was gathered here!

After many scholars nearly wiped out the superhuman who invaded the eye of the wind in less than a quarter of the hourglass time, scholars with strong academic energy took the initiative to rush out of the eye of the wind and fled outside the eye of the wind. Superman chases after him.

[Power of the Sun] Lai Luo, of course, is also one of them.

At this moment, Lei Luo was riding the mutant Lei Feng alone, chasing after the dozens of superhuman targets. After the giant bird spread its wings, it was not unpleasant to fly in the death storm.

Compared with humans, death storms are undoubtedly more dangerous for superhumans.

Any small wound and radiation contamination will make the human body they parasitize mutilated, which is quite famous for superhumans!

I must mention.

It just so happens that the human body is surprisingly fragile, and there is almost no defensive function worth mentioning. As a result, compared to the catastrophic human body, the human body is almost equivalent to putting a thin plastic bag on the superhuman body. Working in the death storm, the degree of danger can be imagined.


After about ten kilometers, Lai Luo was only a hundred meters away from these superhumans.

Such a distance is already the distance that Laylo can barely perform academic locking in Death Storm, but for superhumans, it is still difficult to perceive energy. confined to an extremely limited space.


Laylo was like a hunter in the shadows, with almost no mood swings, his right index finger moved towards the superhuman squad that was still fleeing in front of the wind and sand, and quietly launched the fourth-level singularity technique.

call out.

Twisting the ripples of the law of light and darkness, it blocked the death storm within a range of more than ten meters, and shot at these fleeing figures without a break.

It was not until the singularity was only twenty meters away from these superhumans that these superhumans discovered the crisis in the death storm behind them, and started counterattacks one after another.

Boom, boom, boom.

After the rapid and violent explosion of the parasite, accompanied by a palpitating energy collapse and release, when Lei Luo came to the explosion area in a flash, all he saw was that only two superhumans barely escaped. This huge pit of more than 30 meters appeared out of thin air.

As for the other superhumans, there is no need to say much about the fate. Naturally, they were completely collapsed and disintegrated into basic particles by the fourth-level singularity technique and disappeared completely.


Under the guise of Capricorn, Lai Luo glanced over the two superhumans and was a little suspicious.

Needless to say, one of the superhumans is the image of a 12- or 13-year-old girl with unkempt hair and blue eyes. The poor child died at such a young age and became the parasitic shell of superhumans. It must be parasitized by superhuman beings in extreme fear, but the competition of natural ecological civilization is cruel, and naturally there is no moral concept of respecting the old and loving the young.

The other person was a humanoid creature with pale green skin.

It is only one meter tall, like a dwarf. It looks small and pitiful, and it seems to be more fragile than humans. It has a pumpkin-like head on its neck, its mouth is swaying like an octopus whisker, and its eyes are light blue. Just look at yourself.

"The Cataclysm?"

After Laiduo saw this superhuman, he immediately thought of the cataclysm mentioned in the secret intelligence.

The so-called catastrophic human naturally refers to the body of the superhuman who descended through the catastrophic civilization in the center of the continent.

The two superhumans were clearly facing a desperate situation of life and death, but they didn't mean to be afraid or captured. They both launched a counterattack almost at the same time, and the four mental tentacles swept towards Lai Luo in a flash.

However, he saw that after Lei Luo instantly completed his superbody transformation, he left an afterimage on the spot, making the four mental tentacles swept away.

As a bubble technique opened a wound on the body of the 12- or 13-year-old human girl superhuman, Lai Luo didn't even look at it, and the next moment appeared on the body of another cataclysm superhuman. side.

The Tears of Dawn had already pierced a wound in its chest.


With the exclusion and extrusion of the star screen world, superhumans die in all kinds of strange ways.

Some died of chronic poisoning, some slowly expanded and exploded in place, and some spontaneously ignited into a cloud of ashes...

But this time Laylo was lucky.

This superhuman parasitized in the catastrophic human body is obviously going to die of chronic poisoning.

At this moment, it was lying on the dune and twitching. Laylo only needed to slowly wait for the superhuman inside to die under the force of the world's rejection, and then he could obtain the first specimen of the catastrophic human of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences.


On the other side, the superhuman parasitic in the body of a 12- or 13-year-old human girl was not so lucky. After a short period of severe pain, it exploded into pieces in the sky.

This reminds Laidlaw of some past events in the time of Enlightenment scholars.

Human enlightenment scholars are also subject to similar exclusion and oppression before they have access to media partners.

After a while.

After confirming that the superhuman in the cataclysm was completely dead, and there was only one body left, Laylo put away the body and looked around for a week in the wind and sand of the 40,000 storms, before deciding to turn around again.

There are many scholars who came out to chase and route the superhuman beings. If they can meet other scholars who are fighting, they can also help.

Thinking like this, after Lei Luo determined the direction, he rode on the back of this mutant Lei Feng again.

"go there."

Lei Luo, who was riding on the back of Mutated Lei Feng, frequently overlooked the depths of the death storm, hoping to get some useful clues.

After a while, he really found something.

After Lei Feng screamed, he carried Lei Luo to the ground and looked at the remains of the battlefield.

Two human corpses!

No, to be precise, a half-corpse.

Among them, the complete corpse is the deputy dean of a small college that Lai Luo had a brief relationship with at the dance two days ago. If Lai Luo remembers correctly, it seems to be [Gale Wind Beast King] Wudu. Unrecognizable, apparently besieged to death.

As for the other half of the corpse, it seems to have been hit by the superhuman's high-conductivity laser beam, which vaporized the upper body out of thin air.

"The body temperature is still there, the death should be a few minutes ago, chase!"

Accompanied by Lei Luo's urging sound, the mutant thunder phoenix once again spread its wings to the ground and flew forward.

However, after flying for only a short time this time, it was only two or three kilometers away. Laiduo was disturbed by the amazing energy shock waves not far away, and he forgot the past, but the battlefield was clearly within his sight. farther away.

Boom, boom, boom...

Roar! !

Not only the clustered energy vibrations, but also that the giant mountain-like giant suppressed the Even the Thunder Phoenix seemed to be affected by it, and its body was tense.

Laidlaw could feel its tension.

"It's the ancient dragon, Longwei!"

Suddenly, Thunder Phoenix remembered something and screamed.

In ancient times, although the phoenix phoenix was the king of birds in the sky and was at the peak of biological predators, the giant dragon was the king of scales. Its status, strength and unique knowledge inheritance were still slightly higher than that of the phoenix.


Lai Luo heard the words, and his eyes lit up for a short while under the Capricorn mask.

Now that the Cataclysm Man has appeared, it is not an accident that the ancient giant dragon appears as the most powerful derivative of the superhuman!

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