Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 413: Back to the star screen

After half a month.

The vast storm of death.

Although I have learned that I have become a source of coordinate pollution that the Superman has come to seize, as long as I go to a certain hot city gathering place, it will inevitably cause an unpredictable terrorist disaster. This kind of catastrophe is almost unpredictable. Stop the miraculous coming ...

But as an excellent scholar, Lei Luo still maintains reason and calmness.

"It seems that Superman has at least more than the diameter of a city to monitor the area of ​​his coordinates. In this case, the information he gets should be a vague concept of scope, not himself."

This made Rello, who wanted to return to the land of the star curtain as soon as possible, to stop a bit in the death storm outside the wind wall.

"Master, if you enter the Land of Stars from this direction, it should be the border between the edge of the Principality of Barr and the highlands of the Central Plains of Aurora, Pangula Highlands."


Lei Luo narrowed his eyes, and Sun and Moon's pupils were restrained, looking at Na Yesi.

The symptoms of Na Yesi's energy phagocytosis are gradually recovering. Although the skinny condition is still scary, it is much better than the near-death condition before.

These days.

Through her scholar's evolutionary talents, as she gradually deepened her understanding of Superhumans, out of the scholar's instinct to study biological specimens, with the help of Raleigh, she had completely got rid of the fear of the unknown in her dream.

Not only that!

What surprises Lei Luo is that he loses the support of the emotional power of fear. This super-body who entered Na Ye's body not only failed to swallow her mental strength, but became a rootless duckweed, trapped in her body, and was gradually being Na Nasi's digestion has become her tonic, so that her mental strength is gradually increasing at the speed of scientific research!

"I didn't expect that you would be so blessed by misfortune and gained such magnificent spiritual power. As long as you digest it thoroughly, you should be able to gain its power and activate your own supernatural talent. This is really a danger and opportunity."

Na Yesi couldn't help but smile slightly, but this smile looked so ugly and terrible.

"Yeah, I can almost feel the pain in it, just like the fear I once faced. It's really wonderful."

In the depths of Lei Luo's eyes, a touch of madness.

"Now there is a crisis in the land of the star curtain, a full-scale war between the dark world and the light church, the underground demon world is about to move, and the unknown catastrophic strikes that destroy the **** civilization of the night are coming at any time. Anything can bring humanity into the abyss of the world, so why not be crazy ... "

Although it is impossible to specifically see Lei Luo's facial expressions, but through mental power, Na Yesi can still clearly feel the madness of this scholar who has led a new era, the inner exposure.

"what do you mean?"

Na Yesi couldn't help but ask with curiosity.

At this moment in her deepest heart, this genius scholar who rescued himself from the edge of death has been feared by the Principality of Zealand and has become a belief in his exploration of truth. Following him will undoubtedly bring him closer The essence of truth in the operation of the world.

There was a cruel madness in the corner of Lei Luo's mouth.

He murmured in a gentle voice: "Do you know what theory the great academician Corleone once proposed at the Biological Specimen Institute of the Grand Duchy?"

"Corleone? The old maniac known as the collector monster!"

Na Yesi tentatively said: "Isn't it a study of our humanity?"

"Jian Jie."

Raylow murmured with expectation: "Just like the broken bones of Warcraft will be stronger when healed, the ruined civilization will be destroyed by the laws suffered by it, and it will have a stronger adaptability. This is the desire of the world ’s will to save itself radically. "

"You mean ..."

"If the land of the star curtain is facing a real desperation, I don't mind being a doomsday adventurist, who is already faced with an absolutely cruel living environment, destroying the bones and bones, waiting for the baptism of the rebirth of the fire, or the eternal death!"

After talking, Lei Luo stepped into the eye of the star screen.


Pampas Heights.

In this far away from the principality, the core civilization of scholars, the fragile humans who are struggling to survive on the wild and dangerous land, not only face the harsh environment of nature, but also the countless dangerous warcraft.

In this cruel environment.

The **** of barbarism and the temple of light have become the spiritual pillars of the difficult breeding and inhabitation of human beings here, and hope for the dawn.


The edge of the wind wall of the star curtain land is dangerous, and humans are rare, but it has become some Warcraft paradise.

As the overlord of this territory, this two-headed gale giant butterfly will patrol this mountain every day, enjoy the surrender of the weak, and incidentally kill those murderous creatures that may invade their territory from outside the wind wall at any time.

After all, the beasts with amazing vitality are extremely amazing.

Once they are freed from the environment of Alpha's death storm and survive for a long time in the eye of the wind, it is very likely that they will acquire a sense of wisdom and thus threaten their ruler status.

Suddenly, two small figures squeezed into the eyes of the wind.

It was Lei Luo and Na Yesi.

Breathing the long-lost calm natural energy in the wind's eyes, relaxed and refreshed, Reylo noticed something, and looked up to the powerful living body that was swooping in at a high altitude thousands of meters away.

The light green wings of more than ten meters, like a bamboo leaf pattern, seem to be enveloped by a beautiful round of pollen hurricane during flight, elegant and elegant.

This is a more beautiful mutant than Thunder Phoenix.

"It's really a beautiful creature! From its appearance, it should be of the genus Schizophyllum."

Even Lei Luo couldn't help admiring this rare mutant creature.


These days, I have learned a little about the habits of this famous genius scholar. He has sincerely praised the superbody who was controlled by the seal almost day after day.

Na Yesi can't see the specific appearance of this creature, but she still feels that there is a giant creature in the distance through the faint energy fluctuations around her. The sense of crisis makes her reach out her right hand, a "buzz" sound, nearly four meters of physique The Black Demon Flame Emperor Wolf was summoned by him.


The giant wolf stared at the beautiful behemoth, his body's black hair exploded, like a huge black flame, sending a deterring wolf howl.


Soon, the giant butterfly flew over the heads of Lei Luo and Na Yesi.

It swings its wings violently, and a scented hurricane force descends from the sky. The black demon slain Emperor Wolf, who is responsible for protecting the two, spit out a large amount of black molten gold fire and poured into the sky.

"It's really nostalgic."

Looking at the giant wolf, Lei Luo couldn't help thinking that when he went out to collect specimens for the first time, the mercenary Lulu's autumn black was also a black demon wolf.

Soon, the giant wolf rose into the sky and fought with the guardian of the body here.

"Be careful, this fragrance seems to have hallucinogenic effects."

Na Yesi reminded Lei Luo that there was a black gem wand in her hand, which triggered some cold nature energy of the ground, and gradually gathered into a sheep head deer body elemental creature on her side, its two After the light blue eyes shine, a layer of transparent protective cover protects the two.

As a scholar who studies the laws of nature, Na Yesi can gather various elemental energy monsters through various energies.

It is for this reason that she has lost both eyes and her essential combat power has not lost much.

After the protective cover of the deer body of the sheep's head and deer flew, they also flew together, encircling the mutant creature with the giant wolf, and the energy of the tumbling energy at high altitude made the lower creatures in the nearby mountains tremble.

It can be seen that the two summoned monsters joined forces, although they have the upper hand, but it takes a considerable amount of time to defeat this monster.

"See if you can catch it."

Rello murmured, as the left pupil of the sun flashed slightly, and the palm of his right hand made a grasping gesture to the giant butterfly that was fighting against the two monsters.


The gravitational ripples representing the physical laws of the real body of the star enveloped this huge and beautiful creature.


A moment later, Lei Luo stared at the giant butterfly panicked and fled to the distance, and sighed slightly.

The power of this projection avatar is too weak. Otherwise, with the ultimate power he can exert, even the strong gravity that the meteorite floating island can forcibly pull down, this rare specimen is bound to escape.

But it doesn't matter.

Lei Luo looked down into the low bushes in the distance ~ ~ The two shocked savages, wearing rough hand-skin coats and ru Mao drinking blood, turned their heads and said to Na Yesi: "It seems unnecessary I ’ve been bothered to find a test site. I ’m here to study the state of the curse I ’ve suffered. When you arrive at the Grand Duchy, no matter which one of those people you find, our previous agreement is still valid. ”

Lei Luo intends to entrust the female scholar to the Grand Duchy to find her trusted partner to come here.

The distance between the two places is not close, and it will take some time.

"it is good!"

Na Yesi believed in Lei Luo's promise. After solemnly agreeing, he recalled the elemental energy monster and quickly disappeared after riding the giant wolf.

Seeing this, Lei Luo's face gradually appeared a hypocritical and kind smile, and gradually came to the two stunned tall barbarians.

"Lost lamb, the Lord bless you."

In accordance with the standard stick-like posture of Lei Luo, above the sky, a giant dark red eye of more than ten meters slowly opened and dropped the sacred pillar of sunlight!

Such a gesture, for the barbarian who advocates power, is almost equivalent to silent roaring, not coming to believe in Lao Tzu, kneeling down and offering your knees, what are you waiting for?

Seeing this scene, the two savages were indeed very interesting. They ran over after screaming the savages and kept kneeling to Lei Luo.

Here, the **** of light and the **** of barbarism have almost the same influence.

It is worth mentioning that the barbarians are not Aurora hominids, but a native humanoid creature with natural power and thick hair. The height is generally about two meters. The [Destroyer] Kui during the student period is They are mixed with humans.

Satisfaction gesture.

Lei Luo intends to use these barbarians here to get a good understanding of the strange curses of some superhumans and themselves.

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