Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 379: End of 1 stage

Latest website: South Pearl Bay.

The development of Nanzhuwan was entirely caused by the underground here thirty years ago, and a sudden surge of hot springs caused it.

In this way, in just thirty years, the area has become a large gathering area. If nothing unexpected happens, a new sand tower will be built here in a few decades.

But there are certain difficulties in building a sand tower here.

The first is the nearby desert. There are countless quicksand traps engulfing passers-by.

Some people say that this was the blame of the former melting pot ants, which was later proved to be nonsense, just a natural phenomenon.

Secondly, the hot springs here are unstable and occasionally spew some black dirt streams or even strangely shaped corpses.

Some people speculate that under this hot spring, it may be an ancient battlefield.

Finally, the distance from the 73rd sand tower is too close, only a few hourglasses, which greatly limits the development.

Some people say that only after the water source of the 73rd sand tower has completely dried up can this area really develop.

But no matter what, this is still a city with more than one hundred thousand mushrooms. The garrison warriors have reached more than 1,000, and because of the horror demon legend circulating in the desert in recent days, the defensive strength here has been improved Times.

"Hey, have you heard? It is said that the trace of the demon has been found near the 73rd Shata."

"Those two-legged goblins?"

The guard soldier heard the words and said in horror.

Those strange evil creatures, somehow, came out of nowhere two months ago.

After that, there was hardly a day of tranquility in the United Kingdom. Shata declared to be destroyed, countless mushrooms were displaced, and everyone was in danger. Everyone had a sense of apocalyptic panic in their hearts. .

"You mean the soldiers who fled this morning?"

Another mushroom seems to think of something.

"Isn't Zaksu saying that they have deceived people and have been executed?"

"Huh, that's just a means to appease people's hearts. The defensive power here is far inferior to the sand tower. Once those demons find this place, do we still have a way to live?"

"No! The number of warriors we recruited has almost doubled these days, reaching 2,000. Even if the other party comes to 10,000, we can at least persist for some time. When the rotten temple supports us, we will definitely have a chance . "

"Stop talking about these useless!"

The mushroom raised his head and looked at the sunset that was about to descend to the dune horizon. He firmly said: "No matter how many people come from the other party, as guards, we must stick to the end ... Hey?"

Suddenly, he noticed something and looked sideways to the sky.

Slowly, the pupil of his eyes shrank to the size of the tip of a needle, his mouth widened, and his soft tentacles pointed at the sky, incredibly shocked.

"Then ... that?"


Several other guard soldiers looked in the direction he pointed, and couldn't help but exaggeratedly opened their mouths in horror.

I saw a flaming fireball, gliding out a dark red arc in the sky, and was swooping over here at an amazing speed!

"Quick! Quickly ring the alarm !!!"

One roared anxiously.

But it was too late.

Rumble ...

The violent friction of the air has come first. The dark red flames of repression are gradually covering the whole city. The mushrooms living here have raised their heads and stared at this scene. The gorgeous colors are reflected in the pupils.

"What is this? What a beauty ..."

A 7-meter-diameter meteorite satellite from the outside of the atmosphere, which was a piece of shredded continent after an ancient superbody star wiped the star screen world, at an angle of 24 degrees from the horizon, against the planet's autobiography, and gravity acceleration swooped in.

When this piece of debris passes through the atmosphere, the shell continues to burn through friction, and its diameter is reduced by about one third, but it also obtains amazing energy through inertial dive.

boom! ! !

Earth-shattering explosions came from the city ’s defense army barracks, and the error distance did not exceed 150 meters.

However, this is no longer important.

This distance affects even a level 1 creature.

"Star Meteorology!"

Outside the distant sand, Lei Luo gasped and murmured slightly.

This is also the first time he has forcibly dragged a real meteorite meteor from the atmosphere through the third-order gravitational ripple.

Although the calculation was a bit wrong, Star Meteor didn't hit the target, but it was considered to have completed the task perfectly.

Great tremor!

After the star falls, hundreds of fragments of meteorites dragged the long burning tail marks, causing secondary damage to the ground.

"Hey Hey hey!"

The night curse Neather, seeing this scene, even forgot her task, stunned, and looked to the side of Shan Greov said: "Isn't this the legendary star meteorite? This guy is a **** of light." Are you a son ???

No wonder she said so.

In the legendary battle of the ancients, the **** of light cast astral meteorology, destroying the magic eye pyramid of the Qur'an civilization, and no one can show such miracles since then.


Sangrelov swallowed, and his eyelids jumped.

"Even if it is not the legendary star meteorite, this power has already exceeded the limits of mortals. This guy, no wonder the Holy See wants to be listed as a wanted criminal!"

He even commented on Raleigh.

"Forget it, let's act according to plan."

With that, he cautiously spilled hundreds of black **** from his sleeve robe, slammed it fiercely, and threw it at this city that was caught in an unprecedented disaster.

These are exactly the seeds of death demon babies, drawing vitality and bringing death to the horror war weapon!

"Got it."

Neather's shadow flashed and flew towards the city.


After most of the hourglass time.

Silently, Lei Luo appeared in front of a building ruin and walked past a raging death demon baby, looking towards the early fall of the night, enjoying the namelessness of the pungent night wind.

At the moment, the unnamed eyes are staring at the giant pit with a diameter of more than 30 meters, and startled.

"Speak, I hinted that I came to you, what's the matter?"

Rello opened the door and saw the road.

Anonymous slowly turned his head to look at Lei Luo, a low smile.

"You know, like us, we are just a bunch of bugs."

Lei Luo frowned, he didn't come here to watch the nameless play mystery.

"what happened?"

After being silent for a while, the nameless calmly said: "Just like these things are lethal and do not understand how powerful we are, there is a higher civilization that destroys the land of darkness in a way that we cannot understand. Ten thousand years of civilization! "

"what did you say!"

Raylow's face changed.

"you sure?"

Anonymous smiled faintly.

"You'd better go to see it in person, the place of night full of death, the beauty of twilight, I even felt that the wind eye barrier was slowly weakening, about to disappear, maybe now it may have disappeared. ? "

Lei Luo was slightly lost, a bitter mouth.

"A higher civilization has noticed this again? The end of the world has not yet arrived. Is the end of humanity coming?"

After being silent for a while, he resolutely stood up and said in a low voice: "Humans are never as vulnerable as the night, we still have a chance!"

Rello looked at the nameless.

"Thank you for telling me this."

Anonymous got up and calmly said: "Tell you this, just hope that you can get rid of the star screen after this mission, and with our strength, even if you lose the wind eye, you can already survive in the storm of death."

"I will think about it."

Lei Luo said nothing more, witnessing the disappearance of the nameless.

In five days, only five people destroyed this once-popular city and plundered all valuable things.

"I curse you !!!"

The mushroom priest under Shangrelov's claws roared with hatred.

"Hey Hey."

Sangrelov grinned evilly, and he looked at a few people not far away and excitedly said: "This guy's soul has some variation, and it is a good material for making devil babies. Wait a minute."

Rello and others did not say much, each was busy.

If it were not for him, several people should have left here yesterday.

After a few hourglass hours.

"Hahahaha, success !!!"

Shagrelov was very excited, and was very satisfied with this brand-new work. This was just a dark and dead demon baby, floating in the air with a wicked smile and no idea of ​​his abilities.

But at this time, Lei Luo, who was looking down at the book, seemed to perceive something, and looked at the horizon with amazement.

Several others also noticed abnormalities.

"That is……"

The wind and sand covering the sky and the wind wall hundreds of meters high are spreading over here.

Neisser instinctively said: "Death Storm! The wind wall has disappeared ~ ~ The indigenous gods here have fallen!"

"Damn it, so fast!"

Shangrelov complained: "Hurry, we must find the big army right away, otherwise we can only go back on our own, what a **** it!"

The kung fu that was talking, the sound of "calling", the violent death storm swept through, and it became stronger and stronger.

Even with Lei Luo's strength today, he felt a little uncomfortable in this strong wind and sand.

"Natural energy is violent. This is the ancient time. In order to resist the siphoning of the astrology, did another continent counter Yu Wei?

"Go away!"

In Shangrelov's urging sound, several small figures flew into the distance at full speed against the sand.

It seems that it won't take long for this civilization, which was once a flash in the furnace desert, to show no more traces.

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