Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 230: Confluence

Misty Stone Forest.

"Yel, I didn't expect our luck to be so good, it was sent directly together!"

The colleague who was surprised by the female student looked a little flustered.

She wore a linen yellow magic guide robe, a red-eyed squirrel squeaked on her shoulder, leaning on a stone pillar about three meters in diameter to hide, looking around in panic, as if something terrible would come out of the mist at any time. thing.

"Do n’t be afraid, the magic array of this hunting trap is forbidden. I spent 120 gold coins, and now it ’s all set, we just need to stay here and wait for the rabbits. When we win two badges, we immediately hide with the talent of clay. , It will succeed! "

Fighting sounds frequently came from the mist.

The male students' eyes radiate a blue light, which is obviously a kind of pupil transformation.

At this moment.

The boy seemed to sense something, and said in a low voice: "Someone is here, get ready!"

Buzz ...

Suddenly, a radiant energy rose from the ground, and dense magic runes shrouded an intruding figure, and the male and female students hidden behind the stone pillar suddenly burst out. Without a word, they launched a full attack on the figure in the stone pillar.

"Bee Swarm!"

The female students released countless light spots, densely packed with hundreds of them. Looking closely at the countless bees, they flew towards the figures in the demon array, followed by a dense explosion.

The male student controlled the magic array ban through the magic array control panel, released a series of fire snakes, and continuously pounced on the silhouette.

Rumble ...

They were so nervous that the light blue spots and the red fire snake exploded for a full ten seconds.

The energy of the two people poured out. It is not difficult to see that these two people are usually standard enjoyable aristocrats in the college. The college is regarded as a communication place. The three years of study are just for the purpose of plating a layer of magician after graduation assessment Gold only.

Huh, huh.

In the gasp, the female student looked at the burning fire in the magic circle and looked nervously at the male student.

"We ... we killed him?"

"I do not know."

The male student swallowed nervously, reluctantly comforting: "This is the graduation assessment. Even if he died, no one can blame others. He can only blame him for being too weak."

"No, he is still inside !!"

The girl looked at the fire and screamed.


Lei Luo opened the guard shield of 1024 nights, staring at the blazing fire outside rather silently.

Such a intensive attack is only a thunderstorm and a small raindrop, and the attack strength is poorly weak. If you want to break the 1024 night's guard shield, even if Lei Luo does not add energy, I am afraid it will last for tens of seconds.

Through the blazing fire, Lei Luo looked at the panicking two people with deep eyes.

The two of them calmed down a little, and when they saw Reloe's face, they thought of something.

"Eye of the Sun, he is the Eye of the Sun in Class 11 !!"

Schoolgirl screamed.

The male student also reacted, swallowing stiffly, holding the hand that controls the magic disk, and trembling.

Lei Luo's eyes stayed on the male and female students for a while, and he sighed deeply.

"It's really pitiful, and staying here can't escape the fate of being hunted. There is no possibility of changing the school's grades. Then let me keep the badge."

Raleigh raised his right hand, and the gravitational ripples of the index fingertips spread.

The flames in the magic circle converged towards their fingertips, gradually condensing into a dark black fireball, and the expression calmly pointed to the two.


The girl could not bear the psychological pressure and disappeared in place, leaving only a badge slowly falling.

The male students no longer hesitated and also disappeared.

Lei Luo's expression was calm, the ball of gravity energy was scattered, and he walked by the fire to the enchantment of the magic array of energy. The index finger touched these runes.

"Zila", a strong current ejected.

A layer of black rock crystals emerged between his fingers, and Lei Luo withdrew his fingers and placed them in front of his eyes, staring at the thunder lingering around the tip of his index finger.

"The magic array combined with thunder and fire only drives the power of flames, can't even the power of the magic array itself be exerted? It seems that compared to the loose education of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, perhaps the staff of the Corleone Institute The education model is more worthy of promotion. "

Running sound came from outside the magic array.

"The voice just came from there!"

The three figures ran over.

"Magic array ban?"

The three stared at the magic array, slightly surprised, and the cost of constructing the magic array was not a small amount.

But then, when they saw the figures in the magic array, they suddenly showed incredible looks and couldn't help shivering.

A person said with great sweat: "Eye of the Sun?"


Looking at the three people who fled panic, Lei Luo shook his head.

It's not that his own Sun's Eye is famous enough, but it is the reward of the blasting killer over the Principality of Zealand, which is too loud.

When the right hand is as fast as an afterimage, after fiercely inserted into the energy array of the magic array, Lei Luo tears his hands fiercely, and pulls the magic array out of a huge gap by brute force, and crosses out of it.

Putting away the two badges on the ground, Lei Luo continued to walk towards the explosion assembly point just now.


Magna counted the time, a flash in her hand, an extra magic prop, pointed again to the sky.


Another firework blooms.

After a while.

If there is a sense, Magna on the stone pillar overlooks the mist under her feet, and a figure floats up silently, falling beside him.

It was Rello who arrived according to the signal.

"Only you?"

Lei Luo looked around and asked.

"Well, the three of them should not be nearby. I observed the terrain. This is the southeast direction of the stone forest. The noon time is coming. The fog is dispersing. On the first day, the noon college randomly arranged ten treasures in the stone forest. Need to rush to the center of the stone forest to gather before night, why not cover a treasure hunting first? "

Magna asked with an ice crystal wand.

"Hunting Grand students? There is no help for the overall results of the college. If you are interested, feel free, I just need the treasure."

Of course Raleigh said, and added: "But the time is faster. After the seal team meets, I have something to announce."

Magna was surprised, but without asking much, nodded silently.

Since the location of the treasure is randomly arranged by the college, it is meaningless for the two to find now, and they just wait quietly in place.

Lei Luo opened "Information of the Powerful Colleges" and continued to look at it.

"Rello ~ ~ You said ... our plan, how confident are we to deal with the desperate people who come in a few days?"

Magna couldn't help but sigh: "I know the strength of Hull, even if I am now compared to him a year ago, he has not won me steadily. Or was killed by [Destroyer] with one enemy and two, but he was [psychic] Hull! And [Fire Phoenix] Angelina can be said to be the best platoon student in our college, but was also [ Flame Soul Devil】 Defeat. "

Rello said calmly: "Because they are real scholars."

Magna obviously couldn't understand what Reello said.

"By the way, you now have a few badges in hand. I will collect some for you in a moment. Do n’t be careless. Just be aware that once this plan fails, we may not have the opportunity to search for badges again. Teleport away from the assessment space! "

Magna couldn't help but sigh: "To tell the truth, if the terms given by Professor Gubo are too tempting, I said that I would not agree to this task."

Lei Luo raised his head slightly and smiled strangely.

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