Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 411: Captured Superbody (Part 1)

Like a lonely law master, Lei Luo walked alone in the desert of death, looking for the trace of Ailan.

Suddenly, he crouched down and stroked the sand dune with his right hand.

At this moment, the world in Lei Luo's eyes is completely different from what he once was!

This is a world run through by endless and intricate texture lines. According to the evil holy grail of Vladimir the Witch King, this is the power of the law of the world, but Rello prefers to call it the law of truth, which is the star screen world. The natural law of closed circulation.

Unlike ordinary creatures walking in this world, it will only cause the energy ripple of the natural law of the star screen world.

At the moment, Rello is already an alien.

In other words, even if it has multiplied for thousands of years, except for a small number of humans who combined with the barbarians in the Principality of Barda, they are gradually localizing themselves and turning themselves into this world creature. Identity.

It is for this reason that scholars who gradually become stronger in their magnetic field properties will clearly feel the oppression and repulsion of this world.

In order to cope with the oppressive repulsion of this world, anthropologists have learned to use native creatures as media partners, and China United shields this repulsive force.

But now!

The way in which Raylo's astral body evolved has completely clarified the attributes of its creatures in different worlds.

Even Xiaobai, who is a native creature of this world, can't make a merger with Rello, but instead is contaminated by Rello as a 'different world creature'.

Rello didn't know what the other world was like.

However, in the star screen world, ancient civilizations have stimulated the xenophobic properties of this world to the limit in order to resist the plunder of superhuman aliens. Therefore, all alien creatures in this world are inherently dangerous viruses and belong to the homeland. The evil that the biological antibody killed!

This way.

However, the energy changes caused by outsiders who live in the star screen world are different from ordinary creatures.

At this moment, under the perception of the Reynolds star nucleus, the foreign creatures will leave a black trace similar to pollutants. They will remain for a long time before they are gradually overwhelmed by the majestic laws of nature.

Lei Luo knew that the reason why he would see this is because his life essence is gradually approaching the higher level creatures that master the power of the law, and he can gradually see some essential phenomena that the lower creatures cannot perceive, that is the world The law of operation.

"It seems that now she is already a superstar."

Lei Luo murmured, continued to follow the footprints, and walked forward.

These black traces are also the residues of biological pollution in different worlds. Then there is only one explanation. Ailan has become a superhuman!

It is not surprising that the Superstar has mastered the method of coming to the inside of the star screen world, but it is surprised that the Superbody has not been sealed.

It now appears that the way of superhuman beings is to require a special body as a measure to shield the laws of nature. This is a way of coming that is completely different from his second real body.

After a long time.

Lei Luo finally saw the ghostly figure with pale blue spots in his eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

call out.

Realizing that she was tracking Rellow, she was so fast that she appeared in front of Rellow in a flash, and the puff of her right hand penetrated Rellow's 1024 night shield.

"So fast."

Immediately afterwards, Raylow's body became stiff, as if he was controlled by his mental strength.

Losing this real projected body, although the body of Lei Luo will suffer some trauma, it will not be fatal. This is just a means of smuggling of the real body of Lei Luo, which is the projection of the world.

Besides ...

The strange shadow suddenly stopped attacking and retreated faster than when attacking.

Her figure did not cause fluctuations in natural energy, so she floated abruptly in mid-air. If it was seen by ordinary scholars and samurai, it would be scared to sweat, because this is the power of the legendary law!

But there is no doubt that the now super-bodyized Ailan has not mastered the power of the law. This is just due to the completely different evolutionary direction of the superbody star.

Raylow assessed his power level, which was only between the second and third levels.

"Did you not realize my identity yet?"

Rello asked lightly.

Alan was stunned by the hyper-body, because Lei Luo's communication method is awesome to use the spiritual talent of the derivative to communicate!

"Are you a heritage derivative?"

The other party's mental power regained, so that Raleigh's speculation had been solved.

Sure enough!

It seems that the Superstar is indeed divided into two parts.

One part is the sealed superbody, and the other part is the unsealed superbody. There is no communication between the two, so this adventurous superhuman will have no way to perceive his own derivative status.

The descendants should be inherited during the ancient wars. The oldest descendants passed down from generation to generation, and directly communicated with the sealed superbody through some specific methods. The number of such derivatives has become more and more with the passage of time. The rarer it is, he accidentally completed this communication ceremony.

These super-body people who have not been sealed have developed new derivatives in the not-too-distant modern times, and the Fengling clan Du Laomo is one of them.

After the doubts were answered, Lei Luo's face appeared a smile of excitement.

"of course!"

He seems to be a devout fanatic. Such disguise is really easy for Lei Luo, after all, the Holy See in the Star Curtain is an excellent exercise field.

"I look forward to the coming of the great superbody almost every day to save this world, and then, with my outstanding contributions, step into a higher civilized world, the spiritual soul will be eternally sublimated ..."

It seemed extremely surprised that the other party had no doubt about Lei Luo's words.

After all, it is a completely different civilization that has evolved in another world. There is no much conspiracy between superstars who are always facing life and death.

"That's really good. In this case, our plan will be easier to achieve!"

"what's the plan?"

"Second catastrophe plan!"

Ultra-body Ailan's right hand swiped out of thin air, and the light blue spiritual power spot outlined a blurred map.

She explained: "In the center of this continent, our pioneering soldiers used a special body as a medium to sneak into this world and establish a catastrophic civilization, but unfortunately they were discovered by a civilization called Central , And launched a war of destruction, we are at a disadvantage. "

Catastrophic civilization?

Central civilization?

Lei Luo thought of the ancient dragon in Corleone's specimen laboratory.

Immediately afterwards, the super-bodyized Ailan said: "The medium of life suitable for the arrival of the super-body is very rare, so the number of warriors we have come to is very limited over the years. But fortunately, you are in the ethnic group we have found. There are not many suitable media. Now, you only need to go back to the large gathering place of the ethnic group. The plan for the establishment of the second catastrophe will be completed by us! "

Renello was shocked.

These superstars actually planned to superhumanize the humans in the star screen, use the human body as the advent medium, and establish another gathering place in the star screen world!

This is really terrible!

Understand the other party's plan ~ ~ Under the terrifying power mastered by this advanced civilization, even if it can only play a negligible part of the human beings hiding in the land of the star curtain, it is probably in their eyes a group of primitives People are no different.

"Do I only need to reach a large gathering place?"

Raylow confirmed again.


After receiving the affirmative answer from the other party, the hyper-body Elan thought of something, adding: "Of course, if you can splash the fountain of pollution you carry on the idol in the temple of the gathering place, the effect will be better. It saves us a lot of trouble to find soul devourers. "

Soul devourer?

It should mean believing in God.

"That's too simple, I will do it!"

Lei Luo was very excited and answered confidently.

He was about to leave, and then he seemed to remember something. He stopped and hesitated and said: "Yes, your advent medium has something I need. If you get it, I think my task will be smoother. , I wonder if it can be given to me? "

"What is it?"

Under the crisis of life and death, every superhuman is a close part of social operation.

"Oh, this is ..."

Lei Luo reached out his hand, and when the other party was not alert, a sudden "poo" sound, his index finger nails on the other party's body skin, scratched a trivial scar.


She looked at Lei Luo strangely, the wound was very small, there was no blood out, showing the light blue spirit below.

Until now, it still has no doubts about Rello.

Lei Luo grinned, no longer pretending to be the cruel fanaticism in the depths of his eyes, and looked like a standard researcher old monster, madly laughing: "Do you feel that you are about to suffocate, natural laws in this world Under pressure? "

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