Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 857: unknown hidden

The old man Pidianpidian ran to this huge bird head.

Regardless of the black smoke that was still bubbling up, the old man was amazed.

In midair, Lai Luo did not intend to land.

"What are you still doing?"

Chubak took out the scalpel and carefully cut out a body specimen, but saw the blood on the specimen boiling like boiling water in the test tube, while looking at Lei Luo floating in the air, he noticed that his eyes were looking elsewhere, Still no meaning to come down.

"It seems... something else."

Lai Luo's voice was hesitant, and explained: "Just at the last blow, I faintly felt something, and soon disappeared again, I can't even decide if this is an illusion, because now it has indeed disappeared, But you know, they're not like normal life forms."

The old man looked around in astonishment for a week, and apparently found nothing, and continued to study the specimens he had just collected on his own.

This specimen is completely different from the previous specimen, and it is obviously a more advanced city!

He has a feeling.

If he wants to make breakthroughs in the research on the civilization technology of these miniature organisms, this giant bird will be the key, and it may even be the only opportunity for the academic world. Now he even blames Lai Luo for not using such a powerful academic , caused so much damage to the body of this specimen.

Chubak quickly lost himself in his own world.

The head of the giant bird is very hard, but no matter how hard the specimen is, it is meaningless in the face of various anatomical tools of scholars.

Soon, when he opened the huge skull, the white-bearded old man was stunned, and then he couldn't help but let out a deep exclamation. He stared at everything in front of him, as if he was watching a miracle.

It is truly a miracle!

The brain of the giant bird has long since disappeared, replaced by hundreds of millions of silver-white and blood-red trace element superconductor particles, which are like unit electrons, closely linked to each other, and constantly surrounded by light blue filaments. Irregular superconductor particle groups shuttle, both fantasy and science fiction.

At this moment, Chubak was even a little unbearable, and he had no way to start with this miraculous civilized work.

But this thought is only for a moment.

The old man swallowed his saliva and seemed to feel that the sense of ritual was not enough. After arranging the instrument, he took out the crystal ball and recorded the scene in front of him. At the same time, he released a protective energy cover to prevent the contamination of the specimen by the outside world. an ancient etiquette.

After doing all this, he finally couldn't help his desire to be curious, and slowly extended his sinful right hand to him.

"If one day, we build an interstellar city, maybe we can have such a magnificent and fantastic scene, what do you think... eh? Lai Luo?"

The old man, who was completely immersed in the dream and miracle, realized that Lai Luo was gone.

But he only looked up and shook his head, no longer cared, the faint blue light reflected on his face, and there was an indescribable arc of excitement hanging from the corner of his mouth, and he continued to immerse himself in the research.

the other side.

Lai Luo was really uneasy, the feeling just now should not be an illusion.

After all, it is a microbial civilization that has never been seen in the academic world, and it must not be inferred by common sense, so he decided to go around this not-so-big eye to see if he could find anything unusual.

A miniature wind eye with a diameter of only less than 30 kilometers, it took almost no time for Laylo, who was flying at high altitude.

Of course, this is only under normal circumstances.

With a low humming sound, the rice-like silver dots appeared again.

However, this was also expected by Lai Luo, and there was no surprise about it. After detonating a few bubble techniques, he continued to fly forward, and he did not waste time collecting specimens for this purpose. After all, the number of such specimens is not large. few.


Lai Luo frowned slightly in the air and stopped again.

buzzing buzzing...

However, in the dark night sky, there are more than tens of thousands of silver light spots. Silver light spots are everywhere, and even the distance seems to be gathering here. These micro-aircraft with trace amounts of superconducting elements may not be counted alone. What, but if there were so many, even the legendary creature would have to turn around and escape.

Laidlaw is obviously not as simple as a legendary creature.

His existence has already exceeded the level of legendary creatures by too much. If so many people follow one after another, it is indeed difficult to deal with general academics, but if more energy is spent to release large-scale academics, it will be nothing.

With a sneer, Lai Luo slightly raised the Staff of the Particle World Eye.

The breeze was blowing, and the surroundings were still very calm, and it seemed that nothing had changed.


I saw a dark red light spot suddenly appearing in the dark sky, and then the light spot continued to stretch, forming a red line of hundreds of meters, and it became brighter and brighter, as if something was about to explode. .

Without warning, a giant eye suddenly opened!

Dark red eyes, golden eyes, like a miniature sun, appeared high above Lai Luo's head, overlooking the eye.

This is Laylo's Eye of the Sun Summoning!

With Laylo's current ability, even at night, he can easily refract through the atmosphere and complete the Summoning of the Eye of the Sun.

Today's 100-meter giant eye is just a hand, and it can even exceed a kilometer under the force.

If this kind of giant eye is continuously summoned, the terrifying power is enough to cause the temperature of a duchy to continue to rise, resulting in a cataclysmic effect.

After all, the basic principle of the Sun Eye Summoning Technique is to refract the sun's rays. As for the Summoning Technique itself, it does not consume much energy, so it is not a burden to continue summoning for several years and decades.

The giant eyes had a hint of human emotion.

After its eyes turned slightly, it seemed to have a consonance, and followed Laiduo's eyes, and looked towards the tens of thousands of silver light spots.

A beam of white light descended from the sky!

The terrifying high temperature instantly evaporated everything in the beam of light, and even the grass by the lake instantly turned into a pool of magma.

As far as Lai Luo, who has done all this, can see, all the silver light spots evaporate in an instant!

In this case, no matter how many warriors of the black death civilization have come forward, there is only one dead end, unless they can destroy the sun.

This is obviously not possible.

Lai Luo stood quietly in the air, waiting for the follow-up of these black dead.

far away.

Chubak, who was dissecting the giant bird's head, couldn't help but look Pausing for a moment on the giant eye in the sky, he couldn't help squinting his eyes, estimating this unique **** who has long been famous in the academic world. The specific power of the academic level, he couldn't help sighing in despair, shook his head, and continued to look at the specimen in front of him.

Soon a series of crisscrossed lava ravines formed on the ground, and the lake water boiled.

Those silver dots still seemed endless, one after another, but they meant nothing to Laidlaw.

Although the Sun Eye Summoning Technique can only collect one part of the sun's energy, it is also a terrifying energy unit for this world.

If the other party chooses to consume in this way, of course Laiduo has no opinion.

But if that's the case, it's a bit too disappointing to think that the academic world has spent so many years in fear, but only with such a result.

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