Stone pillar forest, shrouded in mist at night.

Even if Ya Qian was informed of some badge fluctuation information in the mist, Lei Luo did not want to waste time and slowly searched for the track of the Gran students in the mist.

Without stopping, the two stood on the stone pillar and continued to fly forward.


The fog was almost sparse, and the pillars disappeared.

The two have left the space-time forest of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences and come to the neutral assessment area, which is a scattered place for supplementary candidates and their own students.

Compared to the fog in the stone pillar forests of various academies of natural sciences, the neutral area is endless, bare and nothing.

The moonlight fell quietly on the ground.

Lei Luo was standing at the top of the flying stone pillar, and his majestic wind blew on his academic uniform, looking up to the sky and the full moon, the blurred colors, and murmured: "It's beautiful."

"About three hundred meters in that direction, two scholars, one person with three appraisal badges in time and space fluctuations, and the other person with four appraisal badges in time and space fluctuations."

Ya Qian's voice made Lei Luo recover.

"Got it."

The stone pillar underneath turned the direction slightly, and Lei Luo dived in the direction pointed by Ya Qian.

"Hey! What are you doing !!!"

Ya Qian standing on the stone pillar screamed nervously.


Compared to the stone pillar forests of the major colleges, the vast plains of the neutral area have nowhere to hide, so they are more likely to collide with each other.

This way.

Some of the neutral assessment scholars will break into the nearby college assessment area at the beginning of the assessment and compete for badges there, similar to the female students that Raylo had just defeated when he just entered the assessment space.

The other part wanders the vast plains and competes with each other.

all in all.

According to the previous assessment experience, after the first three days of assessment, most of the strong people in the neutral area will leave the assessment space and rarely participate in the competition of the major colleges.

For them, they do not have the burden of college achievements, nor do they need to rely on the number of badges to win elite ranking points. The only purpose is to obtain a degree certificate for natural scholars.

And after three days of competition within major colleges, elite scholars often have a considerable number of badges on them, and weak students are eliminated or hidden in large areas.

This way.

It happened that the scholars from the neutral regions have left the assessment space, and the elite scholars from various colleges have competed and robbed each other across the colleges.


Two male and female students of the Niesha family are hiding behind a low hill and taking turns to rest.

Rumble's weird broken air appeared.

"Lisa! Come out!"

The comer is not good.

The male student noticed the sound of breaking the sky from the distance in the distance, and a low roar. With the energy in his body, the soil under his feet surged, and the quicksand gradually gathered into a giant three meters high.

This is not over yet.

The male student's face stiffened and took out a gourd.

As he pulled out the gourd plug, a russet filth rushed to the sand giant,

A female student ran out of the tent.

"Sincerity? Haven't contacted the other party yet, why are you ..."

But then.

Feeling the undisguised unscrupulous power of the distant sky, she was telling the dive here that she couldn't help but change her face, meditating on the spell, and the small thumbs of sand visible to the naked eye floated.

The densely packed crystal sand floats, and each crystal sand seems to have undergone special refining methods by the family.

"Jingsha Enchantment !!"

at the same time.

The crystal necklace on her chest floated abruptly, undulating a circle of ripples.


As the girl shouted loudly, feeling the rumble of rumbling in the distance, a sneer appeared on her face.

"Take advantage of the night to attack our Xisha family, must be a member of the Bonefire family? Huh, there are my crystal sand enchantment and gauze guardian double defense, plus your original sand giant who is integrated into the evil gas, and here is the layout. The temporary magic circle guardian of him, no matter who he is, makes him come back and forth, but to see what means he has !!! "

Under the moonlight, the sound of breaking the sky was getting closer and closer, and the shadow hit.


When the girl saw the thick stone pillar more than ten meters long under the moonlight, her confident and sneering face suddenly stiffened and solidified.

"Then ... what is that?"

"Hurry away!"

Bang! ! !

More than ten meters long gray stone pillars with a diameter of two meters, with a "boom" sound, after penetrating the thin film layer of the magic array, they instantly smashed the crystal sand enchantment and gauze guard that the girl was proud of, and Yu Wei continued , Shi Zhu rushed towards Sand Giant ’s chest without any errors.

This elemental summon of sand giants, which made the girl quite confident, could not make any effective counterattack, and was instantly smashed into the flying sand by the huge force uploaded by the stone pillar.


The stone pillar was subducted by gravity, inserted obliquely into the soil, and stopped after two or three meters

"This is not true, is it?"

The girl's hand holding the wand couldn't help shaking, she looked into the air, the mysterious black robe scholar holding a quaint book, pale face, this way of appearance, really exceeded her imagination.

Aside the male student's heart beating.

This crushing strength is not something that the two of you can resist.

"Your Mightiness……"

The male student hadn't finished speaking, but the aerial figure didn't mean nonsense. He shot a humble dark red energy ball.


After the explosion, Lei Luo looked at the two badges left by the male student in place, and then looked indifferently at his side, completely shocking the female student.

"How about you?"

The female student recovered, and exclaimed.

"You, you, who are you? You monster!"

Frightened by the female student, she also activated the space-time teleportation function on the assessment badge and left the assessment space. This kind of appearance would break all her self-confidence and make her completely lose her courage.

Rello waved.

The power of the moon's tide lifts the four badges and pockets them.

far away.

Ya Qian arrived in a hurry, seeing that Lei Luo was slowly falling on the ground, pulling the stone pillar inserted on the ground out of the soil with all her strength, and couldn't help swallowing her saliva. What power was this?

"This is crazy! You shouldn't plan to use this stone to defeat all the resistance you encountered along the way!"

"How can it be?"

During the talk, Lei Luo was already slowly pulling out this stone pillar that was inserted into the ground more than two meters deep while Yaqian's eyelids were jumping wildly, and after being lifted up by the force of the moon's tide, he jumped again to the stone pillar On the back, there was a smile like a spring breeze.

"This is just a means to improve the collection efficiency against guys with fewer badges. After hearing that the students in the neutral area gather, they like to arrange some family magic array defenses during the night rest. Ordinary academics can destroy the magic array defenses. It's a waste of time to use such brute force. "

Lei Luo smiled: "When you come to the Zealand College, if you encounter those students with more badges, I hope the sister will cooperate."

Yaqian slowly fell on the stone pillar.

"How to cooperate?"

If it weren't for the special relationship of Bailing and the attraction of the altar of time and space, such a horrible guy, she really didn't want to touch too much.

It's so dangerous!

This guy may be more terrifying than boiling blood! !

Each student has his own legend, and the boiling blood is her legend, the strongest title of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences.

"Oh, it's a simple fit."

Lei Luo rode the stone pillar, crossed the neutral land, and continued to fly towards the stone pillar forest of the Westland College.

It seemed to be telling me that an irrelevant thing disappeared, Lei Luo said: "It is hoped that after sensing some students with a large collection of badges, the school sister can pretend, um ... how to say, just pretend to chase me down, I will flee to that person in a panic, and there will be a dilemma. Hey, is it simple? "

"You want to eat all !!!"

Realizing something, Ya Qian was shocked.

"Uh? Take it all?"

Raylow's eyes lit up.

"Yes, yes, it's all-you-can-eat. This name is good, ha ha ha."


Yaqian swallowed, looking at Lei Luo's sincere and harmless innocent expression, and looking at the smile he asked for his help. Somehow, only felt his back cold.

"Are you the appellant? Stop pretending, what is your appellation!"

"Eye of the Sun."

Lei Luo carried Yaqian and steered the stone pillar across the night sky.

Bang ...

Bang ...

Bang ...

Flying overnight, staying three times along the way, Rello collected a total of thirteen badges.

The air has begun to shine.

Lei Luo took the dozen badges he had harvested on the first day, weighed them in his hands, and smiled at Yaqian: "With the cooperation of the school sister, it seems that the collection of graduation assessment badges will be unexpected Simple. "

"That's because your strength is strong enough. I didn't expect Bailing to have such a strong mentor. I think your strength, even among the appellants, is the top level?"

Yaqian responded.

"Should be considered."

Lei Luo put away the badge and looked at the hazy mist in the distance.

If the direction is correct, it should be the misty forest of Zealand College.

"Sister, I am going to change the badge of the neutral student."

With that, Lei Luo put on the x mask again and showed it to Yaqian.

Ya Qian puzzled: "What are you doing with a mask?"

"Oh, I am afraid that someone at Zealand College will recognize me and avoid unnecessary trouble."

"Giggle, you're very arrogant."

Seeing that Rello didn't pull out the stone pillar that was inserted into the ground, but slowly walked towards the mist in the distance, Yaqian followed.


After a while.

Three people ran on the horizon.

Three people stayed in front of this stone column obliquely inserted into the ground ~ ~ One person was stunned: "Hey, don't tell me that I am from the Westland College, and threw this stone column with power!"

"What should I explain?"

The 1.8-meter-tall man in leather armour held the stone pillar and tried to pull it out. After a while, he shook his head ugly.

"Except for Kui, I am afraid that no one else in the Academy can have this kind of power."


The female student in a fur coat wondered: "Isn't he famous for the power of fire? By the way, will it be those two?"

The other two glanced at each other.

Compared to Kui's incompetence at Barda College, no one can beat him. Although Seymour is equally well-deserved and powerful in the Zeeland Academy of Natural Sciences, two of them won college honors and can barely compete with them.

Moreover, one of them, who has repeatedly challenged Seymour, over the past two years, has gradually become another myth of Zeeland College.

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