Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 372: Rotting Sand Tower United Kingdom (Part 1)

The land of the star curtain, the geographical structure is located on an extended peninsula of the storm continent.

This vast peninsula, connected to the main body of the stormy continent, is blocked by the death storm on the vast furnace desert, and there is a vast place of night where the blood-derived goblins rule.

These two, on the one hand, block the terror spread deep into the continent to the land of the star curtain, on the other hand, they also make human beings think that this is the center of the world for losing the exploration of the vast stormy continent.

in this way.

This powerful civilization of the star-gazing land on the peninsula has long been used to ignoring the low-level civilizations struggling to survive.

Such a course of action is no different from those of higher civilizations deep in the mainland and of the lower civilizations surrounding it.


The Rotting Sand Tower, United Kingdom, is located in the vast desert of the melting furnace, a dark area that has not been explored by humans and blood-spread goblins.

The weak wind eye once formed here naturally, after the efforts of the decaying god, the area has expanded several times, supporting a larger wind eye settlement and establishing a powerful kingdom.

In this way, the story of the Mushroom and the human race is unfolded from here.

The Mushrooms are generally about 70cm tall, and they look like mushrooms with soft tentacles.

Although the appearance of this group seems to be somewhat similar to that of the Golan Goblin, it is a completely different species.

The Golan Goblin evolved from a marine creature, while the Mushrooms are a kind of higher intelligent lifeforms derived from fungi.

For the vast majority of Mushrooms, all historical sources are the great **** of decay.

Different ethnic groups face different living environments, and the resulting culture and language are also very different, and the thinking methods derived therefrom are also very different.

For example, the name of this decaying god.

For the humans in the Star Land, the word rot means fermentation, mildew, etc., which is a derogatory word.

However, in the drought environment of the furnace desert with extreme water shortage, the bacterium civilization of this fungal species born, decay represents the source of life, the foundation of food, and the root of species derivation.

This is a harsh environment that ordinary humans can never imagine.

Luo Nai was born at the bottom of the Mushroom tribe.

Like most of the Mushrooms, he is a devout believer of the decaying god.

Another ordinary morning.

In the room of the underground cave, he dipped some precious dew from the clay pot with soft tentacles and applied it on the body surface. The skin quickly absorbed this moisture and secreted a mysterious oily film-like substance. A mucous membrane forms on the surface of the body, locking up the water in the body.

This is the talent that every mushroom Luo family has evolved in a long-term dehydration environment.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the door of the underground cave.

"Damn the sun!"

The sunlight on the horizon in the early morning is not dazzling, but it still makes it uncomfortable.

He cursed the evil sun, and then put away the collecting sails hanging on the roof overnight.

This collection of sails is a thin and light cuticle material, as if stitched by countless cicada wings, suspended at a special angle, forming a subtle arc to greet the night breeze.

With Naraku's careful movements, the dew on the sail gradually converged into a whole, forming a precious current and falling into the pottery jar.

Staring at the growing water in the clay pot, the green eyes on the top of his mushroom showed great satisfaction.

Praise the God of Decay!

The low-grade Mushrooms in remote areas rely on this kind of collecting sail and rely on collecting negligible water in the night air to survive.

"Naro, I heard that a few days ago, you have been able to summon the great God of Decay?"

The summoning of divine light is the basis for the clergy to the humans in the star screen.

Similar to the former Lei Luo, after a long and prayerful prayer, it can summon a glimmer of light, but it can only calm the emotions, dispel the darkness, and bring warmth.

"Uncle Grey Sand!"

This is Naraku's neighbor.

Naraku looked at the old mushroom.

His broken and scarred mucosa could no longer form a complete sealing film on the body surface.

This is a symbol of the Miaoluo's frailty.

The holes in the mucous membrane will cause serious water loss in the body and require more water to maintain vitality. In this case, if there is not enough water supply, once the water is depleted, he will usher in death.

Naraku wanted to give him some water.

But in the end, the desire for possession of water deep in his heart made him open.

He stuck the stopper of the pottery quietly and responded with a smile: "Yes, I was able to summon the God of Light a few days ago. I plan to go to the 17th Shata City in a few days! "

There were some blessings in the eyes of the old man, and some disappointment, and he slowly left.

He didn't ask for water.

In the absence of water, he is afraid that it will be difficult to survive this dry season until the short rainy season comes.


Water is the most precious thing in the Kingdom of Mushrooms and the most common currency in the Kingdom of Scrubs. Who wants to give it to others without any reason?


After a few days.

Naraku carried the pottery pot and set foot on the road to Shata City.

In the scorching sun, he must ensure that he carries enough water, otherwise he will die on the way because of dehydration.

This layer of mucous membrane on the body surface can not only lock up the water in the body, but also have the effect of reflecting the sun's light, which greatly reduces its temperature in the sun, so only the healthiest and strongest mushrooms can reach the sand thousands of miles away. Tower city.

Needless to say, it is hard and difficult along the way.

In just seven days, for Naraku, it was almost a nine-death life, and he was completely transformed from his soul, and finally came to the seventeenth Shata City nearest to him.

"so many people?"

Of course, this so-called person is just a term for the same race.

Naraku, with some signs of burns already on his body surface ~ ~ staring at the endless mushrooms in all directions, converging in front of the huge sand tower over 100 meters high, he opened his mouth.

"Water ... give me some water."

A mushroom that fell in the desert, the body has begun to dry and dehydrate, and weakly stretched his tentacles to Nai Luo, begging with wailing.

The desert was ruthless, and Naraku ignored the supplicant.

He took a deep breath of dry air, exhaled the sullen suffocation that was almost boiling inside his body, and continued to walk forward.

The water in his clay pot was also drunk yesterday.

The last journey was completely based on the will to walk. He didn't even remember how he got to the sand tower, and he passed out.

After several days of treatment, Naraku's body recovered from the burn, but left a few permanent dark spots on the top of his head.

But for the Mushroom tribe, this is a great honor.

Only the warrior who has been evaluated can obtain the black spots after the special treatment of the decaying god. This kind of black spots will make him more powerful.

"Congratulations, you have passed the test and become a qualified warrior in the United Kingdom. Now you can learn two forces here, wither and rot. Which one do you choose?"

Asked a mushroom Luo family floating in midair.

It was obviously a scorching sun outside, but the temperature inside the Shatah was very cool, Naraku was very puzzled, but at this moment he had no time to think about these boring things.

"What is the difference between the two forces?"

"If you choose to wither, you will become a great kingdom warrior, follow the great king of the sand tower, go to the Evergreen Tree Oasis, conquer the alien there, open up new territories, and get unlimited possibilities! And if you choose to rot, you will continue to stay in Here."

"I choose to rot!"

After hesitating a little, Naraku finally responded.

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