Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 380: Death storm

Ten days later.

Destroying a wind-eye gathering place, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of creatures disappeared instantly with the wind. All this is quite shocking for the lower creatures, but for the god-level creatures, it is only natural. It just happened.

More than a thousand wizards, large and small, followed behind Grand Duke Capricorn and walked forward in a violent death storm, gradually submerging in wind and sand.

Although there are only more than a thousand people in the team, the wizards who have qualified for the expedition are at least at the second level!

In this way, everyone can march in this death storm.

The mushrooms of the United Kingdom, which established the rotten Shata Kingdom, will be easily destroyed under the ravages of these evil wizards.

"This guy, Vladimir, used his evil Holy Grail blood rules to please the Grand Duke and held so many blood sacrifices for the Grand Duke. Seeing how satisfied the Grand Duke was, the harvest should not be small!"

The Desperate Shadow Great Witch King, with dark red eyes, looked at the evil Holy Grail Great Witch King who was whispering to Capricorn in front, showing a trace of anger, complaining to the Dark Evil Shadow Witch King aside.

The scarecrow just grinned and didn't say much.

"A few of us are miserable. This wind eye is so barren. Except for a sufficient number of flesh and blood creatures, there is almost nothing worth looting. The last indigenous **** corpse was collected by the Grand Duke. The biggest harvest is this old bat? "

"Cacka, but the lost blood of this guy is enough for him!"

The scarecrow's words made the red-eye wizard feel a lot better.

Everyone destroyed the rotten sand tower of the United Kingdom established by the mushroom civilization. Although it came through the space-time channel, the price paid to open the space-time channel was also quite high.

In the dark world today, it cannot be opened at will.

Compared with the distance between the Land of the Stars and the Rotting Sands United Kingdom, the distance between this second target and the Rotting Sands United Kingdom is almost negligible.

Therefore, it is more economical to cut directly into the wind wall.


The people who were heading towards the wind suddenly realized what they were seeing, and looked forward with amazement.


Ding! Ding! Ding……

Dizziness was everywhere in all directions. The harsh wind blew people dizzy, the fine sand in the gust of wind swept across continuously, and rippled on the surface of the 1024 night guard shield in Relo.

"How much time is there?"

Rello asked Sangrelov.

Compared to Lei Luo, at least a guard shield resists the wind and sand, Bion can only rely on his body to resist the debris in the gusty wind, and occasionally a rubble sweeps over and falls on Bion with a "bang" burst, Even he couldn't help but mumble.

"Hey, hey, it should be fast."

Shangrelov stooped forward and tried his best to reduce the area of ​​force.

"It is said that this wind eye is quite rich, so after being discovered by those mushroom goblins, it is regarded as a treasure, and the power of the whole family has been used for a hundred years of continuous war, and finally progress has been made. The coordinates of the decayed sand tower United Kingdom leaked out and happened to be received by our dark world. "

Excited, he smiled cruelly and evilly: "That is to say, this wind eye is much richer than the last wind eye, and the resistance is weaker."

Lei Luo just wanted to say something. At this moment, the nearby wizards noticed something almost at the same time, staring at the sand storm ahead.


The wind eye is like a harbor of life, but death storm is the theme of this continent.

In a death sandstorm, it is not without creatures.

In this violent dim gale wind, even a small gravel is enough to cause lethal damage to lower creatures, not to mention the occasionally mixed gravel, if ordinary people are hit by these fragments, almost instantly It can make a big hole in the bowl.

In this way, the creatures that can survive in this death storm are all cruel creatures with amazing vitality.

Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!

In the field of vision of this group of wizards where a group of stormy crows suddenly appeared, there were more than a thousand, and each one had wings that were three or four meters in length.

This group of wizards who were heading towards the wind looked at the hill-like giant these stormy crows were besieging.

Undoubtedly, this is the largest creature Raylo has seen on land, except for the tree of truth!

Do not.

Perhaps even the tree of truth is worse than it!

This huge creature looks like a hedgehog, moving slowly in the strong wind. The body has been strengthened by the wind and sand for many years, just like a solid layer of gold sand armor.

"Hey, hey, your attack is not enough to tickle me."

The giant sarcastically.

Among the thousands of storm crows, the most powerful one is the wind elemental energy except for the wings. The main part is actually twisted into a half-human form, holding a steel fork pointing at this giant, golden bird An angry look on his face.

"Take away the clinging grass of my family, even if we chase the horizon, our family will not let you go!"

It swung so hard that it swept across a crescent-shaped wind blade.

But the attack fell on this giant body of hundreds of meters, but it just made its sand-plated surface layer, leaving a dent of several meters, completely painless.

"If you lose your mind, you will soon lose your mind and want to chase me to the end of the world? Hahahaha ... eh?"

Suddenly, it found something, and looked at a group of tiny figures in the sandstorm ahead. This group of people should be looking at themselves in amazement.

How come there are so many weird and tiny two-legged creatures here?

Humph ...

桀桀 桀桀 桀桀 桀桀 桀!

The Captain of Capricorn, the foremost of many wizards, suddenly sneered, and said lowly and strangely: "Your Excellency is blocking our way."

Extremely dangerous breath!

Through the unbridled spirit ripples of these creatures, it perceives greed and cruelty.

"Uh, I just ..."

It's just that it hasn't had time to say anything. The little guy who just communicated with his spirit just fell on his strong carapace at a speed beyond his perception.

"You die! I ..."

The roar of anger was only halfway out, and he noticed the anomaly.

Click, click, click.

I saw the sand-shell armor that I was proud of, even with the opponent's fist as the center, and the dense turtle cracked open.

The bottom of my heart was cold, it didn't even feel the strength of the other party!

"Hey Hey."

Grand Duke Capricorn sneered at this giant monster.

In the brief moment just now, he has sent huge energy into this giant object through the power of absolute control, and then released it in the form of an internal explosion.

Sure enough, as he thought.

boom! ! !

Inside the carapace of the giant, an amazing explosion occurred, and the little wizards who followed followed crouched down, avoiding the violent energy impact, and watched the scene of the death sandstorm.

"This power ..."

Lei Luo also witnessed this scene, seeing this hill-like giant with his own eyes, it was so broken.

"Ji Jie is worthy of being the Capricorn Great Witch King, even if the power launched by him is far beyond conventional cognition!"

Sangrelov couldn't restrain his longing.


A surprising scene happened!

I saw this behemoth smashed by Capricorn Capricorn. With the surface shell shattered and blown away by the violent wind, a mini version of the giant hedgehog, which was twice the size, quickly fled to the distance.

The speed is obviously much faster than before.


Even Capricorn, seeing this scene, can't help being surprised by the creature's strange evolution.

However, his reaction was rapid and abnormal, and after a brief consternation, his expression turned into a hysterical grin.

"Interesting, interesting, this strange world of laws, the evolved creatures are really interesting!"

"I'm willing to dedicate the centering grass!"

The escaped giant, even though it is half as small as before, is still an incredible volume for ordinary creatures.

It stared at the small figure chasing it, roaring in horror, it had never encountered such a horrible creature!


Grand Duke Capricorn sneered: "Hum, do you look down on me? I will grab what I want!"


When Capricorn Duke caused a devastating blow to this behemoth for the second time, it was unbelievable that after taking off a layer of sand crust, it even escaped a smaller giant with a faster speed Soon.

"It's over, over, hundreds of years of accumulation, it's over!"

The giant that fled at a speed, about a few tens of meters in volume, although still very large, is already within the acceptable range.

Speaking of which, its luck is really bad.

If it were n’t for the unexpected encounter with the Captain of the human world, this horrifying existence that almost surpassed the general sub-gods. With its special evolution method, even in the face of some sub-gods, that unparalleled defense was enough to be proud.

"Hey ~ ~ Is it like a snake, peeling layer by layer? Really interesting!"

Having said that, the movement of this middle-aged man never stopped.

As the size of this strange creature keeps getting smaller, the escape speed is getting faster and faster, but compared to him, it is worthless to mention.

After half an hour's time.

When Duke Capricorn returned to the wizarding team again, he carried a mouse-sized earth elemental hedgehog with a helpless look trembling, which really aroused pity.


Lei Luo stared at this little thing, it was really incredible.

That huge behemoth that is hundreds of meters long, with the layers of the shell peeled off, the core life inside is so small?

Creatures in the death storm have evolved in a strange way!

Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack ...

The stormy crows were hovering in the sky. Although they witnessed the horror scene of the Capricorn Capricorn demolishing the carapace of the mad sand monster again and again, the centering grass was too important for them. Did not disperse.

"The great unknown strong man, we are in awe of your strength, and we have no intention to offend you. We just want to get our mindful grass back, and we are willing to pay all the price for this!"

"All costs?"

Capricorn sneered: "Well, I'm going to destroy the Changsheng Tree Oasis, and I just lack some helpers. Seeing that you have a lot of people, and you can adapt well to the wind and sand environment. It's nothing. "

The King of Storms and Crows already has strength close to legendary creatures, and he was pleasantly surprised when he heard: "Are you saying it true?"

"of course!"

After the crows in the sky hovered for a while, the croaking sound was intensive, and then the king of the storm crows flew back again, excitedly said: "Deal!"

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