Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 381: Longevity Tree World

The war between the Everlasting Tree World and the United Kingdom of Decaying Shata has lasted for more than 100 years.

The spirits who love the art of singing are used to calling this protracted war a century war.

For more than a hundred years.

Under the full resistance of the Wind Spirit Clan, regardless of the number of legions or the quality of the legions, they were all suppressed by the mushrooms until the establishment of the first rotten temple, the **** of decay came, cast miracles, and destroyed the great The resistance will of some wind chimes soldiers.

The wind spirits who pretended to be civilized civilizations began to think about how to defeat this evil civilization.

The advantage of the Moluo is that his ethnic ability is very strong.

And the maturity time is very short, it only takes about five years, which will provide it with a continuous flow of vitality.

The Fengling tribe is completely different.

This ethnic group has a rich ecological environment and is born with more than 300 years of life. Therefore, they will vigorously develop various art forms in their long lives.

But after a hundred years of war consumption.

The warriors of the Fengling clan have been very scarce after continuous consumption, and the maturity of the Fengling clan needs 50 years!

In this way, under the huge disadvantage, the wind spirits who pretended to be civilized civilization began to comprehensively think about how to defeat this evil civilization, destroy their vast number of soldiers, and save the wind spirit family?

at last.

A wise man thought of a month-long death storm exploration experience when he was young!

In the vast death storm, how to find a way to distinguish the direction has always been a problem that troubles the Fengling race and is also the basis for limiting the exploration distance of the Fengling race.

During that nine-death exploration, he was lost.

Just when he was extremely desperate, about to die of thirst in a death storm, he discovered an ancient ruin drowned in the long yellow sand.

This is the remains of a civilization named Magic Sound before the unknown long years.

By studying the artworks left in the ruins, he unveiled the thrilling history of this dusty civilization.

The towering shrine and numerous works of art, but this ancient kingdom that established a splendid and splendid civilization, suddenly one day was hit by an unknown higher civilization, freezing the once hot river beach into a glacier, and a large number of people were in the cold After the death, only a few people remained, and they only survived for decades, and then went extinct.

In the last years of despair, the wise men of this ethnic group continue to study and come up with a theory.

The theory of the infinite vastness of the world.

In this theoretical foundation, the world is infinitely vast and there are infinite civilizations. Some powerful civilizations have the power to change the natural environment. For them, exterminating a creature that does not have the power to change the natural environment is like killing a group of people. Bugs are just as simple.

And he himself died in this terrifying attack.

When he returned to Changshengshujie, he told his people what he found, and everyone was unbelievable.

Many well-known wise men have gone to the desert filled with death storms, looking for the magical monuments he said, but no one has found this ancient silence.

Among the Fengling clan, the evaluation of him is mixed.

Some people say that he is a scammer who deceives the world and others, and some people say that he is a great wise man who brought a new era to the tree world.

Then came the Hundred Years War.

As the Fengling tribe became more and more at a disadvantage, seeing that the splendid civilization they had established would be destroyed by those barbaric creatures, this wise man who had explored the ancient civilization of Moyin thought of a certain possibility.

Since there are other kingdoms in the long dead desert, like the ancient kingdom of magic sound, and the mysterious kingdom that easily destroyed it.

Then such a country must have unimaginable power. Perhaps the desperate disaster faced by the Fengling civilization is just a group of ants fighting for this civilization.

Can the Eternal Life Tree Realm seek help from a country that has established a high civilization?


The wind spirits are too weak.

He didn't even know how to contact those distant and unknown countries deep in the desert.

I want someone to walk slowly to find, I do n’t know how long it takes to find them, or I ca n’t find any clue!

After all, in that violent death storm, the walking speed is far less than one tenth of usual.

But before the crisis of destruction, all kinds of attempts were not surprising.

to this end.

He was whimsical, through a special connection in the blood of the wind spirit, he communicated a vague great will in the death storm, and sacrificed a large amount of essential blood for this, sacrificed himself, and coordinated the kingdom coordinates established by those barbaric mushroom monsters , Throwing towards the endless desert in the form of a drifting bottle.

He longed for a highly developed civilization to be able to pick it up and follow this coordinate guide to destroy this evil civilization.

His death had caused waves among the Fengling clan, but only a few wise men remembered him and recorded his theory on the stone tablet.

In the years since.

The wind spirits continue to lose control of the Eternal Tree Realm, the God of Decay comes several times, and the evil and savage mushroom monsters have even begun to multiply in the Eternal Tree Realm, eroding this fertile land and suppressing the wind spirit.


"The wall of the wind disappeared and the rotten sand tower United Kingdom was destroyed !!!"

The elders in the Changshengshujie Elderly Academy who got the latest information, many elders floated up, and looked at this spy wind spirit in disbelief.

Fengling's body is composed of a cluster of wind elemental energy and a blue-green liquid core. Their body weight is generally around 150 grams, and their shape is habitually maintained in a whirlwind state.

As for the core liquid, it is the blood of Fengling, which is where the soul is.

An elder has no way of saying: "In the depths of the desert, there is really a powerful country that Vigitta said, and it can easily destroy those powerful countries of barbaric creatures!"

This is a powerful country that has caused the spirits to fall into the shadow of a hundred years of war!

It was so short in just two months that it was destroyed in this way, and even the protective wind wall of the country was destroyed?

Doesn't it mean that the decaying **** has fallen?

Since the spy who has been conducting dynamic anti-reconnaissance on the Rotting Shatah United Kingdom for two months ago, has informed the Rotting Shatah United Kingdom that a group of unidentified terrorist creatures are appearing and is destroying everything along the way with a trembling power, Changsheng Shujie began to dispatch a large number of spies, and conducted a detailed investigation of this caution.

The news was confirmed.

The decaying sand tower United Kingdom was indeed invaded by a mysterious creature.

This is a kind of flesh-and-blood creature with two legs walking upright that wind spirits have never seen before.

When the elders got the drawings of the creatures, almost as they first saw the mushrooms more than a hundred years ago, they were full of fear and surprise for this unknown strange creature.

There are such strange creatures in the world?

Immediately afterwards, as the Rotting Kingdom of Shattar was destroyed by such grotesque creatures in such a destructive manner, that speed was so fast that even the Mushroom Legions stationed in the Evergreen Tree Realm had no time to reflect too much on their homeland It has been destroyed by this group of strange creatures.

On the one hand is excited!

The Fenglings have finally ended their century-long nightmare. These mushrooms can no longer threaten the Fenglings!

On the other hand, it is fear.

Fengling is completely ignorant of this strange creature that destroys the mushrooms. This group of creatures has so easily destroyed the rotten sand tower United Kingdom established by the mushrooms. If he is also malicious to Fengling Once it is discovered here ~ ~ Isn't it just a matter of time before the longevity tree world is destroyed?

"The question now is what attitude we should treat once they come here."

A Fengling elder murmured.

No way?

"The rotten sand tower in the United Kingdom is a long way from Changshengshujie. If you do n’t have a full-time guide, you will easily get lost. We can only pray that they ca n’t find us now! It ’s already such a nightmare to face those mushrooms. The Fengling tribe is no longer able to face a biological group that is more powerful than the Moluo tribe. "


With a chuckle.

Another elder sarcastically said: "It is hard to believe that a powerful civilization that can rely on a drift bottle to find mushrooms will not find us who have fought a hundred years of war with mushrooms. Perhaps in its eyes, the two of us The country is almost sticking together, maybe! Judging their wisdom with our eyes is undoubtedly an extremely stupid act. "


"Now let's think more about how to face them who will surely come to the Evergreen Tree Realm, facing this powerful country that can easily destroy the Evergreen Tree Realm like stepping on the ants on the ground!"

Many elders were silent.

After a long time, one person said: "I feel that it is necessary to inform all the people of this matter."

Many elders looked at him one after another.

"In doing so, although it will bring great panic, it will also let the tribes see these creatures as saviors. If we can meet all their needs and all requirements, I believe that this powerful country with a high degree of civilization will never be like those barbarians. Like the mushrooms, because they do n’t seem to need land, Dou Ze will not destroy the windy eyes there! "

"I agree! In some ways, they are indeed the saviors of our Fengling family!"

"I agree……"

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