The latest website: The tents of the Wildfire tribe are made of prey leather.

The blazing fire not only burned the tents, but also scorched the corpses. The thick smoke filled the roasted smell of the barbecue and was very pungent.

Even if Raleigh meteorite killed hundreds of goblins in an instant, and hundreds of goblins were killed in subsequent disasters, this tribe of thousands of goblins is still a small part.

Many goblins, holding the most primitive weapons, looked at the magician who was injured by the sacrifice in the raging fire, he is very weak now!

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

A burst of arrow rain strikes, and a poison arrow attack is the best way for goblins to attack.

Lei Luo flew into the air, avoiding these arrow rain.

The strange arrow glowed with red light, and Lei Luo could feel a mysterious power from it, just as strange as Karl.

When these arrows fall to the ground, they make a "zizi" corrosive sound.

A goblin soldier who had been prepared for a long time suddenly appeared behind Lei Luo in the air, his eyes cold, and a scimitar wiped Lei Luo's neck.

On the ground, the old goblin Karl saw this with a sneer.

"This is the strongest warrior of the tribe that I personally cultivated. His strength is not only derived from his unparalleled talent, but also because of the thing I have obtained through all my hard work!"

A weird scimitar, with mysterious lines shining on the blade.

For an instant.

Lei Luo seemed to see a terrible existence, looking at himself greedily.

This is very different from the previous deterrence in the spiritual world. Raylow really felt the horror of this thing, and even faintly felt a substantial coercion.

1024 Night's Shield was shredded like tofu by this mysterious machete.

The crisis is near, but in Reynolds ’eyes, there is only this mysterious scimitar. From this reel, Reynolds seems to see this seemingly terrifying, but extremely weak existence, he longs to devour through sacrifice Wake up again.

This feeling……

Just like the moon!

But he was undoubtedly too weak.

"Gravity field."

Although the scimitar is strong, the goblin holding the scimitar is much worse.

The ground suddenly burst out with strong gravitational fluctuations.

With Ralo in the air as the center and a range of more than 100 meters around, everyone's body sank violently and crawled to the ground.

This is not the so-called coercion, but the real gravitational ripple.

The goblin holding a weird scimitar behind him suddenly fell to the ground, and even the flame on the ground instantly bent, sliding out of a beautiful arc, and became close to the ground and burning.

Even the two powerful creatures fighting fiercely in the dark clouds in the sky have been affected.

Lei Luo leapt and straddled the back of Thunder Phoenix.

Thunder and thunder converge in all directions. Each of its feathers is as strong and sharp as a blade. Lei Luo looks at the cold and cold creatures that exude in the dark clouds.

This is a humanoid monster in a tattered cloak.

Its chest is a huge hole.

In the battle just now, it lost to Thunder Phoenix and was somewhat embarrassed.

On the ground, in the powerful field of gravity, Karl suddenly tore off the two cat tails on the leather jacket. These two cat tails were constantly shaking in Carl's hands, seeming to have a deep magic power.

"go with!"

These two cat tails suddenly reached the ground.

In a blink of an eye, thick smoke rose from the ground, but Carl's brows were getting tighter, and he didn't find the source of power in the strange realm of gravity in Rello.

But he can be sure that this is not a mental attack, but a substantive attack originating from the underground.

Rello looked at the cloak coldly.

The strange breath on it is very similar to the breath of the earthy ground, and it is most likely to exist as a kind of materialized spiritual projection. Although the ontology is powerful, the projection can reach the level of an extraordinary scholar.

However, Rello had no interest in entangled with this cloak monster. Even the extraordinary scholars could not easily deal with Rello at this stage.

He overlooked the goblin tribe.

In the depths of his eyes inadvertently, there was a brutal fanaticism, but in the deep of the fanaticism, it was ruthlessly cold.

"Using this as an experimental site for radiation weapons will undoubtedly be able to rag itself to get more realistic experimental data."

Rello took a deep breath.

In his left hand, there were two more blue awns.

Youlan Jingmang is small and insignificant.

A bubble envelops these two points of light, and under the pressure of the bubble, the two points are slowly integrated into one body and fall silently to the ground.

"what is that?"

Karl instinctively sensed the danger.

Although the field of gravity had a certain influence on him, it was not strong, and he flew back.

Seeing this, Lei Luo sneered at this.

The inert gas of radiation mist expands greatly. As long as it does not leave the ground, the body can easily absorb the force of radiation, and then the force of radiation will invade the cell, disrupting the metabolic memory map of the cell, which will lead to a series of cruel Chronic death process.

Lei Luo left hand, once again a little finer.

Adding this 1g of radiant Jinghua, the slowly radiating Jinghua will exceed the 3g threshold, which in turn causes a large-scale chaos of the forces of nature.

call out.

As Lei Luo slid out a beautiful arc with his right hand, and gently pointed, this blue light rushed into the previously fallen bubble without any errors, and the two points of the mans instantly merged into one.

A brief silence.

boom! ! !

The violent natural energy, a violent explosion, the rapid gasification of the radiation Jinghua, which was transformed into the power of radiation, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye instantly expanded.

The whole process lasted for ten seconds.

After ten seconds.

A deep crater with a diameter of 30 meters was left on the ground.

The wildfire tribe wailed with countless goblins, but did not die for the first time.

According to Raleigh's calculations, the direct killing range of natural energy caused by the chain reaction of 3g of radiation power is about 30 meters, within 50 meters is the burning range, and the direct lethality outside 50 meters is less than 10 degrees.

But the real horror of radiation weapons is not direct killing, but pollution by the power of radiation.

The goblins staring at the ground with pain and groaning, now even if someone wants to replace Rello to kill these goblins, Rello will do his best to stop it.

Because this will be the most precious experimental specimen of Raylow to verify the power of radiation!


A month later.

The body's metabolism takes 28 days as a cycle, which means that most of the body's cells complete a cycle of operation in about 28 days.

Lei Luo's physical injury was almost better.

But contrary to Raylow.

The vast majority of goblin wildfire tribes gradually lost their vitality in severe pain.

The death methods of these goblins are very similar to the mice in the experiment.

As the body cells lose their metabolic function, naturally dead cells cannot be replaced by new ones, so after one week, these goblins gradually began to edema, the skin gradually peeled off, lying on the ground and groaned with blood.

Most goblins die from infection at this stage.

In this way, Rello can only focus on the treatment of a few stubborn goblin specimens, injecting precious penicillin into them to carry out antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, and prolong their lives.

Lei Luo was like a tireless experimental specimen duty guard, and used various methods to continue the vitality of these precious biological specimens.

But after the end of the second week.

These goblin specimens that invaded the body by the radiation force began to show symptoms of hematuria. Even though Raylo grabbed healthy goblins and transfused them, most of the goblin mental consciousness fell into a coma.

As a last resort, Lei Luo had to abandon most of the experimental goblins, leaving only a small number of conscious goblins, and continue to do his best to extend their lives.

After the third week.

Lei Luo even began to mix a dragon's blood with precious potions to prolong the life of these goblins and observe the changes of their bodies after being polluted by the power of radiation.

But this did not improve their situation at all.

Most of the goblins suffered severe cell death after three weeks of torture.

Except for the heart, the fibrous tissue of their bodies is almost less than 10% of the normal situation. Raylo can only wrap their bodies with gauze in a circle to prevent excessive water loss, and continuously deliver other blood type matching goblins for them. Blood.

Now, after the fourth week.

Only one of the experimental specimens that Raylo was still observing was Karl.

"Jin Jie, the evolutionary mystery you studied is indeed amazing. I have read a lot of strange academics about evolutionary mystery, but there has never been one that can give me this kind of inspiration like your evolutionary mystery."

Rello praised Carl unabashedly.

"It turns out that all of our creatures are not just the abilities seen on the surface, but also the ability to sleep in the depths of our body cells. They are like the annual ring etching left in the cells. When the natural environment changes one day, it will slowly wake up. "

Rello wiped the gauze wrapped on Carl's body with alcohol and tried his best to reduce its infection.

Without these gauze, Karl's body will instantly become a puddle of meat, because his body's fibrous tissue has almost been lost.

"So, does it mean that the creatures of the Stars, or the creatures of this world, have experienced countless catastrophes and survived tenaciously? The so-called cataclysm itself is a type of this world. Laws, a kind of survival, those so-called advanced civilizations, are they just simulating the basic laws of this world? "

"kill me……"

Carl murmured as best he could.

Losing muscle fiber tissue, he could not even move his mouth.

His mouth full of gold teeth had fallen off, and he knocked them out of the robbery merchant's mouth a little bit. Lei Luo spent a lot of effort to take out these lost gold teeth and prevent him from choking to die.

The request of the experimental specimen was automatically ignored.

Rello took another nutrient solution full of life essence and transported it into Karl's body.

"A cat ’s tail and body are actually composed of two very different creatures. My God, even if my mentor probably never had such a whimsical, hehe, and the cat ’s body can actually transform between solid and liquid. , This kind of thing that completely violates "Evolution" is turned into an academic theory by you. I really do n’t know how to respect geniuses like you. If it ’s not the guardians, I think we can even become academic exchanges. It ’s a pity to be a good friend of mine, what a pity ... "

While murmuring, take care of this Karl.

After being busy for a long time, Lei Luo was finally able to take a break. He took out the scimitar that had given him a strange feeling and laughed.

"Let me guess, behind this machete, there should be some evil spirit who fell asleep? Uh, I lost the power of faith, and the kind that urgently needs the supplement of faith? Ha ha, look, not just my feeling, just Even my mount is telling me to let me throw away this strange thing as soon as possible. Where did you get it from? "

Carl is no longer able to respond to Rello ~ ~ But Rello does not care either.

Because Lei Luo did not intend to personally explore the secret behind this scimitar, giving Corleone the best choice, let the old monster explore.

A sleeping god, a **** who lost faith, and a **** who longs to wake up!

Such temptations are undoubtedly fatal to Corleone.

As for the exchange of terms from Corleone, Raylow had already figured it out.

Standing Team Prince Chen!

As for what he longed for from the Prince Chen, Lei Luo also thought about it, and vigorously developed radiation weapons to make the Red Ridge Ridge form an industrial center comparable to Vladik. It is mutual benefit.

Then, only one war is needed ...

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