Latest website: night.

Gubo Xiaobailou, Shatuo Luo rushed away.

"Brother Rello, the tutor just told me through the crystal ball that you are back, I can't believe it."

The dark face was in stark contrast with the white teeth. After Shatu Luo Bi respectfully saluted Gu Bo and Ripple, he looked at Lei Luo, smiling happily.

"Brother Shadra!"

Shatuola is the Enlightener of Lei Luo, who has taught Lei Luo a lot.

At the moment when I saw Shatuola, I felt a sense of peace and reliability in my heart, a sense of fullness.

"I'm in a hurry. You went to Aurora again. You didn't have time to say goodbye to you. Sister Bailing didn't have time to attend the graduation assessment ceremony."

"Just come back, just come back ..."

Shatuola was stupid and couldn't help laughing.

Meow ~

Gaihe licked her paws and said lightly: "She is quite moisturized now, so you don't have to worry about her."

"Ah? What's going on?"

Raylow surprised.

On the other hand, Gubo saw Lei Luo looking at himself, his face was strange, and he was quite uncomfortable: "A guy who has a deep relationship with the Gladiator Association, has a crush on your sister."

Ripple smiled and said, "It is the son of Grand Duke Ruhr. Almost all of the Grand Duchy of the Grand Duchy has his shares. Your sister was arranged by your tutor to work in Vladik for three months, and now every day I played in the main arena in the Principality, and sent some souvenirs from time to time. "

It can be seen that Ripple is quite satisfied with Bailing's suitors.


After the initial surprise, Lei Luo recalled the elder Sister Bailing and looked at the eccentric Gubo tutor. She laughed dumbly: "Haha, mentor, you can worry about it now. In the future, the sister can trouble others."

"Huh, I was so angry!"

Gu Bo said angrily: "Now I always feel that someone has robbed me of something, it's abominable."

Ripples gave Gu Bo a glance.

"When my daughter was by her side, she always shouted to let her get married early. Now that she's okay and reluctant, she has lived a lot of years and always feels self-reliant."

Lei Luo smiled and began to talk to Shatuola about the academy in the past two years.

"Oh, how is Wushuang Brother?"

Mentioning Wushuang, Shatuola's face was slightly stiff.

"Don't you know, Brother Shi? The Shadow Shadow Mercenary Corps of Wushuang Shige has been successfully promoted to the S rank six months ago."

"S grade!"

Lei Luo recalled the fact that the mountain was cut a year and a half ago. The members of the mercenary group were frozen into ice sculptures. Has Wushuang already found a solution?

"Sister Ge is so amazing."

Hearing Ralo and Shatuola talking about the shadow of the sky, Gu Bo couldn't help showing a proud look.

"Some time ago, after careful discussions with Wushuang, he has made up his mind to strive for the position of the leader of the Tears of Dawn of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences ten years later!"

After hearing the words, Shatuola's face changed slightly, and he was sighed with longing, longing and sigh.

"What are the tears of dawn?"

Lei Luo was puzzled.

Gu Bo proudly said, "One of the four sacred magical instruments, the heritage of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, only the most outstanding scholars who graduated from the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences can master the powerful magic weapon!"

Seeing Lei Luo looking surprised, Ripple smiled and said: "Lei Luo, tell me about your experience in the past two years. Every time your sister came back, she blamed your mentor several times and complained that he failed to protect you."

"Really? Haha, Sister thought about it ..."

late at night.

The crowd fell asleep.

Lei Luo came to the astrological hut on the top of the building, and Gu Bo looked over.


Lei Luo stood behind Gu Bo, looking towards the endless starry sky.

"Well, what's your research on the starry sky academic that you insist on? Is there any progress?"


Lei Luo paused, Gubo was about to comfort, but Lei Luo continued: "I have been able to feel faintly, you once said the end, the exploration limit of Austrian scholars, if you do not establish a starry sky academic laboratory, I am afraid It is difficult to achieve higher achievements. I intend to try to establish my own research laboratory after this graduation assessment. "

"Build your own research laboratory?"

Gubo frowned: "Why not work in major institutes?"

Rello shook his head.

"You should know the sensitivity of starry sky academics. I don't want to cause trouble to the church. This must be as low-key as possible."

Gubo sighed: "It's not that simple to set up a laboratory. Do you have any plans?"

"Well, I have accumulated a sum of money here, and the initial cost should be barely enough."

Gubb looked at Lei Luo in surprise.

"The gold coins needed to build a laboratory are not a small number. Do you have so many gold coins?"

"Uh, barely."

Rello was quite optimistic.

However, compared to Rello's optimism, Gu Bo is much more pessimistic.

In fact, how much he hopes to hear is that Rello has encountered unpredictable ups and downs in the academic research of the starry sky, so as to make his research inheritance of "Return to Ancestor Clone" alive.

It now seems that I can only retreat to the second place, and through the help of this disciple, resolve some of the guilt deep in my heart.

He patted Rello's shoulder.

"It's okay, hey, hey, your tutor, I have lived for more than three hundred years, nothing else, I have accumulated a lot of gold coins and human feelings, I don't have to bring them into the soil, and tell me when I need help.

Having finished speaking, Gubo continued to observe the moon in the sky through the telescope.

Lei Luo was moved by the unspeakable heart, standing behind Gu Bo, said lowly: "Teacher, how confident are you in this graduation assessment?"

"Hum, if you didn't come back, to be honest, I don't have any confidence in this year's graduation assessment, but if you come back, I have at least 30% assurance that the college will get the second place in the six colleges this graduation assessment."

Only 30% sure?

Fight for second place! ! ?

Raylow's face was ugly.

"Teacher, why not fight for the first place? Only if you win the first place, you can defeat Master An Liya, get the affirmation of the college, achieve the position of deputy dean, and then get more resources to support the study of" Return to Ancestor Clone " To earn the position of Royal Academician. "

"Ha ha."

Gu Bo shook his head and smiled, sighed.

"This year's Barda College and Zealand College are too strong. The two colleges have entered the golden age at the same time. It is not just a matter of the number of elite scholars. These two colleges have also born rare talented students for a century. Their strength is far above the ordinary appellants. Even if your Wushuang Shige was born in this era, it is impossible to do better than them. They are the despair who let the so-called genius fall into endless despair. "

Let the so-called genius fall into endless despair?


Rello was unwilling.

Wushuang was born in this era, it is impossible to do better than them?

What is that by yourself?

Even if he has clearly told the tutor that he is about to explore the limit of the microscopic field of starry sky academics, has he still not been paid attention by the tutor?

Instructor He Gen did not admit the greatness of "Starry Sky Academic" from the heart!

Lei Luo wanted to tell Gubo that he could do what Wushuang could not do, but when it came to his mouth, Lei Luo suddenly remembered the five layers of the Demon Eye Pyramid, the nameless words.

I am not a humble child who longs for candy and prays for some attention.

It's not a noisy guy who only talks, talking some ridiculous empty words!

Lei Luo is silent ~ ~ Gubo seems to have misunderstood Lei Luo.

He smiled and patted Rello's arm behind him, comforting.

"Do n’t think too much, such excellent scholars, they are the real pride of the heavens, and every college will have one person born every 100 years. The Fire Phoenix, the alienator, and the humble writer are all regarded as true excellent students, but they are better than them. But it's still a little bit worse. This is the trend of the times. It's because we are unlucky. Don't blame yourself too much. "

In the darkness, Lei Luo smiled slightly, grinning slightly.

Gubo looked up at the starry sky and dreamed: "Tomorrow you take a day off, I will arrange it first, and I will tell you the specific plan the day after tomorrow. If you join, this plan will be successful!"

After finishing, Gubo said again: "Oh, yes, Rocky has looked for you many times, what seems to be wrong."

"Nine-Eye Poison Cone?"

Rello said lowly: "Okay."

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