Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 449: ZZ (below)

Another ten days later.

In the Royal Palace of St. Granberg shrouded in night, King Chen under the crystal lamp is reading the secret information.

Suddenly, a shadow stood beside him, standing up silently.

It is one of the four pioneers of the Grand Duchy, [Shadow] Zero.

Pioneering normalization is an initiative by Sicily, the biocide.

The former pioneers represented the opening of a new era of scholars, representing a kind of glory, and only three people can bear this glory, namely Antonio, Gauss Adolf, and Ben Nivens.

But now, as Sicily developed the power of Alpha, and set off a new era of competition for armaments with the Grand Duchy of Cataclysmic Arms, she formally proposed the advent of the cataclysmic era, and used this as a boundary to propose a pioneer normalization.

In other words, the meaning represented by the pioneers will change from the glory of an era to the name of an anthropologist who can compete with the fourth-level creatures.

In this way, nature, mystery, transcendence, and pioneers will represent the division of the first, second, third, and fourth grade scholars.

As for the royal academicians, it is between the third and fourth level creatures, which is comparable to the special existence of legendary creatures and ancient creatures.

In Sicily's words, such a classification will help the further growth of the scholar's civilization, get rid of ignorance, and be more rational and healthy.

"what happened?"

King Chen's head asked without returning.

"Antonio Pioneer escorted the power of the sun, Rello Gubo, is back and is now secretly arranged to the East Palace."

King Chen slowly looked back to zero.

"Rello is back?"

He was annoyed: "Why not bring it here! Hurry up ... no, I will go by myself."

King Chen was about to get up, but he said in a zero voice: "Your Majesty, you forgot? Master Lei Luo is suffering from a very special curse, so isolation arrangements are required, and please take care of your Majesty, Royal Academician The committee is arranging it, to ensure that it is foolproof. "

King Chen frowned and said in a low voice: "Even Antonio Pioneer can't handle this curse?"

Nod silently.

Seeing him like this, King Chen no longer insisted.

He sighed: "Don't blame the master, the Principality really needs talents like Master Lei Luo. At the time, I was able to inherit this throne. It was also inseparable from Master Lei Luo, close to Master Lei Luo, and close to Master Lei Luo's request. . "

Zero didn't say much, but just silently nodded, turned into a shadow again, and disappeared.


the other side.

The Royal Academician Committee, in accordance with the arrangement of Antonio, is making Rello as an important person after His Majesty King Chen, making special arrangements.


This special arrangement is not to protect Lei Luo, but to protect the people of the palace, to ensure that no one can be close to Lei Luo within three meters.

No, not anyone.

Except for a few royal academicians, Na Yesi, who was seized by the Grand Royal Academician Committee, was one of the few people who could come into close contact with humans.

The existence of superhumans is like a disease.

Once he recovers from illness, he acquires the relevant immune system.

Of course, such an explanation is unreasonable. If it is interpreted in a more intuitive way, it is the human who has engulfed the superhuman, and the body will no longer be able to accommodate the second superhuman. The heterogeneous breath pushes the superhuman out of the body.

"You guys have to remember that you must not be near this red line at any time, at any time, understand!"

At this moment, it is responsible for arranging Raylo to be suitable, it is the fusion evolution Pernash!

The old scholar is diligently arranging the living range and living route of Lei Luo. It is necessary to ensure that Lei Luo feels freedom to the greatest extent without affecting the order of the East Palace.


The servants responded tremblingly.

Skinny like Chaina Nasi followed behind Lei Luo. Although she was banned for more than a year, she was placed next to Lei Luo at this moment, but she did not show any dissatisfaction.

The endless nightmares of the past made her still often afraid of sleeping,

"Hey, hey, Rello, Alanka and the filthy apostle, I will take it away first. If you have anything to tell Pernash, I will give you special arrangements when the Royal Academician Seminar is held. of."

Antonio Evil smiled.

Rello couldn't say anything more, and when he was about to agree, a strange scene appeared.

"No, I want to be next to Rello."


The filthy apostle, wrapped in a mummy, even spoke.

Such a scene made Antonio's complexion, which was originally easy to laugh at, solidify.

Renello couldn't help looking away.

Although the two knew that these days across Granland, the Superman had completed the spiritual devourment of the filthy apostle and seemed to be silently paying attention to the two. During the period, Relo also tried to communicate several times, but There is always no result.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he voluntarily uttered words and spoke, saying that he wanted to be with Lei Luo.

These days, he also learns about the real name of Rello.

Rello and Antonio glanced at each other.

After a brief surprise, Antonio nodded silently with his eyes narrowed, and Lei Luo grasped and looked at the filthy apostle.

"Oh, I thought you would continue to disguise like this, disdain to communicate with us as low-level creatures."

With the exception of Na Yesi, everyone outside the Red Line who is accepting Pernash's arrangement did not show any surprise at the situation here, and did not even notice the strange changes here.

"You can call me ZZ, please don't compare me with other superhumans, I am different from them."

ZZ looked at Rello through his filthy apostle's empty eyes. The sound sounded very mechanical. Presumably he hadn't adapted to this type of communication that controlled the human body for language communication.

Somehow, Lei Luo felt a touch of tenderness from him?

"I am the superhuman person who knows you best in this world, and I have been watching you silently! Dear Lei Luo, I have to admit that although your civilization is very weak, not even ants, but I am from you You saw some terrible things on your body, you really aren't a simple bug ~ ~ Hearing that the other person praised him like this, Rello really didn't know if he should be happy.

Can't ants count?

Antonio raised his eyebrows slightly, squinting slightly at the corner of his mouth, not saying much.

"Silently follow me?"

Rello seemed to feel something terrible.

"What do you mean?"

ZZ said: "It literally means that I have been watching you silently for a long time, just like you keep paying attention to the bugs in the glass."

A chill came to my mind.

Staring at the empty ZZ, Lei Luo took a deep breath.

"So, in what way are you following me? Now ... why did you come here? Since you have been following me silently, then you should know that I have killed many of your companions, and I am not nothing for you know."

This time, ZZ was silent.

Lei Luo thought for a moment, slowly said: "You want to stay with me, as a high-civilized creature, I think you should know the principle of equal exchange, I can promise your terms, but what price are you willing to pay ? "

"Conservation rules, you have been exposed to this physical law, I understand."


ZZ's response made it difficult for Rello to understand the other person's way of thinking.

Does this kind of thing involve conservation laws?

This seems to be a rational to mechanical state.

ZZ said: "The price I am willing to pay is ..."

Behind the voice, it became the most direct spiritual communication. Lei Luo listened quietly without any change in his complexion.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Seeing this, Antonio didn't say much, but nodded silently, staring deeply at Rello.

"You are well prepared here."

After talking, he took Alanka out of the hall.

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